amazing news, after innocent iraq vet gets hurt by riot police, vet groups vow help

And we dont even know if, in fact, that cannister was actually tossed by the cop.....photoshop makes things quite easy to alter....I dont think that was even a gas had way too much explosive in it in my eyes.

Yeah. The protesters fragged themselves for a sympathy ploy.

Give me a fucking break. If you want to give the cops carte blanche, just say so. Making up fairy tales only makes you look silly.

Actually, I am looking at who filmed it to be honest.
That was not a gas was not giving out any type of gas AFTER the intial a matter of fact, the smoke started to dissipate immediately.
That was likely either an ash can or a cherry bomb based on the size of the explosion.

You think that was an ash can or cherry bomb? You are clueless.

I didn't say it was a gas canister. I said it was a flash bang. Have you ever used a flash bang? Obviously not.

It sucks enough to be on the pitching end of that deal.
Yeah. The protesters fragged themselves for a sympathy ploy.

Give me a fucking break. If you want to give the cops carte blanche, just say so. Making up fairy tales only makes you look silly.

Actually, I am looking at who filmed it to be honest.
That was not a gas was not giving out any type of gas AFTER the intial a matter of fact, the smoke started to dissipate immediately.
That was likely either an ash can or a cherry bomb based on the size of the explosion.

Its a flash bang, not a smoke grenade or tear gas. Its meant to disorient someone but is more useful in enclosed spaces than in the open.

It's meant to blow your fucking eardrums out, temporarily blind you, and disorient you with the concussive force.

Obviously the the 8 men or women who went to their aide of the fallen comrade posed such a threat that they needed to have a flash bang grenade thrown in the middle of them.

That cop throw that grenade for one reason:

Because he could.
Actually, I am looking at who filmed it to be honest.
That was not a gas was not giving out any type of gas AFTER the intial a matter of fact, the smoke started to dissipate immediately.
That was likely either an ash can or a cherry bomb based on the size of the explosion.

You can clearly see the cop throwing it. geebus

thats the cant clearly see him throw see his arm move in an underhand motion....or at least it looks like could be anything....and the trajectory of the item would not have placed the explosion where it was.....

look at it with an "inquisitive" mind this time...and you will see what I mean.

I believe it was doctored...but I may be wrong.

You are right. It was probably just a water balloon.
This is what happens when you train your police the same way you train your military. You end up with terrible incidents like this. We as a nation need to change how we train our police. It is shocking to see American police officers not stepping forward and help this man. They instead chose to fire grenades at the injured man and those trying to help. I don't see how anyone can justify that behavior. They should have helped the man. I blame their poor training for this incident. They were just following orders. And where have we heard that before? I feel for the man's family.

Well, we agree on this.

I think the notion of SWAT is absurd.
Just because the retard was a veteran makes no difference.

He was breaking the law and if he got hurt it was his own fault.

btw Lee Harvey Oswald was a vet. :doubt:

peaceful protest is protected by a certain document that starts with a C. you should read it
Obviously, the protest had turned violent and that's why the Police were called to break it up.

To ensure "Domestic Tranquility" is also part of the document that starts with a C.

Apparently, you are the one who has never read it. :cool:

The police turned it violent. Calling a veteran a "retard". How low can you go?
peaceful protest is protected by a certain document that starts with a C. you should read it
Obviously, the protest had turned violent and that's why the Police were called to break it up.

To ensure "Domestic Tranquility" is also part of the document that starts with a C.

Apparently, you are the one who has never read it. :cool:

The police turned it violent. Calling a veteran a "retard". How low can you go?
They did? Seems to me that that he whom throws the first physical PUNCH owns the act, dolt. And so what if a name was called? Big fucking DEAL.
No, the cops were called in and THEN it got violent(?). The Mayor et al screwed up. These are young people with TOO expensive colleges, Too expensive loans, TOO few oppurtunities, and parents squeezed to the max- all thanks to crappe Pub policy and voodoo- thank god we're turning a corner, thanks to Obama and Dem policy- NO THANKS to Pub policy, fear mongering,playing politics, and paralysis- or Tea Party fatuousness. The main point of Tea Party happenings is mainly how clean, old, and brainwashed they are.
Yea, those awful policemen just showed up in riot gear and started throwing flash bang canisters and tear gas for no reason. Sure they did.......................

After several early-evening skirmishes, police appeared to have dispersed the protesters by around 7:45pm PT, when they fired tear gas and flash-bang canisters into the crowd, which had grown to between 500 and 1,000 demonstrators.

Aerial footage from KTVU showed multiple gas canisters landing in the middle of the crowd, causing the protesters to scatter in every direction.

By 9:30pm PT, however, the protesters had reformed into a group, and police again fired tear gas canisters. Meanwhile, demonstrators attacked and smashed a California Highway Patrol car parked near the protest.

More tear gas was fired at around 10:30pm PT, the Oakland Tribune reported. The crowd had thinned by 10:40pm PT, but a committed group remained at the plaza. Police told the Times that they would continue to monitor the situation overnight.

Earlier in the day, demonstrators held a meeting at the Oakland Public Library, where they decided to try to take back their campsite. There were several skirmishes during the subsequent march to Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, and a number of demonstrators were arrested.

During those early clashes, police deployed smoke grenades, and protesters were seen throwing paint at police.

Police said 102 arrests were made throughout the day and that the number was increasing.

Police Defend Use of Force on 'Occupy Oakland' Protesters
I am so happy to see the OWS shitters magifying their support in their pot addled brains! But, don't they scream when they get their toes stepped on.
This is unfortunate. My understanding from the various media sites, is that the group that he was with, was throwing bottles and other things at the police.

When you're on the scene with a group of rowdy people throwing things at you, it is scary. I've been there, so I know. And there's no telling how many of those officers had also served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Several, I can assure you. Many of your police, fire, and ems are reserve and guard members.

So while most of us appreciate that he served, and did so with bravery, we also understand that you don't taunt people with firearms. MOST police officers don't pull their firearms or strike back, UNLESS they are afraid for their lives. When you're in emergency services, you know that people are going to swear and spit at you. But responders draw the line when someone tries to hurt them.

Police officers are people, too. But who knows....the cop could be a loon who is using police work to get some part of society that he/she feels slighted him. But that is the minority of police officers. I promise you that they are not all bad people. They're just trying to make a living like the rest of us.
Yea, those awful policemen just showed up in riot gear and started throwing flash bang canisters and tear gas for no reason. Sure they did.......................

After several early-evening skirmishes, police appeared to have dispersed the protesters by around 7:45pm PT, when they fired tear gas and flash-bang canisters into the crowd, which had grown to between 500 and 1,000 demonstrators.

Aerial footage from KTVU showed multiple gas canisters landing in the middle of the crowd, causing the protesters to scatter in every direction.

By 9:30pm PT, however, the protesters had reformed into a group, and police again fired tear gas canisters. Meanwhile, demonstrators attacked and smashed a California Highway Patrol car parked near the protest.

More tear gas was fired at around 10:30pm PT, the Oakland Tribune reported. The crowd had thinned by 10:40pm PT, but a committed group remained at the plaza. Police told the Times that they would continue to monitor the situation overnight.

Earlier in the day, demonstrators held a meeting at the Oakland Public Library, where they decided to try to take back their campsite. There were several skirmishes during the subsequent march to Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, and a number of demonstrators were arrested.

During those early clashes, police deployed smoke grenades, and protesters were seen throwing paint at police.

Police said 102 arrests were made throughout the day and that the number was increasing.

Police Defend Use of Force on 'Occupy Oakland' Protesters

You see, if there was video of police using force to prevent the destruction of a police car, I would be right there with you.

As it stands, I see a battalion of cops in full riot gear throwing tear gas and flash bang grenades into a crowd of people.

Perhaps you can point out the burning hulk of a police car? Or maybe explain why a battalion of cops in riot gear couldn't prevent the destruction of a police cruiser?

Wow. The police claim they were justified to flash bang a bunch of unarmed kids who were trying to help their friend who was on his back with a fractured skulll?

That just surprises the hell out of me.

After hours of getting pelted with rocks, sticks, blue paint and one report says they had piss thrown on them. Its all on the local news papers live blog. And there is still no evidence that he was shot with a tear gas canister and not hit with a beer bottle. Watch every video you can find, you wont see it.

Wow. The police claim they were justified to flash bang a bunch of unarmed kids who were trying to help their friend who was on his back with a fractured skulll?

That just surprises the hell out of me.

What a lovely CYA report.

Some OWS members agree. Some pointed out the rowdy ones to the police.

Wow. The police claim they were justified to flash bang a bunch of unarmed kids who were trying to help their friend who was on his back with a fractured skulll?

That just surprises the hell out of me.

After hours of getting pelted with rocks, sticks, blue paint and one report says they had piss thrown on them. Its all on the local news papers live blog. And there is still no evidence that he was shot with a tear gas canister and not hit with a beer bottle. Watch every video you can find, you wont see it.

I can't tell how the kid got on the ground. I can clearly see him laying on the ground and posing no particular threat to anyone when a cop decided to toss a fucking flash bang grenade on top of him.

And you'll notice, there were about 100 cops there watching and one decided to act.

Why did he do it?

Because he could.
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