Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

And that isn't justification for a shooting by officers. "Pour encouragement les autres" is a soviet tactic, but not a viable police use of force explanation.
The threat changes when it’s one person versus a mob.

This shouldn’t need explanation.

Please show me the rules of deadly force that says you can kill one mob member to discourage other mob members.
Dumbfuck, she was the one killed because she was the one who attempted to climb through the broken out window leading to the lobby of the House chamber. That was the justification for shooting her. That doing so discouraged others from following her was just the result of having to take her out.

And in the act of jumping could have been restrained and arrested. Again, there was no imminent threat to the officer or anyone in that chamber, and there were plenty of other officers in direct contact with the group that didn't see the need to open fire.
That has nothing to do with use of deadly force regulations.
Of course it does. Deadly force is justifiable based on the threat one faces.

It has to be a specific lethal threat or bodily harm threat.

20 black guys robbing a store and one tries to jump out a window towards a cop, the cop can shoot him to make sure the other guys know the cop means business?
No. He shoots the guy because he’s coming at the cop and presents an immediate threat to him.

Unarmed, going through a window is a threat? Coming from a room with far heavier armed police who aren't even aiming their weapons at the other people there?

You are using the "spaghetti on the wall" method of trying to argue this, just throwing things and seeing what sticks.

You talk about not being able to admit when a side is wrong, and you are doing just that right here.

Talk about fucking ignorant.
How was the cop supposed to know she was unarmed? And whether or not she was armed is irrelevant as she was part of a much bigger mob who were making their way through the Capitol, hunting for politicians to murder.

It's amazing how much goalpost moving you do to justify this.

She didn't have a weapon out at all, she could have easily been restrained while in the act of going through the door, and there were other officers there far more heavily armed amongst the crowd that didn't see the need to open fire.

And the more times goes on, the more the "looking for politicians to murder" bullshit gets debunked.
How about you stop calling policy disagreements illegal, unethical or factually incorrect?
Ah, so you just want people who disagree to be silenced. Gotcha.

Sorry, don’t think so. People aren’t going to keep their mouths shut just to protect the fragile ego of a dumb ass like Trump. Especially when it comes to things like hurricanes.

What do you mean silenced? They should do their fucking job and bitch about policy disagreements on their own fucking time.

They also shouldn't speak for the government unless saying something approved by the duly elected person holding office or their other political appointees.
You’re silencing people from expressing their opinions on government policy. That’s screwed up.

So you think the forecasters at the NWS have to ask Trump’s permission before telling the people in Alabama that a hurricane isn’t going to hit them? That’s the dumbest idea you’ve had in this thread and that’s saying something.

You really are trying to turn the country into a shitty authoritarian state.

I am telling them to do their fucking jobs and bitch on their own time.

Sorry, but if 90% of the civil service is held by dems, how is that fair to Republicans?

It's not about those forecasters, it's about the leaks, about the lack of cooperation, about the overall "resistance" that was going on in the civil service.

You work for the government, you may have to implement policies you don't like, or you fucking quit.
Yeah, problem is you think their apolitical jobs are to support Trump’s political ambitions. Like when he had the census come up with a nonsense reason to exclude undocumented immigrants. It was clearly prefectural and intended to support Republican’s electoral chances.

His agenda.

If they can't handle that, they can go get another fucking job.
His agenda is often contrary to law, ethics and facts.

You want him to be able to fire three clueless meteorologists who simply told Alabamans that a hurricane wasn’t going to hit them for the sin of contradicting Trump.
How about you stop calling policy disagreements illegal, unethical or factually incorrect?
Ah, so you just want people who disagree to be silenced. Gotcha.

Sorry, don’t think so. People aren’t going to keep their mouths shut just to protect the fragile ego of a dumb ass like Trump. Especially when it comes to things like hurricanes.

What do you mean silenced? They should do their fucking job and bitch about policy disagreements on their own fucking time.

They also shouldn't speak for the government unless saying something approved by the duly elected person holding office or their other political appointees.
You’re silencing people from expressing their opinions on government policy. That’s screwed up.

So you think the forecasters at the NWS have to ask Trump’s permission before telling the people in Alabama that a hurricane isn’t going to hit them? That’s the dumbest idea you’ve had in this thread and that’s saying something.

You really are trying to turn the country into a shitty authoritarian state.

I am telling them to do their fucking jobs and bitch on their own time.

Sorry, but if 90% of the civil service is held by dems, how is that fair to Republicans?

It's not about those forecasters, it's about the leaks, about the lack of cooperation, about the overall "resistance" that was going on in the civil service.

You work for the government, you may have to implement policies you don't like, or you fucking quit.
Yeah, problem is you think their apolitical jobs are to support Trump’s political ambitions. Like when he had the census come up with a nonsense reason to exclude undocumented immigrants. It was clearly prefectural and intended to support Republican’s electoral chances.

His agenda.

If they can't handle that, they can go get another fucking job.
His agenda is often contrary to law, ethics and facts.

You want him to be able to fire three clueless meteorologists who simply told Alabamans that a hurricane wasn’t going to hit them for the sin of contradicting Trump.

No, his agenda is something they merely disagree with, and you think that gives them the right and duty to sabotage it.
How many protesters were in that one hallway? How many officers were in that one hallway?
From the officers vantage point, it could have been dozens and dozens and dozens. He didn’t ask them for a head count. The officer knew hundreds of violent protestors were inside the Capitol. He knew that people were attacking officers.

So that means he was justified in shooting the one woman?


Try that at any other police interaction and see where that gets you.
He only had to shoot one person to keep the rest out. Had any others tried to gain access to the House chamber at that point, they too would have been shot.

And that isn't justification for a shooting by officers. "Pour encouragement les autres" is a soviet tactic, but not a viable police use of force explanation.
I didn't say that was justification. That was the result. The justification was protecting the lawmakers in the room behind him.

Which really doesn't justify deadly force against an unarmed woman trying to jump through a window.
So he should have just let her break in?
Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They were just making America great again, one cop at a time.


I don't ever wanna hear another Republican say they are the "Party of Law and Order". If I do, I'll throw up in my mouth just a little bit. :icon_rolleyes:

One day vs. months of leftist lawlessness you support.

Fuck of and Die in a Fire.
We supported those rioters the same way you support nutjobs every time they shoot up a school.

You support the status quo which allows those nutjobs to obtain guns. No background checks, etc.

We don’t support the rioters we supported the protesters and blm movement.

Please show a post detailing a person supporting a guy shooting up a school, or remove the accusation you fucking pansy.

You gave the rioters a pass and make a big deal of ONE DAY OF UNREST because its being done by people you don't like.

Were the people who just marched to the capitol and didn't go in peaceful protesters?

Were the people who went into the capitol after the police stopped trying to stop people and just walked around peaceful?
You won't pass legislation to stop nuts from shooting up schools. You're guilty. You have blood on your hands.

You want to punish law abiding people who want to own firearms. It's like banning sober people from driving because of alcohol abusers.

Again, point out someone supporting a school shooter or shut the fuck up.
How about breathalizers in every car? Why do we have to wait for you to kill someone?

Because why should I have to take a test to start my vehicle if I don't drink and drive?
And why should the cops be allowed to stop and frisk random people in high crime areas?

Marty will be fine on the stop n frisk thingy. He's white ;-)
Not if it was happening to him

I've been pulled over plenty of times, not much different than stop and frisk. every time I took it as you should.
You got pulled over because you were doing something wrong.

You republicans are such hypocrites. You claim you love freedom and you claim to care about your rights and the constitution but you are so ready to give up your freedoms for security.

Or, you are willing to give up black peoples freedoms so you can be more safe.

Listen asshole. A black guy will be walking down the street doing nothing wrong. It’s late. It’s dark. The cops pull up and four cops rush out of the car, tackle you, search your pockets, then say go ahead boy on your way When they find nothing.

No way you trump voters would put up with this happening to you.

A guy walking down the street late at night in a black area? and you don't think something is amiss? Pfffft....
And that isn't justification for a shooting by officers. "Pour encouragement les autres" is a soviet tactic, but not a viable police use of force explanation.
The threat changes when it’s one person versus a mob.

This shouldn’t need explanation.

Please show me the rules of deadly force that says you can kill one mob member to discourage other mob members.
Dumbfuck, she was the one killed because she was the one who attempted to climb through the broken out window leading to the lobby of the House chamber. That was the justification for shooting her. That doing so discouraged others from following her was just the result of having to take her out.

And in the act of jumping could have been restrained and arrested. Again, there was no imminent threat to the officer or anyone in that chamber, and there were plenty of other officers in direct contact with the group that didn't see the need to open fire.
And how were they supposed to stop the mob who would have followed her, just as the mob was doing throughout the Capitol?
How many protesters were in that one hallway? How many officers were in that one hallway?
From the officers vantage point, it could have been dozens and dozens and dozens. He didn’t ask them for a head count. The officer knew hundreds of violent protestors were inside the Capitol. He knew that people were attacking officers.

So that means he was justified in shooting the one woman?


Try that at any other police interaction and see where that gets you.
He only had to shoot one person to keep the rest out. Had any others tried to gain access to the House chamber at that point, they too would have been shot.

And that isn't justification for a shooting by officers. "Pour encouragement les autres" is a soviet tactic, but not a viable police use of force explanation.
I didn't say that was justification. That was the result. The justification was protecting the lawmakers in the room behind him.

Which really doesn't justify deadly force against an unarmed woman trying to jump through a window.
So he should have just let her break in?

So the only two choices were let her proceed or shoot her dead?

They were already in, there were officers on her side of the barricade, and they didn't shoot anyone.
No, his agenda is something they merely disagree with, and you think that gives them the right and duty to sabotage it.
Well, yeah. When Trump says the hurricane is probably going to hit Alabama and the facts say it doesn’t, they’re going to say so.

That’s the right thing to do if you want a country that isn’t a shithole and we don’t need fragile egos like yours and Trump’s ruining it for us.
That has nothing to do with use of deadly force regulations.
Of course it does. Deadly force is justifiable based on the threat one faces.

It has to be a specific lethal threat or bodily harm threat.

20 black guys robbing a store and one tries to jump out a window towards a cop, the cop can shoot him to make sure the other guys know the cop means business?
No. He shoots the guy because he’s coming at the cop and presents an immediate threat to him.

Unarmed, going through a window is a threat? Coming from a room with far heavier armed police who aren't even aiming their weapons at the other people there?

You are using the "spaghetti on the wall" method of trying to argue this, just throwing things and seeing what sticks.

You talk about not being able to admit when a side is wrong, and you are doing just that right here.

Talk about fucking ignorant.
How was the cop supposed to know she was unarmed? And whether or not she was armed is irrelevant as she was part of a much bigger mob who were making their way through the Capitol, hunting for politicians to murder.

It's amazing how much goalpost moving you do to justify this.

She didn't have a weapon out at all, she could have easily been restrained while in the act of going through the door, and there were other officers there far more heavily armed amongst the crowd that didn't see the need to open fire.

And the more times goes on, the more the "looking for politicians to murder" bullshit gets debunked.
I've moved nothing, ya moron. My position has been solid since the details of her death first emerged.

And nothing's been debunked regarding the potential for murdering politicians. The mob is heard on video, calling to hang the VP.
So the only two choices were let her proceed or shoot her dead?
It wasn’t necessarily the only choice but it was probably a reasonable one.

A handful of officers were all that stood in between a violent mob and members of Congress whom they have a duty to protect.

This shouldn’t be controversial. If a horde of people were running through the White House and they were breaking into a door outside the Oval Office, no one would question secret service shooting someone.
No, his agenda is something they merely disagree with, and you think that gives them the right and duty to sabotage it.
Well, yeah. When Trump says the hurricane is probably going to hit Alabama and the facts say it doesn’t, they’re going to say so.

That’s the right thing to do if you want a country that isn’t a shithole and we don’t need fragile egos like yours and Trump’s ruining it for us.

LOL, this coming from a side that can't hear opposing opinions without crying and wanting to shut them down.
How many protesters were in that one hallway? How many officers were in that one hallway?
From the officers vantage point, it could have been dozens and dozens and dozens. He didn’t ask them for a head count. The officer knew hundreds of violent protestors were inside the Capitol. He knew that people were attacking officers.

So that means he was justified in shooting the one woman?


Try that at any other police interaction and see where that gets you.
He only had to shoot one person to keep the rest out. Had any others tried to gain access to the House chamber at that point, they too would have been shot.

And that isn't justification for a shooting by officers. "Pour encouragement les autres" is a soviet tactic, but not a viable police use of force explanation.
I didn't say that was justification. That was the result. The justification was protecting the lawmakers in the room behind him.

Which really doesn't justify deadly force against an unarmed woman trying to jump through a window.
So he should have just let her break in?

So the only two choices were let her proceed or shoot her dead?

They were already in, there were officers on her side of the barricade, and they didn't shoot anyone.
Your argument about other cops not shooting anyone is spurious. You don't know why they were there and you don't know if they knew there were still lawmakers in that chamber and you don't know if they didn't shoot anyone because the cops on the other side of that door were handling keeping the mob out of the chamber.

And the mob wasn't "already in there." They got as far a the entryway leading into the Speaker's Lobby which leads directly into the House chamber. It was the other side of that entryway which was barricaded with stacked furniture and armed police with guns drawn. Ashli Targetpractice ignored all that and got what she deserved. Poor thing. She once proudly served her nation but then dies a traitor.
That has nothing to do with use of deadly force regulations.
Of course it does. Deadly force is justifiable based on the threat one faces.

It has to be a specific lethal threat or bodily harm threat.

20 black guys robbing a store and one tries to jump out a window towards a cop, the cop can shoot him to make sure the other guys know the cop means business?
No. He shoots the guy because he’s coming at the cop and presents an immediate threat to him.

Unarmed, going through a window is a threat? Coming from a room with far heavier armed police who aren't even aiming their weapons at the other people there?

You are using the "spaghetti on the wall" method of trying to argue this, just throwing things and seeing what sticks.

You talk about not being able to admit when a side is wrong, and you are doing just that right here.

Talk about fucking ignorant.
How was the cop supposed to know she was unarmed? And whether or not she was armed is irrelevant as she was part of a much bigger mob who were making their way through the Capitol, hunting for politicians to murder.

It's amazing how much goalpost moving you do to justify this.

She didn't have a weapon out at all, she could have easily been restrained while in the act of going through the door, and there were other officers there far more heavily armed amongst the crowd that didn't see the need to open fire.

And the more times goes on, the more the "looking for politicians to murder" bullshit gets debunked.
I've moved nothing, ya moron. My position has been solid since the details of her death first emerged.

And nothing's been debunked regarding the potential for murdering politicians. The mob is heard on video, calling to hang the VP.

So far the fire extinguisher hitting the cop who died has been debunked, and now it appears the "plastic handcuff" guy didn't bring them, but found them inside the building.

As for the chanting, I'm sure far more virulent things were chanted at BLM/Anti-fa protests, as well as direct threats at the officers and anyone not part of the protest, but of course you ignore that.
LOL, this coming from a side that can't hear opposing opinions without crying and wanting to shut them down.
Yeah, it’s almost as if your accusations against me are bullshit and you’re suggesting doing the exact same thing only far worse because it’s done by the government.
So the only two choices were let her proceed or shoot her dead?
It wasn’t necessarily the only choice but it was probably a reasonable one.

A handful of officers were all that stood in between a violent mob and members of Congress whom they have a duty to protect.

This shouldn’t be controversial. If a horde of people were running through the White House and they were breaking into a door outside the Oval Office, no one would question secret service shooting someone.

It's amazing how far you will go to justify this woman dying because you hate her politics and you see her death as a political victory.
How many protesters were in that one hallway? How many officers were in that one hallway?
From the officers vantage point, it could have been dozens and dozens and dozens. He didn’t ask them for a head count. The officer knew hundreds of violent protestors were inside the Capitol. He knew that people were attacking officers.

So that means he was justified in shooting the one woman?


Try that at any other police interaction and see where that gets you.
He only had to shoot one person to keep the rest out. Had any others tried to gain access to the House chamber at that point, they too would have been shot.

And that isn't justification for a shooting by officers. "Pour encouragement les autres" is a soviet tactic, but not a viable police use of force explanation.
I didn't say that was justification. That was the result. The justification was protecting the lawmakers in the room behind him.

Which really doesn't justify deadly force against an unarmed woman trying to jump through a window.
So he should have just let her break in?

So the only two choices were let her proceed or shoot her dead?

They were already in, there were officers on her side of the barricade, and they didn't shoot anyone.
Your argument about other cops not shooting anyone is spurious. You don't know why they were there and you don't know if they knew there were still lawmakers in that chamber and you don't know if they didn't shoot anyone because the cops on the other side of that door were handling keeping the mob out of the chamber.

And the mob wasn't "already in there." They got as far a the entryway leading into the Speaker's Lobby which leads directly into the House chamber. It was the other side of that entryway which was barricaded with stacked furniture and armed police with guns drawn. Ashli Targetpractice ignored all that and got what she deserved. Poor thing. She once proudly served her nation but then dies a traitor.

it shows they didn't see a lethal threat to themselves.

All the rest is just you masturbating to the death of someone you hate politically, and is fucking sad.
LOL, this coming from a side that can't hear opposing opinions without crying and wanting to shut them down.
Yeah, it’s almost as if your accusations against me are bullshit and you’re suggesting doing the exact same thing only far worse because it’s done by the government.

No, my accusations against your silencing cheerleading are not bullshit, and YES, when some things are done by the government it is far worse. The problem is corporations are acting as proxies for ONE SIDE of the political spectrum, which just happens to control the federal government both politically and bureaucratically.
So the only two choices were let her proceed or shoot her dead?
It wasn’t necessarily the only choice but it was probably a reasonable one.

A handful of officers were all that stood in between a violent mob and members of Congress whom they have a duty to protect.

This shouldn’t be controversial. If a horde of people were running through the White House and they were breaking into a door outside the Oval Office, no one would question secret service shooting someone.

It's amazing how far you will go to justify this woman dying because you hate her politics and you see her death as a political victory.
Her death is a tragedy that could have been averted a million times before she decided to jump through a window.

I don’t have to justify it, but the facts are that it was almost certainly a rational action given the circumstances.
No, my accusations against your silencing cheerleading are not bullshit, and YES, when some things are done by the government it is far worse. The problem is corporations are acting as proxies for ONE SIDE of the political spectrum, which just happens to control the federal government both politically and bureaucratically.
It’s only a problem for people who demand things that aren’t theirs.

You want the government to silence people for political reasons. That’s so much worse. So much worse. The government is supposed to be working for me. Not for one weird dude.

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