Amazing! Idiots Keystone opponents WANT 1 million barrel spills!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
This is a good example of how DUMB environmentalist, anti-Keystone, Anti-business idiots don't EVER think!!!

Most of the OPPONENTS of Keystone evidently PREFER 1 million barrel supertanker spills to at most a 3,000 barrel pipeline spill that would last less then hours VS tanker wreck weeks,months years of clean up!

And the reason these IDIOTS seemingly OPPOSE the more environmentally SAFE method is simple... THEY don't have ANY common sense!

For example..
Which is easier to control : spill in water or spill on land?
Which is more dependent on weather: tanker or BURIED pipeline?
Which is easier to get to : tanker in 30,000 ft of water or pipeline off the interstate?

Which carriers 1 million barrels per mile traveled: Supertanker or pipeline?
(See that's a little more difficult for idiots to comprehend i.e.
Keystone 2,147 mile pipeline DOES NOT HOLD 1 million barrels in one mile!
Keystone carriers in one mile of pipe: 326 barrels!

Finally if Keystone doesn't go through Canada will sell to China..
Environuts are anti capitalist socialist idiots. Has nothing to do with common sense, they want the collapse of our economy which would lead to anarchy. They are backed by the socialist party after all.
and you want a huge fucking pipe line ran through half the country.

Its a fading industry and you want this country left behind by the rest of the world so you can kiss the asses of the Haliburton kingdom.

Jesus you people REALLY think this country is all about oil.
and you want a huge fucking pipe line ran through half the country.

Its a fading industry and you want this country left behind by the rest of the world so you can kiss the asses of the Haliburton kingdom.

Jesus you people REALLY think this country is all about oil.

You are aware that we already have pieplines crisscrossing the country aren't you?
Here's a map to help you.

United States Pipelines map - Crude Oil (petroleum) pipelines - Natural Gas pipelines - Products pipelines

How many problems do you hear about with these pipelines on a daily basis?

Fading industry? Seriously? Assuming you aren't using a donkey cart when you go rag picking at the local trash heap, how do you get around? Do you turn your lights on at night or turn the heat on? How do you do that? With a windmill or a solar panel? Fading..... :lol::cuckoo:
Let me point out something else to you. Pipelines are like trains, they run between two points. There isn't a pipeline from the oil fields where the Keystone would begin. Also, you can't run two trains on the same track. Trying to dump the oil from Keystone into existing pipelines doesn't work because there is already oil flowing in those lines from other places. You really don't understand how many things work do you?
This is a good example of how DUMB environmentalist, anti-Keystone, Anti-business idiots don't EVER think!!!

Most of the OPPONENTS of Keystone evidently PREFER 1 million barrel supertanker spills to at most a 3,000 barrel pipeline spill that would last less then hours VS tanker wreck weeks,months years of clean up!

And the reason these IDIOTS seemingly OPPOSE the more environmentally SAFE method is simple... THEY don't have ANY common sense!

For example..
Which is easier to control : spill in water or spill on land?
Which is more dependent on weather: tanker or BURIED pipeline?
Which is easier to get to : tanker in 30,000 ft of water or pipeline off the interstate?

Which carriers 1 million barrels per mile traveled: Supertanker or pipeline?
(See that's a little more difficult for idiots to comprehend i.e.
Keystone 2,147 mile pipeline DOES NOT HOLD 1 million barrels in one mile!
Keystone carriers in one mile of pipe: 326 barrels!

Finally if Keystone doesn't go through Canada will sell to China..
This is a perfect example of just how misinformed ignorant CON$ervative know-it-alls really are.

The small part of the Keystone SpillLine that has been in operation for about a year has already had over 30 spills. If the company estimated the spill at 21,000 gallons, it probably was at least triple that.

Keystone oil pipeline shut down after leak

Operators temporarily shut down the new $5.2 billion Keystone oil pipeline that runs through the St. Louis area after a large leak was reported in North Dakota.
Witnesses on Saturday morning reported seeing a six-story geyser of oil gushing from a pump station in Sargent County in the southeastern part of the state.
Officials with TransCanada, the pipeline's owner, blamed a bad fitting and shut down the line until all such fittings could be examined. They expect the system to be down a few more days.
Company officials estimated about 21,000 gallons leaked. A berm around the station contained most of the spill. Some contaminated soil is being removed.
and you want a huge fucking pipe line ran through half the country.

Its a fading industry and you want this country left behind by the rest of the world so you can kiss the asses of the Haliburton kingdom.

Jesus you people REALLY think this country is all about oil.

You are aware that we already have pieplines crisscrossing the country aren't you?
Here's a map to help you.

United States Pipelines map - Crude Oil (petroleum) pipelines - Natural Gas pipelines - Products pipelines

How many problems do you hear about with these pipelines on a daily basis?

Fading industry? Seriously? Assuming you aren't using a donkey cart when you go rag picking at the local trash heap, how do you get around? Do you turn your lights on at night or turn the heat on? How do you do that? With a windmill or a solar panel? Fading..... :lol::cuckoo:
You are aware that those pipelines are not made with substandard steel from Welspun, the Indian company Trans Canada has contracted to supply the steel. Welspun has a history of producing shit steel.

Concerns regarding spills could be even further heightened by the fact that TransCanada
is contracting with a company (Welspun) that has been found to produce substandard
steel.80 TransCanada used imported Welspun steel for Phase 1 of the Keystone project and,
as noted above, the pipeline has had 14 spills in its first year of operation. Prior to building
Phase 1, TransCanada assured landowners and government officials that a spill would
only occur once every 20 years. The latest leaks in Keystone Phase 1 spurred the PHMSA
to order a shut down of the pipeline until a “corrective action order” was addressed.
PHMSA ordered this “corrective action order” due to pipe expansions it had detected. Pipe
expansions occur when low strength, low integrity, or poor quality steel is used. Under
normal circumstances, it takes about 46 years of use before pipe expansions occur. 81
Welspun’s use of substandard steel has also been an issue in other pipeline projects.
Welspun is currently being sued by two Kinder Morgan Energy Partner subsidiaries for
fraudulent sales practices and the sale of defective steel pipe.82 PHMSA has ordered
Boardwalk Pipeline Partners and Kinder Morgan Energy Partner to replace hundreds
of pipe joints along their pipelines after an investigation revealed numerous “expansion
anomalies” indicating the use of low quality steel. Approximately 80 percent of the steel
Boardwalk Pipeline Partners and Kinder Morgan Energy Partner used in their pipelines was
purchased from Welspun.83
and you want a huge fucking pipe line ran through half the country.

Its a fading industry and you want this country left behind by the rest of the world so you can kiss the asses of the Haliburton kingdom.

Jesus you people REALLY think this country is all about oil.

Your ignorance is showing!

So I take it that it is OK to you that 1 million barrels per day are floating on the ocean versus buried underground and totally reduced risk of spills compared to an accident waiting to happen?

Geez why are you so environmentally insensitive?

You really favor potential of 1m barrels floating in the ocean?
WHAT IS YOUR alternative? Oh yea.. don't drive!
Don't have medicine. Don't have plastics. Don't have food!

Geez what a Luddite!
and you want a huge fucking pipe line ran through half the country.

Its a fading industry and you want this country left behind by the rest of the world so you can kiss the asses of the Haliburton kingdom.

Jesus you people REALLY think this country is all about oil.

You are aware that we already have pieplines crisscrossing the country aren't you?
Here's a map to help you.

United States Pipelines map - Crude Oil (petroleum) pipelines - Natural Gas pipelines - Products pipelines

How many problems do you hear about with these pipelines on a daily basis?

Fading industry? Seriously? Assuming you aren't using a donkey cart when you go rag picking at the local trash heap, how do you get around? Do you turn your lights on at night or turn the heat on? How do you do that? With a windmill or a solar panel? Fading..... :lol::cuckoo:
You are aware that those pipelines are not made with substandard steel from Welspun, the Indian company Trans Canada has contracted to supply the steel. Welspun has a history of producing shit steel.

Concerns regarding spills could be even further heightened by the fact that TransCanada
is contracting with a company (Welspun) that has been found to produce substandard
steel.80 TransCanada used imported Welspun steel for Phase 1 of the Keystone project and,
as noted above, the pipeline has had 14 spills in its first year of operation. Prior to building
Phase 1, TransCanada assured landowners and government officials that a spill would
only occur once every 20 years. The latest leaks in Keystone Phase 1 spurred the PHMSA
to order a shut down of the pipeline until a “corrective action order” was addressed.
PHMSA ordered this “corrective action order” due to pipe expansions it had detected. Pipe
expansions occur when low strength, low integrity, or poor quality steel is used. Under
normal circumstances, it takes about 46 years of use before pipe expansions occur. 81
Welspun’s use of substandard steel has also been an issue in other pipeline projects.
Welspun is currently being sued by two Kinder Morgan Energy Partner subsidiaries for
fraudulent sales practices and the sale of defective steel pipe.82 PHMSA has ordered
Boardwalk Pipeline Partners and Kinder Morgan Energy Partner to replace hundreds
of pipe joints along their pipelines after an investigation revealed numerous “expansion
anomalies” indicating the use of low quality steel. Approximately 80 percent of the steel
Boardwalk Pipeline Partners and Kinder Morgan Energy Partner used in their pipelines was
purchased from Welspun.83

Again what are the countervailing statistics that refute this:

The Alyeska 700,000 barrels per day pipeline's worst and longest spill leaked 16,000 barrels in 21 hours or 761 barrels per hour.

Cause: man made explosion blew hole.
The largest oil spill involving the main pipeline took place on February 15, 1978, when an unknown individual blew a 1-inch (2.54-centimeter) hole in it at Steele Creek, just east of Fairbanks.[157] Approximately 16,000 barrels (2,500 m3) of oil leaked out of the hole before the pipeline was shut down.[152] After more than 21 hours, it was restarted.[158]

Cause: gunshot.
The steel pipe is resistant to gunshots and has resisted them on several occasions, but on October 4, 2001, a drunken gunman named Daniel Carson Lewis shot a hole into a weld near Livengood, causing the second-largest mainline oil spill in pipeline history. Approximately 6,144 barrels (976.8 m3) leaked from the pipeline; 4,238 barrels (673.8 m3) were recovered and reinjected into the pipeline.

Nearly 2 acres (8,100 m2) of tundra were soiled and were removed in the cleanup.

The pipeline was repaired and was restarted more than 60 hours later.
Lewis was found guilty in December 2002 of criminal mischief, assault, drunken driving, oil pollution, and misconduct.
He was sentenced to 16 years in jail and ordered to repay the $17 million cleanup costs.
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The network of crude oil pipelines in the U.S. is extensive.
There are approximately 55,000 miles of crude oil trunk lines $CrudeLines.gif
And Keystone will represent less then 4% of the total existing ..
And yet idiots would prefer:
1) 1m barrel tankers / day floating on the ocean going to
2) CHINA!!!
This is a good example of how DUMB environmentalist, anti-Keystone, Anti-business idiots don't EVER think!!!

Most of the OPPONENTS of Keystone evidently PREFER 1 million barrel supertanker spills to at most a 3,000 barrel pipeline spill that would last less then hours VS tanker wreck weeks,months years of clean up!

And the reason these IDIOTS seemingly OPPOSE the more environmentally SAFE method is simple... THEY don't have ANY common sense!

For example..
Which is easier to control : spill in water or spill on land?
Which is more dependent on weather: tanker or BURIED pipeline?
Which is easier to get to : tanker in 30,000 ft of water or pipeline off the interstate?

Which carriers 1 million barrels per mile traveled: Supertanker or pipeline?
(See that's a little more difficult for idiots to comprehend i.e.
Keystone 2,147 mile pipeline DOES NOT HOLD 1 million barrels in one mile!
Keystone carriers in one mile of pipe: 326 barrels!

Finally if Keystone doesn't go through Canada will sell to China..
This is a perfect example of just how misinformed ignorant CON$ervative know-it-alls really are.

The small part of the Keystone SpillLine that has been in operation for about a year has already had over 30 spills. If the company estimated the spill at 21,000 gallons, it probably was at least triple that.

Keystone oil pipeline shut down after leak

Operators temporarily shut down the new $5.2 billion Keystone oil pipeline that runs through the St. Louis area after a large leak was reported in North Dakota.
Witnesses on Saturday morning reported seeing a six-story geyser of oil gushing from a pump station in Sargent County in the southeastern part of the state.
Officials with TransCanada, the pipeline's owner, blamed a bad fitting and shut down the line until all such fittings could be examined. They expect the system to be down a few more days.
Company officials estimated about 21,000 gallons leaked. A berm around the station contained most of the spill. Some contaminated soil is being removed.

OH the humanity! OH the damages to the birds, the flora, fauna... all done by:
21,000 gallons (500 barrels) leaked. A berm around the station contained most of the spill. Some contaminated soil is being removed."

500 barrels VERSUS 1,000,000 Barrels when a tanker goes down in 30,000 feet!
and while the Chinese get the other 365 million barrels a year!

AND NOTE a BERM contained most of the spill!!!

Can you build a "Berm" in the ocean?? WOE I think not!!

Seriously.. you didn't think how "laughable" your 500 barrel woe is me spill is????
and you want a huge fucking pipe line ran through half the country.

Its a fading industry and you want this country left behind by the rest of the world so you can kiss the asses of the Haliburton kingdom.

Jesus you people REALLY think this country is all about oil.

thank you for pointing out we have enough pipelines already

You have no fucking clue. None. It's not even worth the bandwidth to address this sort of ignorance in a serious manner.
This is a good example of how DUMB environmentalist, anti-Keystone, Anti-business idiots don't EVER think!!!

Most of the OPPONENTS of Keystone evidently PREFER 1 million barrel supertanker spills to at most a 3,000 barrel pipeline spill that would last less then hours VS tanker wreck weeks,months years of clean up!

And the reason these IDIOTS seemingly OPPOSE the more environmentally SAFE method is simple... THEY don't have ANY common sense!

For example..
Which is easier to control : spill in water or spill on land?
Which is more dependent on weather: tanker or BURIED pipeline?
Which is easier to get to : tanker in 30,000 ft of water or pipeline off the interstate?

Which carriers 1 million barrels per mile traveled: Supertanker or pipeline?
(See that's a little more difficult for idiots to comprehend i.e.
Keystone 2,147 mile pipeline DOES NOT HOLD 1 million barrels in one mile!
Keystone carriers in one mile of pipe: 326 barrels!

Finally if Keystone doesn't go through Canada will sell to China..
This is a perfect example of just how misinformed ignorant CON$ervative know-it-alls really are.

The small part of the Keystone SpillLine that has been in operation for about a year has already had over 30 spills. If the company estimated the spill at 21,000 gallons, it probably was at least triple that.

Keystone oil pipeline shut down after leak

Operators temporarily shut down the new $5.2 billion Keystone oil pipeline that runs through the St. Louis area after a large leak was reported in North Dakota.
Witnesses on Saturday morning reported seeing a six-story geyser of oil gushing from a pump station in Sargent County in the southeastern part of the state.
Officials with TransCanada, the pipeline's owner, blamed a bad fitting and shut down the line until all such fittings could be examined. They expect the system to be down a few more days.
Company officials estimated about 21,000 gallons leaked. A berm around the station contained most of the spill. Some contaminated soil is being removed.

OH the humanity! OH the damages to the birds, the flora, fauna... all done by:
21,000 gallons (500 barrels) leaked. A berm around the station contained most of the spill. Some contaminated soil is being removed."

500 barrels VERSUS 1,000,000 Barrels when a tanker goes down in 30,000 feet!
and while the Chinese get the other 365 million barrels a year!

AND NOTE a BERM contained most of the spill!!!

Can you build a "Berm" in the ocean?? WOE I think not!!

Seriously.. you didn't think how "laughable" your 500 barrel woe is me spill is????
Tar sand spilling from the Keystone SpillLine is not the same as the light sweet crude spilling from a tanker in the ocean. Tar sand is almost solid and has to be treated with toxic chemical solvents to get it diluted enough to be pumped through a pipeline and only under very high pressure. The pipeline reaches temperatures of 150 degrees or higher from the friction against the inner walls. In the summer of 2010, a pipeline near Marshall, Mich., operated by Enbridge Energy spewed 843,000 gallons of tar sands crude into the Kalamazoo River. More than a year later, 35 miles of the river remain closed, and estimates of the costs are at half a billion dollars and rising.

A tar sand spill is therefore not like any other oil spill because it puts the local fresh water supply at risk from the toxic chemical solvents. A spill of light sweet crude into the ocean does not put the fresh water supply at risk.
and you want a huge fucking pipe line ran through half the country.

Its a fading industry and you want this country left behind by the rest of the world so you can kiss the asses of the Haliburton kingdom.

Jesus you people REALLY think this country is all about oil.

There are currently more than 50,000 miles of pipeline running through this country that carry exclusively crude oil.

The fact that you don't even know this pretty much proves how safe these things are.
and you want a huge fucking pipe line ran through half the country.

Its a fading industry and you want this country left behind by the rest of the world so you can kiss the asses of the Haliburton kingdom.

Jesus you people REALLY think this country is all about oil.

A "fading industry"?????:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:'re beyond gone.:50: You'd best buckle up your for the remainder of your entire life because you're going to be in your box a long, long, long time before oil fades as an industry.

Ive seen lots and lots of posts by board members talking abut the tall tales told by this guy Truthmatters, and for sure there are plenty of fcukking k00ks on these forums but this guy gets the title for the most naive asshole of the bunch. And that takes some doing:up:

You stupid fcukk...................

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