Am I the only one who thinks that? We shouldn't do anything about global warming just yet?

Let us know when little greta flies into beijing and lectures the chicoms..................................
Bunch of suckers. It aint about glowarm. Rest of the world see us printing off trillions daily and wants some of that coin..................errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... carbon credits.
It is the height of man’s arrogance to not see the climate change that has resulted from our industrialization of the last hundred years

Yes, the earths climate changes on its own and there is nothing we can do about it.
But we can do something about our contribution to that climate change
Fuck off bitch. We already know why you stupid leftists want people in the USA to feel like they are somehow responsible.

The relevant facts are fucking obvious, you stupid, moronic, simpleton, low IQ (and therefore easily brainwashed by fake news) idiot.

Fact #1) On the planet Earth, a nation's carbon dioxide production and their GDP tend to go together. The higher the CO2 the higher the GDP and therefore the prosperity and well being of that nation's citizens

Fact #2) Leftist nations put up walls to prevent people from escaping, while free nations create walls to prevent leftists from infiltrating for a reason.

Fact #3) The Global Warming Doomsday Cult is a leftist organization whose goal is to prevent the USA from prospering.

Fuck off, leftarded pissant.
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Have no answer re climate, But you could help a little by not throwing your trash out on our streets & roads.
We could help the planet immensely to large amounts simply by not allowing shitty useless people continue to breed more shitty and useless people that do nothing but leech off society and serve no purpose.

We need to stop letting criminals, dopeheads and crazies just run around society. Need to stop letting illegals come in and bum around and mooch off everyone. Need to stop letting people who don't have jobs vote. Need to stop welfare programs that people abuse so they can do nothing. Need to bring back pushing American values, pride, standards and morals on children as well as being responsible for themselves. Crack down on drug use. Get more creative and harsher on criminals. And so on.

Basically we need to weed out all the useless tits in our society that have no use, contribute nothing and basically just sitting around all day running air conditioners, flushing toilets, using electricity, taking food and do it all for free. Too many people every day all day don't do anything but just sit and consume in America.

Get rid of those people and you'll see lanes on the roads open up, have less pollution, less waste, and fewer bodies doing nothing more than converting oxygen into carbon dioxide.
We refuse to die.
Covid was nothing but a head cold in my case, which I ironically caught from a vaxxed and boosted family member who fared far worse despite the "miracle experiment".
There ya go. That's the spirit. Now, spread the word to all your friends that vaccines don't work and voting is a waste since the Dems have 200, 000 mules to steal the election.
COVID wasn't shit. But keeping taking those jabs, by all means, while your blood clots keep growing inside you.

Dibs on all your stuff.
Sure. But promise me you won't go anywhere near that evil evil vaccine. And tell all your friends. Will you promise? Please, pretty please?
You don't speak for my species. You speak for worms, lice, fleas, and pond scum.
They are kinda squishy squarlsy and pukey skick squcky hurly. However with the right translator you can get the jist
I know global warming is a major issue, but it's the same time We have a great opportunity to get rid of florida once and for all. Within twenty years the everglades will be flooded with sea water, And all the idiots who call global warming a Hoax will not have any fresh water to drink. So let's wait until after that happens before we start doing anything. Since it's only florida and a couple Other red states that rely on the everglades for their drinking water.
Forests burning, smoke fills the air,
Animals desperate, their homes stripped bare.
The world must unite, for a cleaner tomorrow,
Act now, ease the Earth's sorrow...

Source :
NASA – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet – Home â Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

Edit : If you don't believe those NASA nerds, then who else would you believe?
I know global warming is a major issue, but it's the same time We have a great opportunity to get rid of florida once and for all. Within twenty years the everglades will be flooded with sea water, And all the idiots who call global warming a Hoax will not have any fresh water to drink. So let's wait until after that happens before we start doing anything. Since it's only florida and a couple Other red states that rely on the everglades for their drinking water.

You ARE a fucking imbecile.

Am I the only one who thinks that? We shouldn't do anything about global warming just yet?​

Nope, what we should do, instead of all this silly, resource and time wasting, handwringing is improvise, adapt, and overcome. The whole man made global warming is such a scam that it isn't even mentioned by it previous proponents having put it aside for the more amorphous term climate change. Unlike global warming climate change cannot be denied or disproven, for as with the movement of tectonic plates, it is a constant that has taken place since the beginning of the planet.
I know global warming is a major issue, but it's the same time We have a great opportunity to get rid of florida once and for all. Within twenty years the everglades will be flooded with sea water, And all the idiots who call global warming a Hoax will not have any fresh water to drink. So let's wait until after that happens before we start doing anything. Since it's only florida and a couple Other red states that rely on the everglades for their drinking water.

Your Co2 FRAUD lacks the FIRST THING it needed, evidence that increasing Co2 in the atmosphere warms the atmosphere..

We have 2 and only 2 measures of atmospheric temps - satellites and balloons - and both showed NO WARMING with high correlation before being FUDGED in 2005 with laughable BS...

"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling."

Gotta love NBC, "suggested." Your outside thermometer "suggested" it was 80F, but what you need is a conflicted taxpayer funded "scientist" to fudge that to 90F.... to claim "warming" that does not exist...

The data was a flat line that went up and down a bit. "cooling" is a lame interpretation. Both satellites and balloons showed a cooler than normal atmosphere in 1998, Bill Clinton's first "warmest year ever" claim....


satellites - "orbit wobble" would not change the IR readings at all

balloons - "shade issues" that were CONSTANT the whole time, possibly justifying a one time CONSTANT adjustment to all data which would still be a FLAT LINE and not an upward slope, which it what it was fudged into
What did homO do about Global Warming?

According to homO, Global Warming was the "greatest threat" to everything up until 2010, then 2 full years of SILENCE on the issue...

and then in 2012 it was back being the "greatest threat" to everything....


Get a clue, people....

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