Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They are silenced, on the major medium of public discussion.

And you are trying to make BAKE OR DIE Ok because you hate religious people.
Bake or die? Jesus, you know you can leave the hysterics for other snowflake, you don’t have to be so insane.

If a person has the ability to speak, they’re not silenced. By definition.

You still can’t talk about how you want some people protected despite their behavior but want others to be able to be discriminated against for there identity. You can’t talk about it because it’s not convenient to your fantasy.

They got fined over $200k. You even said they should find another job. Bake or Die is apt.
Still waiting to see where “death” is involved.

Do you always have to be overly dramatic?

I said if their religion requires them to discriminate against a class of people, they should find a new job. Best bet would be to stop doing wedding cakes.

And you’re still avoiding the problem I’ve pointed out.
Sorry, but people like you think all right wing views are hatred and harrassment, don't deny it.
I do deny it. There’s many rational right wingers out there. Those people aren’t being kicked off social media.

But lots of irrational ones too just like yourself.


What did Trump tweet that got him banned? Did Twitter even ever say?
You think Trump never acted like an asshole on Twitter? You going with that?

You aren't answering the question. Plenty of people act like assholes on twitter, they don't get banned.

What, besides "they felt like it" was the reason Trump was banned?
I didn’t ban Trump. Ask the people that did. Are you saying there wasn’t adequate reason to ban him based on his behavior?

And of course you wallow in others doing your dirty work for you.

I'm saying there are plenty of lefties still on twitter with blue checkmarks that did things far worse than Trump.

Again, what did Trump do to get banned?
Okay, so what? You want to force Twitter to allow all assholes to exist on their platform regardless of their behavior. Did I demand that a bakery serve people who act like assholes?

What does the bakery situation have to do with people acting like assholes? It has to do with free exercise overriding commerce in that one specific situation.

I want twitter to follow it's own TOS in a non partisan way.
The reason they’re not comparable is that you defend discrimination based on identity in one circumstance but demand equal treatment regardless of behavior in another.

It just so happens that gay people are harmed in once place and assholes you love are harmed in the other. You are on the wrong side.

And where in the Constitution does it clarify that free exercise is overwritten by either identity or behavior?

Having to get another baker is not being harmed. The whole water fountain thing wasn't about the water fountain, it was about the laws in place that MANDATED the fountains being separate, and the simple fact that in such a power unequal situation, the fountains would never be equal.

Allowing a few bakers to not contract for SSM wedding cakes does not create a system that discriminates as part of an overall process of disenfranchising a group of people, which is what Jim Crow was about.
Of course it is. Being denied service is a harm. It may be justified or not, but it’s a harm.

The hell it was that the law mandated separation. Woolworth’s counter wasn’t segregated because of any law. If it was merely about laws, there’d have been no need for title 2 of the CRA.

It's not a harm, it's at most an inconvenience and hurt feelings. But making the baker choose between their religion and their livihood is OK because you hate religious people and can't understand them. Got it.

And you know the term is "Jim Crow Laws" right?
Great. Than being kicked off Twitter isn’t a harm either.

I’m aware of Jim Crow laws. Are you aware that the relevant topic isn’t Jim Crow laws?
They are silenced, on the major medium of public discussion.

And you are trying to make BAKE OR DIE Ok because you hate religious people.
Bake or die? Jesus, you know you can leave the hysterics for other snowflake, you don’t have to be so insane.

If a person has the ability to speak, they’re not silenced. By definition.

You still can’t talk about how you want some people protected despite their behavior but want others to be able to be discriminated against for there identity. You can’t talk about it because it’s not convenient to your fantasy.

They got fined over $200k. You even said they should find another job. Bake or Die is apt.
Still waiting to see where “death” is involved.

Do you always have to be overly dramatic?

I said if their religion requires them to discriminate against a class of people, they should find a new job. Best bet would be to stop doing wedding cakes.

And you’re still avoiding the problem I’ve pointed out.

Yeah, making someone give up their profession and business is no big deal. over a cake.

Why do they have to stop doing wedding cakes? Why do lefties have to get 100% their way no matter what?

It's pathological, you people are the fucking Sith.
Sorry, but people like you think all right wing views are hatred and harrassment, don't deny it.
I do deny it. There’s many rational right wingers out there. Those people aren’t being kicked off social media.

But lots of irrational ones too just like yourself.


What did Trump tweet that got him banned? Did Twitter even ever say?
You think Trump never acted like an asshole on Twitter? You going with that?

You aren't answering the question. Plenty of people act like assholes on twitter, they don't get banned.

What, besides "they felt like it" was the reason Trump was banned?
I didn’t ban Trump. Ask the people that did. Are you saying there wasn’t adequate reason to ban him based on his behavior?

And of course you wallow in others doing your dirty work for you.

I'm saying there are plenty of lefties still on twitter with blue checkmarks that did things far worse than Trump.

Again, what did Trump do to get banned?
Okay, so what? You want to force Twitter to allow all assholes to exist on their platform regardless of their behavior. Did I demand that a bakery serve people who act like assholes?

What does the bakery situation have to do with people acting like assholes? It has to do with free exercise overriding commerce in that one specific situation.

I want twitter to follow it's own TOS in a non partisan way.
The reason they’re not comparable is that you defend discrimination based on identity in one circumstance but demand equal treatment regardless of behavior in another.

It just so happens that gay people are harmed in once place and assholes you love are harmed in the other. You are on the wrong side.

And where in the Constitution does it clarify that free exercise is overwritten by either identity or behavior?

Having to get another baker is not being harmed. The whole water fountain thing wasn't about the water fountain, it was about the laws in place that MANDATED the fountains being separate, and the simple fact that in such a power unequal situation, the fountains would never be equal.

Allowing a few bakers to not contract for SSM wedding cakes does not create a system that discriminates as part of an overall process of disenfranchising a group of people, which is what Jim Crow was about.
Of course it is. Being denied service is a harm. It may be justified or not, but it’s a harm.

The hell it was that the law mandated separation. Woolworth’s counter wasn’t segregated because of any law. If it was merely about laws, there’d have been no need for title 2 of the CRA.

It's not a harm, it's at most an inconvenience and hurt feelings. But making the baker choose between their religion and their livihood is OK because you hate religious people and can't understand them. Got it.

And you know the term is "Jim Crow Laws" right?
Great. Than being kicked off Twitter isn’t a harm either.

I’m aware of Jim Crow laws. Are you aware that the relevant topic isn’t Jim Crow laws?

it's removal from the political forum, much greater harm than having to go to another Baker.

The Counter issues were created by segregation laws, just like the fountains, and the movie theaters, and the train cars and busses.
Sorry, but people like you think all right wing views are hatred and harrassment, don't deny it.
I do deny it. There’s many rational right wingers out there. Those people aren’t being kicked off social media.

But lots of irrational ones too just like yourself.


What did Trump tweet that got him banned? Did Twitter even ever say?
You think Trump never acted like an asshole on Twitter? You going with that?

You aren't answering the question. Plenty of people act like assholes on twitter, they don't get banned.

What, besides "they felt like it" was the reason Trump was banned?
I didn’t ban Trump. Ask the people that did. Are you saying there wasn’t adequate reason to ban him based on his behavior?

And of course you wallow in others doing your dirty work for you.

I'm saying there are plenty of lefties still on twitter with blue checkmarks that did things far worse than Trump.

Again, what did Trump do to get banned?
Okay, so what? You want to force Twitter to allow all assholes to exist on their platform regardless of their behavior. Did I demand that a bakery serve people who act like assholes?

What does the bakery situation have to do with people acting like assholes? It has to do with free exercise overriding commerce in that one specific situation.

I want twitter to follow it's own TOS in a non partisan way.
The reason they’re not comparable is that you defend discrimination based on identity in one circumstance but demand equal treatment regardless of behavior in another.

It just so happens that gay people are harmed in once place and assholes you love are harmed in the other. You are on the wrong side.

And where in the Constitution does it clarify that free exercise is overwritten by either identity or behavior?

Having to get another baker is not being harmed. The whole water fountain thing wasn't about the water fountain, it was about the laws in place that MANDATED the fountains being separate, and the simple fact that in such a power unequal situation, the fountains would never be equal.

Allowing a few bakers to not contract for SSM wedding cakes does not create a system that discriminates as part of an overall process of disenfranchising a group of people, which is what Jim Crow was about.
Of course it is. Being denied service is a harm. It may be justified or not, but it’s a harm.

The hell it was that the law mandated separation. Woolworth’s counter wasn’t segregated because of any law. If it was merely about laws, there’d have been no need for title 2 of the CRA.

It's not a harm, it's at most an inconvenience and hurt feelings. But making the baker choose between their religion and their livihood is OK because you hate religious people and can't understand them. Got it.

And you know the term is "Jim Crow Laws" right?
Great. Than being kicked off Twitter isn’t a harm either.

I’m aware of Jim Crow laws. Are you aware that the relevant topic isn’t Jim Crow laws?

it's removal from the political forum, much greater harm than having to go to another Baker.

The Counter issues were created by segregation laws, just like the fountains, and the movie theaters, and the train cars and busses.
They just go to another public forum. No difference. Maybe even less of a difference given that a user only has to change the website. They don’t even have to move their butts.

No, the counter issue wasn’t created by segregation laws. Woolworth’s altered their policy to allow black people at the counter and no laws were required to be changed. Where’d you go to school?
They are silenced, on the major medium of public discussion.

And you are trying to make BAKE OR DIE Ok because you hate religious people.
Bake or die? Jesus, you know you can leave the hysterics for other snowflake, you don’t have to be so insane.

If a person has the ability to speak, they’re not silenced. By definition.

You still can’t talk about how you want some people protected despite their behavior but want others to be able to be discriminated against for there identity. You can’t talk about it because it’s not convenient to your fantasy.

They got fined over $200k. You even said they should find another job. Bake or Die is apt.
Still waiting to see where “death” is involved.

Do you always have to be overly dramatic?

I said if their religion requires them to discriminate against a class of people, they should find a new job. Best bet would be to stop doing wedding cakes.

And you’re still avoiding the problem I’ve pointed out.

Yeah, making someone give up their profession and business is no big deal. over a cake.

Why do they have to stop doing wedding cakes? Why do lefties have to get 100% their way no matter what?

It's pathological, you people are the fucking Sith.
They can still be a baker, they just can’t discriminate against an entire class of people. Do they really hate gay people that much?

If they stop doing wedding cakes, then they don’t have to worry about violation of civil rights laws.

You know some people had a problem with interracial couples and claimed God forbid mingling of ethnicities because of the Tower of Babel. I think there was a SCOTUS case on it but I can’t find it right now.
The person enforcing their beliefs here, are teh liberals who want to force people to celebrate gay marriage.
Really? They forcing the baker to come to their wedding and toast champagne?

That would be the next step in the witch hunt. But you people need an offense to give you power over people.

So, if it is not baking a cake, it might very well be not attending.

Sounds crazy?

Go back in time 10 years and tell people about trans men competing in woman's sports. They would accuse you of the slippery slope fallacy and laugh at you.

Now, it's the law.
Well, then you don’t understand the issue.

Except I made a point and explained it well.

you got nothing but flat, unsupported denial.

Sounds like I'm the one with understanding, not you.
In addition to the cop who died after having his skull crushed with a fire extinguisher, the injuries include brain, cracked ribs, smashed spinal discs, eye issues (one about to lose an eye) and one officer stabbed with a metal fence stake. To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad :confused:

The media lied about some cop getting his head smashed with a fire extinguisher. The NYT has already backtracked on their fake news story. So far your black D.C. cops still get to assassinate unarmed white women, so party on, commie; Pelosi has your backs, and the Democrat appointd judges and AG.
There were a lot more injuries and deaths when the Bastille was stormed in 1789. Uprisings of the people sometimes will cause injuries.

I guess we are fortunate that the Biden Regime has fortified the Capitol appropriately, in case the people decide to rise up against tyranny?

But fences don't work; we know this because Democrats keep telling us they don't. They must be building them for some other reason, like to keep their pet pigeons from flying away or something. If it takes them a few years to figure out they need to screen in the tops too, that's okay, nobody's perfect.
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The person enforcing their beliefs here, are teh liberals who want to force people to celebrate gay marriage.
Really? They forcing the baker to come to their wedding and toast champagne?

That would be the next step in the witch hunt. But you people need an offense to give you power over people.

So, if it is not baking a cake, it might very well be not attending.

Sounds crazy?

Go back in time 10 years and tell people about trans men competing in woman's sports. They would accuse you of the slippery slope fallacy and laugh at you.

Now, it's the law.
Well, then you don’t understand the issue.

No, he does, you intentionally ignore a person's constitutional right to free exercise because it doesn't fit your bigoted viewpoints.
Because that’s not what I consider the exercise or religion and i think it’s a little silly to say your religion means that someone else can’t do something.

Who is stopping them from going to another baker for their cake?

Sorry, but attending church isn't the limit of free exercise.
Someone else getting married isn’t an exercise of your religion.

That doesn't answer my question. Stop dodging.
Your question isn’t the point. Say there’s a dozen bakers. Say there’s one. Doesn’t matter. The practice of our religion isn’t baking a cake. If it is, time to get a new job.

Why is it time to get a new job? Why does not wanting to do one thing require them to give up their chosen profession?

And it does matter that the service can be obtained elsewhere, and that it's not really a Public Accommodation.

And we are not talking about practice, we are talking about free exercise.
Ah, so it’s a “you may drink from the the black people fountain” kind of stance you have.

That's your stance on social media. And a fountain is a public accommodation, it's not the same as a contracted service.

What is the damage done to the same sex couple having to go to another baker?
What if there isn’t another baker? It’s not relevant. Externalities don’t affect the issue.

Is a meal at a restaurant a public accommodation?

It is relevant, and as you stated as part of your twitter argument "make it yourself"

A restaurant is a PA because they invite the public onto their property as a part of the point of sale commerce transaction.
Because you’re claiming that people are silenced which is not true.

So a bakery doesn’t invite people into their property? A reservation isn’t a point of sale.

They are silenced by twitter.

These bakeries are not denying point of sale service to anyone, they just don't want to be contracted to provide a cake for a same sex marriage ceremony/reception because it goes against their religious beliefs.
If they have a place to speak, they are not silenced.

The bakery wouldn’t have sold them any cake intended for celebrating their same sex wedding. You’re attempting to make a distinction that is already irrelevant and not true.

If Trump had shut down the NYT for criticizing him and Trump argument was, "they are not silenced because they can stand in front of their locked up building and speak"

you would be foaming at the mouth at how self serving his argument was.
In addition to the cop who died after having his skull crushed with a fire extinguisher, the injuries include brain, cracked ribs, smashed spinal discs, eye issues (one about to lose an eye) and one officer stabbed with a metal fence stake. To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad :confused:

Family says he died of a stroke...not a fire extinguisher.
The Supreme Court and its abandonment of Constitutional law and common sense both is a big part of the problem, not a solution. 'Libertarianism' is as much a political disease as Marxism is; neither have any real sense of original intent or rationality.
The media lied about some cop getting his head smashed with a fire extinguisher. The NYT has already backtracked on their fake news story. So far your black D.C. cops still get to assassinate unarmed white women, so party on, commie; Pelosi has your backs, and the Democrat appointd judges and AG.

The media didn't lie loon. Those were the initial police reports. Media merely reported what they were told by law enforcement. Shame you don't see the difference.
Family says he died of a stroke...not a fire extinguisher.

Link? No, you don't have one. Neither the family nor the coroner have publicly reported a cause of death.
Sicknick’s family had been informed the officer had suffered a stroke resulting from a blood clot. (The term “stroke” means an event in which blood flow to the brain is interrupted, resulting in brain cell death.) Ken Sicknick also said his brother told him in a text message sent before he collapsed that he had been hit with bear spray wielded by rioters.

In addition to the cop who died after having his skull crushed with a fire extinguisher, the injuries include brain, cracked ribs, smashed spinal discs, eye issues (one about to lose an eye) and one officer stabbed with a metal fence stake. To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad :confused:

Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

Tough shit. Where is the outrage over the homicide they committed?
Sicknick’s family had been informed the officer had suffered a stroke resulting from a blood clot. (The term “stroke” means an event in which blood flow to the brain is interrupted, resulting in brain cell death.) Ken Sicknick also said his brother told him in a text message sent before he collapsed that he had been hit with bear spray wielded by rioters.

Yes, thank you for the clarification. As I said, no coroners report. Family recollections meaningless. IMHO Bear spray was probable cause of death and that dude is gonna go down hard.

Ken Sicknick also said his brother told him in a text message sent before he collapsed that he had been hit with bear spray wielded by rioters.​
There isn’t enough information from official sources available at this time to state either way what the cause and manner of Sicknick’s death was, or what mechanisms contributed to it. We will update this story with further information when it becomes available.​


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