Amateur hour is over

What law is there against holding a party? None. She is making up law as she goes along. It won't hold up in court - they won't be able to press charges - nor will they be able to extort money via citation out of them. She's an idiot for thinking she isn't trampling on the rights of others and that she has the moral authority to do so.
Our Emergency Orders forbid gatherings of more than ten. I don't know that anyone has been arrested, but Orders can be enforced. Otherwise, they wouldn't be Orders, would they?
"Orders" are made up shit. They aren't written laws.
What law is there against holding a party? None. She is making up law as she goes along. It won't hold up in court - they won't be able to press charges - nor will they be able to extort money via citation out of them. She's an idiot for thinking she isn't trampling on the rights of others and that she has the moral authority to do so.
Our Emergency Orders forbid gatherings of more than ten. I don't know that anyone has been arrested, but Orders can be enforced. Otherwise, they wouldn't be Orders, would they?
"Orders" are made up shit. They aren't written laws.
The Constitution says plainly we have a right to gather peacefully, the ONLY way to take that right away is Insurrection, Martial law or war. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that gives a power to anyone to order a lock down except in the 3 listed cases. And I would bet NO State Constitution grants that power either. Further unless breaking a legal and constitutional law of some kind a Governor can not shut Businesses down either.
That backlash having its roots in the same lurch toward right wing authoritarianism that swept through much of Europe as a consequence of the refugee crisis there.

It's happened here too, perhaps to a lesser degree, as evidenced by the fascist tendencies of Trumpleheads.

In case you haven't noticed, this authoritarianism, this insane drive to exploit this fake epidemic as an excuse to stomp all over the people's Constitutional rights, is coming entirely from the left wrong, and none of it from the right.

You are correct about one thing. The backlash against this is going to be huge. The match has already been struck, and the fire is already burning. May it burn bright; may it burn hot, and may it burn for as long as it takes to burn away every last vestige of this disease of left wrong-wing tyranny and corruption.
New one going around; "Oh fuck..... These people know where we all live, they got internet on their phones."

Indeed. Corrupt public servants who go to people's homes, to threaten their freedom and their safety, will soon find that they are receiving the same in return.

The time has come for the people to remind their public servants of their place, who is the servant and who is the rightful master.
Is it strange to anyone else that the anti-police left is suddenly pro-authoritarian, pro-police state?

They like the police when they think they can abuse them for their own corrupt, tyrannical purposes.

When they're committing or supporting actual criminal activity, and the police are there to do their job, then not so much.
What law is there against holding a party? None. She is making up law as she goes along. It won't hold up in court - they won't be able to press charges - nor will they be able to extort money via citation out of them. She's an idiot for thinking she isn't trampling on the rights of others and that she has the moral authority to do so.
Our Emergency Orders forbid gatherings of more than ten. I don't know that anyone has been arrested, but Orders can be enforced. Otherwise, they wouldn't be Orders, would they?
"Orders" are made up shit. They aren't written laws.
The Constitution says plainly we have a right to gather peacefully, the ONLY way to take that right away is Insurrection, Martial law or war. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that gives a power to anyone to order a lock down except in the 3 listed cases. And I would bet NO State Constitution grants that power either. Further unless breaking a legal and constitutional law of some kind a Governor can not shut Businesses down either.
You can google any state charter or by laws.
War either within state or country, civilian rioting, weather disasters
permit seizure of freedom but only a few reference disease
Release the criminals to make more room, of course.

That's pretty much what they do in Chicago anyway. Now, they have a new excuse for it. They need to let the criminals run free, to make room in the prisons for law-abiding citizens who dare to legitimately exercise their Constitutional rights.
Let law breakers out to make room for law abiders .
Not America right now
Is it strange to anyone else that the anti-police left is suddenly pro-authoritarian, pro-police state?

They always have been. It’s the very base of their entire political sphere, control. Why do you think they are so complicit with these massive power grabs by politicians? The political left has never been about freedom for anyone.
What will she do when the jails are full of partygoers?

Release more dangerous felons from prison.

High Risk Sex Offender Released From Jail. You Can Guess The Rest
JAZZ SHAW Posted at 4:01 pm on May 2, 2020

A high-risk registered sex offender was arrested Thursday for allegedly exposing himself at a parole resource center, just two weeks after a controversial early release from the Orange County Jail.

Guess I am a criminal. I was at a gathering at a friend’s house of 12 people last night and one of them was a cop too
Let’s see how a real hardcore democrat does things.

We have officially reached the stage of democratic socialism that sends armed enforcers to your home to make sure you’re toting the party line.
I have to admit that when I read you thread title I though you were telling your skidmark to resign. Which is a great idea.

Let me ask you this; Is a temporary ban on "house parties" in the light of the irresponsible actions by your skidmark such a bad thing? Remember, I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
You thought that because you’re an idiot.

You still haven’t said what an MOC is or why I should give a shit about them.
You thought that because you’re an idiot.

I'm done with your skidmark. Two HUGE permanent tax cuts that YOU get to pay for.

You still haven’t said what an MOC is or why I should give a shit about them.

Look it up.
Provide a link or STFU about it.
Conservative posters already have. Look it up!
Not getting in this fight over the right or wrong of having a party, do question why when hundreds are dying every day & half the population is struggling to stay afloat you would want to have a party?

Sorry but having a party is a fuck you to health workers and people trying to get back working... It is anti-American bullshit wrapped in a flag..

These are probably the same people who booed the gay solider stationed in Iraq...

Some person in the past called these type of people deplorable and she was ridiculed... That is the problem with being ahead of your time...
Is it strange to anyone else that the anti-police left is suddenly pro-authoritarian, pro-police state?

They always have been. It’s the very base of their entire political sphere, control. Why do you think they are so complicit with these massive power grabs by politicians? The political left has never been about freedom for anyone.
You live in Vegas and think the left isn't about freedom. Nevada is True Blue and has the most freedom of any State.

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