Almost 80% of college students believe Trump campaign had contact with Russia

Students will vote for jobs...they are no different than the rest of us...they do not want to have to move back home after graduation...what they tell a pollster or say aloud should be taken with a grain of salt....
The problem for millenials is that even with jobs, they have to move back home after graduation.
What worked for the boomers is not working for millenials or for Gen Z. Not even close.

These are the things that seem to be affecting them the most.

Historic college costs and student debt.
Healthcare insurance and medical costs.
Historic housing costs.
Stagnant wages.

So who runs the colleges and who took over the student loans?

I thought Commie Care gave us all the solutions to our medical costs. What happened?

Gee, now why is housing built by union workers so historically high?

Under Trump, we hit a new record in median household income. BTW, did you know Walmart is starting their over the road drivers at nearly 90K a year?
You should be talking to the millenials. I am not a millennial. I can't tell you why they vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

I'm just telling why they are struggling. I don't think Trump is on their side. GOP don't like much about millenials. Maybe that's why they don't vote GOP.

What has the GOP ever done to millennials? Every category of Americans are doing better today: women, blacks, Hispanics, whites....... How did millennials get excluded from this picture?

The better question is, don't millennials realize that it's the Democrats responsible for jobs not paying as good as they used to by ushering in all these foreigners to do them instead?

The son of the owner of our company works for us. He's a millennial and told me he's totally embarrassed of his generation. He said many of his high school friends still live with their parents. All they want to do is stay home and play video games. Most can't get a job because they won't stop smoking pot. The ones that don't smoke pot simply don't want to work.

So if the millennial generation is failing, is it because of a political party or is it self-inflicted?
You are a perfect example of GOP attitude towards millenials. "They don't vote GOP because they are too stupid and lazy to vote GOP".

Meantime Trump admin is doing away with student loan protections and rolling back scam school regulations. Free market!!
That's sure to attract the millenials.
Last edited:
What has the GOP ever done to millennials? Every category of Americans are doing better today: women, blacks, Hispanics, whites....... How did millennials get excluded from this picture?

Doing better than what, exactly? Certainly not as well as old white men. Or young white men.

Another issue with the older GOP generation is that they think the issues I described don't affect ALL minority populations.
I'd bet 80% of college students couldn't make change for customers at Walmart, without using the calculator on the cash register.

So what?

Hell, a Walmart worker can't make change without using the calculator on the cash register.
The only people I see using cash are old people who can't even tell if they got the right change.

The old people know if they got the right change. The old people also know you greatly reduce identity theft by using cash.
It's why so many people use credit cards. If someone fraudulently uses your credit card, you are at most responsible for $50. If you report it within 90 days the amount is $0. Using cash today makes it much more likely that you will be robbed and when they take money off a person, the money lost is often the least of their worries. And when you're abroad, a credit card is the way to go in most countries. You don't have to worry about having the right change or changing money when you change countries plus the fees the credit card company charges are often no more than what the money changers charge and it's hell of a lot more convenient.

Credit cards are great if you can manage your spending to match your income. All the nice features of credit cards are paid for by the suckers who carry a balance. If you don't run a balance, the card cost you nothing unless you have some type of rewards card.
I'd bet 80% of college students couldn't make change for customers at Walmart, without using the calculator on the cash register.

So what?

Hell, a Walmart worker can't make change without using the calculator on the cash register.
The only people I see using cash are old people who can't even tell if they got the right change.

The old people know if they got the right change. The old people also know you greatly reduce identity theft by using cash.
It's why so many people use credit cards. If someone fraudulently uses your credit card, you are at most responsible for $50. If you report it within 90 days the amount is $0. Using cash today makes it much more likely that you will be robbed and when they take money off a person, the money lost is often the least of their worries. And when you're abroad, a credit card is the way to go in most countries. You don't have to worry about having the right change or changing money when you change countries plus the fees the credit card company charges are often no more than what the money changers charge and it's hell of a lot more convenient.

Credit cards are great if you can manage your spending to match your income. All the nice features of credit cards are paid for by the suckers who carry a balance. If you don't run a balance, the card cost you nothing unless you have some type of rewards card.

Wrong. I have one credit card where I have a balance, and I pay nothing in interest. All of my credit card offers are 0% interest for a year or year and a half. Balance transfers are where you pay the money at.

Before DumBama Fd up the banking industry, I also used to get no transfer fees as well. But DumBama instituted regulations on credit card companies that limited their ability to increase interest rates, and late fee penalties.

The banks made a ton of money from those irresponsible people, and had to make that money up somewhere, so they now penalize responsible borrowers instead. Prior to that commie, banks rewarded good customers with no interest or transfer fees.

A good political move by DumBama, because most irresponsible people vote Democrat, and most responsible people vote Republican. So what he did was switch the penalties to likely Republican voters.
What has the GOP ever done to millennials? Every category of Americans are doing better today: women, blacks, Hispanics, whites....... How did millennials get excluded from this picture?

Doing better than what, exactly? Certainly not as well as old white men. Or young white men.

Another issue with the older GOP generation is that they think the issues I described don't affect ALL minority populations.

Doing better by everybody making more money. After the tax breaks went into effect, many middle-class workers got raises, bonuses or both. This is not to mention that nearly everybody got a break when they filed income taxes for 2018. Child credits increased while taxable income also increased. So now you pay less taxes at the end of the year, or got a larger refund if Commie Care didn't get you, which will also be eliminated for your 2019 returns.

Taxes and wages effect everybody equally. There is no special break for "old white men." Republicans make policy that benefits most people. Democrats make policy that only benefits their voters.
Students will vote for jobs...they are no different than the rest of us...they do not want to have to move back home after graduation...what they tell a pollster or say aloud should be taken with a grain of salt....
The problem for millenials is that even with jobs, they have to move back home after graduation.
What worked for the boomers is not working for millenials or for Gen Z. Not even close.

These are the things that seem to be affecting them the most.

Historic college costs and student debt.
Healthcare insurance and medical costs.
Historic housing costs.
Stagnant wages.

So who runs the colleges and who took over the student loans?

I thought Commie Care gave us all the solutions to our medical costs. What happened?

Gee, now why is housing built by union workers so historically high?

Under Trump, we hit a new record in median household income. BTW, did you know Walmart is starting their over the road drivers at nearly 90K a year?
You should be talking to the millenials. I am not a millennial. I can't tell you why they vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

I'm just telling why they are struggling. I don't think Trump is on their side. GOP don't like much about millenials. Maybe that's why they don't vote GOP.

What has the GOP ever done to millennials? Every category of Americans are doing better today: women, blacks, Hispanics, whites....... How did millennials get excluded from this picture?

The better question is, don't millennials realize that it's the Democrats responsible for jobs not paying as good as they used to by ushering in all these foreigners to do them instead?

The son of the owner of our company works for us. He's a millennial and told me he's totally embarrassed of his generation. He said many of his high school friends still live with their parents. All they want to do is stay home and play video games. Most can't get a job because they won't stop smoking pot. The ones that don't smoke pot simply don't want to work.

So if the millennial generation is failing, is it because of a political party or is it self-inflicted?
You are a perfect example of GOP attitude towards millenials. "They don't vote GOP because they are too stupid and lazy to vote GOP".

Meantime Trump admin is doing away with student loan protections and rolling back scam school regulations. Free market!!
That's sure to attract the millenials.

What school regulations do you speak of? Have a link to what you're talking about?

Being too stupid to vote Republican doesn't affect just millennials, it affects everybody.

The Democrat policy is to reward failure and penalize success. The Republican policy is to reward success and penalize failure.
The problem for millenials is that even with jobs, they have to move back home after graduation.
What worked for the boomers is not working for millenials or for Gen Z. Not even close.

These are the things that seem to be affecting them the most.

Historic college costs and student debt.
Healthcare insurance and medical costs.
Historic housing costs.
Stagnant wages.

So who runs the colleges and who took over the student loans?

I thought Commie Care gave us all the solutions to our medical costs. What happened?

Gee, now why is housing built by union workers so historically high?

Under Trump, we hit a new record in median household income. BTW, did you know Walmart is starting their over the road drivers at nearly 90K a year?
You should be talking to the millenials. I am not a millennial. I can't tell you why they vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

I'm just telling why they are struggling. I don't think Trump is on their side. GOP don't like much about millenials. Maybe that's why they don't vote GOP.

What has the GOP ever done to millennials? Every category of Americans are doing better today: women, blacks, Hispanics, whites....... How did millennials get excluded from this picture?

The better question is, don't millennials realize that it's the Democrats responsible for jobs not paying as good as they used to by ushering in all these foreigners to do them instead?

The son of the owner of our company works for us. He's a millennial and told me he's totally embarrassed of his generation. He said many of his high school friends still live with their parents. All they want to do is stay home and play video games. Most can't get a job because they won't stop smoking pot. The ones that don't smoke pot simply don't want to work.

So if the millennial generation is failing, is it because of a political party or is it self-inflicted?
You are a perfect example of GOP attitude towards millenials. "They don't vote GOP because they are too stupid and lazy to vote GOP".

Meantime Trump admin is doing away with student loan protections and rolling back scam school regulations. Free market!!
That's sure to attract the millenials.

What school regulations do you speak of? Have a link to what you're talking about?

Being too stupid to vote Republican doesn't affect just millennials, it affects everybody.

The Democrat policy is to reward failure and penalize success. The Republican policy is to reward success and penalize failure.

DeVos Repeals Obama-Era Rule Cracking Down on For-Profit Colleges

It's a Trump scam to transfer wealth from the tax payer to the rich owners of for-profit scam schools.

And the students lives are still ruined because they can never get rid of the debt or get a job based on their sham education.
Last edited:
Meantime Trump admin is doing away with student loan protections and rolling back scam school regulations. Free market!!
That's sure to attract the millenials.

I bet you lazy millennials will be really pissed off when Trump gets rid of Obamacare.

The Democrat policy is to reward failure and penalize success. The Republican policy is to reward success and penalize failure.

If that were true, the millenials would be on your side. You should try to figure out why so few of them vote GOP.

Or just continue to whine about it. That's sure to work.
Students will vote for jobs...they are no different than the rest of us...they do not want to have to move back home after graduation...what they tell a pollster or say aloud should be taken with a grain of salt....
The problem for millenials is that even with jobs, they have to move back home after graduation.
What worked for the boomers is not working for millenials or for Gen Z. Not even close.

These are the things that seem to be affecting them the most.

Historic college costs and student debt.
Healthcare insurance and medical costs.
Historic housing costs.
Stagnant wages.
Everywhere you go there are help wanted signs but you can't live on what they pay. Most young people today have to either live at home or share an apt with 3 or 4 people. Even married couples that are working are sharing apts. Bikes and bus are standard methods of transportation. Buying a car, paying insurance, maintenance, gas, and parking is incredibility expense for most young people in large cities. I just saw where the county is going to start renting parking places at $60 to $130 a month at park and rides.

There are plenty of jobs but the pay is just too low to cover the cost of living.
So who runs the colleges and who took over the student loans?

I thought Commie Care gave us all the solutions to our medical costs. What happened?

Gee, now why is housing built by union workers so historically high?

Under Trump, we hit a new record in median household income. BTW, did you know Walmart is starting their over the road drivers at nearly 90K a year?
You should be talking to the millenials. I am not a millennial. I can't tell you why they vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

I'm just telling why they are struggling. I don't think Trump is on their side. GOP don't like much about millenials. Maybe that's why they don't vote GOP.

What has the GOP ever done to millennials? Every category of Americans are doing better today: women, blacks, Hispanics, whites....... How did millennials get excluded from this picture?

The better question is, don't millennials realize that it's the Democrats responsible for jobs not paying as good as they used to by ushering in all these foreigners to do them instead?

The son of the owner of our company works for us. He's a millennial and told me he's totally embarrassed of his generation. He said many of his high school friends still live with their parents. All they want to do is stay home and play video games. Most can't get a job because they won't stop smoking pot. The ones that don't smoke pot simply don't want to work.

So if the millennial generation is failing, is it because of a political party or is it self-inflicted?
You are a perfect example of GOP attitude towards millenials. "They don't vote GOP because they are too stupid and lazy to vote GOP".

Meantime Trump admin is doing away with student loan protections and rolling back scam school regulations. Free market!!
That's sure to attract the millenials.

What school regulations do you speak of? Have a link to what you're talking about?

Being too stupid to vote Republican doesn't affect just millennials, it affects everybody.

The Democrat policy is to reward failure and penalize success. The Republican policy is to reward success and penalize failure.

DeVos Repeals Obama-Era Rule Cracking Down on For-Profit Colleges
60 minutes had a great thing on George W bush Administration passing all this deregulation so for profit especially online colleges took all the gi's money. Another well really bad Republicans scam on the country.
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.
... and still no Russian connection
I'd bet 80% of college students couldn't make change for customers at Walmart, without using the calculator on the cash register.

So what?

Hell, a Walmart worker can't make change without using the calculator on the cash register.
The only people I see using cash are old people who can't even tell if they got the right change.

The old people know if they got the right change. The old people also know you greatly reduce identity theft by using cash.
It's why so many people use credit cards. If someone fraudulently uses your credit card, you are at most responsible for $50. If you report it within 90 days the amount is $0. Using cash today makes it much more likely that you will be robbed and when they take money off a person, the money lost is often the least of their worries. And when you're abroad, a credit card is the way to go in most countries. You don't have to worry about having the right change or changing money when you change countries plus the fees the credit card company charges are often no more than what the money changers charge and it's hell of a lot more convenient.

Credit cards are great if you can manage your spending to match your income. All the nice features of credit cards are paid for by the suckers who carry a balance. If you don't run a balance, the card cost you nothing unless you have some type of rewards card.

Wrong. I have one credit card where I have a balance, and I pay nothing in interest. All of my credit card offers are 0% interest for a year or year and a half. Balance transfers are where you pay the money at.

Before DumBama Fd up the banking industry, I also used to get no transfer fees as well. But DumBama instituted regulations on credit card companies that limited their ability to increase interest rates, and late fee penalties.

The banks made a ton of money from those irresponsible people, and had to make that money up somewhere, so they now penalize responsible borrowers instead. Prior to that commie, banks rewarded good customers with no interest or transfer fees.

A good political move by DumBama, because most irresponsible people vote Democrat, and most responsible people vote Republican. So what he did was switch the penalties to likely Republican voters.
Credit card rates are higher today because of more demand for credit. When Trump took office the average credit card rate was 12.5%. As of last Aug. it had risen to 16.9%. Credit card companies raise their rates to whatever the market will bear and today there is strong demand for credit. And it's all because people can not control their spending. You would think that as unemployment falls and more people are working, their would be less demand for credit and rates would fall. Not so, it's the very opposite. Pay a man an extra dollar and he will spend $1.10. Pay him an extra $2 and he will spend $2.25.
Students will vote for jobs...they are no different than the rest of us...they do not want to have to move back home after graduation...what they tell a pollster or say aloud should be taken with a grain of salt....
The problem for millenials is that even with jobs, they have to move back home after graduation.
What worked for the boomers is not working for millenials or for Gen Z. Not even close.

These are the things that seem to be affecting them the most.

Historic college costs and student debt.
Healthcare insurance and medical costs.
Historic housing costs.
Stagnant wages.
Everywhere you go there are help wanted signs but you can't live on what they pay. Most young people today have to either live at home or share an apt with 3 or 4 people. Even married couples that are working are sharing apts. Bikes and bus are standard methods of transportation. Buying a car, paying insurance, maintenance, gas, and parking is incredibility expense for most young people in large cities. I just saw where the county is going to start renting parking places at $60 to $130 a month at park and rides.

There are plenty of jobs but the pay is just too low to cover the cost of living.

Everywhere? For everyone? What a load of crap.
Students will vote for jobs...they are no different than the rest of us...they do not want to have to move back home after graduation...what they tell a pollster or say aloud should be taken with a grain of salt....
The problem for millenials is that even with jobs, they have to move back home after graduation.
What worked for the boomers is not working for millenials or for Gen Z. Not even close.

These are the things that seem to be affecting them the most.

Historic college costs and student debt.
Healthcare insurance and medical costs.
Historic housing costs.
Stagnant wages.
Everywhere you go there are help wanted signs but you can't live on what they pay. Most young people today have to either live at home or share an apt with 3 or 4 people. Even married couples that are working are sharing apts. Bikes and bus are standard methods of transportation. Buying a car, paying insurance, maintenance, gas, and parking is incredibility expense for most young people in large cities. I just saw where the county is going to start renting parking places at $60 to $130 a month at park and rides.

There are plenty of jobs but the pay is just too low to cover the cost of living.

Everywhere? For everyone? What a load of crap.
In all large cities. Anyone who is capable of working can find work. Now, whether you can live on the pay is a different story. Small towns and rural areas are more dependent on the local economy.
Students will vote for jobs...they are no different than the rest of us...they do not want to have to move back home after graduation...what they tell a pollster or say aloud should be taken with a grain of salt....
The problem for millenials is that even with jobs, they have to move back home after graduation.
What worked for the boomers is not working for millenials or for Gen Z. Not even close.

These are the things that seem to be affecting them the most.

Historic college costs and student debt.
Healthcare insurance and medical costs.
Historic housing costs.
Stagnant wages.
Everywhere you go there are help wanted signs but you can't live on what they pay. Most young people today have to either live at home or share an apt with 3 or 4 people. Even married couples that are working are sharing apts. Bikes and bus are standard methods of transportation. Buying a car, paying insurance, maintenance, gas, and parking is incredibility expense for most young people in large cities. I just saw where the county is going to start renting parking places at $60 to $130 a month at park and rides.

There are plenty of jobs but the pay is just too low to cover the cost of living.

Everywhere? For everyone? What a load of crap.
In all large cities. Anyone who is capable of working can find work. Now, whether you can live on the pay is a different story. Small towns and rural areas are more dependent on the local economy.

There are millions of people in large cities whose lives do not reflect your comments.
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.

educators have now been caught with trying to destory the nation with lies to INCREASE their insane greed salaries..

they lie and brainwash students and people to bring them their insane greed...

brings monster student debt with worthless degrees and having to live in big high cost cities...

their net worth is much lower thant trump supporters because of their low logic and allowng for the brainwashing..

PROOF of how educators are corrupt to the core is how age changes a person to become more conservative because experience makes people learn which is best..

they start off by thinking liberalism is best because of tghe crooked educators brainwashing and as they age they become more and more conservative because learning comes with experience

lock up all those liberal crooked democrats and deep state educators
Almost 80% of college students believe Trump campaign had contact with Russia

It should be 100%.

Trump was doing business with Russia long before he ran for office. As president, he has contact with Russia all the time. Has to. Part of the job.
Obama definitely had contact with Russia.
Hillary had contact with Russia. LOTS of it.
Pelosi has contact with Russia.
Schumer has contact with Russia.
Reid had contact with Russia.
Mueller has had contact with Russia.
McConnell has contact with Russia.
Bush had contact with Russia.
So did Reagan.
So do the government heads of Germany, China, Korea, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Belarus, Crimea, Japan, Australia and England.

Get the idea?

These college kids should be seeking a refund. Not only are they all idiots, they think they know more than what Mueller put in the report?
the low net worth of college grads is proof it was a total SCAM by the greed monster educators...

trump supporters has less degrees yet have higher incomes... what does that prove?
plus they live in less high cost cities..... all proving trump supporters WITH THE LESS DEGREES are much smarter than the college grads who got brainwashed by the crooked educators to bring the educators more money.

trumps supporters could with a boycott war because of higher net worth..

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