Amazing how ignorant people are of Trump's taxes, write-offs AND INCOME!!!

Does Donny Freeloader even need to release his taxes now?
The NYT story reveals everything that was always suspected

Donny is not the businessman he claims to be and doesn't pay taxes

If he has proof otherwise, he can provide it need now cuz you fuckers have already decided what's in em anyway.

Damn...did Hillary play Trump or what?

First she hits him on his Miss Piggy comments and Trump can only respond on how fat she was

Then she hits him on he doesn't pay taxes and he admits it. Then the NYT releases he lost almost a billion in a year....Some businessman
Yep.......and all of it based off of nothing but nonsense.

I guess if you think that scoring cheap political points is more important than running the country right, no wonder that you keep picking these fucking losers who screw everything up.
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Dear Mr. Trump, hold out as long as you think right. Normal Americans don't care. Hold out as long as BO stalled and played Birther games. BO is original birther, he used Kenya when he could benefit.........books, school etc. Beast too pussy to use it.

I know you have readers in here and I am followed. Trust me on this one. Hold out. Keep it in the news. Keep everyone in suspense. Point out how F'd up Tax code is.

sincerely your buddy and campaign worker for you,
Old Yeller
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The MSM and even local media no longer seem to care about the facts especially in this latest Trump 1995 Tax return story.
I just heard the local news say because of the 1995 nearly $1 billion loss Trump declared he hasn't paid taxes for the last 20 years!
Wow. How does the MSM and much less the local news know that?
THEY DON'T! Made up news!
Once again the idiots that are now producers/editors of news shows are truly showing what Mr. Goodwin a "true" journalist described in this article.
Michael Goodwin wrote the below:
A recent article by its media reporter, Jim Gutenberg [New York Times], whom I know and like, began this way:
“If you’re a working journalist and you believe that Donald J. Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes, how the heck are you supposed to cover him?” Rutenberg wondered in a front-page article earlier this month.
When it comes to covering Trump, it’s only fair to be unfair, according to The Atlantic.
“All things considered, the press has responded defensibly to the unusual challenges of covering a brazen, habitual liar,”
Conor Friedersdorf wrote in a recent column titled, “The Exaggerated Claims of Media Bias Against Donald Trump.”

NO bias here of course!
Agreed... but read this article and get really pissed that "objective" news people are definitely biasing their material with THEIR opinion!

And this recent Trump tax story by the NYT is another example. Totally irresponsible news story filled with suppositions that are reported as FACTS!
Does Donny Freeloader even need to release his taxes now?
The NYT story reveals everything that was always suspected

Donny is not the businessman he claims to be and doesn't pay taxes

If he has proof otherwise, he can provide it need now cuz you fuckers have already decided what's in em anyway.

Damn...did Hillary play Trump or what?

First she hits him on his Miss Piggy comments and Trump can only respond on how fat she was

Then she hits him on he doesn't pay taxes and he admits it. Then the NYT releases he lost almost a billion in a year....Some businessman
Yep.......and all of it based off of nothing but nonsense.

I guess if you think that scoring cheap political points is more important than running the country right, no wonder that you keep picking these fucking losers who screw everything up.

Trumps inability to control himself may be nonsense...but it does drive home an important point with women

Trumps financial ineptitude and not paying taxes for decades calls into question the qualifications of someone who wants to be president because of his business accumen
Trump said not paying income taxes made him smart.

Running businesses that are so unprofitable they don't generate any taxable income is 'smart'?
It is if you are drawing a handsome salary from said corporation. But all this is based on assumptions by dishonest people with an ax to grind.

Trump's real estate ventures lost tens of millions of dollars.

Successful businessmen MAKE money. They don't lose it.

It's not like we haven't had any recessions in the last 18 years where anyone lost any money in real estate. LMFAO
Trump said not paying income taxes made him smart.

Running businesses that are so unprofitable they don't generate any taxable income is 'smart'?

The New York Times likes the tax laws.

"for tax year 2014, The New York Times paid no taxes and got an income tax refund of $3.5 million even though they had a pre-tax profit of $29.9 million in 2014. In other words, their post-tax profit was higher than their pre-tax profit. The explanation in their 2014 annual report is, “The effective tax rate for 2014 was favorably affected by approximately $21.1 million for the reversal of reserves for uncertain tax positions due to the lapse of applicable statutes of limitations.” If you don’t think it took fancy accountants and tax lawyers to make that happen, read the statement again."
Trump said not paying income taxes made him smart.

Running businesses that are so unprofitable they don't generate any taxable income is 'smart'?

The New York Times likes the tax laws.

"for tax year 2014, The New York Times paid no taxes and got an income tax refund of $3.5 million even though they had a pre-tax profit of $29.9 million in 2014. In other words, their post-tax profit was higher than their pre-tax profit. The explanation in their 2014 annual report is, “The effective tax rate for 2014 was favorably affected by approximately $21.1 million for the reversal of reserves for uncertain tax positions due to the lapse of applicable statutes of limitations.” If you don’t think it took fancy accountants and tax lawyers to make that happen, read the statement again."

So you're not voting for the Times for president?

Trump said not paying income taxes made him smart.

Running businesses that are so unprofitable they don't generate any taxable income is 'smart'?
It is if you are drawing a handsome salary from said corporation. But all this is based on assumptions by dishonest people with an ax to grind.

Trump's real estate ventures lost tens of millions of dollars.

Successful businessmen MAKE money. They don't lose it.

It's not like we haven't had any recessions in the last 18 years where anyone lost any money in real estate. LMFAO

There was a recession in 1995? Prove it.
Trump said not paying income taxes made him smart.

Running businesses that are so unprofitable they don't generate any taxable income is 'smart'?
It is if you are drawing a handsome salary from said corporation. But all this is based on assumptions by dishonest people with an ax to grind.

Trump's real estate ventures lost tens of millions of dollars.

Successful businessmen MAKE money. They don't lose it.

It's not like we haven't had any recessions in the last 18 years where anyone lost any money in real estate. LMFAO

There was a recession in 1995? Prove it.

I agree with you there was no recession in 1995.
Trump made a mistake with his Atlantic city casinos. Which proves yup... Trump is human.
Unlike our current President and Ms. Hillary who NEVER made any business mistakes BECAUSE they've never been in business.
They have depended 100% on government financial vehicles to get them out of any duress.
Which is why were are in the mess we are in today!
Give me a person who has made mistakes as Trump has acknowledge and not so pompous as to look to the government to bail themselves out.
Just look at what's happening to Obamacare TODAY!!!

In just a few months, millions of Americans shopping on Obamacare’s insurance exchanges will discover some unfortunate news about the cost of their policies for next year.According to the latest data, insurers have requested average rate hikes of nearly 24 percent. Those that regulators have already approved average 17 percent.
Notification of these increases for 2017 is likely to arrive in consumers’ mailboxes at an inopportune time for lawmakers who support the president’s healthcare law — just before Election Day.
Obamacare’s exchanges are collapsing. Sixteen of 23 state-sponsored CO-OP health plans created by Obamacare have failed. Insurers — including the largest, UnitedHealth, and the third-largest, Aetna AET +0.37%are fleeing. Those that remain are demanding premiums so high that many people may well decide to flee the exchanges themselves — and pay a penalty of the greater of $695 or 2.5 percent of income.
An 'October Surprise' For Obamacare?

Remember Obamacare depended YOUR stupidity... "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass." as the architect for Obamacare,Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Jonathan Gruber declared!
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass
Does Donny Freeloader even need to release his taxes now?
The NYT story reveals everything that was always suspected

Donny is not the businessman he claims to be and doesn't pay taxes

If he has proof otherwise, he can provide it need now cuz you fuckers have already decided what's in em anyway.

Damn...did Hillary play Trump or what?

First she hits him on his Miss Piggy comments and Trump can only respond on how fat she was

Then she hits him on he doesn't pay taxes and he admits it. Then the NYT releases he lost almost a billion in a year....Some businessman
Yep.......and all of it based off of nothing but nonsense.

I guess if you think that scoring cheap political points is more important than running the country right, no wonder that you keep picking these fucking losers who screw everything up.

Trumps inability to control himself may be nonsense...but it does drive home an important point with women

Trumps financial ineptitude and not paying taxes for decades calls into question the qualifications of someone who wants to be president because of his business accumen
Problem with you is you don't know enough to say dick about his business accumen.

The point of any business is to turn a profit. You seem to think paying more than your share in taxes to a wasteful government is good business.

Everyone who isn't a paid hack by the left says that not only what Trump did was legal but but something everyone does and has done and has every right to do, thus the comment about being smart Trump uttered during the debate. Once again, this just proves my statements that Trump shouldn't release his returns, because as this fake issue proves, liberals gotta lie. They can take anything and turn it into a crime. All it takes is a highly active imagination and the willingness to distort the truth.
Does Donny Freeloader even need to release his taxes now?
The NYT story reveals everything that was always suspected

Donny is not the businessman he claims to be and doesn't pay taxes

If he has proof otherwise, he can provide it need now cuz you fuckers have already decided what's in em anyway.

Damn...did Hillary play Trump or what?

First she hits him on his Miss Piggy comments and Trump can only respond on how fat she was

Then she hits him on he doesn't pay taxes and he admits it. Then the NYT releases he lost almost a billion in a year....Some businessman
Yep.......and all of it based off of nothing but nonsense.

I guess if you think that scoring cheap political points is more important than running the country right, no wonder that you keep picking these fucking losers who screw everything up.

Trumps inability to control himself may be nonsense...but it does drive home an important point with women

Trumps financial ineptitude and not paying taxes for decades calls into question the qualifications of someone who wants to be president because of his business accumen
Problem with you is you don't know enough to say dick about his business accumen.

The point of any business is to turn a profit. You seem to think paying more than your share in taxes to a wasteful government is good business.

Everyone who isn't a paid hack by the left says that not only what Trump did was legal but but something everyone does and has done and has every right to do, thus the comment about being smart Trump uttered during the debate. Once again, this just proves my statements that Trump shouldn't release his returns, because as this fake issue proves, liberals gotta lie. They can take anything and turn it into a crime. All it takes is a highly active imagination and the willingness to distort the truth.

Would I invest my personal wealth with someone who lost a billion dollars of his own money in a year? Not gunna happen

Was what Trump did legal? I'm sure his well paid team of lawyers made sure it was

Does it show this is the type of "businessman" we want o run the country?

Last edited: need now cuz you fuckers have already decided what's in em anyway.

Damn...did Hillary play Trump or what?

First she hits him on his Miss Piggy comments and Trump can only respond on how fat she was

Then she hits him on he doesn't pay taxes and he admits it. Then the NYT releases he lost almost a billion in a year....Some businessman
Yep.......and all of it based off of nothing but nonsense.

I guess if you think that scoring cheap political points is more important than running the country right, no wonder that you keep picking these fucking losers who screw everything up.

Trumps inability to control himself may be nonsense...but it does drive home an important point with women

Trumps financial ineptitude and not paying taxes for decades calls into question the qualifications of someone who wants to be president because of his business accumen
Problem with you is you don't know enough to say dick about his business accumen.

The point of any business is to turn a profit. You seem to think paying more than your share in taxes to a wasteful government is good business.

Everyone who isn't a paid hack by the left says that not only what Trump did was legal but but something everyone does and has done and has every right to do, thus the comment about being smart Trump uttered during the debate. Once again, this just proves my statements that Trump shouldn't release his returns, because as this fake issue proves, liberals gotta lie. They can take anything and turn it into a crime. All it takes is a highly active imagination and the willingness to distort the truth.

Would I invest my personal wealth with someone who lost a billion dollars of his own money in a year? Not gunna happen

Was what Trump did legal? I'm sure his well paid team of lawyers made sure it was

Does it show this is the type of "businessman" we want o run the country?
I repeat. You need to stick to what you know, retard.
The tax thing was premature ejaculation for the left. By November everyone will understand why it's bullshit.
Damn...did Hillary play Trump or what?

First she hits him on his Miss Piggy comments and Trump can only respond on how fat she was

Then she hits him on he doesn't pay taxes and he admits it. Then the NYT releases he lost almost a billion in a year....Some businessman
Yep.......and all of it based off of nothing but nonsense.

I guess if you think that scoring cheap political points is more important than running the country right, no wonder that you keep picking these fucking losers who screw everything up.

Trumps inability to control himself may be nonsense...but it does drive home an important point with women

Trumps financial ineptitude and not paying taxes for decades calls into question the qualifications of someone who wants to be president because of his business accumen
Problem with you is you don't know enough to say dick about his business accumen.

The point of any business is to turn a profit. You seem to think paying more than your share in taxes to a wasteful government is good business.

Everyone who isn't a paid hack by the left says that not only what Trump did was legal but but something everyone does and has done and has every right to do, thus the comment about being smart Trump uttered during the debate. Once again, this just proves my statements that Trump shouldn't release his returns, because as this fake issue proves, liberals gotta lie. They can take anything and turn it into a crime. All it takes is a highly active imagination and the willingness to distort the truth.

Would I invest my personal wealth with someone who lost a billion dollars of his own money in a year? Not gunna happen

Was what Trump did legal? I'm sure his well paid team of lawyers made sure it was

Does it show this is the type of "businessman" we want o run the country?
I repeat. You need to stick to what you know, retard.

What do I know?

I know that Trump claims to be a great businessman but refuses to provide documented proof

Why should we take his word?
The way I see it is, on the limited information we have about Trump's finances we know he blew a billion dollars in one year...

That was a lot of his personal wealth... He don't have Buffet or Gates Money...

This show Trump to be a bad business man... If he is still not paying taxes up to 2010, it means he didn't make it back...
Yep.......and all of it based off of nothing but nonsense.

I guess if you think that scoring cheap political points is more important than running the country right, no wonder that you keep picking these fucking losers who screw everything up.

Trumps inability to control himself may be nonsense...but it does drive home an important point with women

Trumps financial ineptitude and not paying taxes for decades calls into question the qualifications of someone who wants to be president because of his business accumen
Problem with you is you don't know enough to say dick about his business accumen.

The point of any business is to turn a profit. You seem to think paying more than your share in taxes to a wasteful government is good business.

Everyone who isn't a paid hack by the left says that not only what Trump did was legal but but something everyone does and has done and has every right to do, thus the comment about being smart Trump uttered during the debate. Once again, this just proves my statements that Trump shouldn't release his returns, because as this fake issue proves, liberals gotta lie. They can take anything and turn it into a crime. All it takes is a highly active imagination and the willingness to distort the truth.

Would I invest my personal wealth with someone who lost a billion dollars of his own money in a year? Not gunna happen

Was what Trump did legal? I'm sure his well paid team of lawyers made sure it was

Does it show this is the type of "businessman" we want o run the country?
I repeat. You need to stick to what you know, retard.

What do I know?

I know that Trump claims to be a great businessman but refuses to provide documented proof

Why should we take his word?
Obviously you don't know enough about the tax code to not appear like a slope headed shitforbrains.

What you're repeating, like a fucking parrot, works on idiots, but anyone who does taxes, like I do, is laughing at how shallow and misinformed you are on this subject.
The MSM and idiots galore are having an organism! Trump had according this article:

The Times, which hired tax experts to analyze the records, determined that “tax rules that are especially advantageous to wealthy filers would have allowed Mr. Trump to use his $916 million loss to cancel out an equivalent amount of taxable income over an 18-year period” -- more than $50 million a year.

Bombshell report on Trump taxes sends GOP nominee reeling

Now think just for a moment. Trump had according to the above "experts" then $50 million a year in
Taxable income to not pay taxes on! OH MY GOODNESS!!!

Let's see.. Assume Trump had businesses with total assets of $2 billion for those last 18 years.
And if Trump earned the average annual returns in long-term real estate investing vary by the area of concentration in the sector. Average 20-year returns in the commercial real estate slightly outperform the S&P 500 Index, running at around 9.5%.

Investopedia What average annual return is typical for a long term investment in the real estate sector?

Average real estate holdings of $2 billion over 18 years at 9.5% equals $190 million a year!
$190 million in ROI (for you dummies... Return on Investment) with operating expenses of 50%
leaves $95 million taxable income LESS the notorious $50 million TAX LOSS carry forward LEAVES
$45 million TAXABLE INCOME you idiots!

Why doesn't Trump release his tax returns and straighten this all out

What we do know......Trump the great businessman lost a billion dollars in just one year

He is now a serial moocher who refuses to pay taxes

Freeloader Donny
Why doesn't he release his returns?
Two reasons.

  1. Because by-law he doesn't have to and his lawyers recommend that he doesn't.
  2. If he releases them, it just gives the media more stuff to lie about.

Damned if he do......damned if he don't
But he's a "genius" don't you know.
Trump: I use the laws to pay as little as possible and thats why I will fix those same laws to ensure me and my buddies pay more.

Why would you do that Trump?

Trump: Because I care about the people more than I do about myself! :eusa_dance:
This is too funny. The same people who are now defending Trump possibly paying NO federal income tax for 20

years are those who endlessly rant about how even the poor should pay some amount of taxes,

for that 'skin in the game' thing? Eh?

The poor should have 'skin in the game', while the billionaire Trump should get off scot free...

And yet you don't think there should be a flat income tax but you whine about people using all the deductions and loopholes a flat tax would eliminate

So in 1995, instead of paying zero in taxes, Trump should have paid about 1.1 million? 10% of gross income?

And you think a guy like him is going to implement that tax system?


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