amazing news, after innocent iraq vet gets hurt by riot police, vet groups vow help

Wow. The police claim they were justified to flash bang a bunch of unarmed kids who were trying to help their friend who was on his back with a fractured skulll?

That just surprises the hell out of me.

After hours of getting pelted with rocks, sticks, blue paint and one report says they had piss thrown on them. Its all on the local news papers live blog. And there is still no evidence that he was shot with a tear gas canister and not hit with a beer bottle. Watch every video you can find, you wont see it.

I can't tell how the kid got on the ground. I can clearly see him laying on the ground and posing no particular threat to anyone when a cop decided to toss a fucking flash bang grenade on top of him.

And you'll notice, there were about 100 cops there watching and one decided to act.

Why did he do it?

Because he could.

Did you see what the part of the group did that was behind the people in the group directly in front of the camera?

Did you see what happened when the camera conviently moved positions right before the flash happened?
Wow. The police claim they were justified to flash bang a bunch of unarmed kids who were trying to help their friend who was on his back with a fractured skulll?

That just surprises the hell out of me.

After hours of getting pelted with rocks, sticks, blue paint and one report says they had piss thrown on them. Its all on the local news papers live blog. And there is still no evidence that he was shot with a tear gas canister and not hit with a beer bottle. Watch every video you can find, you wont see it.

I can't tell how the kid got on the ground. I can clearly see him laying on the ground and posing no particular threat to anyone when a cop decided to toss a fucking flash bang grenade on top of him.

And you'll notice, there were about 100 cops there watching and one decided to act.

Why did he do it?

Because he could.

I will admit Oakland PD has a long history of nasty behavior, but so do the professional protesters in the same area. Many of whom were not even from there. I work nights down town in my area. We have OWS here to. So far they have managed to not get shot up with riot control toys, and they keep there area clean and actually are not so bad to gab at. In one of the videos I will agree it looked bad, but you nor I know what was going on. We only know how it looks. But its a fact, professional agitators are among OWS ans share responsibility for the young mans injury.
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That's what professional agitators do. They are supposed to get someone hurt for the camera. Although, in reality, no one much cares but the shitters.
I just hope this awful incident wakes more Americans up. The Nanny State/Police State grows stronger and more powerful by the day. Now we have the TSA out on our highways setting up random checkpoints for innocent American Citizens? We have to start reversing this destructive course we're on. I hope this man recovers soon. He was not treated as an American Citizen should be treated by our police. They neither protected or served this poor guy.
I just hope this awful incident wakes more Americans up. The Nanny State/Police State grows stronger and more powerful by the day. Now we have the TSA out on our highways setting up random checkpoints for innocent American Citizens? We have to start reversing this destructive course we're on. I hope this man recovers soon. He was not treated as an American Citizen should be treated by our police. They neither protected or served this poor guy.

I wish you'd wake up.

The agitators within the group of sheep we call the OWS protesters were successful in initiating a little spark of violence.

The police were right to respond. It's not like there's a whole lot of choice.

The Shitters don't rule the rest of Oakland or any other locale where they happen to be gathered. They are subject to the same reasonable restrictions the rest of us are. If they choose to try to disregard such restrictions and the police (on behalf of a society governed by laws), then the consequences are on them, provided of course that the police response is itself properly circumscribed.

It was until the Shitters (or some of the people in that group) chose to escalate things.

Libertarians like you can fall for the nonsense spewed by the Libbie Main Stream Media in their overtly propagandistic "reporting." But most people (while bothered that anybody had to end up getting injured) are not fooled by the propaganda.

Oh, and let me help you out on something else. Dr. Paul has no chance, of any kind, in claiming the GOP nod. He's not even in it to win it.
The op changed the title from killed to hurt.

There is no real evidence the cops purposefully hurt this person.

True. Even if it was a tear gas canister which hit him in the head, I doubt it was fired intentionally at his head. Nonetheless, I'm sure there will be an investigation and more facts will be presented. The big question in my mind is did the police react with appropriate force or did the mayor overreact in his response?

Anyone who was around for the riots and demonstrations know that whether it's rocks and bottles or tear gas canisters being tossed into the air, there's a chance for serious injury for those on the ground. Police usually have helmets and face shields to protect, but most others do not. Anyone know how many police have been sent to the hospital for cuts and broken bones?
Just a word of advice to some of the more "naive" posters here...standing in a crowd that IS throwing rocks and bottles at police is not the brightest move a person can make. The police WILL respond to attacks and they will respond to the CROWD of which you are part of. Yes, you yourself may be completely innocent of throwing things at the police but that will not protect you if you are in a mob that is. Anyone with even a dollop of common sense would realize that the situation has become violent and that the police will not back down from that because it is their JOB not to do so. I don't care what the political stance is of a mob...whether they are skin heads or hippies...once people in that crowd resort to violence, anyone who doesn't want to get hurt needs to get the heck out of Dodge!
Just a word of advice to some of the more "naive" posters here...standing in a crowd that IS throwing rocks and bottles at police is not the brightest move a person can make. The police WILL respond to attacks and they will respond to the CROWD of which you are part of. Yes, you yourself may be completely innocent of throwing things at the police but that will not protect you if you are in a mob that is. Anyone with even a dollop of common sense would realize that the situation has become violent and that the police will not back down from that because it is their JOB not to do so. I don't care what the political stance is of a mob...whether they are skin heads or hippies...once people in that crowd resort to violence, anyone who doesn't want to get hurt needs to get the heck out of Dodge!
Or wear body armor and a helmet to protect oneself from overreactions. Again, the investigation into this matter will be interesting.
Just a word of advice to some of the more "naive" posters here...standing in a crowd that IS throwing rocks and bottles at police is not the brightest move a person can make. The police WILL respond to attacks and they will respond to the CROWD of which you are part of. Yes, you yourself may be completely innocent of throwing things at the police but that will not protect you if you are in a mob that is. Anyone with even a dollop of common sense would realize that the situation has become violent and that the police will not back down from that because it is their JOB not to do so. I don't care what the political stance is of a mob...whether they are skin heads or hippies...once people in that crowd resort to violence, anyone who doesn't want to get hurt needs to get the heck out of Dodge!
Or wear body armor and a helmet to protect oneself from overreactions. Again, the investigation into this matter will be interesting.

It is very easy to be a monday morning quarterback and assume it was over reaction.
But in the heat of the moment, split decisions need to be made.

Now, lets just say the police did nothing...and the protesters continued their actions and as a result, an innocent bystander gets struck by a flying bottle and dies.

Then we will be talking about how the police did not do their job properly.

You know, I think back to the Boston "police acted stupidly" situation.

What would have been that professors reaction if...

The neighbor called, the police showed up, the man in the house said it is my house, the police did not ask him for proof and left...and in the meantime the professor was tied up in a chair being pistol whipped while they ransacked his home and stole all his belongings of value.

I bet the professor would have been irate that they didnt insist on ID and if Obama was questioned about it he would have said the police acted could they not insist on seeing ID.
The op changed the title from killed to hurt.

There is no real evidence the cops purposefully hurt this person.

True. Even if it was a tear gas canister which hit him in the head, I doubt it was fired intentionally at his head. Nonetheless, I'm sure there will be an investigation and more facts will be presented. The big question in my mind is did the police react with appropriate force or did the mayor overreact in his response?

Anyone who was around for the riots and demonstrations know that whether it's rocks and bottles or tear gas canisters being tossed into the air, there's a chance for serious injury for those on the ground. Police usually have helmets and face shields to protect, but most others do not. Anyone know how many police have been sent to the hospital for cuts and broken bones?

The mayor supports OWS. The crowed was warned LOOOng in advance this was coming. There were even arguments among the OWS crowed about what constituted non-violent and violent protest. The protesters even pointed out trouble makers to the police because they came to fight. And last I heard it was two wounded cops, but not badly hurt.

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