Am I the only one here who thinks this is just wrong?


Darwin was a pastafarian
Jul 24, 2013
One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Taxpayers spend $899 million annually in state and federal benefits to support bank tellers and their families, according to a new report from The Committee for Better Banks.

One-third of bank tellers receive some sort of public assistance, ranging from Medicaid to food stamps, the financial industry employee advocacy group found, citing research from the University of California-Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. In New York state, almost 40 percent of bank tellers and their family members are enrolled in public assistance programs, costing the state and federal governments $112 million in benefits.

“Bank workers in New York, across the nation and around the globe are being squeezed, very much as other hourly workers in the economy are,” the report noted. “Banks’ internal employment practices, just like their external practices, increasingly drive inequality.”

It’s not as if banks can’t afford to pay their tellers more, judging from a surge in executive pay: Compensation for the top 50 financial chief executives rose by 20 percent in 2011 and 26 percent in 2010, the study notes.

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.
Bank tellers simply asked themselves, when Obama was re-anointed:

"How can I profit from this?

Quickly found the answer then tried it with huge success.
If the survey restricted itself to food stamps and medicaid it would be a legitimate concern. When it expands to "all public assistance programs" I smell a rat. Many people are enrolled in public assistance without even realizing it through schools and organizations and hundreds of other minor government stuff.
One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Taxpayers spend $899 million annually in state and federal benefits to support bank tellers and their families, according to a new report from The Committee for Better Banks.

One-third of bank tellers receive some sort of public assistance, ranging from Medicaid to food stamps, the financial industry employee advocacy group found, citing research from the University of California-Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. In New York state, almost 40 percent of bank tellers and their family members are enrolled in public assistance programs, costing the state and federal governments $112 million in benefits.

“Bank workers in New York, across the nation and around the globe are being squeezed, very much as other hourly workers in the economy are,” the report noted. “Banks’ internal employment practices, just like their external practices, increasingly drive inequality.”

It’s not as if banks can’t afford to pay their tellers more, judging from a surge in executive pay: Compensation for the top 50 financial chief executives rose by 20 percent in 2011 and 26 percent in 2010, the study notes.

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.

what's your problem?
the expansion of the "benefit eligibility" is done to enroll as much as possible people to be dependent on the government assistance. Bank teller was never a high-paying job as it does not require extensive training, so it is not going to be paid as a nursing job, for example.

the stagnation of the economy and the high unemployment together with the hidden inflation are not making the matters better - but you can be thankful for that to your beloved leftard policies.
One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Taxpayers spend $899 million annually in state and federal benefits to support bank tellers and their families, according to a new report from The Committee for Better Banks.

One-third of bank tellers receive some sort of public assistance, ranging from Medicaid to food stamps, the financial industry employee advocacy group found, citing research from the University of California-Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. In New York state, almost 40 percent of bank tellers and their family members are enrolled in public assistance programs, costing the state and federal governments $112 million in benefits.

“Bank workers in New York, across the nation and around the globe are being squeezed, very much as other hourly workers in the economy are,” the report noted. “Banks’ internal employment practices, just like their external practices, increasingly drive inequality.”

It’s not as if banks can’t afford to pay their tellers more, judging from a surge in executive pay: Compensation for the top 50 financial chief executives rose by 20 percent in 2011 and 26 percent in 2010, the study notes.

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.

I'd find a new job, that paid better and quit.

What kind of childish shit is; "Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives"?

morons take shit jobs and still need the government teet?
One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Taxpayers spend $899 million annually in state and federal benefits to support bank tellers and their families, according to a new report from The Committee for Better Banks.

One-third of bank tellers receive some sort of public assistance, ranging from Medicaid to food stamps, the financial industry employee advocacy group found, citing research from the University of California-Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. In New York state, almost 40 percent of bank tellers and their family members are enrolled in public assistance programs, costing the state and federal governments $112 million in benefits.

“Bank workers in New York, across the nation and around the globe are being squeezed, very much as other hourly workers in the economy are,” the report noted. “Banks’ internal employment practices, just like their external practices, increasingly drive inequality.”

It’s not as if banks can’t afford to pay their tellers more, judging from a surge in executive pay: Compensation for the top 50 financial chief executives rose by 20 percent in 2011 and 26 percent in 2010, the study notes.

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.

I'm reading what you have linked.

It's conflicting. Bank tellers vs bank workers.

Give me straight stats and I can work with it.
End entitlements.

This isn't about entitlements. It's about unfair wage and benefit practices.

no, it is about the non-existing JOBS because of the policies of this administration which make it impossible to find a job, so there is no incentive to raise the salary of one unskilled worker as there are hordes of the same which can replace the worker any minute.

High unemployment - that is the reason the wages and benefits are LOW and have not risen.

But you knew it, right?
How do the other two-thirds live on the same salary?

The third that needs public assistance gets it because they can or because they decided to have six kids before they made it to loan officer.

No sympathy for them. At least the majority of bank tellers are getting along just fine.
One-third of bank tellers rely on public assistance - CBS News

Taxpayers spend $899 million annually in state and federal benefits to support bank tellers and their families, according to a new report from The Committee for Better Banks.

One-third of bank tellers receive some sort of public assistance, ranging from Medicaid to food stamps, the financial industry employee advocacy group found, citing research from the University of California-Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. In New York state, almost 40 percent of bank tellers and their family members are enrolled in public assistance programs, costing the state and federal governments $112 million in benefits.

“Bank workers in New York, across the nation and around the globe are being squeezed, very much as other hourly workers in the economy are,” the report noted. “Banks’ internal employment practices, just like their external practices, increasingly drive inequality.”

It’s not as if banks can’t afford to pay their tellers more, judging from a surge in executive pay: Compensation for the top 50 financial chief executives rose by 20 percent in 2011 and 26 percent in 2010, the study notes.

Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives.

I'd find a new job, that paid better and quit.

What kind of childish shit is; "Can't wait to read the justifications from conservatives"?

morons take shit jobs and still need the government teet?

There are no jobs and high unemployment.
Wages do not raise in such a climate.

But all this government is doing is KILLING the jobs through obamacare and milion other strangling regulations through EPA and other agencies.

How many jobs did obama killed by not agreeing to the Keystone pipeline?
How many more not by exploring other existing fossil fuel resources, but simultaneously flushing down the drain billions on failed solar?

here are the answers to the OP - you want higher wages? don't KILL the high paying jobs to fit the agenda and obama's donors pockets.
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