Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

Yet people on the left can be assholes and supported by things like twitter and facebook.
Sometimes they can and sometimes people on the right can get away with it too.

But when you get caught and booted on your ass, don’t whine because it was your own behavior that landed you there.

It’s called being an adult instead of a whiny little bitch. Go ahead and remind me which of those two I’m talking to right now. Let’s hear it.

They seem to only catch and boot people on the right. lefty idiots can get away with anything.

The only whining I see is from a corporate shill cuck, i.e. you.
That’s because you guys are the ones who are always whining about it.

“Seems” is a subjective opinion coming from someone whose opinion is irrelevant and biased.

This entire conversation is you whining about people being kicked off Twitter for acting like assholes and wanting daddy government to force them to do your bidding because you’re too lazy to do the work yourself.

for acting like the wrong type of asshole, not the twitter politically approved asshole.

According to you, but let me check, nope your opinion is biased and ignorant, not to mention irrelevant.

Want to set the rules? Make your own social media platform.

Want to use a computer? Make your own from base metals and crude oil.

Retarded argument is retarded.

You’ve now made an argument against any ability to deny anyone service for anything ever.

Yes, your argument is idiotic. People can set the standards that are enforced on their property. You can whine about it, but that’s not going to do anything but make it clear who is a whiner and who is an adult.

You are the one going with "you didn't build that."

You ignore the crux of the argument by trying bullshit like that.

Get better. bitch.
You didn’t build that but you think you get to tell them how to enforce their rules.

You pretend this is a free speech issue. It’s not. You pretend it’s for the betterment of the country. It’s not. You pretend it’s a fairness issue. It’s not.

It’s just you whining that people don’t want to associate with assholes like yourself. Sucks, but that’s what you deserve.

It's all of those, you just don't care because it's not your side being fucked over.

It’s not because I understand what the law is and isn’t.

You aren’t being fucked over, you’re having to face this thing called consequences. Sorry if you spoiled brats aren’t accustomed to having to deal with those.

Bullshit, you partisan hack.

It's all about silencing people you disagree with.
Yet people on the left can be assholes and supported by things like twitter and facebook.
Sometimes they can and sometimes people on the right can get away with it too.

But when you get caught and booted on your ass, don’t whine because it was your own behavior that landed you there.

It’s called being an adult instead of a whiny little bitch. Go ahead and remind me which of those two I’m talking to right now. Let’s hear it.

They seem to only catch and boot people on the right. lefty idiots can get away with anything.

The only whining I see is from a corporate shill cuck, i.e. you.
That’s because you guys are the ones who are always whining about it.

“Seems” is a subjective opinion coming from someone whose opinion is irrelevant and biased.

This entire conversation is you whining about people being kicked off Twitter for acting like assholes and wanting daddy government to force them to do your bidding because you’re too lazy to do the work yourself.

for acting like the wrong type of asshole, not the twitter politically approved asshole.

According to you, but let me check, nope your opinion is biased and ignorant, not to mention irrelevant.

Want to set the rules? Make your own social media platform.

Want to use a computer? Make your own from base metals and crude oil.

Retarded argument is retarded.

You’ve now made an argument against any ability to deny anyone service for anything ever.

Yes, your argument is idiotic. People can set the standards that are enforced on their property. You can whine about it, but that’s not going to do anything but make it clear who is a whiner and who is an adult.

You are the one going with "you didn't build that."

You ignore the crux of the argument by trying bullshit like that.

Get better. bitch.
You didn’t build that but you think you get to tell them how to enforce their rules.

You pretend this is a free speech issue. It’s not. You pretend it’s for the betterment of the country. It’s not. You pretend it’s a fairness issue. It’s not.

It’s just you whining that people don’t want to associate with assholes like yourself. Sucks, but that’s what you deserve.

It's all of those, you just don't care because it's not your side being fucked over.

It’s not because I understand what the law is and isn’t.

You aren’t being fucked over, you’re having to face this thing called consequences. Sorry if you spoiled brats aren’t accustomed to having to deal with those.

Bullshit, you partisan hack.

It's all about silencing people you disagree with.
Yeah; just more of your opinion about everyone.

Your biased, ignorant and irrelevant opinion.

Sorry, but we don’t need to upend centuries of property rights to satisfy your hurt feelings. As we demonstrated, you have plenty of opportunity for speech and aren’t being silenced.
Yet people on the left can be assholes and supported by things like twitter and facebook.
Sometimes they can and sometimes people on the right can get away with it too.

But when you get caught and booted on your ass, don’t whine because it was your own behavior that landed you there.

It’s called being an adult instead of a whiny little bitch. Go ahead and remind me which of those two I’m talking to right now. Let’s hear it.

They seem to only catch and boot people on the right. lefty idiots can get away with anything.

The only whining I see is from a corporate shill cuck, i.e. you.
That’s because you guys are the ones who are always whining about it.

“Seems” is a subjective opinion coming from someone whose opinion is irrelevant and biased.

This entire conversation is you whining about people being kicked off Twitter for acting like assholes and wanting daddy government to force them to do your bidding because you’re too lazy to do the work yourself.

for acting like the wrong type of asshole, not the twitter politically approved asshole.

According to you, but let me check, nope your opinion is biased and ignorant, not to mention irrelevant.

Want to set the rules? Make your own social media platform.

Want to use a computer? Make your own from base metals and crude oil.

Retarded argument is retarded.

You’ve now made an argument against any ability to deny anyone service for anything ever.

Yes, your argument is idiotic. People can set the standards that are enforced on their property. You can whine about it, but that’s not going to do anything but make it clear who is a whiner and who is an adult.

You are the one going with "you didn't build that."

You ignore the crux of the argument by trying bullshit like that.

Get better. bitch.
You didn’t build that but you think you get to tell them how to enforce their rules.

You pretend this is a free speech issue. It’s not. You pretend it’s for the betterment of the country. It’s not. You pretend it’s a fairness issue. It’s not.

It’s just you whining that people don’t want to associate with assholes like yourself. Sucks, but that’s what you deserve.

It's all of those, you just don't care because it's not your side being fucked over.

It’s not because I understand what the law is and isn’t.

You aren’t being fucked over, you’re having to face this thing called consequences. Sorry if you spoiled brats aren’t accustomed to having to deal with those.

Bullshit, you partisan hack.

It's all about silencing people you disagree with.
Yeah; just more of your opinion about everyone.

Your biased, ignorant and irrelevant opinion.

Sorry, but we don’t need to upend centuries of property rights to satisfy your hurt feelings. As we demonstrated, you have plenty of opportunity for speech and aren’t being silenced.

LOL, you only care about property rights when you think it can fuck over people you hate.
Yet people on the left can be assholes and supported by things like twitter and facebook.
Sometimes they can and sometimes people on the right can get away with it too.

But when you get caught and booted on your ass, don’t whine because it was your own behavior that landed you there.

It’s called being an adult instead of a whiny little bitch. Go ahead and remind me which of those two I’m talking to right now. Let’s hear it.

They seem to only catch and boot people on the right. lefty idiots can get away with anything.

The only whining I see is from a corporate shill cuck, i.e. you.
That’s because you guys are the ones who are always whining about it.

“Seems” is a subjective opinion coming from someone whose opinion is irrelevant and biased.

This entire conversation is you whining about people being kicked off Twitter for acting like assholes and wanting daddy government to force them to do your bidding because you’re too lazy to do the work yourself.

for acting like the wrong type of asshole, not the twitter politically approved asshole.

According to you, but let me check, nope your opinion is biased and ignorant, not to mention irrelevant.

Want to set the rules? Make your own social media platform.

Want to use a computer? Make your own from base metals and crude oil.

Retarded argument is retarded.

You’ve now made an argument against any ability to deny anyone service for anything ever.

Yes, your argument is idiotic. People can set the standards that are enforced on their property. You can whine about it, but that’s not going to do anything but make it clear who is a whiner and who is an adult.

You are the one going with "you didn't build that."

You ignore the crux of the argument by trying bullshit like that.

Get better. bitch.
You didn’t build that but you think you get to tell them how to enforce their rules.

You pretend this is a free speech issue. It’s not. You pretend it’s for the betterment of the country. It’s not. You pretend it’s a fairness issue. It’s not.

It’s just you whining that people don’t want to associate with assholes like yourself. Sucks, but that’s what you deserve.

It's all of those, you just don't care because it's not your side being fucked over.

It’s not because I understand what the law is and isn’t.

You aren’t being fucked over, you’re having to face this thing called consequences. Sorry if you spoiled brats aren’t accustomed to having to deal with those.

Bullshit, you partisan hack.

It's all about silencing people you disagree with.
Yeah; just more of your opinion about everyone.

Your biased, ignorant and irrelevant opinion.

Sorry, but we don’t need to upend centuries of property rights to satisfy your hurt feelings. As we demonstrated, you have plenty of opportunity for speech and aren’t being silenced.

LOL, you only care about property rights when you think it can fuck over people you hate.
I care about property rights when you spoiled brats want to use government to destroy something someone else made to support your desire to spread hatred, harassment and lies.
Yet people on the left can be assholes and supported by things like twitter and facebook.
Sometimes they can and sometimes people on the right can get away with it too.

But when you get caught and booted on your ass, don’t whine because it was your own behavior that landed you there.

It’s called being an adult instead of a whiny little bitch. Go ahead and remind me which of those two I’m talking to right now. Let’s hear it.

They seem to only catch and boot people on the right. lefty idiots can get away with anything.

The only whining I see is from a corporate shill cuck, i.e. you.
That’s because you guys are the ones who are always whining about it.

“Seems” is a subjective opinion coming from someone whose opinion is irrelevant and biased.

This entire conversation is you whining about people being kicked off Twitter for acting like assholes and wanting daddy government to force them to do your bidding because you’re too lazy to do the work yourself.

for acting like the wrong type of asshole, not the twitter politically approved asshole.

According to you, but let me check, nope your opinion is biased and ignorant, not to mention irrelevant.

Want to set the rules? Make your own social media platform.

Want to use a computer? Make your own from base metals and crude oil.

Retarded argument is retarded.

You’ve now made an argument against any ability to deny anyone service for anything ever.

Yes, your argument is idiotic. People can set the standards that are enforced on their property. You can whine about it, but that’s not going to do anything but make it clear who is a whiner and who is an adult.

You are the one going with "you didn't build that."

You ignore the crux of the argument by trying bullshit like that.

Get better. bitch.
You didn’t build that but you think you get to tell them how to enforce their rules.

You pretend this is a free speech issue. It’s not. You pretend it’s for the betterment of the country. It’s not. You pretend it’s a fairness issue. It’s not.

It’s just you whining that people don’t want to associate with assholes like yourself. Sucks, but that’s what you deserve.

It's all of those, you just don't care because it's not your side being fucked over.

It’s not because I understand what the law is and isn’t.

You aren’t being fucked over, you’re having to face this thing called consequences. Sorry if you spoiled brats aren’t accustomed to having to deal with those.

Bullshit, you partisan hack.

It's all about silencing people you disagree with.
Yeah; just more of your opinion about everyone.

Your biased, ignorant and irrelevant opinion.

Sorry, but we don’t need to upend centuries of property rights to satisfy your hurt feelings. As we demonstrated, you have plenty of opportunity for speech and aren’t being silenced.

LOL, you only care about property rights when you think it can fuck over people you hate.
I care about property rights when you spoiled brats want to use government to destroy something someone else made to support your desire to spread hatred, harassment and lies.

Justify it in your dime store head all you want, its just you lying.
Justify it in your dime store head all you want, its just you lying.
That the best you can do?

Going to have to do better than that if you want to claim a private internet platform is some kind of common property, something which has never been done before.

Of course, your position would need to be more consistent. It’s not consistent because it’s not really founded on any principles other than wanting what isn’t yours.
Justify it in your dime store head all you want, its just you lying.
That the best you can do?

Going to have to do better than that if you want to claim a private internet platform is some kind of common property, something which has never been done before.

Of course, your position would need to be more consistent. It’s not consistent because it’s not really founded on any principles other than wanting what isn’t yours.

It's consistent in wanting fairness, and a level political playing field, something you obviously detest, but refuse to admit.
It's consistent in wanting fairness, and a level political playing field, something you obviously detest, but refuse to admit.
Life isn’t fair, doofus. The government does not enforce fairness and shouldn’t. People like you want to abuse it.
It's consistent in wanting fairness, and a level political playing field, something you obviously detest, but refuse to admit.
Life isn’t fair, doofus. The government does not enforce fairness and shouldn’t. People like you want to abuse it.

Progressivism is ALL ABOUT forcing fake fairness via government, the whole "equity" bullshit.

God you are either a fucking idiot, or a fucking liar. Or maybe both. an idiliar.
It's consistent in wanting fairness, and a level political playing field, something you obviously detest, but refuse to admit.
Life isn’t fair, doofus. The government does not enforce fairness and shouldn’t. People like you want to abuse it.

Progressivism is ALL ABOUT forcing fake fairness via government, the whole "equity" bullshit.

God you are either a fucking idiot, or a fucking liar. Or maybe both. an idiliar.
So let me get this straight. Your a progressive now?

Or are you just a progressive when it’s your side at a self inflicted disadvantage?

Even progressives don’t enforce fairness in speech in private spaces. Not since we got rid of fairness doctrine. You don’t see any of us trying to use the government to force Fox News to put progressives on the air.
It's consistent in wanting fairness, and a level political playing field, something you obviously detest, but refuse to admit.
Life isn’t fair, doofus. The government does not enforce fairness and shouldn’t. People like you want to abuse it.

Progressivism is ALL ABOUT forcing fake fairness via government, the whole "equity" bullshit.

God you are either a fucking idiot, or a fucking liar. Or maybe both. an idiliar.
So let me get this straight. Your a progressive now?

Or are you just a progressive when it’s your side at a self inflicted disadvantage?

Even progressives don’t enforce fairness in speech in private spaces. Not since we got rid of fairness doctrine. You don’t see any of us trying to use the government to force Fox News to put progressives on the air.

Not even close. Just pointing out the inherent contradiction of your statement.

Nah, your ilk just try to force cable networks to not carry them.
It's consistent in wanting fairness, and a level political playing field, something you obviously detest, but refuse to admit.
Life isn’t fair, doofus. The government does not enforce fairness and shouldn’t. People like you want to abuse it.

Progressivism is ALL ABOUT forcing fake fairness via government, the whole "equity" bullshit.

God you are either a fucking idiot, or a fucking liar. Or maybe both. an idiliar.
So let me get this straight. Your a progressive now?

Or are you just a progressive when it’s your side at a self inflicted disadvantage?

Even progressives don’t enforce fairness in speech in private spaces. Not since we got rid of fairness doctrine. You don’t see any of us trying to use the government to force Fox News to put progressives on the air.

Not even close. Just pointing out the inherent contradiction of your statement.

Nah, your ilk just try to force cable networks to not carry them.
The inherent contradiction for you is you demand fairness only when it affects people on your side. You aren’t fooling anyone with your motivated reasoning. In the effort of fairness, you should be demanding that Fox News provide airtime to more progressives. Isn’t that right?

Progressives aren’t forcing cable networks to do anything, kiddo. You listen to too many liars in the media.
It's consistent in wanting fairness, and a level political playing field, something you obviously detest, but refuse to admit.
Life isn’t fair, doofus. The government does not enforce fairness and shouldn’t. People like you want to abuse it.

Progressivism is ALL ABOUT forcing fake fairness via government, the whole "equity" bullshit.

God you are either a fucking idiot, or a fucking liar. Or maybe both. an idiliar.
So let me get this straight. Your a progressive now?

Or are you just a progressive when it’s your side at a self inflicted disadvantage?

Even progressives don’t enforce fairness in speech in private spaces. Not since we got rid of fairness doctrine. You don’t see any of us trying to use the government to force Fox News to put progressives on the air.

Not even close. Just pointing out the inherent contradiction of your statement.

Nah, your ilk just try to force cable networks to not carry them.
The inherent contradiction for you is you demand fairness only when it affects people on your side. You aren’t fooling anyone with your motivated reasoning. In the effort of fairness, you should be demanding that Fox News provide airtime to more progressives. Isn’t that right?

Progressives aren’t forcing cable networks to do anything, kiddo. You listen to too many liars in the media.

Not so, where are my posts demanding any lefty asshole be silenced?

Newscasts aren't discussion sites that claim to be sites for free discussion.
Not so, where are my posts demanding any lefty asshole be silenced?

Newscasts aren't discussion sites that claim to be sites for free discussion.
Newscasts are places of public discourse. We need fair treatment for everyone. Level playing field.

Fox News claims to be fair and balanced. What’s wrong with holding them to that?
Not so, where are my posts demanding any lefty asshole be silenced?

Newscasts aren't discussion sites that claim to be sites for free discussion.
Newscasts are places of public discourse. We need fair treatment for everyone. Level playing field.

Fox News claims to be fair and balanced. What’s wrong with holding them to that?

newscasts are omni-directional, and don't claim to be platforms for open discussion.
newscasts are omni-directional, and don't claim to be platforms for open discussion.
They’re the center of political discussion and we can’t have that be biased and one sided. All I’m saying is that it should be a level playing field politically.
newscasts are omni-directional, and don't claim to be platforms for open discussion.
They’re the center of political discussion and we can’t have that be biased and one sided. All I’m saying is that it should be a level playing field politically.

What discussion is in a newscast? Do you have a telescreen in your house like in 1984?

You are trying to be slick here, and failing miserably.
newscasts are omni-directional, and don't claim to be platforms for open discussion.
They’re the center of political discussion and we can’t have that be biased and one sided. All I’m saying is that it should be a level playing field politically.

What discussion is in a newscast? Do you have a telescreen in your house like in 1984?

You are trying to be slick here, and failing miserably.
You’ve never seen Fox News? Very little news. Nearly all discussion and mostly between Republicans.

Time to declare Fox News a commons.
newscasts are omni-directional, and don't claim to be platforms for open discussion.
They’re the center of political discussion and we can’t have that be biased and one sided. All I’m saying is that it should be a level playing field politically.

What discussion is in a newscast? Do you have a telescreen in your house like in 1984?

You are trying to be slick here, and failing miserably.
You’ve never seen Fox News? Very little news. Nearly all discussion and mostly between Republicans.

Time to declare Fox News a commons.

More trying to be slick and failing miserably.

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