Am I correct, in that Trump has a path to American history as the first impeached and re-elected?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
If he is impeached, it fails and then he is re-elected, will he become the first in history for this to happen to?

If so, this could be far more powerful a 2020 than imagined. It would be forever in the history books as the power of the people over the political class. It literally would be referred to in the future by people who demand accountability and reject elitism, big pocket global donors etc.

There will be an American First president in the future. Another threat, be it China or some other nation, and you can imagine a speech that references our present time:

"Remember the election of 2020, when the 45th President Trump won in a landslide, AFTER some tried to remove him from office, based on flimsy charges, as they didn't believe the American people should freely choose him again?

As defiant Americans, we did re-elect him however. A reminder to those who try to circumvent our vote, that we are a Republic and we will choose our destiny. I ask you to do the same for me in the election of 2092!"
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History is going to look badly on the pushers of the impeachment if that happens
The future will wonder why the traitors weren't hanged.
If he is impeached, it fails and then he is re-elected, will he become the first in history for this to happen to?

If so, this could be far more powerful a 2020 than imagined. It would be forever in the history books as the power of the people over the political class. It literally would be referred to in the future by people who demand accountability and reject elitism, big pocket global donors etc.

There will be an American First president in the future. Another threat, be it China or some other nation, and you can imagine a speech reference our present time:

"Remember the election of 2020, when the 45th President Trump won in a landslide, AFTER some tried to remove him from office, based on flimsy charges, as they didn't believe the American people should freely choose him again?

As defiant Americans, we did re-elect him however. A reminder to those who try to circumvent our vote, that we are a Republic and we will choose our destiny. I ask you to do the same for me in the election of 2092!"
It's a very likely scenario.
OP is correct. Trump will be the first impeached president that wins re-election, probably in a landslide.

Alan Dershowitz said that when the USSC took the case of the congressional subpoena for Trump's tax returns that voided their 2nd article of impeachment. It proved that the president does have the right to judicial appeal and that a congressional subpoena is not an imperative.

Here's hoping that the House votes down their articles to minimize the egg on their faces. If they do pass both articles I hope Roberts throws the 2nd one out.
OP is correct. Trump will be the first impeached president that wins re-election, probably in a landslide.

Alan Dershowitz said that when the USSC took the case of the congressional subpoena for Trump's tax returns that voided their 2nd article of impeachment. It proved that the president does have the right to judicial appeal and that a congressional subpoena is not an imperative.

Here's hoping that the House votes down their articles to minimize the egg on their faces. If they do pass both articles I hope Roberts throws the 2nd one out.

Nothing is guaranteed in life, but if it's never been done before, the world might get the opportunity to witness history.
OP is correct. Trump will be the first impeached president that wins re-election, probably in a landslide.

Alan Dershowitz said that when the USSC took the case of the congressional subpoena for Trump's tax returns that voided their 2nd article of impeachment. It proved that the president does have the right to judicial appeal and that a congressional subpoena is not an imperative.

Here's hoping that the House votes down their articles to minimize the egg on their faces. If they do pass both articles I hope Roberts throws the 2nd one out.

Well lets face it, he will have lots of countries interfering in our US elections.
I'd guess so.

I'd also expect impeachment threats, hearings, inquiries and attempts to be a fairly regular thing from now on.

How nice it is, that we have split into tribes. Our elected representatives utilizing their time to work together for the good of America 'n stuff.
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OP is correct. Trump will be the first impeached president that wins re-election, probably in a landslide.

Alan Dershowitz said that when the USSC took the case of the congressional subpoena for Trump's tax returns that voided their 2nd article of impeachment. It proved that the president does have the right to judicial appeal and that a congressional subpoena is not an imperative.

Here's hoping that the House votes down their articles to minimize the egg on their faces. If they do pass both articles I hope Roberts throws the 2nd one out.

Well lets face it, he will have lots of countries interfering in our US elections.

Making excuses already? Trump winning in 2020 will be because all the democrat candidates suck, as do their policies.
Well lets face it, he will have lots of countries interfering in our US elections.

And we have a long history of interfering with theirs , which is why the world is laughing at our moral turpitude

Well lets face it, he will have lots of countries interfering in our US elections.

And we have a long history of interfering with theirs , which is why the world is laughing at our moral turpitude

Yep, and it is why it has been complicit in the stupidity, otherwise so it can hope that it can draw some sort of favor after all the smoke clears everytime. The world leaders have also been exposed in the situation, just like so many hollyweird celebrities have been exposed here as to where their party loyalties are, and this regardless of how stupid those loyalties have been in their lives. Many elite and celebrities here and around the world have used their gained popularity in order to dupe the poor rubes around them, and they have those rubes making complete idiots of themselves trying to defend them and their idiocy in life.
If he is impeached, it fails and then he is re-elected, will he become the first in history for this to happen to?

If so, this could be far more powerful a 2020 than imagined. It would be forever in the history books as the power of the people over the political class. It literally would be referred to in the future by people who demand accountability and reject elitism, big pocket global donors etc.

There will be an American First president in the future. Another threat, be it China or some other nation, and you can imagine a speech that references our present time:

"Remember the election of 2020, when the 45th President Trump won in a landslide, AFTER some tried to remove him from office, based on flimsy charges, as they didn't believe the American people should freely choose him again?

As defiant Americans, we did re-elect him however. A reminder to those who try to circumvent our vote, that we are a Republic and we will choose our destiny. I ask you to do the same for me in the election of 2092!"

I think you’re right if memory serves.

And I regretfully think he will win re-election in 2020.
If he is impeached, it fails and then he is re-elected, will he become the first in history for this to happen to?

If so, this could be far more powerful a 2020 than imagined. It would be forever in the history books as the power of the people over the political class. It literally would be referred to in the future by people who demand accountability and reject elitism, big pocket global donors etc.

There will be an American First president in the future. Another threat, be it China or some other nation, and you can imagine a speech that references our present time:

"Remember the election of 2020, when the 45th President Trump won in a landslide, AFTER some tried to remove him from office, based on flimsy charges, as they didn't believe the American people should freely choose him again?

As defiant Americans, we did re-elect him however. A reminder to those who try to circumvent our vote, that we are a Republic and we will choose our destiny. I ask you to do the same for me in the election of 2092!"

I think you’re right if memory serves.

And I regretfully think he will win re-election in 2020.
Don't fret it, just enjoy the great economy and prosperity of the next 5 years. How would a Trump re-election affect you negatively anyways ?

It has been nothing but positive for my life as a working class American, but more work has to be done in order to correct the errors of the past government intrusion into everyone's lives, and worse it was intrusive in a negative way for most, and for most it was most of the time. It was like climbing up and out of a black hole for most of working class America, but alot more needs to be done.

If Democrats could become focused on the bread and butter issues, and get away from using the government to social engineer society in life, and they joined up with republicans, it could make the nation extremely great going forward, but that ain't happening is it ??
If he is impeached, it fails and then he is re-elected, will he become the first in history for this to happen to?

If so, this could be far more powerful a 2020 than imagined. It would be forever in the history books as the power of the people over the political class. It literally would be referred to in the future by people who demand accountability and reject elitism, big pocket global donors etc.

Um, no. He wasn't elected by the people. The people said no to him in 2016. The people voted in a Democratic House on the premise they would hold him to account.

In the unlikely event he wins the Electoral College (nobody seems to think he'll win the popular vote in 2020), that will just further demonstrate our system is broken.

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