Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

What matters is he took the shot(s) and somehow there is no investigation results or even updates on the investigation.
Sounds like you’ve convicted him already.

Dont pretend like you want an investigation. You want an outcome.

Sounds familiar.

From the video I saw it looks like a bad shoot. Again, the one glaring thing was the presence of heavily armed officers on the SAME SIDE OF THE DOOR as the woman shot.
A bad shoot?? What are you saying, the cops on her side of the door should have shot her?

I'm saying if those cops didn't feel threatened when they were on the protesters side of the door, why did the guy with the pistol feel threatened?
They weren't protecting lawmakers inside the House chamber; whereas the cop who shot Ashli Targetpractice was. They had guns drawn on her and the door barricaded. Who knows why she insisted on making her way into the chamber?

And yet she was surrounded by other cops on the same side as her of the door, and they weren't shooting or even threatening to shoot.
Maybe unlike the cop who shot her, they weren't aware there were still lawmakers in the House chamber.

Again, that isn't justification for deadly force, at best it's justification to direct the person to surrender themselves to be taken into custody.
Again, the justification for shooting her was because she was part of a massive mob that broke into the Capitol and she herself threatened to enter the House chamber before all of the lawmakers could be safely evacuated.

It was a good shoot which is why that cop is not being charged.
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.

The perception is based on the belief that dems will do anything to win, and don't care how they do it. It's based on 4 years of them calling Trump the antichrist and expecting us to think they WOULD NEVER cheat to get rid of him.

It's based on loosening vote security using the excuse of COVID and then the votes coming in from that loosening being the ones that won it for Biden.

Quick! Somebody call that rightard a waaaaaaambulance!

Crybaby, all presidents get that treatment. Obama got it for 8 years. Bush got it for most of 8 years before that, except for the year between 9/11 and him idiotically launching a war in Iraq.

And despite your tears, it was your side who stormed the Capitol in search of politicians to kill and hoping to kill, or at least delay, certifying the election for Biden. Nothing, and I do mean nothing at all, justifies that treasonous, heinous crime against the United States of America. Your side is now the side of America's enemy.

And yet all the neighborhoods burning for months, not a word.

One day and you clowns are still overreacting to it because it suits your political interest, and it is easier to demonize than confront.
Crybaby, those neighborhoods have nothing to do with the insurrection on the Capitol. Whatabout much?

Yeah, no worries they have insurance.

It's not whataboutism when it points out the lefts hypocrisy on protests.
It's whataboutism when you stretch for something that has absolutely nothing to do with the attack on the Capitol. That seditious insurrection was because of the rights' demented views of the election and nothing at all to do with BLM or Antifa riots.

But I understand. There is no defense for what your fellow righties did to our Capitol so you try to blunt the force of that assault with other meaningless whataboutisms.

No, it's going apeshit over 1 day versus months of civil unrest because you support the months of civil unrest and see the one day as a political foil to use.
Again, matters not because one has nothing to do with the other. Using your bizarre logic, it's ok that BLM rioted because rightwingnuts protested in Charlottesville and murdered a woman. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

It's not that, it's about your overreaction to what happened in the capitol and your not caring about what happened in the rest of the country, because people you don't like did one, and people you like did the other.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence. And there is no overreacting to the attack on the Capitol. It was an assault on our country. If another country had done that to us, we'd be at war with them today.


And yet you want to prosecute anyone for just being near the capitol, and to up their crimes to political ones.

It was a protest that got out of hand, that did no permanent damage, and was over in a few hours.

The BLM/anti-fa insurgence is continuing, has ruined people businesses and homes, and will continue with your support.

It's telling that you care more about government than people, I guess when someone attacks your god, you get defensive.
Again, you're an idiot, Marty. I never said I wanted to prosecute anyone just for being near the Capitol. And yes, it did cause permanent damage. People died because of it. That's permanent. That the building survived does not trivialize the enormity of the assault. And while you post how leftwing violence is continuing, which I continue to condemn, so is rightwing violence. The right's desire to continue attacking our government did not end on 1/6. They're still planning more attacks. The National Guard had to swarm into DC to prevent an attack on or around Biden's inauguration. They're not done yet.


meanwhile you keep trying to make the Capitol thing the new Reichstag fire, an excuse to remove your political opponents.

Trump directly told the people marching to be peaceful, yet you want to impeach him for the actions of others.

That alone shows what a slimy hack you are.

You desire for government controlling all is still there, you fucking commie cocksucker.
You're an idiot, Marty. The fucking commie cocksuckers are the ones who attacked our country on 1/6. If you loved America, you would hate them for what they did.

Nope, you stand for the SJW idiocy in this country, it's all yours you quisling fucktard.

You're an idiot, Marty. Those seditionists who attacked our country and tried to stop the certification of our election -- are on your side of the aisle.

One day, and delayed it by a few hours.

Meanwhile in SJW land the protests continue, by the same people over and over and SJW cucks like you cheer it on.
You're an idiot, Marty. How many days did the British spend ransacking our Capitol during the War of 1812? Did we let them off the hook cause it took them less than a day?

So we are still enemies of the British hundreds of years later?

And it figures you bring up an actual war, it just shows you can't see anyone who disagrees with you as a fellow American, just as an enemy to be destroyed.

Thanks for clearing that up, you fascist fucking cum bucket.

No go suck off Dr Love while being pegged by Colfuck.
You're an idiot, Marty. Your side wasn't merely disagreeing with mine when they stormed the Capitol and tried to prevent the certification of a presidential election -- they were attacking my government, my election and my country. That makes them an enemy of America, as Britain was during the War of 1812.

And all they did was manage to delay the process a few hours, while lefty protesters actually destroyed government property in a far more permanent way, and interfere with the actions of local law enforcement that impacts regular people far more than a few hours of delay.

Keep calling your fellow citizens enemies, and when the shit hits the fan we will see who ends up on the dock.
It matters not that their "stop the steal" insurrection failed them. They still attacked the seat of our government. And only by the grace of G-d did they not murder any lawmakers.

They were walking around next to multiple security people inside, as well as staffers. None of them were killed.

The only person killed in the building was a protester, and that's being whitewashed.
They stormed the Capitol with the intent to murder lawmakers and "stop the steal." That they failed to accomplished either doesn't mitigate what they did.

Some of them may have said that, but please show me actual words spoken to that effect.

So I assume all the anti-fa/BLM protesters who talk about killing cops are held to the same standard by you right?

When progressives speak of violence, it's speech, when non progressives do it, it's actual violence, nice double standard you have there.

You're an idiot, Marty. They weren't just saying it. They were trying to do it. Only because Pence managed to escape, did they fail. In the meantime, they constructed a gallows and they broke into the Capitol hunting for the VP (and others).

Your analogy, which like you, is a failure, would only be applicable if someone from BLM broke into a cop's house and threatened to kill the cop who lives there. Savvy? It's not just speech but it's the actions which accompany it.

That "gallow" was a prop that couldn't have hung a Barbie doll.

I guess when anti-fa started rolling around a guillotine that's just "symbolic"

Again, it's their actions, not just their words. They wanted to hang the VPOTUS. You seem to be giving them a pass because their mission failed.

With what, a prop gallows?

Again, you overblow what they were doing and downplay what Anti-fa and BLM do because only one lets you get your TDS rocks off.

No, the gallows showed their intent as they hunted for Mike Pence.

So these people should have been arrested for trying to burn the president at the time?


How close were they to President Bush? How realistic of an immediate threat did they pose to President Bush? How retarded are you?

So many questions ... so little answers.
How about you stop calling policy disagreements illegal, unethical or factually incorrect?
Ah, so you just want people who disagree to be silenced. Gotcha.

Sorry, don’t think so. People aren’t going to keep their mouths shut just to protect the fragile ego of a dumb ass like Trump. Especially when it comes to things like hurricanes.

What do you mean silenced? They should do their fucking job and bitch about policy disagreements on their own fucking time.

They also shouldn't speak for the government unless saying something approved by the duly elected person holding office or their other political appointees.
You’re silencing people from expressing their opinions on government policy. That’s screwed up.

So you think the forecasters at the NWS have to ask Trump’s permission before telling the people in Alabama that a hurricane isn’t going to hit them? That’s the dumbest idea you’ve had in this thread and that’s saying something.

You really are trying to turn the country into a shitty authoritarian state.

I am telling them to do their fucking jobs and bitch on their own time.

Sorry, but if 90% of the civil service is held by dems, how is that fair to Republicans?

It's not about those forecasters, it's about the leaks, about the lack of cooperation, about the overall "resistance" that was going on in the civil service.

You work for the government, you may have to implement policies you don't like, or you fucking quit.
Yeah, problem is you think their apolitical jobs are to support Trump’s political ambitions. Like when he had the census come up with a nonsense reason to exclude undocumented immigrants. It was clearly prefectural and intended to support Republican’s electoral chances.
The only person killed in the building was a protester, and that's being whitewashed.
Trump’s horde of idiots trampled a woman to death too.

Not that any of you give a shit.

Was that in the building or outside the building?
That was leading into the doorway where police were fighting to keep that seditious mob out.

While others were inside, some doing vandalism, others just walking around, and the only death inside was of one of the protesters.
They weren't just "walking around" when that woman was killed. They were storming the Capitol. She got crushed as that mob forced their way in.

storming, mob, all buzzwords used to make it sound worse than it was.

Meanwhile any progressive riot is labelled as "mostly peaceful"

Without double standards, your side wouldn't have any standards.
It's their words. You can't wish them away.

Why'd you go in?
"We're storming the Capitol, it's a revolution!"

Some revolution, they all went home a few hours later.

Overblown event is overblown.

Meanwhile anti-fa/BLM continues their bullshit, and you ignore it, or even support it.
No one said they were successful. That doesn't excuse their that they tried.
It doesn't turn a few hours of protest into a fucking revolution attempt.
That's what it was, despite your protests. They went in there to "stop the steal." It matters not that they were unsuccessful.

Nope, not even close. The months long anti-fa/BLM riots are a far more tangible threat to law and order than anything these people did.
Beyond retarded. Unlike Trump supporters, no one from BLM tried to subvert the constitutional certification of a presidential election. Like you, your whataboutisms are failure.
How about you stop calling policy disagreements illegal, unethical or factually incorrect?
Ah, so you just want people who disagree to be silenced. Gotcha.

Sorry, don’t think so. People aren’t going to keep their mouths shut just to protect the fragile ego of a dumb ass like Trump. Especially when it comes to things like hurricanes.

What do you mean silenced? They should do their fucking job and bitch about policy disagreements on their own fucking time.

They also shouldn't speak for the government unless saying something approved by the duly elected person holding office or their other political appointees.
You’re silencing people from expressing their opinions on government policy. That’s screwed up.

So you think the forecasters at the NWS have to ask Trump’s permission before telling the people in Alabama that a hurricane isn’t going to hit them? That’s the dumbest idea you’ve had in this thread and that’s saying something.

You really are trying to turn the country into a shitty authoritarian state.

I am telling them to do their fucking jobs and bitch on their own time.

Sorry, but if 90% of the civil service is held by dems, how is that fair to Republicans?

It's not about those forecasters, it's about the leaks, about the lack of cooperation, about the overall "resistance" that was going on in the civil service.

You work for the government, you may have to implement policies you don't like, or you fucking quit.
Yeah, problem is you think their apolitical jobs are to support Trump’s political ambitions. Like when he had the census come up with a nonsense reason to exclude undocumented immigrants. It was clearly prefectural and intended to support Republican’s electoral chances.
No you dumbfuck. It’s because illegal aliens (criminals) should not be counted or have ANY say in the proportioning of Representatives. They aren’t citizens, even though you assholes let them vote anyway. The census is supposed to count citizens.
And that isn't justification for a shooting by officers. "Pour encouragement les autres" is a soviet tactic, but not a viable police use of force explanation.
The threat changes when it’s one person versus a mob.

This shouldn’t need explanation.

Please show me the rules of deadly force that says you can kill one mob member to discourage other mob members.
Dumbfuck, she was the one killed because she was the one who attempted to climb through the broken out window leading to the lobby of the House chamber. That was the justification for shooting her. That doing so discouraged others from following her was just the result of having to take her out.
That has nothing to do with use of deadly force regulations.
Of course it does. Deadly force is justifiable based on the threat one faces.

It has to be a specific lethal threat or bodily harm threat.

20 black guys robbing a store and one tries to jump out a window towards a cop, the cop can shoot him to make sure the other guys know the cop means business?
No. He shoots the guy because he’s coming at the cop and presents an immediate threat to him.

Unarmed, going through a window is a threat? Coming from a room with far heavier armed police who aren't even aiming their weapons at the other people there?

You are using the "spaghetti on the wall" method of trying to argue this, just throwing things and seeing what sticks.

You talk about not being able to admit when a side is wrong, and you are doing just that right here.

Talk about fucking ignorant.
How was the cop supposed to know she was unarmed? And whether or not she was armed is irrelevant as she was part of a much bigger mob who were making their way through the Capitol, hunting for politicians to murder.
How about you stop calling policy disagreements illegal, unethical or factually incorrect?
Ah, so you just want people who disagree to be silenced. Gotcha.

Sorry, don’t think so. People aren’t going to keep their mouths shut just to protect the fragile ego of a dumb ass like Trump. Especially when it comes to things like hurricanes.

What do you mean silenced? They should do their fucking job and bitch about policy disagreements on their own fucking time.

They also shouldn't speak for the government unless saying something approved by the duly elected person holding office or their other political appointees.
You’re silencing people from expressing their opinions on government policy. That’s screwed up.

So you think the forecasters at the NWS have to ask Trump’s permission before telling the people in Alabama that a hurricane isn’t going to hit them? That’s the dumbest idea you’ve had in this thread and that’s saying something.

You really are trying to turn the country into a shitty authoritarian state.

I am telling them to do their fucking jobs and bitch on their own time.

Sorry, but if 90% of the civil service is held by dems, how is that fair to Republicans?

It's not about those forecasters, it's about the leaks, about the lack of cooperation, about the overall "resistance" that was going on in the civil service.

You work for the government, you may have to implement policies you don't like, or you fucking quit.
Yeah, problem is you think their apolitical jobs are to support Trump’s political ambitions. Like when he had the census come up with a nonsense reason to exclude undocumented immigrants. It was clearly prefectural and intended to support Republican’s electoral chances.
No you dumbfuck. It’s because illegal aliens (criminals) should not be counted or have ANY say in the proportioning of Representatives. They aren’t citizens, even though you assholes let them vote anyway. The census is supposed to count citizens.
Yes, because you hate the Constitution which states....

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.

Nothing about citizenship.
The census is supposed to count citizens.
Not according to the constitution.
Since when do you Nazis care about the Constitution. We know you don’t care about the law. And that question about citizenship was deemed VALID by SCOTUS. Making it constitutional. Beijing Biden is just trying to ignore it.
The census counts all persons. Not citizens. The constitution isn’t ambiguous if you can read plain language.
The census is supposed to count citizens.
Not according to the constitution.
Since when do you Nazis care about the Constitution. We know you don’t care about the law. And that question about citizenship was deemed VALID by SCOTUS. Making it constitutional. Beijing Biden is just trying to ignore it.
The census counts all persons. Not citizens. The constitution isn’t ambiguous if you can read plain language.
Noting your total dodge of the fact that’s SCOTUS ruled the question valid. Non-citizens are not to be voting in reality. And NO, all persons were not counted. Women and blacks were among those NOT given a voice or say. But you’re fine with that.
The census is supposed to count citizens.
Not according to the constitution.
Since when do you Nazis care about the Constitution. We know you don’t care about the law. And that question about citizenship was deemed VALID by SCOTUS. Making it constitutional. Beijing Biden is just trying to ignore it.
Slobbers the drooling moron who just said illegals shouldn't be counted in the census; in stark contrast to what the Constitution declares which is why they are counted.
The census is supposed to count citizens.
Not according to the constitution.
Since when do you Nazis care about the Constitution. We know you don’t care about the law. And that question about citizenship was deemed VALID by SCOTUS. Making it constitutional. Beijing Biden is just trying to ignore it.
The census counts all persons. Not citizens. The constitution isn’t ambiguous if you can read plain language.
Noting your total dodge of the fact that’s SCOTUS ruled the question valid. Non-citizens are not to be voting in reality. And NO, all persons were not counted. Women and blacks were among those NOT given a voice or say. But you’re fine with that.
Women were always counted, ya freak of nature. Horrendously, 3/5ths of blacks were counted which was rectified in the 14th Amendment.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you??
Noting your total dodge of the fact that’s SCOTUS ruled the question valid. Non-citizens are not to be voting in reality. And NO, all persons were not counted. Women and blacks were among those NOT given a voice or say. But you’re fine with that
The census has always counted everyone.
How many protesters were in that one hallway? How many officers were in that one hallway?
From the officers vantage point, it could have been dozens and dozens and dozens. He didn’t ask them for a head count. The officer knew hundreds of violent protestors were inside the Capitol. He knew that people were attacking officers.

So that means he was justified in shooting the one woman?


Try that at any other police interaction and see where that gets you.
He only had to shoot one person to keep the rest out. Had any others tried to gain access to the House chamber at that point, they too would have been shot.

And that isn't justification for a shooting by officers. "Pour encouragement les autres" is a soviet tactic, but not a viable police use of force explanation.
I didn't say that was justification. That was the result. The justification was protecting the lawmakers in the room behind him.

Which really doesn't justify deadly force against an unarmed woman trying to jump through a window.
What matters is he took the shot(s) and somehow there is no investigation results or even updates on the investigation.
Sounds like you’ve convicted him already.

Dont pretend like you want an investigation. You want an outcome.

Sounds familiar.

From the video I saw it looks like a bad shoot. Again, the one glaring thing was the presence of heavily armed officers on the SAME SIDE OF THE DOOR as the woman shot.
A bad shoot?? What are you saying, the cops on her side of the door should have shot her?

I'm saying if those cops didn't feel threatened when they were on the protesters side of the door, why did the guy with the pistol feel threatened?
They weren't protecting lawmakers inside the House chamber; whereas the cop who shot Ashli Targetpractice was. They had guns drawn on her and the door barricaded. Who knows why she insisted on making her way into the chamber?

And yet she was surrounded by other cops on the same side as her of the door, and they weren't shooting or even threatening to shoot.
Maybe unlike the cop who shot her, they weren't aware there were still lawmakers in the House chamber.

Again, that isn't justification for deadly force, at best it's justification to direct the person to surrender themselves to be taken into custody.
Again, the justification for shooting her was because she was part of a massive mob that broke into the Capitol and she herself threatened to enter the House chamber before all of the lawmakers could be safely evacuated.

It was a good shoot which is why that cop is not being charged.

So cops can shoot someone at say a massive protest like a BLM/Anti-fa one to get the message to the other protesters?
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.

The perception is based on the belief that dems will do anything to win, and don't care how they do it. It's based on 4 years of them calling Trump the antichrist and expecting us to think they WOULD NEVER cheat to get rid of him.

It's based on loosening vote security using the excuse of COVID and then the votes coming in from that loosening being the ones that won it for Biden.

Quick! Somebody call that rightard a waaaaaaambulance!

Crybaby, all presidents get that treatment. Obama got it for 8 years. Bush got it for most of 8 years before that, except for the year between 9/11 and him idiotically launching a war in Iraq.

And despite your tears, it was your side who stormed the Capitol in search of politicians to kill and hoping to kill, or at least delay, certifying the election for Biden. Nothing, and I do mean nothing at all, justifies that treasonous, heinous crime against the United States of America. Your side is now the side of America's enemy.

And yet all the neighborhoods burning for months, not a word.

One day and you clowns are still overreacting to it because it suits your political interest, and it is easier to demonize than confront.
Crybaby, those neighborhoods have nothing to do with the insurrection on the Capitol. Whatabout much?

Yeah, no worries they have insurance.

It's not whataboutism when it points out the lefts hypocrisy on protests.
It's whataboutism when you stretch for something that has absolutely nothing to do with the attack on the Capitol. That seditious insurrection was because of the rights' demented views of the election and nothing at all to do with BLM or Antifa riots.

But I understand. There is no defense for what your fellow righties did to our Capitol so you try to blunt the force of that assault with other meaningless whataboutisms.

No, it's going apeshit over 1 day versus months of civil unrest because you support the months of civil unrest and see the one day as a political foil to use.
Again, matters not because one has nothing to do with the other. Using your bizarre logic, it's ok that BLM rioted because rightwingnuts protested in Charlottesville and murdered a woman. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

It's not that, it's about your overreaction to what happened in the capitol and your not caring about what happened in the rest of the country, because people you don't like did one, and people you like did the other.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence. And there is no overreacting to the attack on the Capitol. It was an assault on our country. If another country had done that to us, we'd be at war with them today.


And yet you want to prosecute anyone for just being near the capitol, and to up their crimes to political ones.

It was a protest that got out of hand, that did no permanent damage, and was over in a few hours.

The BLM/anti-fa insurgence is continuing, has ruined people businesses and homes, and will continue with your support.

It's telling that you care more about government than people, I guess when someone attacks your god, you get defensive.
Again, you're an idiot, Marty. I never said I wanted to prosecute anyone just for being near the Capitol. And yes, it did cause permanent damage. People died because of it. That's permanent. That the building survived does not trivialize the enormity of the assault. And while you post how leftwing violence is continuing, which I continue to condemn, so is rightwing violence. The right's desire to continue attacking our government did not end on 1/6. They're still planning more attacks. The National Guard had to swarm into DC to prevent an attack on or around Biden's inauguration. They're not done yet.


meanwhile you keep trying to make the Capitol thing the new Reichstag fire, an excuse to remove your political opponents.

Trump directly told the people marching to be peaceful, yet you want to impeach him for the actions of others.

That alone shows what a slimy hack you are.

You desire for government controlling all is still there, you fucking commie cocksucker.
You're an idiot, Marty. The fucking commie cocksuckers are the ones who attacked our country on 1/6. If you loved America, you would hate them for what they did.

Nope, you stand for the SJW idiocy in this country, it's all yours you quisling fucktard.

You're an idiot, Marty. Those seditionists who attacked our country and tried to stop the certification of our election -- are on your side of the aisle.

One day, and delayed it by a few hours.

Meanwhile in SJW land the protests continue, by the same people over and over and SJW cucks like you cheer it on.
You're an idiot, Marty. How many days did the British spend ransacking our Capitol during the War of 1812? Did we let them off the hook cause it took them less than a day?

So we are still enemies of the British hundreds of years later?

And it figures you bring up an actual war, it just shows you can't see anyone who disagrees with you as a fellow American, just as an enemy to be destroyed.

Thanks for clearing that up, you fascist fucking cum bucket.

No go suck off Dr Love while being pegged by Colfuck.
You're an idiot, Marty. Your side wasn't merely disagreeing with mine when they stormed the Capitol and tried to prevent the certification of a presidential election -- they were attacking my government, my election and my country. That makes them an enemy of America, as Britain was during the War of 1812.

And all they did was manage to delay the process a few hours, while lefty protesters actually destroyed government property in a far more permanent way, and interfere with the actions of local law enforcement that impacts regular people far more than a few hours of delay.

Keep calling your fellow citizens enemies, and when the shit hits the fan we will see who ends up on the dock.
It matters not that their "stop the steal" insurrection failed them. They still attacked the seat of our government. And only by the grace of G-d did they not murder any lawmakers.

They were walking around next to multiple security people inside, as well as staffers. None of them were killed.

The only person killed in the building was a protester, and that's being whitewashed.
They stormed the Capitol with the intent to murder lawmakers and "stop the steal." That they failed to accomplished either doesn't mitigate what they did.

Some of them may have said that, but please show me actual words spoken to that effect.

So I assume all the anti-fa/BLM protesters who talk about killing cops are held to the same standard by you right?

When progressives speak of violence, it's speech, when non progressives do it, it's actual violence, nice double standard you have there.

You're an idiot, Marty. They weren't just saying it. They were trying to do it. Only because Pence managed to escape, did they fail. In the meantime, they constructed a gallows and they broke into the Capitol hunting for the VP (and others).

Your analogy, which like you, is a failure, would only be applicable if someone from BLM broke into a cop's house and threatened to kill the cop who lives there. Savvy? It's not just speech but it's the actions which accompany it.

That "gallow" was a prop that couldn't have hung a Barbie doll.

I guess when anti-fa started rolling around a guillotine that's just "symbolic"

Again, it's their actions, not just their words. They wanted to hang the VPOTUS. You seem to be giving them a pass because their mission failed.

With what, a prop gallows?

Again, you overblow what they were doing and downplay what Anti-fa and BLM do because only one lets you get your TDS rocks off.

No, the gallows showed their intent as they hunted for Mike Pence.

So these people should have been arrested for trying to burn the president at the time?


How close were they to President Bush? How realistic of an immediate threat did they pose to President Bush? How retarded are you?

So many questions ... so little answers.

How much of a threat was one unarmed woman that she had to be shot?
How about you stop calling policy disagreements illegal, unethical or factually incorrect?
Ah, so you just want people who disagree to be silenced. Gotcha.

Sorry, don’t think so. People aren’t going to keep their mouths shut just to protect the fragile ego of a dumb ass like Trump. Especially when it comes to things like hurricanes.

What do you mean silenced? They should do their fucking job and bitch about policy disagreements on their own fucking time.

They also shouldn't speak for the government unless saying something approved by the duly elected person holding office or their other political appointees.
You’re silencing people from expressing their opinions on government policy. That’s screwed up.

So you think the forecasters at the NWS have to ask Trump’s permission before telling the people in Alabama that a hurricane isn’t going to hit them? That’s the dumbest idea you’ve had in this thread and that’s saying something.

You really are trying to turn the country into a shitty authoritarian state.

I am telling them to do their fucking jobs and bitch on their own time.

Sorry, but if 90% of the civil service is held by dems, how is that fair to Republicans?

It's not about those forecasters, it's about the leaks, about the lack of cooperation, about the overall "resistance" that was going on in the civil service.

You work for the government, you may have to implement policies you don't like, or you fucking quit.
Yeah, problem is you think their apolitical jobs are to support Trump’s political ambitions. Like when he had the census come up with a nonsense reason to exclude undocumented immigrants. It was clearly prefectural and intended to support Republican’s electoral chances.

His agenda.

If they can't handle that, they can go get another fucking job.
The only person killed in the building was a protester, and that's being whitewashed.
Trump’s horde of idiots trampled a woman to death too.

Not that any of you give a shit.

Was that in the building or outside the building?
That was leading into the doorway where police were fighting to keep that seditious mob out.

While others were inside, some doing vandalism, others just walking around, and the only death inside was of one of the protesters.
They weren't just "walking around" when that woman was killed. They were storming the Capitol. She got crushed as that mob forced their way in.

storming, mob, all buzzwords used to make it sound worse than it was.

Meanwhile any progressive riot is labelled as "mostly peaceful"

Without double standards, your side wouldn't have any standards.
It's their words. You can't wish them away.

Why'd you go in?
"We're storming the Capitol, it's a revolution!"

Some revolution, they all went home a few hours later.

Overblown event is overblown.

Meanwhile anti-fa/BLM continues their bullshit, and you ignore it, or even support it.
No one said they were successful. That doesn't excuse their that they tried.
It doesn't turn a few hours of protest into a fucking revolution attempt.
That's what it was, despite your protests. They went in there to "stop the steal." It matters not that they were unsuccessful.

Nope, not even close. The months long anti-fa/BLM riots are a far more tangible threat to law and order than anything these people did.
Beyond retarded. Unlike Trump supporters, no one from BLM tried to subvert the constitutional certification of a presidential election. Like you, your whataboutisms are failure.

Nah, they just prevented law enforcement from doing their job, destroyed private property, and defaced local government property, all which has MUCH more impact than delaying a vote for a few hours.

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