Am I wrong to bet on my immune system instead of the Covid vaccine?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
It's a personal choice. I just hit 70 and had a heart bypass 27 yrs. ago--beyond that fairly healthy. I got covid in Jan and barely noticed. I am sticking with my immune system.
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?

I'll probably get it, but I don't disparage people who don't. Or those who take a 'wait-and-see' attitude.

What bothers me is the propaganda war being waged to undermine, in general, our efforts to fight the pandemic.
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
Let’s see,should we trust the best doctors in the world that the virus is not dangerous and let our immune system handle it or believe the media and Bill gates and trust them thst we need the vaccine? Hmmmmmm,thats a very hard one.I just don’t know.:biggrin:
I have been out in it everyday. Touched common surfaces dozens have touched every day, no prob. I'll stick with the supplement regimen I started yr and half before covid. Keeps the zinc and D levels higher than the norm. If I get a shot it probably would be the J&J single dose.
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
I'd wait it out and see how many people die or get sick from the vaccine.

I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
It's a personal choice. I just hit 70 and had a heart bypass 27 yrs. ago--beyond that fairly healthy. I got covid in Jan and barely noticed. I am sticking with my immune system.
I'm sticking to my immune system too.

I have been out in it everyday. Touched common surfaces dozens have touched every day, no prob. I'll stick with the supplement regimen I started yr and half before covid. Keeps the zinc and D levels higher than the norm. If I get a shot it probably would be the J&J single dose.
Well said. :thup: I have been around hundreds the last year.I have gone out of my way to try and get it,I can’t seem to get it no matter how hard I try.:abgg2q.jpg:
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
I'd wait it out and see how many people die or get sick from the vaccine.

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Why,it’s well known there are thousands around the country that already have died and doctors who believed everything the medical establishment told them.did you hear of the doctor in scottland I think it was,who mocked people for not taking the vaccine then a week later died? He ain’t mocking people anymore now.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Well, some ineresting comments.

First of all i got the 2 moderna side effects that I have my 2nd shot about a month ago.

I would not presume to tell people what to do....I have heard good arguments on both sides....and it must be does not have all the answers....and also anything biden recommends well ya know his record...never been right about anything....but I went ahead and did it. Only time will tell.

The immune system of course is critical....and those who are relying upon it should check out natural ways to enhance it if you do not know already.....2 good things for that .....Sambuca made from elderberries....I get elderberries from whole foods and grind them up to make a tea....or you can just buy the Sambuca if you do not want to go to the trouble of making the tea. The second thing......'Melatonin' known to hinder or fight the chinese of the things they gave Trump when he came down with the virus....most are familiar with it as a way to get to sleep easier and or to fight jet lag....there is a very interesting article on that but I dont have the can easily google thing about that from the article I read is that most folks do not take enough of it....on the bottle you get at walgreens or wherever says take 1 tablet daily of 5mg..... the highly educated fellow who wrote the article on it takes 70 mg. I opted for 30mg after reading that...I had taken 5 mg daily for many years.
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
I refuse to get a jab from a vaccine that is still experimental. Period.
on the bottle you get at walgreens or wherever says take 1 tablet daily of 5mg..... the highly educated fellow who wrote the article on it takes 70 mg. I opted for 30mg after reading that...I had taken 5 mg daily for many years.
I take it every night. 15 mgs when I go to bed. I wake up every two hours, so I take 10mg more. Two hours later, 5mg. Two hours later, all the way up to around 4 or 5 am, another 5mg gummy. THEN I finally sleep for about 5 hours with no waking up if I am lucky.

I also take magnesium, calcium, b12, d3, vit c. Daily. Most are gummies. Some melt under the tongue. The zinc I get from the others that have it in it. My doctors (I have 2) both refused the jab. They are doing what I am doing, which is why I am now doing what I'm doing, lol. I feel fine...except for joint flareups and a stuffy nose from allergies due to all the pollen in the air now.
I would say if your considered a high risk person then maybe it does make MORE sense to gamble on the vaccine but giving it to kids who are extremely low risk of even spreading the disease makes no sense to me at all, considering no one knows yet if there are long term effects.

Personally as a healthy adult just over 50 I choose to not take the vaccine. Even if I was to contract the disease at this point in time, treatments have improved and even without treatment the survivability rate is very high if one is not high risk.

I also have an odd immune condition however. Had some testing done and my blood does not secrete antigens into any of my bodily fluid such as saliva. Normal secretion of antigens is a first line of defense and because of this I sometimes get weird reactions to food. I dont know what other reactions I might potentially have. I dont think I've had a flu shot since I was in HS and I never get the flu anyway. I do certain herbs and try to be healthy.

I do have an X doctor friend who lives back in New Jersey who told me on the phone, it would probably be wise to take a wait and see approach at least. I dont know what channels he has but he's telling me that vaccine deaths are not being reported. He knew of at least one healthy guy in his 40s who after taking the vaccine had sore feet bottoms the next day. A day after that it was apparent it was from internal bleeding all throughout his body. Th enext day he could just make it to the hospital and then he was dead in three from internal bleeding.

For the most part, the vaccine is probably safe but There is a risk whichever way you choose. Just like the rest of life.
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
I refuse to get a jab from a vaccine that is still experimental. Period.

Thank you POTUS trump for the vaccine you promised and delivered but still many RWI’s are still afraid to take due to RWI conspiracy theories.
I am not an anti vaxxer. I have had the flu dozens of times. None in the last 20 years.i had a cold two years ago. I do not get sick easily. I have evaluated the vaccines. In a risk benefit analysis for me and only me I elect not to take any of the vaccines. I will trust my own immune system.
Wonder if they will report how many vaxxed die of it?
You can query the VAERS database at CDC on just about any bad reaction, including death to a variety of vaccines. I did so, a week or so before my vaccination. Now VAERS queries me, daily on my phone by text message. I signed into the app on my Iphone the day I got vaccinated. They have checked on my status daily ever since. It is about 5 questions or so, checking on reactions, symptoms and basically how I feel.
If you do query the VAERS data base, I recommend you use WONDER, but I think you can get raw data directly into Excel if you are a gutton for punishment.
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
I refuse to get a jab from a vaccine that is still experimental. Period.

Thank you POTUS trump for the vaccine you promised and delivered but still many RWI’s are still afraid to take due to RWI conspiracy theories.

Experimental vaccines are always to be taken with precaution, since it hasn't been fully tested for long term safety.

I decided to wait for a while at age 61 in a very low China virus death rate state of Washington.

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