am i doomed to hell?

I don't know what kind of "ist" he is. He's just Ding. Doomed, but still Ding.
Hopefully that fear keeps him in line but usually it doesn't. They still do bad things even though they believe in god. But it's ok they do bad things because we are all sinner and that's why Jesus died on the cross, to forgive us our sins. It doesn't matter if you are an evil fuck as long as you believe in Jesus.

The other day they did a special on BTK. His daughter said he can be forgiven one day and make it to heaven. Such bullshit. If that guy can go to heaven but I can't just because I don't believe Christians, fuck God.
I never claimed to be a saint. ;)
No you’re a god in waiting. When you die you think you move on to another realm where the you who is you now will live forever, never be sick, unhappy, scared,

You’re an immortal god.

Shit, a Saints got nothing on you
You are free to believe what you want to believe, bro. It affects me not.
51,300 plus messages from you says otherwise.

I wonder how many I’m up to. Been here enjoying this place for a long time.
And I’m happy for you to see it anyway you wish.
I never claimed to be a saint. ;)
No you’re a god in waiting. When you die you think you move on to another realm where the you who is you now will live forever, never be sick, unhappy, scared,

You’re an immortal god.

Shit, a Saints got nothing on you
You are free to believe what you want to believe, bro. It affects me not.
So you see how ridiculous it sounds.
No. I don’t.
It’s not your fault
What’s not my fault?
No you’re a god in waiting. When you die you think you move on to another realm where the you who is you now will live forever, never be sick, unhappy, scared,

You’re an immortal god.

Shit, a Saints got nothing on you
You are free to believe what you want to believe, bro. It affects me not.
So you see how ridiculous it sounds.
No. I don’t.
It’s not your fault
What’s not my fault?
It’s a joke. You keep telling the person it’s not their fault till they start crying.

If it doesn’t apply that’s a good thing.

My buddy just played this woman priest brainwashing these kids. Yelling at them. Teaching them how to speak in tongues. Sick shit. And those are future republicans
You are free to believe what you want to believe, bro. It affects me not.
So you see how ridiculous it sounds.
No. I don’t.
It’s not your fault
What’s not my fault?
It’s a joke. You keep telling the person it’s not their fault till they start crying.

If it doesn’t apply that’s a good thing.

My buddy just played this woman priest brainwashing these kids. Yelling at them. Teaching them how to speak in tongues. Sick shit. And those are future republicans
Is that what I told you? That it isn’t your fault? Or did I say don’t make excuses?

Unless you renounce all the lies of satan
^ :lol:
Nahh, You have underestimated the dedication and morality of a Jew caught between the yoke of religious tyranny and brutal Roman occupation and didn't give a shit.
Nah, that's just the wishful thinking of a faithy goober. Conmen don't change throughout history. Jesus, no doubt, used all the same tactics you use.

You really have no idea.

prepared yourself to see some magic.

I am creating a new heaven and a new earth in full view of believers and unbelievers alike.

The bigger bang has already occurred. You just haven't seen the light or felt the shock waves yet.

Its a space time sort of thing.

From where I am standing , its spectacular. If I were you I would duck.
Well, my friend, you are hallucinating. And no, your archaic voodoo spells and incantations do not move me.

No, I am just speaking over your head so cool your pits, I have no intention of even trying to move you.

I am speaking for the benefit of the risen dead, standing all around, watching.

I am perfectly happy to leave you right where you are.
The scripture you replied to, Zephaniah 3:17, tells us that The Lord our God is in our midst, athat God is mighty and will save us; that he will rejoice over us with gladness; that he will quiet us by his love; that he will exult over us with loud singing. This verse tells us that God shares in our experiences.

Are you a Jew? If not you are sadly mistaken. You are antisemitic, remember?

Your reply that “in one month I got rid of the three shepherds for I had lost patience with them and they had come to abhor me does not refute that God shares in our experiences.

Listen Bub, I could not have possibly have made your mistakes, your confusion, the cause of and consequences for your failure to stand guard over the purity of your own mind to protect it from being defiled and contaminated by bullshit and losing your sanity more clear.

Not only that I have shown you the only way out of your hell and into the kingdom of heaven. Its straight up at the apex of the firmament of the vault of heaven like a gate.

You cannot sneak through heavens gate. Thats where I am standing like a door. You haven't been about to do it while I am here and the wormhole has been opened.. You will be even less able to do so when I am elsewhere and you are on your own. The wormhole will be closed.

At this point there really is no longer any excuse for your sins. Get out of your deathbed, stand up and walk upright like a man that reflects the image and likeness of a Holy God who is one, not many, not perverse, not deceitful, not defiant, not stupid, or you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.

Failure to do what is necessary to save the life of your immortal soul will not make it seem like you are being faithful it will seem like you are being faithless which would only convince many about the reality of divine judgement, that you are under the condemnation of God as a consequence of your own words and deeds, openly professed dedication to demonstrating hatred for God by worshipping a trinity, and desecrating the teachings of Jesus the actual Body of Christ, by teaching people that it is a lifeless matzo, made by human hands, and baked on human dung, even after being shown the truth.

Either way, mazel tov!
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My buddy just played this woman priest brainwashing these kids. Yelling at them. Teaching them how to speak in tongues. Sick shit. And those are future republicans

Its where ding was broken. Its how he was turned into a we. Now he tries, with no success, to do it to others. Its a virulent highly contagious thought disease spread by abuse..Imagine? These fuckwads actually profess to be concerned about the value of human life.

Save the unborn so we can eat their brains when they are born! Thats should be their motto.

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Even Satan quouted scripture but when he did so it was to distance man from God.

"For he who eats and drinks without discerning the Body, eats and drinks judgment upon himself."
It seems to me you lost sight of your original position which is that you don’t believe God shares in our experiences, right?

All of the verses I provided show God does. None of the verses you provided support the position that God doesn’t.

What you believe about God does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence. How can God be with you if what you believe about God is not the truth or even real?

When you defy the law of God you die and descend into the netherworld where satan reigns in the very day that you do it. How long has it been since you first got down on your knees before an imaginary matzo man to worship and eat?. Decades?

There is no God with you in hell just like you will never find a king living among the rats in a garbage dump

Your sins have built an impenetrable barrier between you and he who truly is God. The firmament of heaven above, where God dwells, stretches out high above your head from horizon to horizon like a clear crystal vault.

Unless you renounce all the lies of satan that you have swallowed hook line and sinker you will just continue to sink.
You don’t speak for God.

I never claimed that I did. I speak for myself.

When I show you what God said in the book, that me doing it.

When I say that you have confused obstinate stupidity with faith, those are my words.

I never claim that God tells me to tell you that you are being an asshole.

I just say, "you're being an asshole" because I know what I see. Turds and farts coming out of that hole in your head.
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Fort Fun Indiana It's always interesting that you flip things around to make the believers the liars and tricksters.
No, don't try to lump a lying trickster like yourself in with all believers.


How can I be the lying trickster when I got science and the Bible behind me? Maybe you should clean off your mirror and take a better look at who's been lied to and tricked.
I always get a kick out of christians saying the jews got their own religion wrong :lol:

The bible itself says that, in both the old and new testaments.

As do numerous Messianic Jews who came to faith in Jesus and later talked about how their own rabbi couldn't answer basic questions regarding God/faith.
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Some of you know, i am a fairly close descendent of an ashkenazi jew. Only jew i know of in my family, so she slept out of her bloodline. Musta been a whore.. or she got raped by god like Mary..
The ashkenazi tribe was the majority of rome when jesus died. So, i believe my ancestors killed jesus.
Since we all know the illogical mentality of the abrahamic god, am i doomed for the sins of my ancestors? We all know how god feels about that shit...
Should i be scared for my soul?
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

That was my exact same thought, while reading this thread. After my disgust and disappointment in humanity, that is.
Oh come on now, don't be shy.

You said that God, the creator of the universe, created the entire universe so that he could experience this material world through you.

Thats pretty darn special.

Please take a bow..:clap2:
Yes, I did say that God experiences the material world through us but that doesn’t make us special in any way. We aren’t.

OK. What has God ever experienced through "us" when "we" is dead ? The bible is the word of God. Agreed? The wages of sin are death. true? You are a sinner. Right? If scripture is true, then you are dead. ta da! Check the math.

What God experiences hell? Is God the God of the dead? What God needs an 'us' to experience the material world? What is your Gods name?


OK, so you messed up big time. Don't you want to live again or have you forgotten what it is like to live?

If you want to be freed from the captivity of hell , all that you have to do is ask my God to do it in my name and it shall be done.

What do you have to lose except for your pride? Whoop di doo. Let's face it, you never really had much anyway.

Do not be afraid. No one has to know. You can even do it in secret.
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39

"So I fattened the flock for slaughter. "
The scripture you replied to, Romans 8:38-39, tells us that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. These things tell us that God shares our experiences which is what we are discussing.

Your reply “that I fattened the flock for slaughter” in no way refutes the fact that God shares in our experiences.

You don’t want others to believe that God shares in our experiences because you don’t want people to come to God. You want to distance people from God.
You are exactly right.
Fort Fun Indiana It's always interesting that you flip things around to make the believers the liars and tricksters.
No, don't try to lump a lying trickster like yourself in with all believers.


How can I be the lying trickster when I got science and the Bible behind me? Maybe you should clean off your mirror and take a better look at who's been lied to and tricked.
The Bible says when you die your spirit goes to another realm and becomes a god itself. You become a god. Never sick, angry, sad.

This makes sense to you?

Trust us, it’s you being lied to.
Fort Fun Indiana It's always interesting that you flip things around to make the believers the liars and tricksters.
No, don't try to lump a lying trickster like yourself in with all believers.


How can I be the lying trickster when I got science and the Bible behind me? Maybe you should clean off your mirror and take a better look at who's been lied to and tricked.
The Bible says when you die your spirit goes to another realm and becomes a god itself. You become a god. Never sick, angry, sad.

This makes sense to you?

Trust us, it’s you being lied to.
Can you quote the verse where it says that?
The scripture you replied to, Zephaniah 3:17, tells us that The Lord our God is in our midst, athat God is mighty and will save us; that he will rejoice over us with gladness; that he will quiet us by his love; that he will exult over us with loud singing. This verse tells us that God shares in our experiences.

Are you a Jew? If not you are sadly mistaken. You are antisemitic, remember?

Your reply that “in one month I got rid of the three shepherds for I had lost patience with them and they had come to abhor me does not refute that God shares in our experiences.

Listen Bub, I could not have possibly have made your mistakes, your confusion, the cause of and consequences for your failure to stand guard over the purity of your own mind to protect it from being defiled and contaminated by bullshit and losing your sanity more clear.

Not only that I have shown you the only way out of your hell and into the kingdom of heaven. Its straight up at the apex of the firmament of the vault of heaven like a gate.

You cannot sneak through heavens gate. Thats where I am standing like a door. You haven't been about to do it while I am here and the wormhole has been opened.. You will be even less able to do so when I am elsewhere and you are on your own. The wormhole will be closed.

At this point there really is no longer any excuse for your sins. Get out of your deathbed, stand up and walk upright like a man that reflects the image and likeness of a Holy God who is one, not many, not perverse, not deceitful, not defiant, not stupid, or you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.

Failure to do what is necessary to save the life of your immortal soul will not make it seem like you are being faithful it will seem like you are being faithless which would only convince many about the reality of divine judgement, that you are under the condemnation of God as a consequence of your own words and deeds, openly professed dedication to demonstrating hatred for God by worshipping a trinity, and desecrating the teachings of Jesus the actual Body of Christ, by teaching people that it is a lifeless matzo, made by human hands, and baked on human dung, even after being shown the truth.

Either way, mazel tov!
Jews believe that God shares in our experiences. At least the ones who still believe in God. I think there are like 10 of those left.

You need to try to make this about me because there are no verses which tell you God does not share in our experiences.

God is spirit. The closest we can come to relating to God is that God is consciousness; consciousnesses without a body; a mind without a body. God created the material world so that God could experience the material world through us; minds with bodies.

So everything you do, good or bad, God shares in that experience. So choose wisely, lest you expose the creator of existence to hatred.
Whatever you let loose here you let loose in heaven because God shares in our experiences.
Nahh, You have underestimated the dedication and morality of a Jew caught between the yoke of religious tyranny and brutal Roman occupation and didn't give a shit.
Nah, that's just the wishful thinking of a faithy goober. Conmen don't change throughout history. Jesus, no doubt, used all the same tactics you use.

You really have no idea.

prepared yourself to see some magic.

I am creating a new heaven and a new earth in full view of believers and unbelievers alike.

The bigger bang has already occurred. You just haven't seen the light or felt the shock waves yet.

Its a space time sort of thing.

From where I am standing , its spectacular. If I were you I would duck.
Well, my friend, you are hallucinating. And no, your archaic voodoo spells and incantations do not move me.

No, I am just speaking over your head so cool your pits, I have no intention of even trying to move you.

I am speaking for the benefit of the risen dead, standing all around, watching.

I am perfectly happy to leave you right where you are.
You exalt yourself. The exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. Choose wisely.

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