Almost 80% of college students believe Trump campaign had contact with Russia

Holy shit Batman the Op'er actually believe those that voted for Trump did not know he was as dirty as the swamp...


Trump voters voted for him because he was not Hillary Clinton or a fake Conservative...

Those that voted for him new very well what they were voting for and betcha a dollar many on here will admit Trump is not the Establishment Republican...

So Trumpers would have voted for Charlie Manson if Trump wasn't available.


Even if that was the case, it would have still been a better choice than Hillary.
Ray OT on the other board that was shut down you were talking about trumps taxes??
Nobody knows if trumpf committed any tax fraud, but I have a different explanation for why he won't show them:
1. They will show us that trumpf has been lying about his true wealth for decades.
2. They will show us how uncharitable trumpf is.
3. They will reveal his many conflicts of interest.
4. They might tell us who he owes money to.
The first two won't disqualify trumpf as president, they'll merely tell us how big a liar he is and how selfish he is. But the third and fourth are highly problematic to his remaining as president.
Which is why trumpf won't show his returns. They will condemn him.

Wait a minute, have any of your tax returns ever showed who you owe money to? Did you ever file a tax return?

What conflicts of interest do you speak of that would have to do with his presidency? Give us some examples.

It so reminds me of how they pressured Romney with his tax returns by making up a lie he paid nothing in federal income tax. Then when he did show his returns, Harry Weed just laughed his ass off because he tricked Romney into releasing them. Think Trump missed that story?

Trump is not a professional politician. He probably didn't think he stood a chance at becoming President until people started to drop out of the race like bugs on a wall.

People who wish to make a career of politics do manipulate their returns so they look favorable to the public if called upon. Trump never did that. He and his accountants more than likely took every deduction legally provided to somebody in Trump's position.

Besides that, by not showing them, it drives the left nuts, just like when DumBama finally admitted he didn't show his birth certificate for the same reason.
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.
Dear Jesus....can you please kill all liberals.?
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.

Trump needs to completely reform the nation's education system starting with the Board of "Education" in his second term.
Holy shit Batman the Op'er actually believe those that voted for Trump did not know he was as dirty as the swamp...


Trump voters voted for him because he was not Hillary Clinton or a fake Conservative...

Those that voted for him new very well what they were voting for and betcha a dollar many on here will admit Trump is not the Establishment Republican...

So Trumpers would have voted for Charlie Manson if Trump wasn't available.


Even if that was the case, it would have still been a better choice than Hillary.
Ray OT on the other board that was shut down you were talking about trumps taxes??
Nobody knows if trumpf committed any tax fraud, but I have a different explanation for why he won't show them:
1. They will show us that trumpf has been lying about his true wealth for decades.
2. They will show us how uncharitable trumpf is.
3. They will reveal his many conflicts of interest.
4. They might tell us who he owes money to.
The first two won't disqualify trumpf as president, they'll merely tell us how big a liar he is and how selfish he is. But the third and fourth are highly problematic to his remaining as president.
Which is why trumpf won't show his returns. They will condemn him.

Wait a minute, have any of your tax returns ever showed who you owe money to? Did you ever file a tax return?

What conflicts of interest do you speak of that would have to do with his presidency? Give us some examples.

It so reminds me of how they pressured Romney with his tax returns by making up a lie he paid nothing in federal income tax. Then when he did show his returns, Harry Weed just laughed his ass off because he tricked Romney into releasing them. Think Trump missed that story?

Trump is not a professional politician. He probably didn't think he stood a chance at becoming President until people started to drop out of the race like bugs on a wall.

People who wish to make a career of politics do manipulate their returns so they look favorable to the public if called upon. Trump never did that. He and his accountants more than likely took every deduction legally provided to somebody in Trump's position.

Besides that, by not showing them, it drives the left nuts, just like when DumBama finally admitted he didn't show his birth certificate for the same reason.

Yeah you can tell right away who has never filed a tax return based upon their totally flawed understanding as to what gets reported
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.
The demographics dictate that the Trump Republican party will represent the thinking of a very small % of the US population as their core of old white people die off. It is just a matter of time. Trumpism is a desperate cry from a population of a time gone by. The world is passing them by and they are trying to bring back the good old days by blaming their problems on minorities, immigrants, women, progressives. It is a pathetic group of individuals whining and not accepting the truth of the world today.
These same "college students" who can't get simple historical facts right? The same "students" who have been shown to fabricate hate crimes? It should frighten people that these morons are allowed to vote.
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.

Trump needs to completely reform the nation's education system starting with the Board of "Education" in his second term.

Resurrect Trump University and cheat the whole country?
The demographics dictate that the Trump Republican party will represent the thinking of a very small % of the US population as their core of old white people die off. It is just a matter of time.

It must be true too. After all, I've been hearing that for over 30 years now........
These same "college students" who can't get simple historical facts right? The same "students" who have been shown to fabricate hate crimes? It should frighten people that these morons are allowed to vote.
You bring the worst out of the new generation. The majority are good people. They are different just like we were different than our parents. It is their world.
Let them define their world.
The demographics dictate that the Trump Republican party will represent the thinking of a very small % of the US population as their core of old white people die off. It is just a matter of time.

It must be true too. After all, I've been hearing that for over 30 years now........
You are pretty sharp, Einstein. It takes 30 years plus for a generation turn over. The older generation is scared to death and are desperately holding on to the past. If the younger generation was as motivated as the frightened older generation, they would be in control now. Trump has done a great job of fanning the fear of the generation gone by.
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.
The demographics dictate that the Trump Republican party will represent the thinking of a very small % of the US population as their core of old white people die off. It is just a matter of time. Trumpism is a desperate cry from a population of a time gone by. The world is passing them by and they are trying to bring back the good old days by blaming their problems on minorities, immigrants, women, progressives. It is a pathetic group of individuals whining and not accepting the truth of the world today.

Why the hate for old white people? We will always be here, you know that right?
The demographics dictate that the Trump Republican party will represent the thinking of a very small % of the US population as their core of old white people die off. It is just a matter of time.

It must be true too. After all, I've been hearing that for over 30 years now........
You are pretty sharp, Einstein. It takes 30 years plus for a generation turn over. The older generation is scared to death and are desperately holding on to the past. If the younger generation was as motivated as the frightened older generation, they would be in control now. Trump has done a great job of fanning the fear of the generation gone by.

I don't know how old you are, but once we are gone and the Democrats do take over, think of what Detroit looks like, or San Francisco, or hell, even my own city of Cleveland. That's what Democrats want to do to the entire country, only with a flood of foreigners tearing the place apart.

Look at what us old white people did for this land. Now think of it only in reverse.
Holy shit Batman the Op'er actually believe those that voted for Trump did not know he was as dirty as the swamp...


Trump voters voted for him because he was not Hillary Clinton or a fake Conservative...

Those that voted for him new very well what they were voting for and betcha a dollar many on here will admit Trump is not the Establishment Republican...

So Trumpers would have voted for Charlie Manson if Trump wasn't available.


Even if that was the case, it would have still been a better choice than Hillary.
Ray OT on the other board that was shut down you were talking about trumps taxes??
Nobody knows if trumpf committed any tax fraud, but I have a different explanation for why he won't show them:
1. They will show us that trumpf has been lying about his true wealth for decades.
2. They will show us how uncharitable trumpf is.
3. They will reveal his many conflicts of interest.
4. They might tell us who he owes money to.
The first two won't disqualify trumpf as president, they'll merely tell us how big a liar he is and how selfish he is. But the third and fourth are highly problematic to his remaining as president.
Which is why trumpf won't show his returns. They will condemn him.

Wait a minute, have any of your tax returns ever showed who you owe money to? Did you ever file a tax return?

What conflicts of interest do you speak of that would have to do with his presidency? Give us some examples.

It so reminds me of how they pressured Romney with his tax returns by making up a lie he paid nothing in federal income tax. Then when he did show his returns, Harry Weed just laughed his ass off because he tricked Romney into releasing them. Think Trump missed that story?

Trump is not a professional politician. He probably didn't think he stood a chance at becoming President until people started to drop out of the race like bugs on a wall.

People who wish to make a career of politics do manipulate their returns so they look favorable to the public if called upon. Trump never did that. He and his accountants more than likely took every deduction legally provided to somebody in Trump's position.

Besides that, by not showing them, it drives the left nuts, just like when DumBama finally admitted he didn't show his birth certificate for the same reason.

Yeah you can tell right away who has never filed a tax return based upon their totally flawed understanding as to what gets reported
hardly a man dead or alive can say he didn't cheat om his tax returns
So Trumpers would have voted for Charlie Manson if Trump wasn't available.


Even if that was the case, it would have still been a better choice than Hillary.
Ray OT on the other board that was shut down you were talking about trumps taxes??
Nobody knows if trumpf committed any tax fraud, but I have a different explanation for why he won't show them:
1. They will show us that trumpf has been lying about his true wealth for decades.
2. They will show us how uncharitable trumpf is.
3. They will reveal his many conflicts of interest.
4. They might tell us who he owes money to.
The first two won't disqualify trumpf as president, they'll merely tell us how big a liar he is and how selfish he is. But the third and fourth are highly problematic to his remaining as president.
Which is why trumpf won't show his returns. They will condemn him.

Wait a minute, have any of your tax returns ever showed who you owe money to? Did you ever file a tax return?

What conflicts of interest do you speak of that would have to do with his presidency? Give us some examples.

It so reminds me of how they pressured Romney with his tax returns by making up a lie he paid nothing in federal income tax. Then when he did show his returns, Harry Weed just laughed his ass off because he tricked Romney into releasing them. Think Trump missed that story?

Trump is not a professional politician. He probably didn't think he stood a chance at becoming President until people started to drop out of the race like bugs on a wall.

People who wish to make a career of politics do manipulate their returns so they look favorable to the public if called upon. Trump never did that. He and his accountants more than likely took every deduction legally provided to somebody in Trump's position.

Besides that, by not showing them, it drives the left nuts, just like when DumBama finally admitted he didn't show his birth certificate for the same reason.

Yeah you can tell right away who has never filed a tax return based upon their totally flawed understanding as to what gets reported
hardly a man dead or alive can say he didn't cheat om his tax returns

What are you talking about? I can say that. In fact my former tax preparer used to shake his head and say "You will never get audited with your returns Ray."
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.
The demographics dictate that the Trump Republican party will represent the thinking of a very small % of the US population as their core of old white people die off. It is just a matter of time. Trumpism is a desperate cry from a population of a time gone by. The world is passing them by and they are trying to bring back the good old days by blaming their problems on minorities, immigrants, women, progressives. It is a pathetic group of individuals whining and not accepting the truth of the world today.

Why the hate for old white people? We will always be here, you know that right?

That's right. Donald Trump holds the hate franchise for old white people. Old white people's hate will die with them.

Don't compete with Trump in the hate market. He is a master hater.
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.
The demographics dictate that the Trump Republican party will represent the thinking of a very small % of the US population as their core of old white people die off. It is just a matter of time. Trumpism is a desperate cry from a population of a time gone by. The world is passing them by and they are trying to bring back the good old days by blaming their problems on minorities, immigrants, women, progressives. It is a pathetic group of individuals whining and not accepting the truth of the world today.

Why the hate for old white people? We will always be here, you know that right?

That's right. Donald Trump holds the hate franchise for old white people. Old white people's hate will die with them.

Don't compete with Trump in the hate market. He is a master hater.

THe person I was talking to, was gleeful at the idea of old people dying, and you attack us "old white people" as the haters?

Your dishonesty is clear for all to see. You are the hater.

Why are you lying about it?
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.
The demographics dictate that the Trump Republican party will represent the thinking of a very small % of the US population as their core of old white people die off. It is just a matter of time. Trumpism is a desperate cry from a population of a time gone by. The world is passing them by and they are trying to bring back the good old days by blaming their problems on minorities, immigrants, women, progressives. It is a pathetic group of individuals whining and not accepting the truth of the world today.

Why the hate for old white people? We will always be here, you know that right?
If these people come out and vote it could be the end of Donald Trump.

Could it be that the public is starting to believe that Donald Trump has a mountain of dirt in his past and possibly even his present? Perhaps Donald has become expert at concealment of dirt.

When will the GOP voter become aware if indeed they want to become aware.

Almost 80 percent of college students think Trump's campaign likely had improper contact with Russia


As candidates have their eyes set on the 2020 election, interference in the last presidential election is still a topic of discussion and almost 80 percent of college students claimed President Donald Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia.
Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election prompted some to discredit Trump's victory, Congressional hearings and an investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller concluded that there wasn't evidence that Trump's team conspired with Russia. On Wednesday, the special counsel will testify before a House of Representatives panel.
Ahead of Mueller's testimony, College Pulse, a survey and data analytics company, gathered opinions from more than 1,500 college students about democracy, Trump, Mueller and Russia.
Thirty-six percent responded that they thought members of Trump's campaign "definitely" had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Forty-one percent said they thought his campaign "probably" did.
Mueller's report didn't reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice during the investigation, however, the special counsel added that if they could definitively clear Trump of a crime, they would have said that. The special counsel pointed to a Department of Justice policy that barred the prosecution of a sitting president for a federal crime.
"That is unconstitutional," Mueller said during a press conference in May. "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
russia trump robert mueller obstruction of justice
President Donald Trump talks to reporters while hosting Slovak Republic Prime Minister Peter
in the Oval Office at the White House on May 03 in Washington, D.C. A recent poll conducted by College Pulse found that the majority of college students thought Trump's campaign had improper contact with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Democratic lawmakers have called for additional investigations and even impeachment because of the possibly Trump obstructed justice. On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said committees were looking into any abuse of power Trump may have engaged in, including obstruction of justice.
"If you've got to go down this path, you have to make sure that the public has an understanding of why," Pelosi said during The Christian Science Monitor Breakfast. "What I believe is that when we go forward, as we go forward, it has to run deep."
If Democrats were to investigate Trump's possible obstruction of Mueller's investigation, College Pulse found they would have the support of college students. Seventy-four percent of those polled at least somewhat agreed that the Democrats should investigate. Only 12 percent completely disagreed and 12 percent also somewhat disagreed.
The demographics dictate that the Trump Republican party will represent the thinking of a very small % of the US population as their core of old white people die off. It is just a matter of time. Trumpism is a desperate cry from a population of a time gone by. The world is passing them by and they are trying to bring back the good old days by blaming their problems on minorities, immigrants, women, progressives. It is a pathetic group of individuals whining and not accepting the truth of the world today.

Why the hate for old white people? We will always be here, you know that right?

Smartest thing you ever said.
My disgust is with a segment of older Americans. Those who are refusing to deal with the reality of our changing world and the fact as they get older they do not have a relevance they had when younger. They are following a con man's lies that he will bring back jobs from the past. He blames muslims, illegal immigrants, ethnic minorities, progressives, foreigners taking their jobs as the cause of their problems. They buy into Trump's hate mongering. They are pushing for actions that will help them in the short run and hurt the US in the long run.
I am old white American. I feel it is key to accept that in my business, in my family, in my community, as a US citizen. Some people getting older buy a sports car to deny they are getting older. Some get a new young husband or wife to prove they are not getting older. Some say the world is not changing in a good way, it should be like it was 40 years ago. That is denying getting older.
We should not have Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell as our highest ranking politicians. They are too fricking old. Look at US businesses. The prime age for top leadership is 45 to 65.
My disgust is with a segment of older Americans. Those who are refusing to deal with the reality of our changing world and the fact as they get older they do not have a relevance they had when younger. They are following a con man's lies that he will bring back jobs from the past. He blames muslims, illegal immigrants, ethnic minorities, progressives, foreigners taking their jobs as the cause of their problems. They buy into Trump's hate mongering. They are pushing for actions that will help them in the short run and hurt the US in the long run.
I am old white American. I feel it is key to accept that in my business, in my family, in my community, as a US citizen. Some people getting older buy a sports car to deny they are getting older. Some get a new young husband or wife to prove they are not getting older. Some say the world is not changing in a good way, it should be like it was 40 years ago. That is denying getting older.
We should not have Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell as our highest ranking politicians. They are too fricking old. Look at US businesses. The prime age for top leadership is 45 to 65.

1. Older people are just as relevant as younger people. Dismissing someone because they are old, is just a form of bigotry.

2. Your assumptions that Trump supporters do not recognize the issues with bringing back manufacturing jobs, is just you being a jerk.

3. YOur claim about what Trump says, is mostly false. The parts that are not, are mostly justified. Pick one, and I will be happy to crush your point.

4. Your opinion on age is noted. I vote based on issues, and Trump's position on the issues were in my opinion the best for me personally and the nation as as whole, of the choices we had.

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