am i doomed to hell?

So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.

the love that God has for us ...

I doubt they have ill will but to claim an unconditional love as christianity implies is simply a misguided appeal for self approval based on a compiled religion that purposefully misinterprets the events for its establishment and the purposes for representing the Almighty of antiquity - beginning with loving sinners ...
Nonsense. I was loved by two great parents who raised me right. I watched one die. Took care of her for 5 years. I helped raise my nephews who love me.

And yes, I’m financially secure. Yes this is what life is all about. What else is there?

Hint. Your answer is wrong. There’s nothing more. Get over it.

I didn’t suffer one bit before I was born. That’s what it’ll be like when I die.
I believe you are suffering now and that’s why you are here. It’s like you inherently know something is missing, which it is.

Boy are you reading me wrong. There’s nothing missing in my life. I simply like discussing religion and god.

Don't worry. He does it to me too.

He must have failed his psychotherapy exam.

Theists do this a lot. They can’t imagine we don’t believe because of logic and reasoning. It must be we are angry about something. Or evil. Or mad at god for something.

I love when they say gods going to punish us for rejecting him. What a twisted way of thinking. I didn’t see then reject god. I listened to the stories about the character they invented and I reject the idea that god exists. I didn’t knowingly reject the all mighty.

I don't know what kind of "ist" he is. He's just Ding. Doomed, but still Ding.
Hopefully that fear keeps him in line but usually it doesn't. They still do bad things even though they believe in god. But it's ok they do bad things because we are all sinner and that's why Jesus died on the cross, to forgive us our sins. It doesn't matter if you are an evil fuck as long as you believe in Jesus.

The other day they did a special on BTK. His daughter said he can be forgiven one day and make it to heaven. Such bullshit. If that guy can go to heaven but I can't just because I don't believe Christians, fuck God.
I believe you are suffering now and that’s why you are here. It’s like you inherently know something is missing, which it is.

Boy are you reading me wrong. There’s nothing missing in my life. I simply like discussing religion and god.

Don't worry. He does it to me too.

He must have failed his psychotherapy exam.

Theists do this a lot. They can’t imagine we don’t believe because of logic and reasoning. It must be we are angry about something. Or evil. Or mad at god for something.

I love when they say gods going to punish us for rejecting him. What a twisted way of thinking. I didn’t see then reject god. I listened to the stories about the character they invented and I reject the idea that god exists. I didn’t knowingly reject the all mighty.

I don't know what kind of "ist" he is. He's just Ding. Doomed, but still Ding.
Hopefully that fear keeps him in line but usually it doesn't. They still do bad things even though they believe in god. But it's ok they do bad things because we are all sinner and that's why Jesus died on the cross, to forgive us our sins. It doesn't matter if you are an evil fuck as long as you believe in Jesus.

The other day they did a special on BTK. His daughter said he can be forgiven one day and make it to heaven. Such bullshit. If that guy can go to heaven but I can't just because I don't believe Christians, fuck God.

What's this thread about, again?

Boy are you reading me wrong. There’s nothing missing in my life. I simply like discussing religion and god.

Don't worry. He does it to me too.

He must have failed his psychotherapy exam.

Theists do this a lot. They can’t imagine we don’t believe because of logic and reasoning. It must be we are angry about something. Or evil. Or mad at god for something.

I love when they say gods going to punish us for rejecting him. What a twisted way of thinking. I didn’t see then reject god. I listened to the stories about the character they invented and I reject the idea that god exists. I didn’t knowingly reject the all mighty.

I don't know what kind of "ist" he is. He's just Ding. Doomed, but still Ding.
Hopefully that fear keeps him in line but usually it doesn't. They still do bad things even though they believe in god. But it's ok they do bad things because we are all sinner and that's why Jesus died on the cross, to forgive us our sins. It doesn't matter if you are an evil fuck as long as you believe in Jesus.

The other day they did a special on BTK. His daughter said he can be forgiven one day and make it to heaven. Such bullshit. If that guy can go to heaven but I can't just because I don't believe Christians, fuck God.

What's this thread about, again?


I thought it was a question about whether someone was doomed to hell.

I believe that question has been answered, but they are still counting dangling chads whoever they are.
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Don't worry. He does it to me too.

He must have failed his psychotherapy exam.

Theists do this a lot. They can’t imagine we don’t believe because of logic and reasoning. It must be we are angry about something. Or evil. Or mad at god for something.

I love when they say gods going to punish us for rejecting him. What a twisted way of thinking. I didn’t see then reject god. I listened to the stories about the character they invented and I reject the idea that god exists. I didn’t knowingly reject the all mighty.

I don't know what kind of "ist" he is. He's just Ding. Doomed, but still Ding.
Hopefully that fear keeps him in line but usually it doesn't. They still do bad things even though they believe in god. But it's ok they do bad things because we are all sinner and that's why Jesus died on the cross, to forgive us our sins. It doesn't matter if you are an evil fuck as long as you believe in Jesus.

The other day they did a special on BTK. His daughter said he can be forgiven one day and make it to heaven. Such bullshit. If that guy can go to heaven but I can't just because I don't believe Christians, fuck God.

What's this thread about, again?


I thought it was a question about whether someone was doomed to hell.

I believe that question has been answered, but they are still counting dangling chads whoever they are.

I thought that too.
But we also have the usual "dangling chads" suspects who can't leave well enough alone :aargh:.
Here is what I think is one representation of hell by an 18-year old young Jackson Pollock in abstract expressionism entitled, "The Flame." It could be his first painting, but I know it's an early one.


Do you see people or yourself in the flames or not? If you do, then do they look to be having a good time or experiencing pain and suffering?
Here is what I think is one representation of hell by an 18-year old young Jackson Pollock in abstract expressionism entitled, "The Flame." It could be his first painting, but I know it's an early one.


Do you see people or yourself in the flames or not? If you do, then do they look to be having a good time or experiencing pain and suffering?
Any evil god that would send someone to such a place simply for not accepting the truth of an iron age fairy tale without evidence is a disgusting ,evil entity that should not be worshipped or even accepted as real.
Doomed to hell?

I thought we were there already.

I've got nothing to look forward to now.

might as well make the best of it. I always ask myself what would Jesus do?

The answer is always the same. He partied, according to the story. Pissed some people off to no end.

Imagine that!
Here is what I think is one representation of hell by an 18-year old young Jackson Pollock in abstract expressionism entitled, "The Flame." It could be his first painting, but I know it's an early one.


Do you see people or yourself in the flames or not? If you do, then do they look to be having a good time or experiencing pain and suffering?
Any evil god that would send someone to such a place simply for not accepting the truth of an iron age fairy tale without evidence is a disgusting ,evil entity that should not be worshipped or even accepted as real.


Well, I did ask if you see people in the flames and if you do, then are they having a good time or experiencing pain and suffering? I'll assume you see people experiencing pain and suffering. God is God and Jesus is the judge, so he can doom people to everlasting pain and suffering because of sin of disobedience. Haven't you learned anything yet? Non-believers keep blaming or complaining about God when he gives you everything and a new day every day until he decides not to. All it takes is a little faith to believe and we are back to the Garden of Paradise once again.

That said, I think maybe belief in God could get you in. Or maybe it gives you a second chance? It's difficult in this world to discover what the one truth of Christianity is. Satan has put out many lies and tricks in the way of the general populace.
Doomed to hell?

I thought we were there already.

I've got nothing to look forward to now.

might as well make the best of it. I always ask myself what would Jesus do?

The answer is always the same. He partied, according to the story. Pissed some people off to no end.

Imagine that!
Jesus the conman would have crafted a word salad to fool people, faked a miracle via a parlor trick, then got himself some free food and lodging.
Doomed to hell?

I thought we were there already.

I've got nothing to look forward to now.

I’m in heaven right now. Hell will be finding out I’m dying

But aren’t we all dying? Some sooner than others.

Some are walking cadavers, slathered in embalming fluid.

I see dead people everywhere. Walking around like regular people. They can't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they are dead.
Doomed to hell?

I thought we were there already.

I've got nothing to look forward to now.

might as well make the best of it. I always ask myself what would Jesus do?

The answer is always the same. He partied, according to the story. Pissed some people off to no end.

Imagine that!
Jesus the conman would have crafted a word salad to fool people, faked a miracle via a parlor trick, then got himself some free food and lodging.

Nahh, You have underestimated the dedication and morality of a Jew caught between the yoke of religious tyranny and brutal Roman occupation and didn't give a shit.

He did take a gig feeding garbage to swine but then he repented, according to the story.

He already had his fun long before he ever opened his mouth in public.
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Well, I did ask if you see people in the flames and if you do, then are they having a good time or experiencing pain and suffering?
I know. I ignored your idiotic, overwrought question.

I'll accept that you see yourself as part of the spiritually dead and experiencing much pain and suffering "in the flames" and your perfect spiritual self was burned away.

We even have evidence of this as pain relief is the #1 prescribed and non-prescribed medicine for humans by far.
Jesus the conman would have crafted a word salad to fool people, faked a miracle via a parlor trick, then got himself some free food and lodging.

Fort Fun Indiana It's always interesting that you flip things around to make the believers the liars and tricksters. I used to think you did that on purpose, but I know that this is what you believe or have faith in. Satan has conned you into believing up is down and down is up with his lies and tricks. The weak-brained usually fall into his trap.

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