
What would Al do?

If eric holder was white, Brian Terry was black and all the white congressmen got up and walked out during a vote to hold the white attorney general in contempt.

Rodney King was a low life career criminal and a drug addict. His chief amusement was beating up women and transgendered whores. Why the gays haven't been dancing in the streets over his demise is a mystery.

Rodney King FINALLY got what was coming to him. Although, we are talking about the same people who gave Tookie Williams a televised state funeral after his execution.
Rodney King is a hero to the black community.

He stood up to whitey (actually laid down and took a beating) and got rich because of white guilt.

Now he will be a role model for African American youth to emulate.

In their struggle to openly sell drugs, run from the police, and beat Ho's
Al will take any opportunity to get his mug in front of a tv camera. I expect that he will say the beating that Rodney King got was the reason he ended up drowning in a swimming pool.
[ame=]James Brown - I Feel Good (From "Legends of Rock 'n' Roll" DVD) - YouTube[/ame]
Ya'll are pathetic! He's a preacher and lives and speaks the truth. Is it really any wonder that many are abandoning the con party? Anyone who reads this hate-filled tripe being spewed by you con lovers only pushes "real people" away.

I'm an athiest and I can easily see from this forum alone, not including the other forums I frequent, that I have much more compassion for others (no matter their skin color) than many "supposed" evangelical christians.

You all should be ashamed, but of course one needs shame first, and there apparently is none on the right/wrong side of aisle. For shame!!
Rodney King is a hero to the black community.

He stood up to whitey (actually laid down and took a beating) and got rich because of white guilt.

Now he will be a role model for African American youth to emulate.

In their struggle to openly sell drugs, run from the police, and beat Ho's

is going to eulogize Rodney King? hmmmmm, geee I dont know what he's gonna say. I find it amazing anytime he can speak about whitey he will, but he NEVER goes to black on black violence, it's just breathtaking.

Sharpton Set to Eulogize Rodney King at LA Funeral - ABC News

Rodney King was a career criminal - Nothing like Martin Luther King (who I believe Al Sharpton murdered, but is an entirely different thread in itself.)

It makes sense though considering all Sharpton does is stick up for liars, criminals, lunatics and racists.
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I tell you whiners what. If you get rid of racist homophobic christian supremists like the republican party, Rush, Bill O, fix noise, All rupert owned media, churches, rednecks, and any other brainless racist turds on the right then I guess we could look into getting rid of Al. Until then learn to deal with freedom of speech.
lets be honest white people have trying to destory every race since their step on earth. The facts of history prove that.
if you are white its about 50 percent chance you are racist. If you white and born in south there is good chance you relatives have hung a black person.

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