Along with likely being a child molester, Roy Moore doesn't know what dog to let sleep

So wait, just so we can all be crystal clear on your position here:

Are you actually trying to argue that Roy Moore is not a creepy pedophile?

You have evidence that Moore is a pedophile?

Yes, a whole lot of circumstantial evidence. If you would like him to spend an evening with your 14 year old all means, get her that bus ticket and help her pack.

There ya go, the dude just admitted he has nothing.

In what universe is circumstantial evidence, "nothing"? Only in the addled mind of a desperate sycophant trying to protect his favorite pedophile du jour.

Your evidence has been examined and debunked.......

I know you have this perverted notion that, for some odd reason, you appear to want a child molested, but this dog ain't gonna hunt and you will have to accept it. Ask your therapist to help you through this. I am serious, he can help!
On the probative spectrum having endpoints of "(incontrovertibly) proven" and "(incontrovertibly) disproven/debunked," everything between the those two extremes has some measure of uncertainty.
WTH was Roy Moore thinking when he engaged a comedian in "doing the dozens?" Was he going for the "pity vote?"

The tweet noted in the video above was just the start. It can check out Twitter to see the tete-a-tete of sorts.

Be that as it may, I find it bizarre that Moore is willing to engage in a tweetstorm with a comedian, but won't do something actually beneficial to AL voters: engage in substantive debate with his Democratic opponent.

There is no greater waste of time than "debate" with a Democrat. It is literally like talking to a wall.

Code for, "I'll get my ass handed to me in debate, so I'll stick to the bullhorn."

Nope. Code for "Maybe I should stop talking to a wall."
Insofar as the relevant context for a debate with one's political opponent is debate and potentially swaying audience members, not one's debate/discussion opponent, I find Fort Fun Indiana's interpretation more credible than is yours, Billy. Why? Because I'd expect that anyone who finds themselves debating a wall can surely present for listener's benefit more compelling ideas and arguments than can a wall.

Come on now're brighter than that...think once.
Should Moore engage his opponent in a debate how likely would it be that his opponent would allow anything substantive to be discussed? Dems have only one play in Alabama....."you are a child molester"
They can't possibly win on anything else. Why would Moore provide his opponent with the vehicle to parrot the bullshit and more than likely the lies? This should be clear to a third grader.

None of that makes any sense. His opponents already have a bully pulpit from which to sling mud at him, not least of which being members of his own party in Congress. Roy Moore won't enter into a debate because he knows that looking into a camera on live tv and calling all the victims and other people talking about him "liars" would be too much for him to bear, and he would sweat and cringe and show the obvious signs of a cornered liar.

Roy Moore has retreated to his little church rallies to insulate himself from the big, mean world, where molesting children is frowned upon.
WTH was Roy Moore thinking when he engaged a comedian in "doing the dozens?" Was he going for the "pity vote?"

The tweet noted in the video above was just the start. It can check out Twitter to see the tete-a-tete of sorts.

Be that as it may, I find it bizarre that Moore is willing to engage in a tweetstorm with a comedian, but won't do something actually beneficial to AL voters: engage in substantive debate with his Democratic opponent.

There is no greater waste of time than "debate" with a Democrat. It is literally like talking to a wall.

Code for, "I'll get my ass handed to me in debate, so I'll stick to the bullhorn."

Nope. Code for "Maybe I should stop talking to a wall."
Insofar as the relevant context for a debate with one's political opponent is debate and potentially swaying audience members, not one's debate/discussion opponent, I find Fort Fun Indiana's interpretation more credible than is yours, Billy. Why? Because I'd expect that anyone who finds themselves debating a wall can surely present for listener's benefit more compelling ideas and arguments than can a wall.

If you can provide me some credible examples wherein a debate between the two sides has actually changed anyone's mind in contemporary times, I might consider your opinion.

You can find those examples yourself. Look at polling trends on gay marriage, for instance.

That's an example of indoctrination, not debate.

Always an excuse at the ready. So, somehow you have acquired in the last few minutes amazing powers of clairvoyance, and know for a fact that nobody's mind was changed by debate, external or internal.

Fascinating. You are playong the lottery today, right?

WTH was Roy Moore thinking when he engaged a comedian in "doing the dozens?" Was he going for the "pity vote?"

The tweet noted in the video above was just the start. It can check out Twitter to see the tete-a-tete of sorts.

Be that as it may, I find it bizarre that Moore is willing to engage in a tweetstorm with a comedian, but won't do something actually beneficial to AL voters: engage in substantive debate with his Democratic opponent.

There is no greater waste of time than "debate" with a Democrat. It is literally like talking to a wall.

Code for, "I'll get my ass handed to me in debate, so I'll stick to the bullhorn."

Nope. Code for "Maybe I should stop talking to a wall."
Insofar as the relevant context for a debate with one's political opponent is debate and potentially swaying audience members, not one's debate/discussion opponent, I find Fort Fun Indiana's interpretation more credible than is yours, Billy. Why? Because I'd expect that anyone who finds themselves debating a wall can surely present for listener's benefit more compelling ideas and arguments than can a wall.

Come on now're brighter than that...think once.
Should Moore engage his opponent in a debate how likely would it be that his opponent would allow anything substantive to be discussed? Dems have only one play in Alabama....."you are a child molester"
They can't possibly win on anything else. Why would Moore provide his opponent with the vehicle to parrot the bullshit and more than likely the lies? This should be clear to a third grader.

Should Moore engage his opponent in a debate how likely would it be that his opponent would allow anything substantive to be discussed?

The burden for saying something substantive falls respectively and individually on each debater. Whether one's opponent has something substantive to say is not within one's span of control, nor is it one's concern whether one's opponent takes the opportunity of the debate to do say something(s) of substance. Regardless of who says it, saying something(s) of substance is what benefits audience members, would-be or actual voters. If Moore makes substantive comments, it benefits him too; if he does not, it doesn't abet his cause. The same is so for his opponent. The occasion of a debate merely presents a means for voters to hear, in "high relief" if you will, the points each candidate has to offer.
Last edited:
You have evidence that Moore is a pedophile?

Yes, a whole lot of circumstantial evidence. If you would like him to spend an evening with your 14 year old all means, get her that bus ticket and help her pack.

There ya go, the dude just admitted he has nothing.

In what universe is circumstantial evidence, "nothing"? Only in the addled mind of a desperate sycophant trying to protect his favorite pedophile du jour.

Your evidence has been examined and debunked.......

I know you have this perverted notion that, for some odd reason, you appear to want a child molested, but this dog ain't gonna hunt and you will have to accept it. Ask your therapist to help you through this. I am serious, he can help!

"This dog aint gonna hunt"

Hey dumb ass....most of the country agrees with me. Even people that have said they don't care and will still vote for him. There is already talk of tossing him out of the Senate, if he wins. You have a special talent for getting your face kicked in, then declaring victory. That's adorable.

Dear Snowflake:

You're attacks on Roy Moore have failed miserably. It's time you accept that and move on to something you have a chance in actually contributing to. You failure to admit you have added nothing to a debate, yet continue to parrot a party line is not a positive reflection on you. You should look into something that can have positive results. In your case I might suggest knitting, vegan cooking or basket weaving. Your mental masturbation will only result in you looking the fool.


Your Therapist

PS, please don't come into your next session or I'll be forced to call Security, cuz you kinda nutz!
WTH was Roy Moore thinking when he engaged a comedian in "doing the dozens?" Was he going for the "pity vote?"

The tweet noted in the video above was just the start. It can check out Twitter to see the tete-a-tete of sorts.

Be that as it may, I find it bizarre that Moore is willing to engage in a tweetstorm with a comedian, but won't do something actually beneficial to AL voters: engage in substantive debate with his Democratic opponent.

There is no greater waste of time than "debate" with a Democrat. It is literally like talking to a wall.

Code for, "I'll get my ass handed to me in debate, so I'll stick to the bullhorn."

Nope. Code for "Maybe I should stop talking to a wall."
Insofar as the relevant context for a debate with one's political opponent is debate and potentially swaying audience members, not one's debate/discussion opponent, I find Fort Fun Indiana's interpretation more credible than is yours, Billy. Why? Because I'd expect that anyone who finds themselves debating a wall can surely present for listener's benefit more compelling ideas and arguments than can a wall.

Come on now're brighter than that...think once.
Should Moore engage his opponent in a debate how likely would it be that his opponent would allow anything substantive to be discussed? Dems have only one play in Alabama....."you are a child molester"
They can't possibly win on anything else. Why would Moore provide his opponent with the vehicle to parrot the bullshit and more than likely the lies? This should be clear to a third grader.

None of that makes any sense. His opponents already have a bully pulpit from which to sling mud at him, not least of which being members of his own party in Congress. Roy Moore won't enter into a debate because he knows that looking into a camera on live tv and calling all the victims and other people talking about him "liars" would be too much for him to bear, and he would sweat and cringe and show the obvious signs of a cornered liar.

Roy Moore has retreated to his little church rallies to insulate himself from the big, mean world, where molesting children is frowned upon.

"looking into a camera on live tv and calling all the victims and other people talking about him "liars" would be too much for him to bear"

None of that makes any sense....he's already done that. He's stared into cameras and denied all claims many times before. Did it look like "too much to bear" for him the ten times before? Did he "sweat and cringe and show the obvious signs of a cornered liar" the ten times before?
WTH was Roy Moore thinking when he engaged a comedian in "doing the dozens?" Was he going for the "pity vote?"

The tweet noted in the video above was just the start. It can check out Twitter to see the tete-a-tete of sorts.

Be that as it may, I find it bizarre that Moore is willing to engage in a tweetstorm with a comedian, but won't do something actually beneficial to AL voters: engage in substantive debate with his Democratic opponent.

"likely being a child molester"

so before you know and before anything is proven - you're off and running with this.

WTH was Roy Moore thinking when he engaged a comedian in "doing the dozens?" Was he going for the "pity vote?"

The tweet noted in the video above was just the start. It can check out Twitter to see the tete-a-tete of sorts.

Be that as it may, I find it bizarre that Moore is willing to engage in a tweetstorm with a comedian, but won't do something actually beneficial to AL voters: engage in substantive debate with his Democratic opponent.

"likely being a child molester"

so before you know and before anything is proven - you're off and running with this.


It's kinda strange how the left really, really, really wants a child to have molested.

I find that kinda creepy.
WTH was Roy Moore thinking when he engaged a comedian in "doing the dozens?" Was he going for the "pity vote?"

The tweet noted in the video above was just the start. It can check out Twitter to see the tete-a-tete of sorts.

Be that as it may, I find it bizarre that Moore is willing to engage in a tweetstorm with a comedian, but won't do something actually beneficial to AL voters: engage in substantive debate with his Democratic opponent.

"likely being a child molester"

so before you know and before anything is proven - you're off and running with this.


It's kinda strange how the left really, really, really wants a child to have molested.

I find that kinda creepy.

it's strange to me that if you don't like a guy accusations are all you need.

if they like 'em, you damn well better have a lot more.

amazing the split standards we have for our own mental benefit.
"We are are in the midst of a spiritual battle with those who want to silence our message. They will lie, cheat, steal -- even inflict physical harm -- if they believe it will silence and shut up Christian conservatives like you and me." - Wacky Roy Moore
It's just not funny to lefties when Kimmel or SNL makes fun of some poor liberal. Maybe lefties need that little dose of hatred and anger in their skits to get a chuckle.

You will notice that the only people the left gets their news from is comedians. One of which is accused of groping women.
Only a deplorable idiot would say something so moronic.
It's just not funny to lefties when Kimmel or SNL makes fun of some poor liberal. Maybe lefties need that little dose of hatred and anger in their skits to get a chuckle.

You will notice that the only people the left gets their news from is comedians. One of which is accused of groping women.
Only a deplorable idiot would say something so moronic.

Truth hurt leftards
WTH was Roy Moore thinking when he engaged a comedian in "doing the dozens?" Was he going for the "pity vote?"

The tweet noted in the video above was just the start. It can check out Twitter to see the tete-a-tete of sorts.

Be that as it may, I find it bizarre that Moore is willing to engage in a tweetstorm with a comedian, but won't do something actually beneficial to AL voters: engage in substantive debate with his Democratic opponent.

/——/ Roy Moore accuser admits she forged part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama senate candidate
Published December 8, 2017

Beverly Young Nelson tells ABC News she forged a portion of the high school yearbook inscription she and attorney Gloria Allred presented as evidence Republican Roy Moore made advances on her when she was a high school student and he was a local prosecutor.
WTH was Roy Moore thinking when he engaged a comedian in "doing the dozens?" Was he going for the "pity vote?"

The tweet noted in the video above was just the start. It can check out Twitter to see the tete-a-tete of sorts.

Be that as it may, I find it bizarre that Moore is willing to engage in a tweetstorm with a comedian, but won't do something actually beneficial to AL voters: engage in substantive debate with his Democratic opponent.

/——/ Roy Moore accuser admits she forged part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama senate candidate
Published December 8, 2017

Beverly Young Nelson tells ABC News she forged a portion of the high school yearbook inscription she and attorney Gloria Allred presented as evidence Republican Roy Moore made advances on her when she was a high school student and he was a local prosecutor.

Was she crying when she admitted it? Was Allred patting her on the back?
WTH was Roy Moore thinking when he engaged a comedian in "doing the dozens?" Was he going for the "pity vote?"

The tweet noted in the video above was just the start. It can check out Twitter to see the tete-a-tete of sorts.

Be that as it may, I find it bizarre that Moore is willing to engage in a tweetstorm with a comedian, but won't do something actually beneficial to AL voters: engage in substantive debate with his Democratic opponent.

/——/ Roy Moore accuser admits she forged part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama senate candidate
Published December 8, 2017

Beverly Young Nelson tells ABC News she forged a portion of the high school yearbook inscription she and attorney Gloria Allred presented as evidence Republican Roy Moore made advances on her when she was a high school student and he was a local prosecutor.

Did you read the article you cited? She added the date and the place....
....not the message and the signature. Talk about "nothing burgers"....
Since he’s not a child molester, since it’s all made up by the left, why should we listen to anything else you say?
WTH was Roy Moore thinking when he engaged a comedian in "doing the dozens?" Was he going for the "pity vote?"

The tweet noted in the video above was just the start. It can check out Twitter to see the tete-a-tete of sorts.

Be that as it may, I find it bizarre that Moore is willing to engage in a tweetstorm with a comedian, but won't do something actually beneficial to AL voters: engage in substantive debate with his Democratic opponent.

/——/ Roy Moore accuser admits she forged part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama senate candidate
Published December 8, 2017

Beverly Young Nelson tells ABC News she forged a portion of the high school yearbook inscription she and attorney Gloria Allred presented as evidence Republican Roy Moore made advances on her when she was a high school student and he was a local prosecutor.

Did you read the article you cited? She added the date and the place....
....not the message and the signature. Talk about "nothing burgers"....

The entire thing is a forgery, that’s why Allred won’t allow forensic examination on the yearbook.

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