Almost Persuaded

Just cool dude. Just cool bitch. I am glad that you found two people that believe in the religion of antiquity. If it is a girl, marry her. If it is a boy, become gay as fast as you can. This is a grand opportunity to expand the religion of antiquity.

I am so proud of you mother fucker. Get married and spread this stupid shit as fast as possible.

You were right ding this guy's a pretty good poser

Avoid the discussion.

The discussion always has context. Since you've lied about the context it's not worth pursuing. You've even lied about lying.

Can I be honest with you?

I don't care either way

Truth One: I do not believe the God in the Bible literally exists.

Truth Two: My real name is not vasuderatorrent.

Truth Three: I was ordained a deacon in a Southern Baptist Church in 2009.

Truth Four: I attend a Freewill Baptist church fairly regularly with my wife and two kids. (more than 104 services per year. Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night, etc. )

Truth Five: My two kids attend a Christian school that is run by the same church.

Truth Six: My wife is an employee of that same church.

Truth Seven: I am a part time teacher at that same school.

Are there other topics you would like to know the truth about? I am not even sure what lie(s) you are accusing me of in order to defend myself.


Maybe you don't want me to have the luxury of defending myself. Very clever my dear SweetSue92. Very clever indeed.
Just cool dude. Just cool bitch. I am glad that you found two people that believe in the religion of antiquity. If it is a girl, marry her. If it is a boy, become gay as fast as you can. This is a grand opportunity to expand the religion of antiquity.

I am so proud of you mother fucker. Get married and spread this stupid shit as fast as possible.

You were right ding this guy's a pretty good poser

Avoid the discussion.

The discussion always has context. Since you've lied about the context it's not worth pursuing. You've even lied about lying.

Can I be honest with you?

I don't care either way

Another truth: I never revealed the name of the church that I attend. That was a lie told by ding.

I named the Christian Educator's conference that I attended. That conference had teachers from North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia.

SweetSue92, you are clever with your false accusations by leaving them vague and unverifiable.

You have spent so many years lying to yourself about crazy nonsense that it has bled over into other areas of your life. Now you can make up fairy tales about me too and even believe them. You are crazy SweetSue92 and I mean that in the most literal sense.

When you tell the truth about me then quote me. When you are lying about me then just keep doing it the same way.
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Romans 10:9

Confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead

Anybody can do the first part. Nobody really believes that God raised Jesus from the dead. That is foolishness. Can't you just pretend to believe it and get all the same benefits? If so, which benefits do you lose by believing versus pretending to believe? Then again, how would anybody know if you were pretending or not?

If you attended my church you could totally shake my hand and have no way of reading my mind.

I know you are pretending because look what happened to your faith. The truth will always out.

I am an atheist. I told you that. You didn't figure that out on your own. I am saying that if I was the guy sitting behind you at church, you wouldn't know that I was vasuderatorrent from usmessageboard. You would treat me like a Christian. You wouldn't even treat me as a regular Christian. You would treat me as a top tier Christian. You might even hire me to teach at the Christian school. If I was attending your church you wouldn't have access to my anonymous posts on the internet. I stopped believing in God in 2011-2012 ish. I have yet to be detected except by one student at the school.
Get real. You posted the name of your purported church and school. You posted a picture of a purported quiz you gave.

Do you know how easy it would be for someone to send that to your school and church?

So either you are the stupidest person in the world for doing that stupid shit or you are the stupidest person in the world for you believing anyone is swallowing the BS you are peddling.

To be honest I think it's your former

Another truth: I really do like the song in the OP. What do you think of it?
You posted the name of your purported church and school.

You posted a picture of a purported quiz you gave.


Do you know how easy it would be for someone to send that to your school and church?

It would be kind of hard but I think it could be done. Nobody knows the name of the school nor the church. It would require quite a bit of work.

So either you are the stupidest person in the world for doing that stupid shit

False. However I will change my answer to true when you quote me posting the name of my school and the name of my church.
or you are the stupidest person in the world for you believing anyone is swallowing the BS you are peddling.

False. I have made no outrageous claims. I still don't understand what I have said that is so unrealistic. You and SweetSue92 like to make vague claims without giving examples.

So either you are the most clever person in the world or SweetSue92 is because you guys make vague accusations that cannot be defended.

When I lie, call me out. It is easy to quote posts. You do it all the time. Just start quoting the posts that contain my lies.
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You posted the name of your purported church and school.

You posted a picture of a purported quiz you gave.


Do you know how easy it would be for someone to send that to your school and church?

It would be kind of hard but I think it could be done. Nobody knows the name of the school nor the church. It would require quite a bit of work.

So either you are the stupidest person in the world for doing that stupid shit

False. However I will change my answer to true when you quote me posting the name of my school and the name of my church.
or you are the stupidest person in the world for you believing anyone is swallowing the BS you are peddling.

False. I have made no outrageous claims. I still don't understand what I have said that is so unrealistic. You and SweetSue92 like to make vague claims without giving examples.

So either you are the most clever person in the world or SweetSue92 is because you guys make vague accusations that cannot be defended.

When I lie, call me out. It is easy to quote posts. You do it all the time. Just start quoting the posts that contain my lies.
Did you just say you will change your answer if you are caught lying?
You posted the name of your purported church and school.

You posted a picture of a purported quiz you gave.


Do you know how easy it would be for someone to send that to your school and church?

It would be kind of hard but I think it could be done. Nobody knows the name of the school nor the church. It would require quite a bit of work.

So either you are the stupidest person in the world for doing that stupid shit

False. However I will change my answer to true when you quote me posting the name of my school and the name of my church.
or you are the stupidest person in the world for you believing anyone is swallowing the BS you are peddling.

False. I have made no outrageous claims. I still don't understand what I have said that is so unrealistic. You and SweetSue92 like to make vague claims without giving examples.

So either you are the most clever person in the world or SweetSue92 is because you guys make vague accusations that cannot be defended.

When I lie, call me out. It is easy to quote posts. You do it all the time. Just start quoting the posts that contain my lies.
Didn't you say you attended a Free Will Baptist church in North Carolina? Didn't you post multiple images of church documents? Are you telling me that you don't know there is an association of Free Will Baptist churches in North Carolina?
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Truth Three: I was ordained a deacon in a Southern Baptist Church in 2009.

As a deacon, you should have confidence and great faith in Jesus, but you only have faith in disbelief. This is what makes atheism a religion. You can't deny what you said you are.

ETA: You need to step down as deacon and let someone else who believes have a chance to have confidence and great faith in Jesus. Someone who already has faith in Jesus.
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"Charles Bradley Templeton died on June 7th of 2001 after a long bout with Alzheimer's disease. That disease, which I'll write more about, kills you very slowly, so his death was not unanticipated but still disturbing."

Charles Templeton (1915-2001)

I didn't know Charles Templeton became such a famous evangelist. He was the same level as young Billy Graham.

"This reminds of another who suffered illness because of a great conflict in his life regarding teaching that undermined God’s Word. Charles Darwin, who started out in training to be an Anglican minister, ended up rejecting Christianity the more he believed in evolution. It has been said that inner conflict, because of knowing that evolution would wipe the idea of God from the minds of millions, contributed greatly to Darwin’s psychosomatic illness.Grigg, R., Darwin’s Mystery Illness, Creation 17(4):28–30, 1995.">9

Templeton’s struggles affected others, too. As Templeton wrestled with the ‘demonstrable fact’ of evolution which made it impossible for him to believe ‘the biblical account of creation’,10 he sought out his close friend, Billy Graham. This caused Graham as well to grapple with tough questions that shook the very roots of the faith he professed and preached daily—namely, ‘was the Bible completely true?’Just As I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham, HarperCollins Publishers, NY, USA, p. 138, 1997.">11

With ‘science’ pulling Templeton one way and the Bible seemingly pulling him in an altogether different direction, he resigned from his position with the National Council of Churches and took over the Department of Evangelism of the Presbyterian Church USA. At the same time, he hosted a CBS TV series, called Look Up and Live.

Finally, however, the doubts about everything he stood for became too great and he decided to leave the ministry."

The slippery slide to unbelief
A famous evangelist goes from hope to hopelessness
The slippery slide to unbelief a famous evangelist goes from hope to hopelessness -
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This is every human who has ever lived. I am not aware of anybody that has ever been covered in human blood.

Yes, every human, but what else is required?

The rest is probably based on your faith in disbelief.

Name two people that have been covered in the blood of another human. You can count yourself.

What else is required? You missed the IMPORTANT question haha?

Hint: It's not you.

Atheism leads to communism. Are you a communist?
I don't care either way

This is the truth. Take it or leave it.

I remember in August 2011 sitting in a particular chair and believing that I was exactly where God wanted me to be at that moment.

Just because I was dishonest to myself in the past doesn't give me an excuse to continue creating delusions in my mind.

There have been times in my life that I believed God told me this or that. Truth be told, God never said anything to me at all.

"God" and I have had an on again off again relationship.

1990-1996 = strong faith
1996-2001 = weak faith
2001-2005 = strong faith
2005-2008 = ehh, not sure
2008-2011 = strong faith
2011-present = no faith, I am tired of the cycle

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord on April 13, 1990 when I was 11 years old. The only things I have experienced are frequent moments of intellectual and emotional ecstasy. I have 0 evidence of any of it. It is all faith. That is all it is. I have faith my car will start but that is fair. It started yesterday. I have that the Bible works but that is fair. It worked in my past. I have faith in my light switch but that is fair. It worked yesterday. Faith in a God that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd. Admitting that I have been an idiot for 29 years isn't easy. I think that is why many people stay. Nobody likes to admit that they are an idiot. Well, I am an idiot.
I don't care either way

This is the truth. Take it or leave it.

I remember in August 2011 sitting in a particular chair and believing that I was exactly where God wanted me to be at that moment.

Just because I was dishonest to myself in the past doesn't give me an excuse to continue creating delusions in my mind.

There have been times in my life that I believed God told me this or that. Truth be told, God never said anything to me at all.

"God" and I have had an on again off again relationship.

1990-1996 = strong faith
1996-2001 = weak faith
2001-2005 = strong faith
2005-2008 = ehh, not sure
2008-2011 = strong faith
2011-present = no faith, I am tired of the cycle

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord on April 13, 1990 when I was 11 years old. The only things I have experienced are frequent moments of intellectual and emotional ecstasy. I have 0 evidence of any of it. It is all faith. That is all it is. I have faith my car will start but that is fair. It started yesterday. I have that the Bible works but that is fair. It worked in my past. I have faith in my light switch but that is fair. It worked yesterday. Faith in a God that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd. Admitting that I have been an idiot for 29 years isn't easy. I think that is why many people stay. Nobody likes to admit that they are an idiot. Well, I am an idiot.

Trivia: The 2008 - 2011 = strong faith is understandable from my pov. From 2007 - 2011, many articles came out against evolution.

When I was a kid, I just looked at the beauty of nature and thought and felt there had to be a God. This has never wavered. As I got older, I started understanding the complexity of nature. It had nothing to do with the Bible. The Bible, I didn't understand, and its reading and learning came much later. Anyway, you may have had faith in God, but it has been lost to Satan. If you believed in God, then there was also Satan who remained hidden. Thus, we find that people end up following what they believe or their worldview. People cannot help believe what they believe. This is something we all learned from this forum. It's just like atheism leads to communism, albeit the secular humanists will deny it.
I don't care either way

This is the truth. Take it or leave it.

I remember in August 2011 sitting in a particular chair and believing that I was exactly where God wanted me to be at that moment.

Just because I was dishonest to myself in the past doesn't give me an excuse to continue creating delusions in my mind.

There have been times in my life that I believed God told me this or that. Truth be told, God never said anything to me at all.

"God" and I have had an on again off again relationship.

1990-1996 = strong faith
1996-2001 = weak faith
2001-2005 = strong faith
2005-2008 = ehh, not sure
2008-2011 = strong faith
2011-present = no faith, I am tired of the cycle

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord on April 13, 1990 when I was 11 years old. The only things I have experienced are frequent moments of intellectual and emotional ecstasy. I have 0 evidence of any of it. It is all faith. That is all it is. I have faith my car will start but that is fair. It started yesterday. I have that the Bible works but that is fair. It worked in my past. I have faith in my light switch but that is fair. It worked yesterday. Faith in a God that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd. Admitting that I have been an idiot for 29 years isn't easy. I think that is why many people stay. Nobody likes to admit that they are an idiot. Well, I am an idiot.
Faith in a God that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd.

Faith in (christianity) that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd.

in terms of faith -

christianity is your only option ... - except you cling to christianity while dicing everything else.
I don't care either way

This is the truth. Take it or leave it.

I remember in August 2011 sitting in a particular chair and believing that I was exactly where God wanted me to be at that moment.

Just because I was dishonest to myself in the past doesn't give me an excuse to continue creating delusions in my mind.

There have been times in my life that I believed God told me this or that. Truth be told, God never said anything to me at all.

"God" and I have had an on again off again relationship.

1990-1996 = strong faith
1996-2001 = weak faith
2001-2005 = strong faith
2005-2008 = ehh, not sure
2008-2011 = strong faith
2011-present = no faith, I am tired of the cycle

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord on April 13, 1990 when I was 11 years old. The only things I have experienced are frequent moments of intellectual and emotional ecstasy. I have 0 evidence of any of it. It is all faith. That is all it is. I have faith my car will start but that is fair. It started yesterday. I have that the Bible works but that is fair. It worked in my past. I have faith in my light switch but that is fair. It worked yesterday. Faith in a God that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd. Admitting that I have been an idiot for 29 years isn't easy. I think that is why many people stay. Nobody likes to admit that they are an idiot. Well, I am an idiot.

Trivia: The 2008 - 2011 = strong faith is understandable from my pov. From 2007 - 2011, many articles came out against evolution.

When I was a kid, I just looked at the beauty of nature and thought and felt there had to be a God. This has never wavered. As I got older, I started understanding the complexity of nature. It had nothing to do with the Bible. The Bible, I didn't understand, and its reading and learning came much later. Anyway, you may have had faith in God, but it has been lost to Satan. If you believed in God, then there was also Satan who remained hidden. Thus, we find that people end up following what they believe or their worldview. People cannot help believe what they believe. This is something we all learned from this forum. It's just like atheism leads to communism, albeit the secular humanists will deny it.

For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. Mark 13:22

The false prophets of atheism were predicted way back in the Book of Mark. Since Israeli history from the Old Testament proves that people are devout for a short while then go their own way again, then are devout for a while and then go their own way again, forever ad nauseam then this was a logical prediction for the author of Mark.

People are guaranteed to leave the faith. It is proven historically.

The popular teaching that "getting saved" is magic and protects people from unbelief is stupid and proven false by Mark 13:22.

The concept of getting saved isn't even a Biblical concept. It is a tradition that started in the United States mid 1800's unless you count Noah getting saved from the flood.
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I don't care either way

This is the truth. Take it or leave it.

I remember in August 2011 sitting in a particular chair and believing that I was exactly where God wanted me to be at that moment.

Just because I was dishonest to myself in the past doesn't give me an excuse to continue creating delusions in my mind.

There have been times in my life that I believed God told me this or that. Truth be told, God never said anything to me at all.

"God" and I have had an on again off again relationship.

1990-1996 = strong faith
1996-2001 = weak faith
2001-2005 = strong faith
2005-2008 = ehh, not sure
2008-2011 = strong faith
2011-present = no faith, I am tired of the cycle

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord on April 13, 1990 when I was 11 years old. The only things I have experienced are frequent moments of intellectual and emotional ecstasy. I have 0 evidence of any of it. It is all faith. That is all it is. I have faith my car will start but that is fair. It started yesterday. I have that the Bible works but that is fair. It worked in my past. I have faith in my light switch but that is fair. It worked yesterday. Faith in a God that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd. Admitting that I have been an idiot for 29 years isn't easy. I think that is why many people stay. Nobody likes to admit that they are an idiot. Well, I am an idiot.
Faith in a God that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd.

Faith in (christianity) that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd.

in terms of faith -

christianity is your only option ... - except you cling to christianity while dicing everything else.

Uh no. Christianity has done great things for me. God has done nothing for me.
I don't care either way

This is the truth. Take it or leave it.

I remember in August 2011 sitting in a particular chair and believing that I was exactly where God wanted me to be at that moment.

Just because I was dishonest to myself in the past doesn't give me an excuse to continue creating delusions in my mind.

There have been times in my life that I believed God told me this or that. Truth be told, God never said anything to me at all.

"God" and I have had an on again off again relationship.

1990-1996 = strong faith
1996-2001 = weak faith
2001-2005 = strong faith
2005-2008 = ehh, not sure
2008-2011 = strong faith
2011-present = no faith, I am tired of the cycle

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord on April 13, 1990 when I was 11 years old. The only things I have experienced are frequent moments of intellectual and emotional ecstasy. I have 0 evidence of any of it. It is all faith. That is all it is. I have faith my car will start but that is fair. It started yesterday. I have that the Bible works but that is fair. It worked in my past. I have faith in my light switch but that is fair. It worked yesterday. Faith in a God that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd. Admitting that I have been an idiot for 29 years isn't easy. I think that is why many people stay. Nobody likes to admit that they are an idiot. Well, I am an idiot.
Faith in a God that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd.

Faith in (christianity) that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd.

in terms of faith -

christianity is your only option ... - except you cling to christianity while dicing everything else.

Uh no. Christianity has done great things for me. God has done nothing for me.
Uh no. Christianity has done great things for me. God has done nothing for me.

For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

one is a forgery, one is not ...

* Hint - of those making the claim for their religion.

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