Already, Trump is costing tax payers millions......and profiting from it!!

The secret service is having to set up an entire floor of Trump Tower$$$$ to keep the clown and his family safe. At least a million a day, plus will be the tab, the unemployed out of work rednecks will have to foot the bill, cause nobody works but keep the Fuhrer and his family safe....not including the equipment needed, the OT hours, ets. Millions to the Trump brand.....and this is the outsider at work....the hustler at work.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and yaw expect this pimp to reduce the deficit?

God only knows the hell Obama would have gotten for pulling some shit like white mf's would be dead just from the sheer notion of it, Heart attacking all over the place....over the so called uppity nigga....hypocrites you white fucks are.

Jesus you are one fucking idiot.

How much did it cost the taxpayers when Mooch took her family and everyone else she could on all those vacations. Vacations paid for by we the taxpayers.

Hell. The economy was in the toilet and she flew all over the world at our expense.

You are on fucking biased hack and almost as bad as Shittingbull.

Trump won and he will be our next POTUS, Get over it or leave. No one gives a shit.
The secret service is having to set up an entire floor of Trump Tower$$$$ to keep the clown and his family safe. At least a million a day, plus will be the tab, the unemployed out of work rednecks will have to foot the bill, cause nobody works but keep the Fuhrer and his family safe....not including the equipment needed, the OT hours, ets. Millions to the Trump brand.....and this is the outsider at work....the hustler at work.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and yaw expect this pimp to reduce the deficit?

God only knows the hell Obama would have gotten for pulling some shit like white mf's would be dead just from the sheer notion of it, Heart attacking all over the place....over the so called uppity nigga....hypocrites you white fucks are.

What should they do? Mothball Air Force One and require Trump to only fly around in his private jets or even take commercial flights?
I find it rather pathetic, Trump is being protected with my hard earned money, ie tax dollars, for the rest of his fuckin life, cause stupid mf's voted for a nightmare in 2017.

Knowing that Trump is well protected doesn't give you a warm feeling inside? How cold is that?
That mf is gauge tax payers to the core and the very people that voted for this lunatic, half don't work, don't pay taxes and could give a damn. Meanwhile, those of us sane folk that work, might as well just bend over for a good ol fashion Trump fuck

You first. :lol:
The secret service is having to set up an entire floor of Trump Tower$$$$ to keep the clown and his family safe. At least a million a day, plus will be the tab, the unemployed out of work rednecks will have to foot the bill, cause nobody works but keep the Fuhrer and his family safe....not including the equipment needed, the OT hours, ets. Millions to the Trump brand.....and this is the outsider at work....the hustler at work.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and yaw expect this pimp to reduce the deficit?

God only knows the hell Obama would have gotten for pulling some shit like white mf's would be dead just from the sheer notion of it, Heart attacking all over the place....over the so called uppity nigga....hypocrites you white fucks are.
How much do you think it cost taxpayers to fund the Secret Service protecting the Obamas for the last 8 years, and how much will it cost in the future? That said, I completely agree. Let's abolish the Secret Service.

Abolish, at least the phony "Secret" designation. What's "secret" about these literally larger than life goons hanging around people who are deemed worthy of protection?
The secret service is having to set up an entire floor of Trump Tower$$$$ to keep the clown and his family safe. At least a million a day, plus will be the tab, the unemployed out of work rednecks will have to foot the bill, cause nobody works but keep the Fuhrer and his family safe....not including the equipment needed, the OT hours, ets. Millions to the Trump brand.....and this is the outsider at work....the hustler at work.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and yaw expect this pimp to reduce the deficit?

God only knows the hell Obama would have gotten for pulling some shit like white mf's would be dead just from the sheer notion of it, Heart attacking all over the place....over the so called uppity nigga....hypocrites you white fucks are.

And that's in addition to the costs to NYC.

King Trumpery is already costing us much more than President Obama. We are already paying for one residence plus one business (the club in Florida) and there's more to come.

You're right that the RWNJ traitors would have had a fit if the Obama's had done this. As it is, the RWNJ traitors continue their lies about the costs of Obama's presidency.

No worry there. Obama never had the brains or the ambition to produce anything tangible, therefore there never was any need to protect anything that Obama actually produced and owned.

Phony speeches don't count.
The secret service is having to set up an entire floor of Trump Tower$$$$ to keep the clown and his family safe. At least a million a day, plus will be the tab, the unemployed out of work rednecks will have to foot the bill, cause nobody works but keep the Fuhrer and his family safe....not including the equipment needed, the OT hours, ets. Millions to the Trump brand.....and this is the outsider at work....the hustler at work.


If you need help getting your meds refilled,
I'm sure we'd all be happy to help with the crazy!

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and yaw expect this pimp to reduce the deficit?
I'm sorry...I'm still learning Spanish.
Are you able to translate this into English,
or, are you only fluent in inner city, ghetto ebonics?

God only knows the hell Obama would have gotten for pulling some shit like white mf's would be dead just from the sheer notion of it, Heart attacking all over the place....over the so called uppity nigga....hypocrites you white fucks are.

You trifling, sorry ass n**ger...pump yo brakes or keep it pushing Bitch!

Really, what the fuck is it to you anyway?

Talking in second and third person
tells me your referring to everyone, but you.
Bitch, please, you don't pay taxes, you live off the system!
Go on now, chop, chop...
go git yo break fluid an curb yo greasy monkey mouth, hoe!

You got us fucked up with giving a shit about yo crazy, insignificant ass!
You fucking ghetto dwellers make me fucking ill.....
I hope all you ghetto mother fuckers get booted off the gravey train...
homeless, cold & bitches are too lazy to bring back slavery!


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