Alt Right, you were told your raging nonsense would backfire and . . .

Hillary invented "Alt Right" on 8/25/16 and Jake and all the other Hillary supporters have been using that phrase ever since then and not a second before

HRC may have name it, but it was invented much earlier and branded the day of the Reichstag's Fire, Feb. 27, 1933.

Fascism is a Leftwing, government control, fuck the individual ideology
Fascism is a Progressive Big Government right wing philosophy that is nationalist, racialist, nativistic, ethnocentri, and antidemocracy.

Big government is left wing Jake; individual liberty is right wing.
. . . guess what. The left has its loonies just like the Alt Right. But if you think that you have not been egging on the other side, talk to Noog, who is now talking out of the other side of his. You simply cannot take what you dish without crying.


Spreading dumb propaganda is all you can do. Those are not alt-righters. Also, looking at their faces, they can't possibly be serious. Did you add those titles to the pictures yourself?
Those are not alt-righters. Also, looking at their faces, they can't possibly be serious.

I may be mistaken, but I think the person in each "sub-image" is Ted Nugent. From what I know of his politics and views about guns, gun use and gun ownership, I see no reason for thinking he wasn't serious when he made the remarks ascribed to him in the images.
What's more astounding is that he may have uttered the statement attributed to him in the large "sub-image." That statement, if he sincerely made it, suggests Nugent literally had an epiphany of Biblical magnitude. People do, of course, have them, but they are yet rare; thus their having them doesn't make it any less jarring when a given individual appears to have had one that portends their having a diametrically different frame of mind from what they had before their epiphanous moment.

Did you add those titles to the pictures yourself?

If you truly had any doubt about the authenticity of the quotes, why didn't you confirm their attribution yourself?

Just look at his face.

What about his face? In all but the top center sub-image he looks sincere. In top center one, he looks like he needs to be straight-jacketed. Besides, I suspect only the bottom sub-image is near the countenance he bore when he first uttered any of the quoted remarks.

This looks sincere to you?


I sincerely recommend professional help.
What it looks like is sincerely threatening in a thoroughly bellicose way.
Hillary invented "Alt Right" on 8/25/16 and Jake and all the other Hillary supporters have been using that phrase ever since then and not a second before

HRC may have name it, but it was invented much earlier and branded the day of the Reichstag's Fire, Feb. 27, 1933.

Fascism is a Leftwing, government control, fuck the individual ideology
Fascism is a Progressive Big Government right wing philosophy that is nationalist, racialist, nativistic, ethnocentri, and antidemocracy.

Big government is left wing Jake; individual liberty is right wing.
Lack of accountability as a society is right wing, yes, and we are not going back to that nonsense.

And yet the facts sustain the reference. Or, do you wish to revise history, something the Alt. Right includes in their bag of dirty tricks.

Why don't you just call a Nazi a Nazi, and stop trying to associate Conservatives/Libertarians with said Nazis by using the bridge term "alt-right"?

Because the Alt. Right / neo fascists of today have tossed real conservatives under the bus, along with those they called RINO's.

Pick your side, I have: I vote for Democrats because I'm opposed to Authoritarians, and Nazis were that in spades.

Do you deny Trump's behavior is that of an Authoritarian? He's that and a demagogue who tells people what he thinks they want to hear.

You can't vote for Democrats and say you are opposed to Authoritarians. Democrats favor massive increases in government power, in particular federal power, over every little facet of our lives. Their supporters are SJW nitwits, wanna-be thought police trainees.

You have bought into the narrative on Trump, created by the progressive media.

What has he done that Obama hasn't done already via the executive powers he wields?

Nothing in terms of EO's, per se. But to compare Presidents' use of power one needs to look at the entire picture, not simply the use of power but how it is wielded, who it impacts positively and who it impacts negatively.

Even you must admit that the difference between Obama and Trump in terms of human needs is quite different; Obama was focused on the Third Estate, Trump is a member of the Second Estate and kisses the ass of the First (solely to get the votes of the Third Estate Social Conservatives).

Let me translate "I had nothing to back up my bullshit, so I'm gonna type a few blathering sentences with no content just to try to save some face"

So far he's selected a very good SC justice, he's filling the courts with non-progressives, he's trying to do things he promised to do.

But most importantly he drives statist assholes like you fucking nuts.
The butthurtness of the left has morphed into a mental illness. The democrat/msm/Rachel Maddow/Crazy Bernie and the cast of lying scumbags falsely accusing The Donald of "collusion with Russsia" incited one of their own to attempt a mass murder of Republicans. That is what happened. Get over it you butthurt snowflakes!

This post ^^^ is an example of a biddable supporter of Donald J. Trump.

If you did not buy a sufficient amount of Preparation H for this evening just call your local CVS and have them get a UBER dude to delivery it. Additional fees may apply.
. . . guess what. The left has its loonies just like the Alt Right. But if you think that you have not been egging on the other side, talk to Noog, who is now talking out of the other side of his. You simply cannot take what you dish without crying.

Who did he shoot?
Hillary invented "Alt Right" on 8/25/16 and Jake and all the other Hillary supporters have been using that phrase ever since then and not a second before

HRC may have name it, but it was invented much earlier and branded the day of the Reichstag's Fire, Feb. 27, 1933.

Fascism is a Leftwing, government control, fuck the individual ideology
Fascism is a Progressive Big Government right wing philosophy that is nationalist, racialist, nativistic, ethnocentri, and antidemocracy.

Big government is left wing Jake; individual liberty is right wing.
Lack of accountability as a society is right wing, yes, and we are not going back to that nonsense.

Um, what?!
. . . guess what. The left has its loonies just like the Alt Right. But if you think that you have not been egging on the other side, talk to Noog, who is now talking out of the other side of his. You simply cannot take what you dish without crying.

how us ted nugent alt right.. jakey just uses the term doesnt even know the meaning
HRC may have name it, but it was invented much earlier and branded the day of the Reichstag's Fire, Feb. 27, 1933.

Fascism is a Leftwing, government control, fuck the individual ideology
Fascism is a Progressive Big Government right wing philosophy that is nationalist, racialist, nativistic, ethnocentri, and antidemocracy.

Big government is left wing Jake; individual liberty is right wing.
Lack of accountability as a society is right wing, yes, and we are not going back to that nonsense.

Um, what?!

Frank, stop with your effort and pretense to justify what you are, you and the rest of the neo fascists' denial of science and the evolution of governance beginning with the Enlightenment.

You hate liberals, progressives, Democrats - the party which supports the common people - and democracy; you reject the Social Compact theory and echo the lie that the liberal paradigm was really a conservative movement; it was extremely progressive for its time!

Anyone, and you are one of them, who supports Trump, or does not oppose him, supports Authoritarianism - that which our nation's founders revolted against in 1776, France did in 1789 and Europe did in 1848 and Russia in 1917. Russia returned to its past under Lenin and Stalin; had a brief spring under Gorbachev, and is once again an Authoritarian regime.

Germany too had a brief winter under an Authoritarian leader, as did Italy and Japan - all three are now democratic republics, as we were until the SC rejected the effort of a bi-partisan Congress to reform money's influence on our political system (both CU decisions), and now in Trump we have a President who may not be sane, and acts as if he has the divine right of a king. Ruling by fiat or tweets is not what our founders imagined.

You confuse capitalism with freedom, when capitalism itself can be oppressive unless regulated by the political system. That is a simple concept with easily proved examples; plutocrats - who dominate the swamp created by Trump in The District - will destroy both our political system and our economic system for their own self interests.
The neo-fascist alt right do not care about any of that, wry.

They are about power for themselves and settling scores with those they perceive to be those laughed at them for being stupid and foolish.
. . . guess what. The left has its loonies just like the Alt Right. But if you think that you have not been egging on the other side, talk to Noog, who is now talking out of the other side of his. You simply cannot take what you dish without crying.

how us ted nugent alt right.. jakey just uses the term doesnt even know the meaning
You can't even construct a sentence. Read Wry's post above and learn.
. . . guess what. The left has its loonies just like the Alt Right. But if you think that you have not been egging on the other side, talk to Noog, who is now talking out of the other side of his. You simply cannot take what you dish without crying.


Ted may like screwing kids, but unlike libs, he hasn't shot up a school or movie house unlike you democrats.
Hillary invented "Alt Right" on 8/25/16 and Jake and all the other Hillary supporters have been using that phrase ever since then and not a second before

HRC may have name it, but it was invented much earlier and branded the day of the Reichstag's Fire, Feb. 27, 1933.


And yet the facts sustain the reference. Or, do you wish to revise history, something the Alt. Right includes in their bag of dirty tricks.

Post #41 Godwin fail! :badgrin:
Hillary invented "Alt Right" on 8/25/16 and Jake and all the other Hillary supporters have been using that phrase ever since then and not a second before

HRC may have name it, but it was invented much earlier and branded the day of the Reichstag's Fire, Feb. 27, 1933.


And yet the facts sustain the reference. Or, do you wish to revise history, something the Alt. Right includes in their bag of dirty tricks.

Post #41 Godwin fail! :badgrin:
Mary, you best go back and read those posts carefully. :lol:

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