Amazing. Beluga whale teasing and playing with kids.

Marine mammals generally like people. I saw something last night about a dolphin fisherman partnership. Dolphins would round up fish for the nets and signal the fishermen when they were ready. The nets would catch fish and the school would be driven toward the dolphins who would be able to eat huge mouthfuls rather than a few at a time.

It was quite interesting. I've seen dolphins playing with surfers for years.
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Marine mammals generally like people. I saw something last night about a dolphin fisherman partnership. Dolphins would round up fish for the nets and signal the fishermen when they were ready. The nets would catch fish and the school would be driven toward the dolphins who would be able to eat huge mouthfuls rather than a few at a time.

It was quite interesting. I've seen dolphins playing with surfers for years.

Interesting thing is beluga whales are actually dolphins. So are orcas for that matter.

The thing about this exchange, is this whale is actually teasing the kids. He is playing peeka boo with them.

Pretty unreal. That is rather abstract thought.
Did it ever occur to you the whale was registering his contempt for captivity?

That was my thought as well. It certainly wasn't "play". It looked like the whale wanted to bite off a head.
There's a video of a seal playing with a little girl. The girl falls and the seal got worried. If no one else finds it I'll look tomorrow.
Marine mammals generally like people. I saw something last night about a dolphin fisherman partnership. Dolphins would round up fish for the nets and signal the fishermen when they were ready. The nets would catch fish and the school would be driven toward the dolphins who would be able to eat huge mouthfuls rather than a few at a time.

It was quite interesting. I've seen dolphins playing with surfers for years.
I've seen similar examples, but the big difference is the dolphins you're referring to were FREE, and those in the video are not.
There's a video of a seal playing with a little girl. The girl falls and the seal got worried. If no one else finds it I'll look tomorrow.

Check out this orangutan saving a little baby chick from drowning.

Did it ever occur to you the whale was registering his contempt for captivity?

That was my thought as well. It certainly wasn't "play". It looked like the whale wanted to bite off a head.
There have been numerous documented cases of captive Orcas maiming and even killing their trainers. I'm pretty sure all mammals have an instinctive hatred of involuntary captivity. The whale in this video didn't look too playful to me, and the children seemed to sense that, as well.
Poor creature, surrounded by screaming children and forced to live in a most alien and ugly environment.

Really heart rending footage.
Poor creature, surrounded by screaming children and forced to live in a most alien and ugly environment.

Really heart rending footage.

And leave it to a liberal asshole to shit all over the moment of joy.

Liberals suck. No other way to put it.
WTF is wrong with your fools that you think this is POLITICAL?????????????

You can't read animals' minds and there is nothing "joyful" about a beautiful, glorious, wild animal stuck in a tiny, barren little tank when they were meant to swim free in the oceans.

Gawd fucking damn - You fools actually believe that dolphins vote. I am so sick of willfully ignorant RWs.
Did it ever occur to you the whale was registering his contempt for captivity?

Well shit a whale riot call al sharpton.

Oh wait its a white whale.
Don't start on WHITE whales, Ahab.

"Ahab is the tyrannical captain of the Pequod who is driven by a monomaniacal desire to kill Moby Dick, the whale that had maimed him off the coast of Japan[3] during a previous whaling voyage. Although he is a Quaker, he seeks revenge in defiance of his religion's well-knownpacifism. Ahab's Biblical namesake is the evil idol-worshipping ruler in the Book of Kings, and this association prompts Ishmael to ask, after first hearing Ahab's name:

"When that wicked king was slain, the dogs, did they not lick his blood?

"—Moby-Dick , Chapter 16. "The Ship"[4]"

List of Moby-Dick characters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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