Almost all the outrage, indignation and uproar you see is completely phony


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Of course it is! Anyone with a bit of sense can see how so many DiocRATs are totally ignoring past remarks completely opposite from what they’re saying now. Just do a bit of research if you don’t agree. Here’s part of the article I found right on:

But they were never upset. Not for one second. When this happened, they got excited, exchanged high-fives and went to work.

Even the supposed sadness and shock you heard from the Today Show crew over Matt Lauer’s piggishness was fake. It was for show. These people knew perfectly well the sort of thing Lauer was doing. He was doing it all right in the office and they all knew about it. But they had to act upset for you so you would take their cue, and more importantly, not assign them guilt by association.

None of this is real. Democrats are not upset about the plight of the poor. Republicans are not upset about “the troops” being disrespected. These are boxes to check and lines to deliver so you will believe they care. They don’t care.

Throughout this country you will find real people who have real emotions and care about real things. When they seem mad, they’re really mad. When they seem sad, they’re really sad. When they appear to hurt, they really hurt, and you should help them. This is the real America.

But the politicians and media figures you see on TV have none of that sincerity. They are as fake as the day is long, because they’re trying to appear to be virtuous – to impress you – rather than being virtuous for real.

Full essay @ Just so you know: Almost all the outrage, indignation and uproar you see is completely phony

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