Am I Mistaking or Does Not The Oil Leak Look Worse?

Rumor has it that George Bush was seen on his yacht not far from the location. Hmmmmm
I'm not getting a feed either.

here's a pic

From the live video feed link the "Top Kill" does not seem to be working very well. They may need to use a "Junk Shot" with large debris to clog those holes.
I had the same issue. My screen view is murky as fuck.

I can see the gusher on the left but can barely see the right side of the blob on the sea floor.
I had the same issue. My screen view is murky as fuck.

I can see the gusher on the left but can barely see the right side of the blob on the sea floor.
there was only ONE when i looked at it yesterday
so it has got worse

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