amazing news, after innocent iraq vet gets hurt by riot police, vet groups vow help

30 seconds into the video.

Oakland Policeman Throws Flash Grenade Into Crowd Trying To Help Injured Protester - YouTube

I see a cop in the middle of 50 other cops in full riot gear behind a barricade flash bang a bunch of kids trying to help someone on the ground.

Yeah, they look really violent to me.

Just like Rodney King was "resisting arrest".


hey! blu! how dead is he?

"As coroner I must aver, I thoroughly examined [him], And [he's] not only merely dead, [he's] really most sincerely dead."

In the sense that someone who has been injured -- but not killed -- and who is still breathing -- is "dead."

THAT's how dead!
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No one should be getting hurt in these protests. This police didn't act appropriately in all of their actions but at the same time the OWS crowd has to bear some responsibility. They put the police in that position in the first place. Why were the police there? Why were police not at tea party rallies?

Because the tea party posed no threat to the status quo?
No one should be getting hurt in these protests. This police didn't act appropriately in all of their actions but at the same time the OWS crowd has to bear some responsibility. They put the police in that position in the first place. Why were the police there? Why were police not at tea party rallies?

Because the tea party posed no threat to the status quo?

The Tea Party didn't pitch tent cities and shit on cop cars.
No one should be getting hurt in these protests. This police didn't act appropriately in all of their actions but at the same time the OWS crowd has to bear some responsibility. They put the police in that position in the first place. Why were the police there? Why were police not at tea party rallies?

Because the tea party posed no threat to the status quo?

The Tea Party didn't pitch tent cities and shit on cop cars.
Or the US Flag...
No one should be getting hurt in these protests. This police didn't act appropriately in all of their actions but at the same time the OWS crowd has to bear some responsibility. They put the police in that position in the first place. Why were the police there? Why were police not at tea party rallies?

Because the tea party posed no threat to the status quo? THAT is a stretch.
But I admire the effort
No one should be getting hurt in these protests. This police didn't act appropriately in all of their actions but at the same time the OWS crowd has to bear some responsibility. They put the police in that position in the first place. Why were the police there? Why were police not at tea party rallies?

Because the tea party posed no threat to the status quo? THAT is a stretch.
But I admire the effort

It's because the Tea Party's never got out of hand, they never even acted like they would get out of hand, they never pitched tents in Public Parks an occupied them for Days, then refused to leave when Ordered to do so. They applied for the Proper Permits. Your Right to Protest and Assemble does not give you license to illegally occupy public places, and set up tents in Public Parks that do not allow Camping. No matter how many times you tell yourself it does, it's doesn't.
i wouldnt call it amazing. I would call it rather sad its come to this.

It means the revolution is taking a turn. Those scum pigs just pissed off thousands of people who previously didnt care about OWS.

At least you admit what it is. It's not a protest it's a Revolution, and you better believe the rest of us are not going to let a bunch of Liberal assholes dictate to us through Mob Rule.

Oh, and why must you lie. The Vet isn't fucking DEAD!

You guys take the cake, when some in the tea Party were upset about the Stimulus passing against the people will and spoke up. You attacked them for wanting to use Force instead of Votes to get their way. Now you happily proclaim your support for the OWS revolutionaries.

Absolutely pathetic.
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Few situations are so screwed up that calling the cops won't REALLY make it worse. The Ows kids should absolutely NOT allow their wild ones to get violent in ANY way, and ditch them.
Glad he's not dead....
It's because the Tea Party's never got out of hand, they never even acted like they would get out of hand, they never pitched tents in Public Parks ....


Tents? Why get out of the motorhome?
It's not a revolution, and you should get the rhetoric under control- leave that to the dupes. Dang kids these days.
It's because the Tea Party's never got out of hand, they never even acted like they would get out of hand, they never pitched tents in Public Parks ....


Tents? Why get out of the motorhome?

That rally lasted a few hours, it was not a several Days long illegal Occupation of a Public Park or space.

Sorry you guys can spin this all you want, but the Truth is the Truth. The OWS is antagonizing the Cops on Purpose, they are defying the law by not getting permits and setting up tent cities to occupy our Public Places.

But good luck with your Misinformation Campaign, I know that is all you guys have.
It's not a revolution, and you should get the rhetoric under control- leave that to the dupes. Dang kids these days.

Sure it's not, just ask them what they want. They been saying it all along. Didn't you see the signs, how about the one that simply said.

"If you don't give us what we want, we can take it, we have the Numbers"


Liberal so called protests are almost always about intimidation and veiled threats of Violence if they don't get their way. OWS isn't even a real movement. It's orchestrated and funded by people like Soros. It's their attempt to bring the riots were seeing in places like Greece, to America, Because they know Intimidation and force is the only way they will get what they really want. An end to Capitalism in America.
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Just because the retard was a veteran makes no difference.

He was breaking the law and if he got hurt it was his own fault.

btw Lee Harvey Oswald was a vet. :doubt:

Here we go again. America's soldiers and marines who fight in wars are heroes (as long as they stay quiet and dutifully pose with a Republican president in a photo op).

But if they speak up (like when they mentioned that they did not have the necessary shielding for their humvees and were cannibalizing parts and improvising in order to protect their own lives), or if they join peaceful protests where conservative sacred cows are criticized once they've returned to civilian life, they're little more than bums or 'retards' (YOUR word).
It's not a revolution, and you should get the rhetoric under control- leave that to the dupes. Dang kids these days.

Then you clearly aren't paying attention to the people calling for revolution.
Just because the retard was a veteran makes no difference.

He was breaking the law and if he got hurt it was his own fault.

btw Lee Harvey Oswald was a vet. :doubt:

Here we go again. America's soldiers and marines who fight in wars are heroes (as long as they stay quiet and dutifully pose with a Republican president in a photo op).

But if they speak up (like when they mentioned that they did not have the necessary shielding for their humvees and were cannibalizing parts and improvising in order to protect their own lives), or if they join peaceful protests where conservative sacred cows are criticized once they've returned to civilian life, they're little more than bums or 'retards' (YOUR word).

Since when is rioting on the streets peaceful? When is throwing bottles and rocks at people peaceful? Are you really being peaceful when you people people's heads on stakes, call for people to be killed, advocate cannibalism, call Gandhi a cancer for promoting non-violence, and generally violate the law for no good reason?
Clearly this is sad indication of how dangerous it can be for a person,when authority is in question.The cop that tossed the flash bang should be removed from the force,clearly not up to the task.What led up to this unnecessary act of violence is a whole other issue this is separate from the protest and should be treated as any other crime, recorded evidence is clear man down people were at his ad unnecessary with little solid justification.
Just because the retard was a veteran makes no difference.

He was breaking the law and if he got hurt it was his own fault.

btw Lee Harvey Oswald was a vet. :doubt:

Here we go again. America's soldiers and marines who fight in wars are heroes (as long as they stay quiet and dutifully pose with a Republican president in a photo op).

But if they speak up (like when they mentioned that they did not have the necessary shielding for their humvees and were cannibalizing parts and improvising in order to protect their own lives), or if they join peaceful protests where conservative sacred cows are criticized once they've returned to civilian life, they're little more than bums or 'retards' (YOUR word).

What a partisan pissant *YOU* are. And BTW? That condition was caused because Billy-Bob CLINTON downsized the fucking Military. Forgot about that, didn't you, asswipe?

Just because the retard was a veteran makes no difference.

He was breaking the law and if he got hurt it was his own fault.

btw Lee Harvey Oswald was a vet. :doubt:

Here we go again. America's soldiers and marines who fight in wars are heroes (as long as they stay quiet and dutifully pose with a Republican president in a photo op).

But if they speak up (like when they mentioned that they did not have the necessary shielding for their humvees and were cannibalizing parts and improvising in order to protect their own lives), or if they join peaceful protests where conservative sacred cows are criticized once they've returned to civilian life, they're little more than bums or 'retards' (YOUR word).

What a partisan pissant *YOU* are. And BTW? That condition was caused because Billy-Bob CLINTON downsized the fucking Military. Forgot about that, didn't you, asswipe?


It's called balancing the fucking budget by downsizing the war machine.

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