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Am I right to be really nervous about all of this or what?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Am I right to be really nervous about all of this or what?

I'm no conspiracy theorist but there are some things here I can't use reason to explain away.

The thousands of plastic coffins abruptly moved after Ventura and Jones filmed them.

Huge detention facilities (which everyone interviewed nervously denies is a detention facility) with barbed wire to keep people IN, not out.

A sign at one of these facilities warning visitors against bringing in materials that could be used to help anyone ESCAPE...this, in a facility that is supposedly a non-detention housing facility.

Congressmen who agree to be interviewed by Ventura but then, abruptly, slip out of the office when they discover the nature of the interview, or who obviously lie about incriminating bills they co-sponsored, saying they are unfamiliar with that bill but only AFTER denying there were any detention facilities. All of this on camera.

Massive "Fusion Centers" around the country, manned and occupied by many federal and local armed services and law enforcement agencies which a director of one such center admits on camera that gets federal funding but has no federal direction...it's got no oversight or accountability.

And many more very troubling indicators suggesting the government is planning to instigate an event which would prompt massive national civil insurrection, or that the govt. would take advantage of a sufficiently calamitous natural disaster to cancel the Constitution and impose martial law. An execution of the well documented Cloward Piven, Alinsky, Ayers-Obama game plan to tear down America then rebuild it according to their radical plan.

Am I right to be really nervous about all of this or what?


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Am I right to be really nervous about all of this or what?

I'm no conspiracy theorist but there are some things here I can't use reason to explain away.

The thousands of plastic coffins abruptly moved after Ventura and Jones filmed them.

Huge detention facilities (which everyone interviewed nervously denies is a detention facility) with barbed wire to keep people IN, not out.

A sign at one of these facilities warning visitors against bringing in materials that could be used to help anyone ESCAPE...this, in a facility that is supposedly a non-detention housing facility.

Congressmen who agree to be interviewed by Ventura but then, abruptly, slip out of the office when they discover the nature of the interview, or who obviously lie about incriminating bills they co-sponsored, saying they are unfamiliar with that bill but only AFTER denying there were any detention facilities. All of this on camera.

Massive "Fusion Centers" around the country, manned and occupied by many federal and local armed services and law enforcement agencies which a director of one such center admits on camera that gets federal funding but has no federal direction...it's got no oversight or accountability.

And many more very troubling indicators suggesting the government is planning to instigate an event which would prompt massive national civil insurrection, or that the govt. would take advantage of a sufficiently calamitous natural disaster to cancel the Constitution and impose martial law. An execution of the well documented Cloward Piven, Alinsky, Ayers-Obama game plan to tear down America then rebuild it according to their radical plan.

Am I right to be really nervous about all of this or what?



If you take it all at face value the yeah, it's scary, but I'm skeptical though.
Am I right to be really nervous about all of this or what?

I'm no conspiracy theorist but there are some things here I can't use reason to explain away.

The thousands of plastic coffins abruptly moved after Ventura and Jones filmed them.

Huge detention facilities (which everyone interviewed nervously denies is a detention facility) with barbed wire to keep people IN, not out.

A sign at one of these facilities warning visitors against bringing in materials that could be used to help anyone ESCAPE...this, in a facility that is supposedly a non-detention housing facility.

Congressmen who agree to be interviewed by Ventura but then, abruptly, slip out of the office when they discover the nature of the interview, or who obviously lie about incriminating bills they co-sponsored, saying they are unfamiliar with that bill but only AFTER denying there were any detention facilities. All of this on camera.

Massive "Fusion Centers" around the country, manned and occupied by many federal and local armed services and law enforcement agencies which a director of one such center admits on camera that gets federal funding but has no federal direction...it's got no oversight or accountability.

And many more very troubling indicators suggesting the government is planning to instigate an event which would prompt massive national civil insurrection, or that the govt. would take advantage of a sufficiently calamitous natural disaster to cancel the Constitution and impose martial law. An execution of the well documented Cloward Piven, Alinsky, Ayers-Obama game plan to tear down America then rebuild it according to their radical plan.

Am I right to be really nervous about all of this or what?



If you take it all at face value the yeah, it's scary, but I'm skeptical though.

So am I. That's why I brought it to the board.

Probably. Did you know animals are leaving yellowstone? The shit's gonna go down any second now.

I saw the thread title but didn't visit it. I've long known of the huge faultline that runs below Yellowstone and reading that thread title only reminded me that animals may be sensing seismic activity very deep below ground.

But are you saying the animals are part of a government plot to become a police state???

Or are you just trying to fuck with my brain?
I watched the entire video. Very disturbing, Mojo. I am not a big fan of Alex Jones. Jesse Ventura was a Governor so he lends a lot of credibility to the documentary. It looks like these camps are empty. The kids on the swings could have been the children of workers but that leaves the question what residents were the people who worked there referring to at the front door of one of those places? Are there really people living at these facilities right now? The Congressman from Tennessee, Steve Cohen, looks like a very twisted, dark individual. His countenance is satanic. I saw that straight away.

As to the the other Congressman who co sponsored the bill for these camps Jim Gerlek - I never saw his face so I cannot tell what he is all about. I will pray that God exposes both of these men and whatever they are involved in comes to the light of day for all Americans to examine. I do know that there will be plagues falling upon the USA but don't believe they will be manmade. I think they will be genuine plagues of epic proportions. Again the coffins would a sign of preparing for such an event.

The story about the coffins in Madison, Ga. I remember. As I recall they said those coffins were stored on someones property - they leased it to the govt or whoever - to store those coffins in the event of a nuclear attack. This was confirmed years ago by a Ga. politician and I cannot recall the mans name. He said that ten years ago they were preparing for an eventual nuclear attack on the USA. They had reason to believe it would happen. I believe that was back in 2004 and they said 10 yrs and they expected a nuclear attack. Which was interesting because at the time 2014 wasn't too far away. Now we're there.
Concerning the coffins: FEMA Camps: Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory Debunked

Sad to see a Navy Seal doing this type of thing.

FEMA Camps: Jesse Ventura?s Conspiracy Theory Debunked | Death and Taxes

As Popular Mechanics points out, this “famous coffin facility” is actually the home office of Vantage Products, the largest commercial producer of plastic coffin liners, who supply the material for many of the 900,000 in-ground burials that take place every year in America. As you can see from their site, Vantage is a pretty non-threatening compnay. As you can see on Google maps, they’re located right in Covington, GA—outside Atlanta.
You know what I think, is this is just away for folks to think themselves important. No one in the government gives a crap about who I am and for the very most part don't give a crap what I do. I am not really sure I see the reason for the detention camps nor am I sure who would send the people there.
Probably. Did you know animals are leaving yellowstone? The shit's gonna go down any second now.

I respectfully disagree.

The only problem with the video that started this whole story is this: The bison were actually running deeper into Yellowstone, not away from it. Everything is fully explained in the following link:

The Very Important Detail About That Video of Bison ?Running for Their Lives? Out of Yellowstone | Video | TheBlaze.com

I have been following events at Yellowstone for decades and I know there are signs that suggest an eruption (rising ground, extreme water temperatures in mountain lake, substantial increase in Helium-4, etc.); however this thing about bison leaving Yellowstone is baseless.

I remember reading something in the local newspaper almost fifty years ago. The paper was the Florida Times-Union and the article was based upon an official U.S. Government source. The essence of the report was this: Yellowstone has erupted in the past at 600,000 year intervals and it is now about 40,000 year overdue. It may not erupt again for thousands of years, but if it erupted tomorrow no one would be surprised.

I suggest nothing has changed since the publication of that article.

Note: Edited to provide better link to article about bison:

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The recent video of the buffalo leaving Yellowstone has nothing to do with the govt, Mojo. Either they were looking for greener pastures or they were sensing an earthquake and leaving before it hits.
Is there a possibility that the detention camps are for disaster relief? Much like was needed during Katrina? That is if they even exist.
Personally, I think it's just a bunch of hooey, this concentration camp stuff. Spying? Sure. Camps? Um. No.
I've watched the television series "Conspiracy Theory" hosted by Jessie Ventura, and I'm not really impressed by what he finds with his "research".

Just someone else looking to get famous by scaring the crap out of the citizens.
...Sad to see a Navy Seal doing this type of thing. ...

Just doing his part in a localized context within the bigger picture, whether he realizes it or not.

The reason some of this information has been allowed to reach and persist inside the so-called "alternative media" is because growing knowledge of it will eventually serve the agenda at its core: a one-world despotic government. "How can that be?", one may well ask. The answer lies in the reasonable expectation of a massive civil uprising to coincide with the growing awareness of *aspects* of the multilayer agenda. Of course, any popular uprising (the more violent the better, as far as humanity's true enemies are concerned) would only serve to thin the numbers among the portion of society some of the psychopathic string-pullers would sooner do away with altogether. Read The Georgia Guide Stones and take to heart the intentions underlying the precepts, particularly those related to such a massive reduction in the world's population. Any amount of bloodshed between the people and the puppets placed in front of us would only serve the sinister purposes of the puppeteers, as sovereign governments fall beneath the shadows of the vultures waiting to pick clean all the bones and then rebuild a one-world power structure to their own liking.
Probably. Did you know animals are leaving yellowstone? The shit's gonna go down any second now.

I respectfully disagree.

The only problem with the video that started this whole story is this: The bison were actually running deeper into Yellowstone, not away from it. ....

They were promised oats if they would sign up for Obamacare and register to vote as Democrats.

Is there a possibility that the detention camps are for disaster relief? Much like was needed during Katrina? That is if they even exist.

If it were disaster relief centers why would the barbed wire be faced inwards to keep persons in? What is up with the guard towers? The train tracks and trains next to these facilities? Very creepy!

The vitriolic tone of those men who drove up in unmarked cars to meet Jesse Ventura? The angry gestapo like tone of the man having that young girl arrested was appalling! Who does he think he is? The nerve!

As to the camps? Sure they exist. My former boss years ago was a Major retired from the Pentagon. I told him I knew there were 800 FEMA camps and that I was told GITMO is one of them. He didn't deny it. I asked them why they were fully staffed if there was no one there. He said he didn't know anything about it. I asked him what the Pentagon considered the number one threat to the country as I was expecting to hear him say, radical Islamists. He didn't. He told me that according to the Pentagon under Obama administration the number one threat is evangelical Christians. At the time he didn't know I was a Christian and I didn't offer any evidence of it until I had the opportunity to look in his eye as I asked him my final question. My final question to him was, Are these FEMA Camps to imprison the evangelicals? The look on his face was one of surprise and anger at knowing he could not hide the truth from me. I told him it's alright. I'll pray for you. He said please don't. Then I resigned!

I feel tremendous mercy and pity for this man because I know in my spirit he won't make it. He's going to be in hell for all eternity. So sad! There are people like him who have already decided to serve the NWO and some of these people when I have tried to pray for them? The LORD stops me and says do not pray for them! ( YIKES!!! )

This is the most important Scripture for Christians to remember concerning anyone who attempts to intimidate, harrass or harm them. It is in Psalm 17 and it is where King David said Protect me from the wicked which are thy sword. The wicked are a sword in Gods hand. They cannot touch you without God's permission. If they cross that line they are finished. The LORD has shown this to me numerous times. There is nothing to fear. Absolutely nothing.

- Jeri

p.s. it could be that they have hired people like Alex Jones to create this fear in order to intimidate people. If that is what you get from watching such videos I'd advise ignoring them completely. God makes the decisions. HE IS IN FULL CONTROL. Believe it!! It's the truth!
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...Sad to see a Navy Seal doing this type of thing. ...

Just doing his part in a localized context within the bigger picture, whether he realizes it or not.

The reason some of this information has been allowed to reach and persist inside the so-called "alternative media" is because growing knowledge of it will eventually serve the agenda at its core: a one-world despotic government. "How can that be?", one may well ask. The answer lies in the reasonable expectation of a massive civil uprising to coincide with the growing awareness of *aspects* of the multilayer agenda. Of course, any popular uprising (the more violent the better, as far as humanity's true enemies are concerned) would only serve to thin the numbers among the portion of society some of the psychopathic string-pullers would sooner do away with altogether. Read The Georgia Guide Stones and take to heart the intentions underlying the precepts, particularly those related to such a massive reduction in the world's population. Any amount of bloodshed between the people and the puppets placed in front of us would only serve the sinister purposes of the puppeteers, as sovereign governments fall beneath the shadows of the vultures waiting to pick clean all the bones and then rebuild a one-world power structure to their own liking.

It isn't going to turn out like they think. Those underground bunkers they have built for themselves? For the past 15 yrs at least there have been Christians who have had visions of these underground bunkers collapsing due to a massive earthquake. They are buried alive down there in those visions and then these same Christians said they knew these people were on their way to hell. They cried out for mercy but there was none and God wouldn't let them die even though they were screaming let us die, let us die. This is their punishment for having plotted against the saints of God. The Word of God declares Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. They have no idea what they are getting themselves into here. Anyone who would go after one of Gods children is an utter Fool.

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