Always remember HOW Trump gained his "popularity"....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
For many of us New Yorkers, the Trump name and brand was as infamous as Madoff and Milken.

But most folks in Idaho or Mississippi probably never heard of the orange clown until he gained "fame" by going after Obama's birth certificate, which was nothing BUT a dog whistle to fellow, closeted racists that a half-black president could NOT ever be regarded as legitimate.

Is it then ANY wonder why Trump is reluctant to abandon his white supremacist base?

He got elected by NOT being cowed by journalists. That's it. That's all it took. It had nothing to do with hating any particular group except bullies.
For many of us New Yorkers, the Trump name and brand was as infamous as Madoff and Milken.

But most folks in Idaho or Mississippi probably never heard of the orange clown until he gained "fame" by going after Obama's birth certificate, which was nothing BUT a dog whistle to fellow, closeted racists that a half-black president could NOT ever be regarded as legitimate.

Is it then ANY wonder why Trump is reluctant to abandon his white supremacist base?

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He's not a career politician, that's how he did that. Shit for brains
first i ever thought of Trump was when he rode down his escalator . Sure , i had heard of him but thats it , i never watched his show , i just heard that he was rich . Then TRUMP started talking after his escalator ride , he fought the 'rino' wimps , kicked their azzez . After that it was America and Americans First talk . Thats the story of how and why i am a TRUMP supporter , Trump is the most American guy i have ever seen to run and win the USA Presidency Nat !!-------------------------------------------------------------- as a side note since you mentioned BIRTHER , good for Trump . He was much better than 'juan mcstain' telling an old lady at a mcstain rally that mrobama was a fine family man . ----------------- hey Nat .
For many of us New Yorkers, the Trump name and brand was as infamous as Madoff and Milken.

But most folks in Idaho or Mississippi probably never heard of the orange clown until he gained "fame" by going after Obama's birth certificate, which was nothing BUT a dog whistle to fellow, closeted racists that a half-black president could NOT ever be regarded as legitimate.

Is it then ANY wonder why Trump is reluctant to abandon his white supremacist base?

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Ivanka is how I remember Donald and I am not from New York but from Canada...
Ever wonder why NO U.S.-owned bank would lend a dollar to the orange charlatan?

Also, check out Trump's involvement with the Central Park Five....
telling an old lady at a mcstain rally that mrobama was a fine family man . ----------------- hey Nat .

Sure, because among you fucked up right wingers, a "fine family man" is a clown who married THREE times and had kids with THREE different wives and grabs women by their pussies"

Yep, just pass that Bible around right wing evangelicals....LOL
Trump is very smart he thought about running in the late 80's and early 2000's. But the misinformed dummies like this OP doesn't have a clue LOL
But most folks in Idaho or Mississippi probably never heard of the orange clown until he gained "fame" by going after Obama's birth certificate, which was nothing BUT a dog whistle to fellow, closeted racists that a half-black president could NOT ever be regarded as legitimate.

Any day now, we will finally hear from those Trump "detectives" that he sent to Hawaii to check out Obama's BC......those detectives should be nicely tanned by now.
Make America Liberal-free Again.

Mr Galt.....may I call you John?

Are you an Ayn Rand fuck head?

Are you a believer in a "superior race" like Rand believed?

Do you realize that Rand was herself a neo-Nazi, maniac?

No, I didn't. But I do know the very mention of "Galt" or "Rand" is enough to trigger you clowns into a seizure and crap your underoos, so that's good enough for me. :biggrin:

Here's some more triggers for ya, enjoy.

Ronald Reagan
Scott Walker
Second Amendment
Donald Trump
Koch Brothers
White Heritage
Confederate flags
Trickle Down
1 Percenter
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Private sector
Corporate tax breaks.

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