Almost 80% of college students believe Trump campaign had contact with Russia

If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.

Question is, what the fuck is wrong with the uninformed remaining 20%
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.
Most Americans, probably not 80% believe the Trump campaign had contact with Russia. People that vote for Trump don't care who helps him get elected, as long it helps Make America White Again. With the death of the Tea Party, that's all there is, send them all back where they originated and build a wall around the country to keep them out. If it takes Russia's help, that's fine with them.
I know most people don't watch videos, but here is a pretty good one if you have time. They asked kids what they thought about Bernie Sander's tax plan, but it was actually Trump's plan they were asking questions about. The guy doing the interviews didn't tell them it was actually Trump's plan until they answered all the questions. And these people vote? This is a prime example of what's wrong with our voting system in this country.

Campus Reform is a part of American Conservative News. It's strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.
Campus Reform - Media Bias/Fact Check
I know most people don't watch videos, but here is a pretty good one if you have time. They asked kids what they thought about Bernie Sander's tax plan, but it was actually Trump's plan they were asking questions about. The guy doing the interviews didn't tell them it was actually Trump's plan until they answered all the questions. And these people vote? This is a prime example of what's wrong with our voting system in this country.

Campus Reform is a part of American Conservative News. It's strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.
Campus Reform - Media Bias/Fact Check

Yet when it's a left-leaning source, it's to automatically be believed.
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.

Question is, what the fuck is wrong with the uninformed remaining 20%

They are the college kids with a brain.
Who cares whether his campaign had any contact with Russians? What difference would it make.

But here's my question: Why would any powerful Russian operatives WASTE THEIR TIME conspiring with the Trump Campaign, when every knowledgeable person in the United States - including Donald Trump and all his own operatives - KNEW that Trump had no chance of winning the election?

As for Trump himself, why do you suppose he didn't call off the discussions about a possible Trump Tower in Moscow? HE KNEW HE WASN'T GOING TO WIN!

Seriously. If you don't believe me, look at the thousands of YouTube videos wherein "everybody" states publicly and emphatically that Trump cannot win. Every politician who was not personally invested in the Trump campaign, both Democrat AND Republican, was on record saying that Trump couldn't win. Every pundit regardless of political slant, every pollster, every retired Important Person regardless of party affiliation - ALL OF THEM were unanimous in stating publicly that Trump could not win. The only real questions were, (a) How embarrassing would his defeat be, and (b) Would it in any way "humble" him?

And you Leftists are convinced that The Russians were busily conspiring with the Trump Campaign, so that they could take advantage of him after he was elected?

You are fucking delusional. They wouldn't waste their time on such a pointless effort. It would be like a printer in New York speculatively printing tickets for the next NBA Finals at MSG.

If Russia wanted to help anybody, it would make more sense to help Hillary since it's likely they had copies of her server and give them the opportunity for blackmail. They never had and don't have anything on Trump.
Who cares whether his campaign had any contact with Russians? What difference would it make.

But here's my question: Why would any powerful Russian operatives WASTE THEIR TIME conspiring with the Trump Campaign, when every knowledgeable person in the United States - including Donald Trump and all his own operatives - KNEW that Trump had no chance of winning the election?

As for Trump himself, why do you suppose he didn't call off the discussions about a possible Trump Tower in Moscow? HE KNEW HE WASN'T GOING TO WIN!

Seriously. If you don't believe me, look at the thousands of YouTube videos wherein "everybody" states publicly and emphatically that Trump cannot win. Every politician who was not personally invested in the Trump campaign, both Democrat AND Republican, was on record saying that Trump couldn't win. Every pundit regardless of political slant, every pollster, every retired Important Person regardless of party affiliation - ALL OF THEM were unanimous in stating publicly that Trump could not win. The only real questions were, (a) How embarrassing would his defeat be, and (b) Would it in any way "humble" him?

And you Leftists are convinced that The Russians were busily conspiring with the Trump Campaign, so that they could take advantage of him after he was elected?

You are fucking delusional. They wouldn't waste their time on such a pointless effort. It would be like a printer in New York speculatively printing tickets for the next NBA Finals at MSG.

If Russia wanted to help anybody, it would make more sense to help Hillary since it's likely they had copies of her server and give them the opportunity for blackmail. They never had and don't have anything on Trump.

So if Russia doesn't help donny grifter why have republic pols protected them by holding up modest election reform in the senate?

Tacit collusion...
THe person I was talking to, was gleeful at the idea of old people dying, and you attack us "old white people" as the haters?

Your dishonesty is clear for all to see. You are the hater.

Why are you lying about it?

I requested you not compete with Donald Trump in the hate franchise. Donald Trump's expertise in expounding hate will enable Donald Trump to eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner and leave you blubbering in a corner.

Your published nonsense does not trump Donald Trump's hate.

Show me Donald Trump gleeful about the idea of Americans dying, like the person you defended.

You and yours are the haters. YOu know it. I know it. Why are you lying?

Donald Trump is an associate of murderer MBS, and is often seen in the company of the two mobile cadavers Guliani and Dershowitz.

I asked you to show me evidence of Trump being even as hateful as you are, and you posted gibberish.

So, you fail.

You are the ones full of hate.

Trump family's association and complicity with the murderer Mohammed Bin Salman doesn't turn your stomach? You must be a Republican.

No more than FDR's association and complicity with the mass murderer and genocidist, Stalin.
I know most people don't watch videos, but here is a pretty good one if you have time. They asked kids what they thought about Bernie Sander's tax plan, but it was actually Trump's plan they were asking questions about. The guy doing the interviews didn't tell them it was actually Trump's plan until they answered all the questions. And these people vote? This is a prime example of what's wrong with our voting system in this country.

You don't consider it contact when Paul Manafort gave internal polling data to the Russians?
THe person I was talking to, was gleeful at the idea of old people dying, and you attack us "old white people" as the haters?

Your dishonesty is clear for all to see. You are the hater.

Why are you lying about it?

I requested you not compete with Donald Trump in the hate franchise. Donald Trump's expertise in expounding hate will enable Donald Trump to eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner and leave you blubbering in a corner.

Your published nonsense does not trump Donald Trump's hate.

Show me Donald Trump gleeful about the idea of Americans dying, like the person you defended.

You and yours are the haters. YOu know it. I know it. Why are you lying?

Donald Trump is an associate of murderer MBS, and is often seen in the company of the two mobile cadavers Guliani and Dershowitz.

I asked you to show me evidence of Trump being even as hateful as you are, and you posted gibberish.

So, you fail.

You are the ones full of hate.

Your blind loyalty has won you a prize of a Trump family photo.

Please don't thank me. Enjoy.


Said the man that pasted up ANOTHER chance to back up the shit he is throwing out there.

ON some level, you know it's shit. That is why you don't even try to back it up.

You are the hater.
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.

Question is, what the fuck is wrong with the uninformed remaining 20%

They are the college kids with a brain.

In a glass jar?
I requested you not compete with Donald Trump in the hate franchise. Donald Trump's expertise in expounding hate will enable Donald Trump to eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner and leave you blubbering in a corner.

Your published nonsense does not trump Donald Trump's hate.

Show me Donald Trump gleeful about the idea of Americans dying, like the person you defended.

You and yours are the haters. YOu know it. I know it. Why are you lying?

Donald Trump is an associate of murderer MBS, and is often seen in the company of the two mobile cadavers Guliani and Dershowitz.

I asked you to show me evidence of Trump being even as hateful as you are, and you posted gibberish.

So, you fail.

You are the ones full of hate.

Your blind loyalty has won you a prize of a Trump family photo.

Please don't thank me. Enjoy.


Said the man that pasted up ANOTHER chance to back up the shit he is throwing out there.

ON some level, you know it's shit. That is why you don't even try to back it up.

You are the hater.

Your hate is palpable and controlled by Donald Trump. If Trump told you to love Saudis, you would.
Show me Donald Trump gleeful about the idea of Americans dying, like the person you defended.

You and yours are the haters. YOu know it. I know it. Why are you lying?

Donald Trump is an associate of murderer MBS, and is often seen in the company of the two mobile cadavers Guliani and Dershowitz.

I asked you to show me evidence of Trump being even as hateful as you are, and you posted gibberish.

So, you fail.

You are the ones full of hate.

Your blind loyalty has won you a prize of a Trump family photo.

Please don't thank me. Enjoy.


Said the man that pasted up ANOTHER chance to back up the shit he is throwing out there.

ON some level, you know it's shit. That is why you don't even try to back it up.

You are the hater.

Your hate is palpable and controlled by Donald Trump. If Trump told you to love Saudis, you would.

You and your buddy are the ones gleeful about the idea of your fellow Americans dying.

Your words about me, are just your bigotry talking, nothing based on anything I have ever said or done.
Almost 80% of college students believe Trump campaign had contact with Russia

I believe it....


Almost 80% of college students are morons
Donald Trump is an associate of murderer MBS, and is often seen in the company of the two mobile cadavers Guliani and Dershowitz.

I asked you to show me evidence of Trump being even as hateful as you are, and you posted gibberish.

So, you fail.

You are the ones full of hate.

Your blind loyalty has won you a prize of a Trump family photo.

Please don't thank me. Enjoy.


Said the man that pasted up ANOTHER chance to back up the shit he is throwing out there.

ON some level, you know it's shit. That is why you don't even try to back it up.

You are the hater.

Your hate is palpable and controlled by Donald Trump. If Trump told you to love Saudis, you would.

You and your buddy are the ones gleeful about the idea of your fellow Americans dying.

Your words about me, are just your bigotry talking, nothing based on anything I have ever said or done.

Please stop fantasizing. I have never 'talked' to you, never introduced you to any 'buddy', or witnessed anything you have 'done'.

All these fantasies are figments of your Trump state-of-mind which is fomented by Trump rallies.
And half of them can't identify numerous major countries on a map, couldn't pass the U.S. citizenship test, can't name the first four presidents, etc., etc.
I wonder how many of those idiots also beleive that Crooked Hillary had "no intent" to commit a crime?

The Democrat Party is a coalition made up of all the scumbags in this country.

Negroes that vote their race and welfare check.




Environmental wackos

Welfare Queens

Anti gun nuts

Greedy Union assholes

TDS afflicted Moon Bats...

...and confused college punks and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.
I asked you to show me evidence of Trump being even as hateful as you are, and you posted gibberish.

So, you fail.

You are the ones full of hate.

Your blind loyalty has won you a prize of a Trump family photo.

Please don't thank me. Enjoy.


Said the man that pasted up ANOTHER chance to back up the shit he is throwing out there.

ON some level, you know it's shit. That is why you don't even try to back it up.

You are the hater.

Your hate is palpable and controlled by Donald Trump. If Trump told you to love Saudis, you would.

You and your buddy are the ones gleeful about the idea of your fellow Americans dying.

Your words about me, are just your bigotry talking, nothing based on anything I have ever said or done.

Please stop fantasizing. I have never 'talked' to you, never introduced you to any 'buddy', or witnessed anything you have 'done'.

All these fantasies are figments of your Trump state-of-mind which is fomented by Trump rallies.

You cut down the quote tree, for obvious reasons, and no one takes you seriously, so, let's just pretend I took the time to cut and paste your words to prove you a vile hate filled liar.

Do you want to apologize or double down on the hate and lying?
I know most people don't watch videos, but here is a pretty good one if you have time. They asked kids what they thought about Bernie Sander's tax plan, but it was actually Trump's plan they were asking questions about. The guy doing the interviews didn't tell them it was actually Trump's plan until they answered all the questions. And these people vote? This is a prime example of what's wrong with our voting system in this country.

Campus Reform is a part of American Conservative News. It's strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.
Campus Reform - Media Bias/Fact Check

Yet when it's a left-leaning source, it's to automatically be believed.

All news services, and I use that term lightly are biased either left or right. It's the degree of bias that is important.

The man on the street interview gig or in this case, student on the street goes back over 50 years. The idea is you have an impartial interviewer randomly selecting people on the street to question them about some hot issue of the day. The fact is the interviewer is far from being impartial but works for some political candidate or organization. The people are selected at random and asked a few stupid questions. Most passerbys tell the interviewer to fuck out or give him some responses that are contrary to what his project is trying to show but after a few hours the interviewer has some interviewers that play along showing that College Students accept Trump's plan if told it come from Bernie Sanders. The dozens of other responses that don't support the goals of the interviewer never see the light of day. Thus we have real proof that colleges students are as dumb as posts or the poor dumb things have been completely brained washed by the opposition. Take your choice, ether fits the conservative message.
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