Almost 50,000 Biden illegals failed to report to ICE as required. They have disappeared.

Yea, you Trump asseaters only care about the so called "Fauci Flu" when you accuse immigrants pf spreading it. But when you fucking lowlifes spread it with your anti vaxx whining it's a whole different story, right fuckface?
Thanks for confirming my post. :banana:
I'll bet more of them are vaxxed then you Trump asseaters.

Sleep on that, dick splat.
Yea, you Trump asseaters only care about the so called "Fauci Flu" when you accuse immigrants pf spreading it. But when you fucking lowlifes spread it with your anti vaxx whining it's a whole different story, right fuckface?

You seem obsessed with eating Trump’s ass.

pretty odd, if you ask me.
Yea, you Trump asseaters only care about the so called "Fauci Flu" when you accuse immigrants pf spreading it. But when you fucking lowlifes spread it with your anti vaxx whining it's a whole different story, right fuckface?
Nope, inaccurate, they are illegal
Color me shocked. Around 20% of them, or about 10,000 are most likely infected with the Fauci Flu and are spreading it to innocent Americans.

More evidence Joe hates America, and Americans.

You lie about everything. There is no way anyone like you has any self respect.
I'll bet more of them are vaxxed then you Trump asseaters.

Sleep on that, dick splat.
Yea, you Trump asseaters only care about the so called "Fauci Flu" when you accuse immigrants pf spreading it. But when you fucking lowlifes spread it with your anti vaxx whining it's a whole different story, right fuckface?
Color me shocked as well.

Anyone but a brain dead moron could have predicted that. That's why Trump had them staying in Mexico till their court date. Now they are roaming around our country.

Another nail in the walking, talking disasters coffin.
I am shocked by the degree to which leftists are more concerned with the health and welfare of illegal aliens than honest Americans.

I recall having an argument with a leftist in which I said that if there were only two hospital beds left, and both my mother and an illegal alien showed up with life-threatening COVID, that my mother should get priority. The leftist argued that all life is equal, and whoever is younger should get the bed because they have more years ahead of them. I said that meant that my mother would be sent home to die because an illegal snuck into a county, and she insisted that the illegal‘s life was more valuable than Mom’s based on “years remaining.”

Older folks: beware. This is a socialist attitude in which younger people, still working, are seen has more valuable than retirees. Zeke Emanuel wanted the elderly to be LAST in line for the vaccine when it first came out because he argued that very thing: it didn’t matter who was more at risk; it matter whose life the socialists valued more. Fortunately, he was overruled.
Report or don't report, none of them should even be here. And worse yet Biden and his administration just ignore it and even worse still, Americans aren't speaking up.

They don't care though as long as enough report in so they can keep track of how many they have voting for them when they allow them. And if they don't have enough they will just import more to tip the scales in their favor come election time.
Report or don't report, none of them should even be here. And worse yet Biden and his administration just ignore it and even worse still, Americans aren't speaking up.

They don't care though as long as enough report in so they can keep track of how many they have voting for them when they allow them. And if they don't have enough they will just import more to tip the scales in their favor come election time.
Biden is doing WORSE than ignoring it. He is fighting to let as many of them in here as possible! The SCOTUS ruled that he couldn’t overturn the stay-in-Mexico policy, and Biden (or the anti-American Marxists running him) have filed a counter suit to let them come in.
Nostra You're nothing but a bunch of crooks

Not a fan of maddow, but: "@maddow just knocked one out of the park. republicant's forging election documents and submitting false electors. Michigan and Wisconsin has it under investigation. jeffrey clark at the Department of Justice knew about i​


I just watched it. Maddow showed the documents on the screen, signatures and all.

It looks like they literally tried to rip the election out from under the voters They signed as fake electors.

I'll be waiting to hear more on this..
I am shocked by the degree to which leftists are more concerned with the health and welfare of illegal aliens than honest Americans.

I recall having an argument with a leftist in which I said that if there were only two hospital beds left, and both my mother and an illegal alien showed up with life-threatening COVID, that my mother should get priority. The leftist argued that all life is equal, and whoever is younger should get the bed because they have more years ahead of them. I said that meant that my mother would be sent home to die because an illegal snuck into a county, and she insisted that the illegal‘s life was more valuable than Mom’s based on “years remaining.”

Older folks: beware. This is a socialist attitude in which younger people, still working, are seen has more valuable than retirees. Zeke Emanuel wanted the elderly to be LAST in line for the vaccine when it first came out because he argued that very thing: it didn’t matter who was more at risk; it matter whose life the socialists valued more. Fortunately, he was overruled.
"honest americans" lying about adviser's view on vaccine, fantastic.

"honest americans" lying about adviser's view on vaccine, fantastic.

So you quote a lib media source?

Zeke is SOOOOO tolerant of the elderly, isn’t he? He even allowed that people over 75 who want to live aren’t necessarily unethical. How kind of him.

He also was behind an Obamacare scheme called “Quality of Years Remaining” in which those useless old folks, having contributed to society for 40 years, no longer have much value. He wanted to tie medical care to how many years were left, using actuarial tables. Bad news for those of us with family who live into the mid and late 90s!
Yeah, you don't care about the hundreds of thousands of Fauci Flu infested illegals Veggie Joe has spread around the country, but if you see someone on the street without a mask you shit your pants.

Nobody takes you seriously on any topic, hack. Go troll somewhere else.

No we don't care about any of them because the whole "illegal immigrant" thing is bullshit to gin up outrage on the right. The US Chamber of Commerce is BEGGING for increased immigration to fill all of those job openings.

Why do you think your grocery prices have gone up, FuckBoi? With no illegals during the pandemic to pick or process the food, prices have risen.

I just love how fools like you just run here and post the latest FAUX News outrage without a thought in your stupid head. You've created an economy which is reliant on cheap illegal labour and then you go batshit crazy over cheap illegal labour.

Gawd but you're stupid.
No we don't care about any of them because the whole "illegal immigrant" thing is bullshit to gin up outrage on the right. The US Chamber of Commerce is BEGGING for increased immigration to fill all of those job openings.

Why do you think your grocery prices have gone up, FuckBoi? With no illegals during the pandemic to pick or process the food, prices have risen.

I just love how fools like you just run here and post the latest FAUX News outrage without a thought in your stupid head. You've created an economy which is reliant on cheap illegal labour and then you go batshit crazy over cheap illegal labour.

Gawd but you're stupid.
so you need no passport to go to your country? we can just walk in? ;hahhhahahahahahahaha lady, and I use that lightly, you remain ignorant to life

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