Alt Right R.I.P

"The alt-right exists! The alt-right exists!"
Equality is bullshit. Hierarchy is essential. The races are different. The sexes are different. Morality matters and degeneracy is real. All cultures are not equal and we are not obligated to think they are. Man is a fallen creature and there is more to life than hollow materialism. Finally, the white race matters, and civilisation is precious. This is the Alt-Right.

Alternative Right

Posting Rdeans Blog is not USMB, Nutter

Thanks for highlight my point
Why do you lie so blatantly? Thanks for proving you tards are willfully blind monkeys.

Did you post some thread or post from USMB, Nutter?
You are trying to deny the Alternative Right's existence, and that is has been around a lot longer than you claimed in your OP.

And now you are getting your ass handed to you and can't take it.

No Honey Boo Boo. You're making shit up. I'm saying it was never mentioned once at USMB prior to Hillary giving you the instructions. They are about as meaningful a group as Starkey on economics

There are million of posts at USMB from all over the political spectrum and there's NOT ONE SINGLE THREAD OR POST ON ALT RIGHT UNTIL HILLARY'S MARCHING ORDERS ON 8/25
Alas poor Alt Right, we hardly knew ye at all.

Born 8/25/16
Died 8/29/16

At least it had a longer half life than Hillary explanation as to why she Bleach Bitted her SecState files
The lunatic fringe will always be with us, especially after Hillary wins.
Just curious, do you get paid to post?

Are you serious? You know the crazy right will go into overdrive after Hillary wins the election.If you think their outrageous accusations are nuts now, you will really be impressed after the election.

Posting Rdeans Blog is not USMB, Nutter

Thanks for highlight my point
Why do you lie so blatantly? Thanks for proving you tards are willfully blind monkeys.

Did you post some thread or post from USMB, Nutter?
You are trying to deny the Alternative Right's existence, and that is has been around a lot longer than you claimed in your OP.

And now you are getting your ass handed to you and can't take it.

No Honey Boo Boo. You're making shit up. I'm saying it was never mentioned once at USMB prior to Hillary giving you the instructions. They are about as meaningful a group as Starkey on economics

There are million of posts at USMB from all over the political spectrum and there's NOT ONE SINGLE THREAD OR POST ON ALT RIGHT UNTIL HILLARY'S MARCHING ORDERS ON 8/25

New term describing a very old concept.
Chest-beating instead of wife-beating, caveman to capitalist man. One of the core problems here is we no longer have any distinction between a boy and a man. That's been lost for some time now and these boys no longer know what a man actually is so they search for one in the movies, in video games, in egotistical blowhards like Trump and his 'we'll do this and who the fuck cares what anyone else thinks' crap. Alt-Right is a little boy hoping his daddy will work on the car this weekend so he can grab his toy tools and help.

"It’s tragic to think that heroic man’s great destiny is to become economic man, that men will be reduced to craven creatures who crawl across the globe competing for money, who spend their nights dreaming up new ways to swindle each other. That’s the path we’re on now."
It is a result to things like feminnism and communism. Did you think your bigoted thinking you are better then men would have no back lash???? Stupid regressive you created these idiots .
No, these boys were lost when we as a culture started to treat both adults and children the same, when they stared to like the same things and act the same way, when parents became friends. That had nothing to with equality for women nor communism.

What we have now is a culture of oversized children, with credit cards. This site is a perfect example. It's not for rational debate - it's for childish ranting and whining. You will no longer do the hard work, the thinking parts, even cooking dinner the real way is too much work now besides, Ninja Warrior is on soon and the whole family watches it while checking their phones. People no longer take their kids to Disneyland, they take themselves.
You are proving my point with your bigoted posts... Thank you.

Feminists are so fucking stupid.
That is a denouncement of modern American society and the fact you can no longer tell a man from a boy. The women aren't much better.
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Actually Hillary did a great job of identifying and defining the Alt Right.

And it fits Trump like a shoe too.
Yep...that's why we're getting so much backlash from the USMB Alt-Righters and supporters.

Like cockaroaches, they don't like being identified by having light shed on them.

To all the female communists here



Posting Rdeans Blog is not USMB, Nutter

Thanks for highlight my point
Why do you lie so blatantly? Thanks for proving you tards are willfully blind monkeys.

Did you post some thread or post from USMB, Nutter?
You are trying to deny the Alternative Right's existence, and that is has been around a lot longer than you claimed in your OP.

And now you are getting your ass handed to you and can't take it.

No Honey Boo Boo. You're making shit up. I'm saying it was never mentioned once at USMB prior to Hillary giving you the instructions. They are about as meaningful a group as Starkey on economics

There are million of posts at USMB from all over the political spectrum and there's NOT ONE SINGLE THREAD OR POST ON ALT RIGHT UNTIL HILLARY'S MARCHING ORDERS ON 8/25
Why didn't the alt-right people use it long ago? And 4Chan? Just pissed off boys trolling and sharing porn. Sounds dead on for most Trumpers.
is calling someone alt-right fear mongering? I'm just saying. Seems to me someone is truly afraid of people.
is calling someone alt-right fear mongering? I'm just saying. Seems to me someone is truly afraid of people.
Fear is far too strong a word. Keeping an eye on radicals and reactionaries is sound policy. Know your enemy and read his book, to paraphrase Gen. Patton.
The tards bleev if you say something enough times, it becomes true.

Magical thinking.

"The moon is made of cheese! The moon is made of cheese!"
"The alt-right exists! The alt-right exists!"
The Alternative Right (Alt Right) is just another name for far Right racialists. There is a reason for the use of "Alternative". It sounds more palatable than "Extreme".

Here is how they define themselves. Pay attention to the last paragraph:



Not USMB, Nutter.
So in other words you are just going to be a coward and ignore the facts put to you.... Tell me was it the koolaid that made you dishonest or were you always like this and I never noticed?

The fact is there are NO USMB threads or posts mentioning Alt Right until Hillary ordered them to post it here
I've been talking about the WN influence in Republican politics and on this forum for years, dipshit.

The reason "Alt Right" was not a topic of discussion before is because they weren't a real factor in our GOP nominees until now.

Just like no one was talking about "ISIS" before they became a thing which had you shitting your pants.
And we see the alt right here acts like alt right.

No surprise. They hate facts.

Alt right often is the tin foil brigade, and they are important now because the have a WN tinfoil candidate.

Shame on our GOP for letting this happen.
is calling someone alt-right fear mongering? I'm just saying. Seems to me someone is truly afraid of people.
Fear is far too strong a word. Keeping an eye on radicals and reactionaries is sound policy. Know your enemy and read his book, to paraphrase Gen. Patton.
so fear is it. it's what she's spreading. hmmmmmmm, isn't that the accusation at Trump? wow, can you say hypocrite? See Trump finds her as the enemy. Right?

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