Alt-Lefties running our government...Do new-age Lefties encourage folks not to fully 'Americanize'?

Lets be honest...traditional American values and ideals do not fit with today's Left. They commonly discourage traditional patriotism and Americanization.
That said, can we be certain that these Alt-Lefties writing our legislation have Americas best interest in mind?
We know how to read our Constitution. The right wing is clueless and Causeless.
Lets be honest...traditional American values and ideals do not fit with today's Left. They commonly discourage traditional patriotism and Americanization.
That said, can we be certain that these Alt-Lefties writing our legislation have Americas best interest in mind?

Let me ask you . What does the right like about America? You hate like 90% of the people. You physically hate the country with your anti environmental ways. You hate the government. You hate the constitution except for the 2nd amendment.

How the F do you think you are patriots !?

“The Right” loves everything about REAL America....we hate the super shitholes developed by Liberal whacks. We HATE 90% of the people within the liberal run shitholes. We love the Constitution, we hate the 14th and anchor babies.
An “American Patriot” aims to protect the foundation of principles, values, traditions and culture that made this nation all that it is.
In other words, a true “American Patriot” is your nemesis.
Lets be honest...traditional American values and ideals do not fit with today's Left. They commonly discourage traditional patriotism and Americanization.
That said, can we be certain that these Alt-Lefties writing our legislation have Americas best interest in mind?
You mean become white? The problem is minorities can never become white. Ever.

It would be awesome if they’d act White or Asian. Can they do that?
I don't know what the hell you're talking about. We encourage all immigrants to enjoy apply pie, baseball, and of course, they should love their mothers.

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