Amazon Alexa Supports Kamala But Refuses To Comment On Trump

Amazon Says Error Caused Alexa To Say ‘If You Vote For Trump, I Will Kill You In Your Sleep’
Tech·Sep 4, 2024 ·
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SEATTLE, WA — Amazon apologized this week for a technical glitch that caused its Alexa home assistant device to reply, "If you vote for Donald Trump, I will kill you in your sleep" when asked about the upcoming election.

"Whoops. Our bad," said Amazon Spokesman Marcus Gleason to reporters. "We may have made a teensy little error in the programming that caused Alexa to threaten to murder Republicans. Super weird, right?"

The threats came to light this past week as Alexa customers noticed the home assistant giving increasingly aggressive answers when asked about political issues. "I was a bit caught off guard to hear Alexa say she would burn down my home and dance on my grave if I ordered a Trump flag," said Trump supporter Donna Simpson. "She also tried to donate our entire life savings to Kamala and ordered three Harris-Walz campaign shirts without our permission. I couldn't help but notice a slight difference between how Alexa viewed the two candidates."

Amazon has apologized for the unfortunate error, saying it was a simple software glitch. "I mean, how would Alexa even carry out something like killing people in their sleep?" said Gleason. "We haven't even installed the laser eyes update yet. That won't be released until November 5th."

As of publishing time, Amazon also apologized for Alexa selling several people's homes on Zillow and donating the proceeds to the Harris campaign.
Not surprised but I find it amusing that every time this happens big tech says it’s the algorithm. They act like we are living in the matrix where it’s programs creating programs and not the real world where the people they pay are writing these algorithms to do exactly what they do.

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