am i doomed to hell?

If we were smart we all would.

But you are not so you don't..

That explains everything..
There’s nothing special about me. I never claimed there was.

Oh come on now, don't be shy.

You said that God, the creator of the universe, created the entire universe so that he could experience this material world through you.

Thats pretty darn special.

Please take a bow..:clap2:
Yes, I did say that God experiences the material world through us but that doesn’t make us special in any way. We aren’t.

OK. What has God ever experienced through "us" when "we" is dead ? The bible is the word of God. Agreed? The wages of sin are death. true? You are a sinner. Right? If scripture is true, then you are dead. ta da! Check the math.

What God experiences hell? Is God the God of the dead? What God needs an 'us' to experience the material world? What is your Gods name?


OK, so you messed up big time. Don't you want to live again or have you forgotten what it is like to live?

If you want to be freed from the captivity of hell , all that you have to do is ask my God to do it in my name and it shall be done.

What do you have to lose except for your pride? Whoop di doo. Let's face it, you never really had much anyway.

Do not be afraid. No one has to know. You can even do it in secret.
Last edited:
Some of you know, i am a fairly close descendent of an ashkenazi jew. Only jew i know of in my family, so she slept out of her bloodline. Musta been a whore.. or she got raped by god like Mary..
The ashkenazi tribe was the majority of rome when jesus died. So, i believe my ancestors killed jesus.
Since we all know the illogical mentality of the abrahamic god, am i doomed for the sins of my ancestors? We all know how god feels about that shit...
Should i be scared for my soul?

Not because of your ancestors, dopey!!

Some of you know, i am a fairly close descendent of an ashkenazi jew. Only jew i know of in my family, so she slept out of her bloodline. Musta been a whore.. or she got raped by god like Mary..
The ashkenazi tribe was the majority of rome when jesus died. So, i believe my ancestors killed jesus.
Since we all know the illogical mentality of the abrahamic god, am i doomed for the sins of my ancestors? We all know how god feels about that shit...
Should i be scared for my soul?

Not because of your ancestors, dopey!!


We all run the risk, coming on USMB. :)
Secular humanists? lol...They actually avoid religion and enjoy being human?

Those bastards!
You only think you enjoy life.
No I really enjoy my life.

Good family, hot girlfriend, great job, toys, property, friends.

High speed internet. Cable tv. Porn.
What you think is important isn’t and what you think isn’t important is.
Nonsense. I was loved by two great parents who raised me right. I watched one die. Took care of her for 5 years. I helped raise my nephews who love me.

And yes, I’m financially secure. Yes this is what life is all about. What else is there?

Hint. Your answer is wrong. There’s nothing more. Get over it.

I didn’t suffer one bit before I was born. That’s what it’ll be like when I die.
I believe you are suffering now and that’s why you are here. It’s like you inherently know something is missing, which it is.

Boy are you reading me wrong. There’s nothing missing in my life. I simply like discussing religion and god.
Shhh! I am a secret Jew.

More across hence indefatigably therefore moth a cantankerous contemptibly a unspeakably some less gawked smirked fish up a decently mongoose less...

Forward this to headquarters..

Most Jews are secular humanists. :lol:

Secular humanists? lol...They actually avoid religion and enjoy being human?

Those bastards!
You only think you enjoy life.
No I really enjoy my life.

Good family, hot girlfriend, great job, toys, property, friends.

High speed internet. Cable tv. Porn.
What you think is important isn’t and what you think isn’t important is.
Well isn’t it true that the only thing you think is important is god? So of course no matter what I say you’ll say it’s not important. Friends, family and money.

The thing you think is important isn’t even real.
You only think you enjoy life.
No I really enjoy my life.

Good family, hot girlfriend, great job, toys, property, friends.

High speed internet. Cable tv. Porn.
What you think is important isn’t and what you think isn’t important is.
Nonsense. I was loved by two great parents who raised me right. I watched one die. Took care of her for 5 years. I helped raise my nephews who love me.

And yes, I’m financially secure. Yes this is what life is all about. What else is there?

Hint. Your answer is wrong. There’s nothing more. Get over it.

I didn’t suffer one bit before I was born. That’s what it’ll be like when I die.
I believe you are suffering now and that’s why you are here. It’s like you inherently know something is missing, which it is.

Boy are you reading me wrong. There’s nothing missing in my life. I simply like discussing religion and god.

Don't worry. He does it to me too.

He must have failed his psychotherapy exam.
Secular humanists? lol...They actually avoid religion and enjoy being human?

Those bastards!
You only think you enjoy life.
No I really enjoy my life.

Good family, hot girlfriend, great job, toys, property, friends.

High speed internet. Cable tv. Porn.
What you think is important isn’t and what you think isn’t important is.
Nonsense. I was loved by two great parents who raised me right. I watched one die. Took care of her for 5 years. I helped raise my nephews who love me.

And yes, I’m financially secure. Yes this is what life is all about. What else is there?

Hint. Your answer is wrong. There’s nothing more. Get over it.

I didn’t suffer one bit before I was born. That’s what it’ll be like when I die.
Who are you trying to convince. All I told you was to not make excuses when the time comes.
Excuse for what? We all sin right? So this is all about explaining to god why I didn’t believe he existed.

My excuse will be all the fake religions who claimed he visited.

What will your excuse be for being a dick? God cares more about that than if you believe in him. How do I know? He talked to me once
No I really enjoy my life.

Good family, hot girlfriend, great job, toys, property, friends.

High speed internet. Cable tv. Porn.
What you think is important isn’t and what you think isn’t important is.
Nonsense. I was loved by two great parents who raised me right. I watched one die. Took care of her for 5 years. I helped raise my nephews who love me.

And yes, I’m financially secure. Yes this is what life is all about. What else is there?

Hint. Your answer is wrong. There’s nothing more. Get over it.

I didn’t suffer one bit before I was born. That’s what it’ll be like when I die.
I believe you are suffering now and that’s why you are here. It’s like you inherently know something is missing, which it is.

Boy are you reading me wrong. There’s nothing missing in my life. I simply like discussing religion and god.

Don't worry. He does it to me too.

He must have failed his psychotherapy exam.

Theists do this a lot. They can’t imagine we don’t believe because of logic and reasoning. It must be we are angry about something. Or evil. Or mad at god for something.

I love when they say gods going to punish us for rejecting him. What a twisted way of thinking. I didn’t see then reject god. I listened to the stories about the character they invented and I reject the idea that god exists. I didn’t knowingly reject the all mighty.
What you think is important isn’t and what you think isn’t important is.
Nonsense. I was loved by two great parents who raised me right. I watched one die. Took care of her for 5 years. I helped raise my nephews who love me.

And yes, I’m financially secure. Yes this is what life is all about. What else is there?

Hint. Your answer is wrong. There’s nothing more. Get over it.

I didn’t suffer one bit before I was born. That’s what it’ll be like when I die.
I believe you are suffering now and that’s why you are here. It’s like you inherently know something is missing, which it is.

Boy are you reading me wrong. There’s nothing missing in my life. I simply like discussing religion and god.

Don't worry. He does it to me too.

He must have failed his psychotherapy exam.

Theists do this a lot. They can’t imagine we don’t believe because of logic and reasoning. It must be we are angry about something. Or evil. Or mad at god for something.

I love when they say gods going to punish us for rejecting him. What a twisted way of thinking. I didn’t see then reject god. I listened to the stories about the character they invented and I reject the idea that god exists. I didn’t knowingly reject the all mighty.

I don't know what kind of "ist" he is. He's just Ding. Doomed, but still Ding.
If we were smart we all would.

But you are not so you don't..

That explains everything..
There’s nothing special about me. I never claimed there was.

Oh come on now, don't be shy.

You said that God, the creator of the universe, created the entire universe so that he could experience this material world through you.

Thats pretty darn special.

Please take a bow..:clap2:
Yes, I did say that God experiences the material world through us but that doesn’t make us special in any way. We aren’t.

OK. What has God ever experienced through "us" when "we" is dead ? The bible is the word of God. Agreed? The wages of sin are death. true? You are a sinner. Right? If scripture is true, then you are dead. ta da! Check the math.

What God experiences hell? Is God the God of the dead? What God needs an 'us' to experience the material world? What is your Gods name?


OK, so you messed up big time. Don't you want to live again or have you forgotten what it is like to live?

If you want to be freed from the captivity of hell , all that you have to do is ask my God to do it in my name and it shall be done.

What do you have to lose except for your pride? Whoop di doo. Let's face it, you never really had much anyway.

Do not be afraid. No one has to know. You can even do it in secret.
Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.

Genesis 28:15
If we were smart we all would.

But you are not so you don't..

That explains everything..
There’s nothing special about me. I never claimed there was.

Oh come on now, don't be shy.

You said that God, the creator of the universe, created the entire universe so that he could experience this material world through you.

Thats pretty darn special.

Please take a bow..:clap2:
Yes, I did say that God experiences the material world through us but that doesn’t make us special in any way. We aren’t.

OK. What has God ever experienced through "us" when "we" is dead ? The bible is the word of God. Agreed? The wages of sin are death. true? You are a sinner. Right? If scripture is true, then you are dead. ta da! Check the math.

What God experiences hell? Is God the God of the dead? What God needs an 'us' to experience the material world? What is your Gods name?


OK, so you messed up big time. Don't you want to live again or have you forgotten what it is like to live?

If you want to be freed from the captivity of hell , all that you have to do is ask my God to do it in my name and it shall be done.

What do you have to lose except for your pride? Whoop di doo. Let's face it, you never really had much anyway.

Do not be afraid. No one has to know. You can even do it in secret.
So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.

1 John 4:16
If we were smart we all would.

But you are not so you don't..

That explains everything..
There’s nothing special about me. I never claimed there was.

Oh come on now, don't be shy.

You said that God, the creator of the universe, created the entire universe so that he could experience this material world through you.

Thats pretty darn special.

Please take a bow..:clap2:
Yes, I did say that God experiences the material world through us but that doesn’t make us special in any way. We aren’t.

OK. What has God ever experienced through "us" when "we" is dead ? The bible is the word of God. Agreed? The wages of sin are death. true? You are a sinner. Right? If scripture is true, then you are dead. ta da! Check the math.

What God experiences hell? Is God the God of the dead? What God needs an 'us' to experience the material world? What is your Gods name?


OK, so you messed up big time. Don't you want to live again or have you forgotten what it is like to live?

If you want to be freed from the captivity of hell , all that you have to do is ask my God to do it in my name and it shall be done.

What do you have to lose except for your pride? Whoop di doo. Let's face it, you never really had much anyway.

Do not be afraid. No one has to know. You can even do it in secret.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9
If we were smart we all would.

But you are not so you don't..

That explains everything..
There’s nothing special about me. I never claimed there was.

Oh come on now, don't be shy.

You said that God, the creator of the universe, created the entire universe so that he could experience this material world through you.

Thats pretty darn special.

Please take a bow..:clap2:
Yes, I did say that God experiences the material world through us but that doesn’t make us special in any way. We aren’t.

OK. What has God ever experienced through "us" when "we" is dead ? The bible is the word of God. Agreed? The wages of sin are death. true? You are a sinner. Right? If scripture is true, then you are dead. ta da! Check the math.

What God experiences hell? Is God the God of the dead? What God needs an 'us' to experience the material world? What is your Gods name?


OK, so you messed up big time. Don't you want to live again or have you forgotten what it is like to live?

If you want to be freed from the captivity of hell , all that you have to do is ask my God to do it in my name and it shall be done.

What do you have to lose except for your pride? Whoop di doo. Let's face it, you never really had much anyway.

Do not be afraid. No one has to know. You can even do it in secret.
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.

Matthew 18:20
If we were smart we all would.

But you are not so you don't..

That explains everything..
There’s nothing special about me. I never claimed there was.

Oh come on now, don't be shy.

You said that God, the creator of the universe, created the entire universe so that he could experience this material world through you.

Thats pretty darn special.

Please take a bow..:clap2:
Yes, I did say that God experiences the material world through us but that doesn’t make us special in any way. We aren’t.

OK. What has God ever experienced through "us" when "we" is dead ? The bible is the word of God. Agreed? The wages of sin are death. true? You are a sinner. Right? If scripture is true, then you are dead. ta da! Check the math.

What God experiences hell? Is God the God of the dead? What God needs an 'us' to experience the material world? What is your Gods name?


OK, so you messed up big time. Don't you want to live again or have you forgotten what it is like to live?

If you want to be freed from the captivity of hell , all that you have to do is ask my God to do it in my name and it shall be done.

What do you have to lose except for your pride? Whoop di doo. Let's face it, you never really had much anyway.

Do not be afraid. No one has to know. You can even do it in secret.
My presence will go with you,

Exodus 33:14
But you are not so you don't..

That explains everything..
There’s nothing special about me. I never claimed there was.

Oh come on now, don't be shy.

You said that God, the creator of the universe, created the entire universe so that he could experience this material world through you.

Thats pretty darn special.

Please take a bow..:clap2:
Yes, I did say that God experiences the material world through us but that doesn’t make us special in any way. We aren’t.

OK. What has God ever experienced through "us" when "we" is dead ? The bible is the word of God. Agreed? The wages of sin are death. true? You are a sinner. Right? If scripture is true, then you are dead. ta da! Check the math.

What God experiences hell? Is God the God of the dead? What God needs an 'us' to experience the material world? What is your Gods name?


OK, so you messed up big time. Don't you want to live again or have you forgotten what it is like to live?

If you want to be freed from the captivity of hell , all that you have to do is ask my God to do it in my name and it shall be done.

What do you have to lose except for your pride? Whoop di doo. Let's face it, you never really had much anyway.

Do not be afraid. No one has to know. You can even do it in secret.
Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.

Genesis 28:15

That's nice of you.
You only think you enjoy life.
No I really enjoy my life.

Good family, hot girlfriend, great job, toys, property, friends.

High speed internet. Cable tv. Porn.
What you think is important isn’t and what you think isn’t important is.
Nonsense. I was loved by two great parents who raised me right. I watched one die. Took care of her for 5 years. I helped raise my nephews who love me.

And yes, I’m financially secure. Yes this is what life is all about. What else is there?

Hint. Your answer is wrong. There’s nothing more. Get over it.

I didn’t suffer one bit before I was born. That’s what it’ll be like when I die.
Who are you trying to convince. All I told you was to not make excuses when the time comes.
Excuse for what? We all sin right? So this is all about explaining to god why I didn’t believe he existed.

My excuse will be all the fake religions who claimed he visited.

What will your excuse be for being a dick? God cares more about that than if you believe in him. How do I know? He talked to me once
Nope. It isn’t about that at all.
You only think you enjoy life.
No I really enjoy my life.

Good family, hot girlfriend, great job, toys, property, friends.

High speed internet. Cable tv. Porn.
What you think is important isn’t and what you think isn’t important is.
Nonsense. I was loved by two great parents who raised me right. I watched one die. Took care of her for 5 years. I helped raise my nephews who love me.

And yes, I’m financially secure. Yes this is what life is all about. What else is there?

Hint. Your answer is wrong. There’s nothing more. Get over it.

I didn’t suffer one bit before I was born. That’s what it’ll be like when I die.
I believe you are suffering now and that’s why you are here. It’s like you inherently know something is missing, which it is.

Boy are you reading me wrong. There’s nothing missing in my life. I simply like discussing religion and god.
Who are you trying to convince?
Most Jews are secular humanists. :lol:

Secular humanists? lol...They actually avoid religion and enjoy being human?

Those bastards!
You only think you enjoy life.
No I really enjoy my life.

Good family, hot girlfriend, great job, toys, property, friends.

High speed internet. Cable tv. Porn.
What you think is important isn’t and what you think isn’t important is.
Well isn’t it true that the only thing you think is important is god? So of course no matter what I say you’ll say it’s not important. Friends, family and money.

The thing you think is important isn’t even real.
You are free to pursue anything you want.
If we were smart we all would.

But you are not so you don't..

That explains everything..
There’s nothing special about me. I never claimed there was.

Oh come on now, don't be shy.

You said that God, the creator of the universe, created the entire universe so that he could experience this material world through you.

Thats pretty darn special.

Please take a bow..:clap2:
Yes, I did say that God experiences the material world through us but that doesn’t make us special in any way. We aren’t.

OK. What has God ever experienced through "us" when "we" is dead ? The bible is the word of God. Agreed? The wages of sin are death. true? You are a sinner. Right? If scripture is true, then you are dead. ta da! Check the math.

What God experiences hell? Is God the God of the dead? What God needs an 'us' to experience the material world? What is your Gods name?


OK, so you messed up big time. Don't you want to live again or have you forgotten what it is like to live?

If you want to be freed from the captivity of hell , all that you have to do is ask my God to do it in my name and it shall be done.

What do you have to lose except for your pride? Whoop di doo. Let's face it, you never really had much anyway.

Do not be afraid. No one has to know. You can even do it in secret.
He causes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Even when I walk in the valley of darkness, I will fear no evil for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff-they comfort me.

Psalm 23:4

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