Almost 80% of college students believe Trump campaign had contact with Russia

If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.

Several people from the Trump campaign admitted guilt or were found guilty of having improper contact with Russia.

You should expand your news sources. You’d be better informed.
How to get out the college vote...

I think you could change that to LEGAL and you'd still get the college vote. Seems to be working in the librul states.
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.

Several people from the Trump campaign admitted guilt or were found guilty of having improper contact with Russia.

You should expand your news sources. You’d be better informed.
The odd part about this thread is...

is that the campaign is proven to have had improper & questionably legal contacts with Russia - from sharing polling data... to meetings in the tower hoping for working with an oligarch up to 2016 on the Moscow tower and then lying about the time-frame...

and then admitting to all of it, on record...verbatim...

and yet - Trump's sycophants are in this thread making fun of the 80% of college children who are factually opposed to wondering what the fuck report the other 20% were reading.

I think this shit is an amazing indicator of how a guy like Donald Trump and a chick like Hillary Clinton...with their egregious reputations...end up being the only 2 viable candidates in 2016.
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.
The ones clearly colluding with foreign nationals to change elections are the Democrats who are helping get foreign nationals obtain drivers licenses and get them on voting registers.
Students will vote for jobs...they are no different than the rest of us...they do not want to have to move back home after graduation...what they tell a pollster or say aloud should be taken with a grain of salt....
The problem for millenials is that even with jobs, they have to move back home after graduation.
What worked for the boomers is not working for millenials or for Gen Z. Not even close.

These are the things that seem to be affecting them the most.

Historic college costs and student debt.
Healthcare insurance and medical costs.
Historic housing costs.
Stagnant wages.
Who cares whether his campaign had any contact with Russians? What difference would it make.

But here's my question: Why would any powerful Russian operatives WASTE THEIR TIME conspiring with the Trump Campaign, when every knowledgeable person in the United States - including Donald Trump and all his own operatives - KNEW that Trump had no chance of winning the election?

As for Trump himself, why do you suppose he didn't call off the discussions about a possible Trump Tower in Moscow? HE KNEW HE WASN'T GOING TO WIN!

Seriously. If you don't believe me, look at the thousands of YouTube videos wherein "everybody" states publicly and emphatically that Trump cannot win. Every politician who was not personally invested in the Trump campaign, both Democrat AND Republican, was on record saying that Trump couldn't win. Every pundit regardless of political slant, every pollster, every retired Important Person regardless of party affiliation - ALL OF THEM were unanimous in stating publicly that Trump could not win. The only real questions were, (a) How embarrassing would his defeat be, and (b) Would it in any way "humble" him?

And you Leftists are convinced that The Russians were busily conspiring with the Trump Campaign, so that they could take advantage of him after he was elected?

You are fucking delusional. They wouldn't waste their time on such a pointless effort. It would be like a printer in New York speculatively printing tickets for the next NBA Finals at MSG.
Because the Russians knew they smarter and more clever than Americans. And they were/are right. They pulled it off.

I don't think Trump helped. He's too much of a dotard to make it work. But no matter, the Russians didn't need his help.
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.

Trump needs to completely reform the nation's education system starting with the Board of "Education" in his second term.
Hmmmm, like some re-education camps?
When you consider who are the ones teaching them, it's surprising it's not even a higher percentage.
Well, 80% of them would be correct then. These contacts are all described in detail in the Mueller report.

I think/hope this means that the younger voters are paying closer attention to politics and may be more likely to vote than they have in the past.
I'd bet 80% of college students couldn't make change for customers at Walmart, without using the calculator on the cash register.

So what?

Hell, a Walmart worker can't make change without using the calculator on the cash register.
The only people I see using cash are old people who can't even tell if they got the right change.

The old people know if they got the right change. The old people also know you greatly reduce identity theft by using cash.
Students will vote for jobs...they are no different than the rest of us...they do not want to have to move back home after graduation...what they tell a pollster or say aloud should be taken with a grain of salt....
The problem for millenials is that even with jobs, they have to move back home after graduation.
What worked for the boomers is not working for millenials or for Gen Z. Not even close.

These are the things that seem to be affecting them the most.

Historic college costs and student debt.
Healthcare insurance and medical costs.
Historic housing costs.
Stagnant wages.

So who runs the colleges and who took over the student loans?

I thought Commie Care gave us all the solutions to our medical costs. What happened?

Gee, now why is housing built by union workers so historically high?

Under Trump, we hit a new record in median household income. BTW, did you know Walmart is starting their over the road drivers at nearly 90K a year?
Most Americans, probably not 80% believe the Trump campaign had contact with Russia. People that vote for Trump don't care who helps him get elected, as long it helps Make America White Again. With the death of the Tea Party, that's all there is, send them all back where they originated and build a wall around the country to keep them out. If it takes Russia's help, that's fine with them.

And yet it was the Clintons who actually helped Russia harm the USA the most.

Most Americans, at least those with some ability to think for themselves, have seen the Mueller charades and the Kavanaugh crap and realize it's the Dems who are Batshit crazy. But don't let reality cloud your way.
And half of them can't identify numerous major countries on a map, couldn't pass the U.S. citizenship test, can't name the first four presidents, etc., etc.

Confession? You are listing your finest qualities. Thank god you aren't listing your worst.
Several people from the Trump campaign admitted guilt or were found guilty of having improper contact with Russia.
You should expand your news sources. You’d be better informed.

If someone put a gun to your head (or the threat of serious jail time) I'd bet you they could get you to admit you pleasured Ronald McDonald on a Merry Go Round while singing Yankee Doodle.

Not saying they were angels at all....but that's about what happened to many who have been charged. "Dirt" can be fabricated on anyone....even you.
You shouldn't be so naive and eager to please your DNC masters. They couldn't care less about you.
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.
The ones clearly colluding with foreign nationals to change elections are the Democrats who are helping get foreign nationals obtain drivers licenses and get them on voting registers.

Rush your evidence to the FBI.

Please be informed that photographs of scribblings on the back of public toilet doors do not constitute evidence.
Students will vote for jobs...they are no different than the rest of us...they do not want to have to move back home after graduation...what they tell a pollster or say aloud should be taken with a grain of salt....
The problem for millenials is that even with jobs, they have to move back home after graduation.
What worked for the boomers is not working for millenials or for Gen Z. Not even close.

These are the things that seem to be affecting them the most.

Historic college costs and student debt.
Healthcare insurance and medical costs.
Historic housing costs.
Stagnant wages.

So who runs the colleges and who took over the student loans?

I thought Commie Care gave us all the solutions to our medical costs. What happened?

Gee, now why is housing built by union workers so historically high?

Under Trump, we hit a new record in median household income. BTW, did you know Walmart is starting their over the road drivers at nearly 90K a year?
You should be talking to the millenials. I am not a millennial. I can't tell you why they vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

I'm just telling why they are struggling. I don't think Trump is on their side. GOP don't like much about millenials. Maybe that's why they don't vote GOP.
Students will vote for jobs...they are no different than the rest of us...they do not want to have to move back home after graduation...what they tell a pollster or say aloud should be taken with a grain of salt....
The problem for millenials is that even with jobs, they have to move back home after graduation.
What worked for the boomers is not working for millenials or for Gen Z. Not even close.

These are the things that seem to be affecting them the most.

Historic college costs and student debt.
Healthcare insurance and medical costs.
Historic housing costs.
Stagnant wages.

So who runs the colleges and who took over the student loans?

I thought Commie Care gave us all the solutions to our medical costs. What happened?

Gee, now why is housing built by union workers so historically high?

Under Trump, we hit a new record in median household income. BTW, did you know Walmart is starting their over the road drivers at nearly 90K a year?
You should be talking to the millenials. I am not a millennial. I can't tell you why they vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

I'm just telling why they are struggling. I don't think Trump is on their side. GOP don't like much about millenials. Maybe that's why they don't vote GOP.

What has the GOP ever done to millennials? Every category of Americans are doing better today: women, blacks, Hispanics, whites....... How did millennials get excluded from this picture?

The better question is, don't millennials realize that it's the Democrats responsible for jobs not paying as good as they used to by ushering in all these foreigners to do them instead?

The son of the owner of our company works for us. He's a millennial and told me he's totally embarrassed of his generation. He said many of his high school friends still live with their parents. All they want to do is stay home and play video games. Most can't get a job because they won't stop smoking pot. The ones that don't smoke pot simply don't want to work.

So if the millennial generation is failing, is it because of a political party or is it self-inflicted?

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