Almost 50,000 Biden illegals failed to report to ICE as required. They have disappeared.

Nostra You're nothing but a bunch of crooks

Not a fan of maddow, but: "@maddow just knocked one out of the park. republicant's forging election documents and submitting false electors. Michigan and Wisconsin has it under investigation. jeffrey clark at the Department of Justice knew about i​


I just watched it. Maddow showed the documents on the screen, signatures and all.

It looks like they literally tried to rip the election out from under the voters They signed as fake electors.

I'll be waiting to hear more on this..
That Madcow dude showed Trump's tax returns too, Dumbass.

When will you wise up?
No we don't care about any of them because the whole "illegal immigrant" thing is bullshit to gin up outrage on the right. The US Chamber of Commerce is BEGGING for increased immigration to fill all of those job openings.

Why do you think your grocery prices have gone up, FuckBoi? With no illegals during the pandemic to pick or process the food, prices have risen.

I just love how fools like you just run here and post the latest FAUX News outrage without a thought in your stupid head. You've created an economy which is reliant on cheap illegal labour and then you go batshit crazy over cheap illegal labour.

Gawd but you're stupid.
No we don't care about any of them because the whole "illegal immigrant" thing is bullshit to gin up outrage on the right. The US Chamber of Commerce is BEGGING for increased immigration to fill all of those job openings.

First, you are obviously too fucking stupid to know the difference between immigration and ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Second, what is this "we" shit? You are a KKKANADIAN halfwit. YOU have no say in what goes on in America, so why don't you just STFU.

Third, your link says the shortage of workers is due to the Fauci Flu. That makes it Veggie "I will shut down the virus" Joe's fault. How do you explain the shortage of all the other items illegals have nothing to do with, Fuckwit?

Fourth, you are a lying sack of shit yet again, and I will once again prove it. 2021 had record levels of ILLEGALS coming across OUR border....1,700,000 who were caught. Untold numbers who weren't.

Seriously, why are you here? You do nothing but make a fool of yourself with your lies and bullshit.

Color me shocked as well.

Anyone but a brain dead moron could have predicted that. That's why Trump had them staying in Mexico till their court date. Now they are roaming around our country.

Another nail in the walking, talking disasters coffin.
In a country of 325 million people you asswipes got your panties bound up over a few thousand immigrants crossing the border. And most of them work unlike the trailer trash wavng Trump flags & wearing MAGA hats.
In a country of 325 million people you asswipes got your panties bound up over a few thousand immigrants crossing the border. And most of them work unlike the trailer trash wavng Trump flags & wearing MAGA hats.
1.7 million last year alone, and those are the ones that were caught. No telling how many more came in under the policies of No Border Joe.
They aren't immigrants dummy. They are illegal aliens who broke our laws to get here. These illegals cost we tax payers billions each year. You might think that's okay but most Americans don't. What a dumbass you are.
Color me shocked.
I am shocked.

Absolutely shocked!

Of course, we expected that 99.99% of them would appear for their court hearing.

I guess that we can blame the inefficiency of the United States Postal Service.
Nostra You're nothing but a bunch of crooks

Not a fan of maddow, but: "@maddow just knocked one out of the park. republicant's forging election documents and submitting false electors. Michigan and Wisconsin has it under investigation. jeffrey clark at the Department of Justice knew about i​


I just watched it. Maddow showed the documents on the screen, signatures and all.

It looks like they literally tried to rip the election out from under the voters They signed as fake electors.

I'll be waiting to hear more on this..
Isn’t Rachel Maddow that rug munching butch whore who ‘blew the lid off’ Trumps tax returns and proved he paid $38 million in taxes in 2005?
No we don't care about any of them because the whole "illegal immigrant" thing is bullshit to gin up outrage on the right. The US Chamber of Commerce is BEGGING for increased immigration to fill all of those job openings.

Why do you think your grocery prices have gone up, FuckBoi? With no illegals during the pandemic to pick or process the food, prices have risen.

I just love how fools like you just run here and post the latest FAUX News outrage without a thought in your stupid head. You've created an economy which is reliant on cheap illegal labour and then you go batshit crazy over cheap illegal labour.

Gawd but you're stupid.
Why would you post a link to an editorial showing that highly skilled labor / LEGAL IMMIGRANTS are sought but then tell us we need a bunch of desperate, illiterate, low grade bottom feeding subhumans with no communication skills to pick lettuce?

I am shocked by the degree to which leftists are more concerned with the health and welfare of illegal aliens than honest Americans.

I recall having an argument with a leftist in which I said that if there were only two hospital beds left, and both my mother and an illegal alien showed up with life-threatening COVID, that my mother should get priority. The leftist argued that all life is equal, and whoever is younger should get the bed because they have more years ahead of them. I said that meant that my mother would be sent home to die because an illegal snuck into a county, and she insisted that the illegal‘s life was more valuable than Mom’s based on “years remaining.”

Older folks: beware. This is a socialist attitude in which younger people, still working, are seen has more valuable than retirees. Zeke Emanuel wanted the elderly to be LAST in line for the vaccine when it first came out because he argued that very thing: it didn’t matter who was more at risk; it matter whose life the socialists valued more. Fortunately, he was overruled.

Left wing lunatics can't get honest Americans to agree with their agenda.
They control the Education System and statistically all of the media and still can only get roughly have to agree with them.
How fucking bad must their agenda be?
They should send all these illegals to Canada. I'm sure you Canadian tax payers would love to shell out billions each year to take care of them. Who knows. They all might find jobs in Canada. Good Luck.
Why would you post a link to an editorial showing that highly skilled labor / LEGAL IMMIGRANTS are sought but then tell us we need a bunch of desperate, illiterate, low grade bottom feeding subhumans with no communication skills to pick lettuce?

cause those demofks still like them colored's picking something.
cause those demofks still like them colored's picking something.
Some things never change.
I am shocked by the degree to which leftists are more concerned with the health and welfare of illegal aliens than honest Americans.

I recall having an argument with a leftist in which I said that if there were only two hospital beds left, and both my mother and an illegal alien showed up with life-threatening COVID, that my mother should get priority. The leftist argued that all life is equal, and whoever is younger should get the bed because they have more years ahead of them. I said that meant that my mother would be sent home to die because an illegal snuck into a county, and she insisted that the illegal‘s life was more valuable than Mom’s based on “years remaining.”

Older folks: beware. This is a socialist attitude in which younger people, still working, are seen has more valuable than retirees. Zeke Emanuel wanted the elderly to be LAST in line for the vaccine when it first came out because he argued that very thing: it didn’t matter who was more at risk; it matter whose life the socialists valued more. Fortunately, he was overruled.
Soylent Green is pee-pol.....its peeee-polllllll!

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