AMA opposes GOP health care bill

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.

The American Medical Association, a powerful lobbying group representing the nation’s doctors, announced on Wednesday that it opposed the House Republicans’ proposed legislation to replace the federal health care law, saying it was concerned the bill “would result in millions of Americans losing coverage and benefits.”

The group, which provided crucial support for the Obama administration’s contentious health care legislation before it was enacted in 2010, also sent a letter to the two House committees responsible for drafting the Republicans’ bill, called the American Health Care Act. The group’s concerns echoed some others raised this week among industry organizations like hospital groups worried about the possible losses of coverage that could result from the proposed legislation that was released on Monday.

All of the major hospital groups, including the American Hospital Association, also came out against the bill. “We are very concerned that the draft legislative proposal being considered by the House committees could lead to tremendous instability for those seeking affordable coverage,” the hospitals said in a letter to Congress. The hospitals also raised concerns about Republicans’ plans to significantly alter Medicaid, which they said could result in a loss of coverage and cuts to health care services.

Looks like the GOP bill may have some tough sledding.
No, of course you don't. The fact that these people are on the front lines of health care concerns you not at all. Nor does the fact that millions will lose their coverage if the GOP passes the bill in it's present form.
hmmm...maybe it's a good bill then...unless they're doin reverse psychology...
probably the same crew that mrobama trotted out to advertise and hype his 'obamacare' so feck'em !!
"this is a bad joke" - Congressman Doyle

mark him down as 'opposes the bill'
Time for the Dems to work with the AMA and other health care professionals, and work out a universal single payer system. Little Taiwan did it, and the rest of the first world nations have done it, even little Costa Rica has done it.

An overview of the healthcare system in Taiwan

Key messages
  • A national health insurance system was introduced in Taiwan in 1995.
  • The Taiwanese healthcare system is characterised by good accessibility, comprehensive population coverage, short waiting times, low cost, and national data collection systems for planning and research.
  • Problems with the system include short consultation times time and poor gatekeeping of specialist services.
  • Concern about quality of healthcare is another key issue that the Taiwanese government will have to address in future years.
Why this matters to me
There are different ways to provide universal health coverage. Taiwan and the UK have taken different approaches and there are lessons that can be learned from the respective experience of the two countries. For example, the UK system has a much stronger focus on the gatekeeper role of primary care physicians. The Taiwanese system by contrast allows for greater patient choice.

Keywords: to come, health insurance, health services accessibility, national health programs, primary healthcare
just get rid of the mandate is all that i want . Plus repeal and replace but if the mandate is gone then anything is cool !!
Single payer would last until all the ones who supprted it was voted out of office. Like what was done to obamacare. Election by election those who wanted it were voted out. Now it's gone.
Single payer would last until all the ones who supprted it was voted out of office. Like what was done to obamacare. Election by election those who wanted it were voted out. Now it's gone.
We are the only first world industrial nation that does not have a single payer system. And how does our system rate compared to the others?

However, the CIA world book ranks us at #50

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