Am I correct, in that Trump has a path to American history as the first impeached and re-elected?

I'd guess so.

I'd also expect impeachment threats, hearings, inquiries and attempts to be a fairly regular thing from now on.

How nice it is, that we have split into tribes. Our elected representatives utilizing their time to work together for the good of America 'n stuff.

Am I correct, in that Trump has a path to American history as the first impeached and re-elected?

Sure. Andrew Johnson was not removed from office, but didn't run again for a second term.
Clinton was in his second term when his impeachment took place.

After the Clinton impeachment, for what looked to me like pure gotcha politics, not that Clinton wasn't a total sleazeball, he was, but what he did does not compare to some of the other presidents, and I'm not just talking about John Kennedy with Fiddle and Faddle!

So I was surprised that overturning elections and soft coups didn't happen right away, like with George W. Bush. I guess it was all the 9/11 upset and the several wars that stopped that. And then of course they couldn't impeach The First Black President, however incompetent he was, so this has really been the first chance for busting up democracy and invalidating elections since the Clinton thing.

As for tribes, I'm okay with that. Since the constant frenzied screaming at me in 2016 and 2017, I've moved to only talk to people on my side --- well, and you --- and I think that's a lot safer. And more pleasant.
Its not a real impeachment, its a phony Dem impeachment so forever will have an asterisk.
The Impeachment is real.

The reelection will be the asterisk.

That's it. Well said.

Impeachments so far (3, counting Trump) have all been purely political. Johnson's was really as bad as Trump's is. This is going on all over the world: soft coup attempts, by bringing corruption charges and trying to throw elected officials out of office.

This impeachment is as real as any of them are: it's a mistake to think they've ever been about important crimes. (If Nixon had been impeached, it would have been about a crime, but not a very important one! Nothing happened, nothing changed, they apparently found nothing during their burglary at the Watergate.)

So no asterisk. This is an ordinary impeachment, and they are all a sort of crime against democracy itself. An attempt to get power fast and dirty by people out of power. To disenfranchise all the voters.
Its not a real impeachment, its a phony Dem impeachment so forever will have an asterisk.
The Impeachment is real.

The reelection will be the asterisk.

That's it. Well said.

Impeachments so far (3, counting Trump) have all been purely political. Johnson's was really as bad as Trump's is. This is going on all over the world: soft coup attempts, by bringing corruption charges and trying to throw elected officials out of office.

This impeachment is as real as any of them are: it's a mistake to think they've ever been about important crimes. (If Nixon had been impeached, it would have been about a crime, but not a very important one! Nothing happened, nothing changed, they apparently found nothing during their burglary at the Watergate.)

So no asterisk. This is an ordinary impeachment, and they are all a sort of crime against democracy itself. An attempt to get power fast and dirty by people out of power. To disenfranchise all the voters.

The USSC just took the Trump vs Congress tax records case. So Dershowitz said that kills the democrat's Article-2. Congress has no such subpoena power over the Executive. The Courts decide if the subpoena needs to be followed. The House does not have any supervisory oversight authority over the Executive. So will the democrats even vote to impeach Trump on only one flimsy article? That looks so desperate.

Love the name Circe, I'm a big fan of GOT. You should get a more appropriate avatar!!
I'd guess so.

I'd also expect impeachment threats, hearings, inquiries and attempts to be a fairly regular thing from now on.

How nice it is, that we have split into tribes. Our elected representatives utilizing their time to work together for the good of America 'n stuff.

Am I correct, in that Trump has a path to American history as the first impeached and re-elected?

Sure. Andrew Johnson was not removed from office, but didn't run again for a second term.
Clinton was in his second term when his impeachment took place.

After the Clinton impeachment, for what looked to me like pure gotcha politics, not that Clinton wasn't a total sleazeball, he was, but what he did does not compare to some of the other presidents, and I'm not just talking about John Kennedy with Fiddle and Faddle!

So I was surprised that overturning elections and soft coups didn't happen right away, like with George W. Bush. I guess it was all the 9/11 upset and the several wars that stopped that. And then of course they couldn't impeach The First Black President, however incompetent he was, so this has really been the first chance for busting up democracy and invalidating elections since the Clinton thing.

As for tribes, I'm okay with that. Since the constant frenzied screaming at me in 2016 and 2017, I've moved to only talk to people on my side --- well, and you --- and I think that's a lot safer. And more pleasant.

Johnson did not run again for the second term because he did not win the nomination as the Democrat Party candidate. It was not his choice not to run.

Most people have no clue that Johnson was a Democrat VP to Lincoln, the first Republican President.
The USSC just took the Trump vs Congress tax records case. So Dershowitz said that kills the democrat's Article-2. Congress has no such subpoena power over the Executive. The Courts decide if the subpoena needs to be followed. The House does not have any supervisory oversight authority over the Executive. So will the democrats even vote to impeach Trump on only one flimsy article? That looks so desperate.

More delusion on the right. Trump obstructed their investigation into Ukraine.... by threatening witnesses, hiding information, etc.

I'm always amused that the same guys who claimed 20 years ago lying about a blow job was an impeachable offense are claiming this shit isn't.
Apparently for a few thousand dollars in Facebook ads, Putin managed to overcome the entire media AND people at the FBI trying to derail Trump
Putin On Phone To KGB: "Ivan ... Do you recall those stupid Facebook ads we bought for about $100,000? ... Yes, that's right, the ones no one saw ... Well, you wouldn't believe the return on investment thanks to the MSM-DNC. Let's do the same thing again in 2020."
Apparently for a few thousand dollars in Facebook ads, Putin managed to overcome the entire media AND people at the FBI trying to derail Trump

They did more than a few facebook ads... and if the FBI was trying to derail Trump, they'd have leaked all they had on him before the election.
Trump could be the first president to be impeached, win reelection, and then be impeached again.
The USSC just took the Trump vs Congress tax records case. So Dershowitz said that kills the democrat's Article-2. Congress has no such subpoena power over the Executive. The Courts decide if the subpoena needs to be followed. The House does not have any supervisory oversight authority over the Executive. So will the democrats even vote to impeach Trump on only one flimsy article? That looks so desperate.

More delusion on the right. Trump obstructed their investigation into Ukraine.... by threatening witnesses, hiding information, etc.

I'm always amused that the same guys who claimed 20 years ago lying about a blow job was an impeachable offense are claiming this shit isn't.

1. HOW did Trump threaten witnesses? His tweets are as harmless as they can be.
Hiding information is bullshit, if you want subpoenas enforced see you in court, if not, pound sand.

2. Perjury is a crime, this shit isn't, see the difference?
OP is correct. Trump will be the first impeached president that wins re-election, probably in a landslide.

Alan Dershowitz said that when the USSC took the case of the congressional subpoena for Trump's tax returns that voided their 2nd article of impeachment. It proved that the president does have the right to judicial appeal and that a congressional subpoena is not an imperative.

Here's hoping that the House votes down their articles to minimize the egg on their faces. If they do pass both articles I hope Roberts throws the 2nd one out.


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Just think, comparing the man to Democrats with all that you list above, and the Democrat's still lose every time. That's just how bad the Democrats are these days.

If looking for a perfect man, then have fun finding that needle in the haystack. Better look at the job, and think of it this way. The man's experiences in life, and his mistakes have honed his skills to achieve what he set out to achieve, and that is to correct those mistakes and work hard for America by using the experiences he had gained in life to do good for us. MAGA.

Any one of the Democrats that are running could do a better job than trump.
Shit...I could do a better job than trump.

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1. HOW did Trump threaten witnesses? His tweets are as harmless as they can be.
Hiding information is bullshit, if you want subpoenas enforced see you in court, if not, pound sand.

2. Perjury is a crime, this shit isn't, see the difference?

Bribery is a crime. Abuse of power is a crime. Misappropritation of funds is a crime.. Trump committed a shitload of crimes.

I'd even argue that Clinton didn't perjure
If he is impeached, it fails and then he is re-elected, will he become the first in history for this to happen to?

If so, this could be far more powerful a 2020 than imagined. It would be forever in the history books as the power of the people over the political class. It literally would be referred to in the future by people who demand accountability and reject elitism, big pocket global donors etc.

There will be an American First president in the future. Another threat, be it China or some other nation, and you can imagine a speech that references our present time:

"Remember the election of 2020, when the 45th President Trump won in a landslide, AFTER some tried to remove him from office, based on flimsy charges, as they didn't believe the American people should freely choose him again?

As defiant Americans, we did re-elect him however. A reminder to those who try to circumvent our vote, that we are a Republic and we will choose our destiny. I ask you to do the same for me in the election of 2092!"
Yes, I believe so.
1. HOW did Trump threaten witnesses? His tweets are as harmless as they can be.
Hiding information is bullshit, if you want subpoenas enforced see you in court, if not, pound sand.

2. Perjury is a crime, this shit isn't, see the difference?

Bribery is a crime. Abuse of power is a crime. Misappropriation of funds is a crime.. Trump committed a shitload of crimes.

I'd even argue that Clinton didn't perjure

Holy shit, you have TDS really bad. Please think about reality for a minute before you just start spewing talking points:

1. Bribery is a crime, one that is NOT in any article of impeachment

2. Abuse of power is not a crime. Think about it. When Obama got outside his lane he was taken to court and nudged back into his lane, not impeached.
(for his unlawful EOs as an example)

Obama’s Executive Orders; A Reality Check
"If a president’s executive orders overstep their authority or improperly interpret or seek to enforce the law, there are means of relief. Congress can re-legislate the issue or as my colleague Elaine Kamarck noted in a post a few days ago, courts can throw them out. Criticism of president-as-dictator are always overblown, as the other branches of government serve as checks on presidential power, and those checks extend to executive orders."

3. Misappropriation of funds may be a crime, but that is not in any article either, so please stick to reality.

4. You can argue that Clinton didn't perjure, but the ABA disagrees with you, which is why he was disbarred.
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From some interpretations he may qualify for a third term if he is impeached and removed from office before his first term expires.

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