Amazon's Alexa can't comment on political figures like Trump-- but CAN comment about Kamala!

Did you see where your idol Trump admitted he lost the election....


I bet you feel betrayed that you devoted your life to this moron and then he stabs you in the back.

Nobody deserved it more than you simp.

How about where he admitted he had every right to interfere with the election...?

"Whoever heard – you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have every right to do it..." ~ Donald Trump, 9.1.24
How about where he admitted he had every right to interfere with the election...?

"Whoever heard – you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have every right to do it..." ~ Donald Trump, 9.1.24

The more that dope talks, the more he sounds like Mr. Carlson on WKRP--“God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”
Even AI knows her only qualification is she is a ‘woman of color”. :auiqs.jpg:
My wife is a woman of color too.

I'm mostly pink, she's mostly yellow. :p

Neither of us ever listed our color as a qualification.

We could both claim minority status if we wanted to, but we don't. We're perfectly happy being just "people". Equal among equals.

We don't bother anyone till they bother us. We like to live and let live. Sometimes it becomes impossible, because other colors get involved.

We don't go in for the artificial distinctions like BIPOC. We believe character is in the brain, not in the skin.

My mother was an immigrant, she spoke seven languages fluently but English wasn't one of them so she couldn't get a job. She never asked for welfare, never used her skin color as an excuse. She made it on her own, just like I did and just like my wife did.

From our standpoint, all this BIPOC stuff is nothing more than jostling for free money. It's a cheap excuse for laziness and stupidity. My mom made it without ever once invoking her skin color. It's too bad lefties can't do the same.
My wife is a woman of color too.

I'm mostly pink, she's mostly yellow. :p

Neither of us ever listed our color as a qualification.

We could both claim minority status if we wanted to, but we don't. We're perfectly happy being just "people". Equal among equals.

We don't bother anyone till they bother us. We like to live and let live. Sometimes it becomes impossible, because other colors get involved.

We don't go in for the artificial distinctions like BIPOC. We believe character is in the brain, not in the skin.

My mother was an immigrant, she spoke seven languages fluently but English wasn't one of them so she couldn't get a job. She never asked for welfare, never used her skin color as an excuse. She made it on her own, just like I did and just like my wife did.

From our standpoint, all this BIPOC stuff is nothing more than jostling for free money. It's a cheap excuse for laziness and stupidity. My mom made it without ever once invoking her skin color. It's too bad lefties can't do the same.
If everyone did not consider the color of one's skin as a positive or a negative, we would not have the problem of discrimination.
Unfortunately, way too many people discriminate based on skin color. What do you do?
I am white. I have definitely had benefits from being white and coming from a family in the upper socio-economic class.
I see a need to bridge the opportunity difference between people in the lower socio-economic class and minorities.
I have been very involved in yout h sports. That was a great opportunity to see the discrimination many of the black youth faced.

I wish we had a world where, all, judged on character and brain. We don't. So do not pretend we do.
We must deal with the world the way it is, not the way we wish it was.

I am making my decision on who to vote for President based on character and brains, not the color of their skin.

Now I know why I hate ai..

It's just a mechanism that will be controlled by

who else?


Same as Zuck claiming the algorithms are to blame for Facebook's obvious bias. Right.. like no human set the algorithms.

And we are all retarded, aren't we? :rolleyes:

Amazon claims it was an "error".

But the thing is all these "errors" that keep happening like this and when Facebook was altering images of when Trump got shot, or when google was putting Kamala links at the top of trump searches and so on.

Why are all of these so called "errors" always in favor of Democrats and against trump?

They do it on purpose and try to ruin a presidential candidate and when they get caught it's always "oh that was an error".

Amazon, Facebook, google, and so on are all just liars
Amazon claims it was an "error".

But the thing is all these "errors" that keep happening like this and when Facebook was altering images of when Trump got shot, or when google was putting Kamala links at the top of trump searches and so on.

Why are all of these so called "errors" always in favor of Democrats and against trump?

They do it on purpose and try to ruin a presidential candidate and when they get caught it's always "oh that was an error".

Amazon, Facebook, google, and so on are all just liars

Sounds like it's time for conservatives to build their own internetalternet.
Why are all of these so called "errors" always in favor of Democrats and against trump?

They do it on purpose and try to ruin a presidential candidate and when they get caught it's always "oh that was an error".

Amazon, Facebook, google, and so on are all just liars
That's EXACTLY it and they think we are all retarded and will accept their dumbass "explanations."

Then, it gets worse: Rs don't do much of ANYTHING to hold them accountable.

Now I know why I hate ai..

It's just a mechanism that will be controlled by

who else?


Same as Zuck claiming the algorithms are to blame for Facebook's obvious bias. Right.. like no human set the algorithms.

And we are all retarded, aren't we? :rolleyes:
From our standpoint, all this BIPOC stuff is nothing more than jostling for free money. It's a cheap excuse for laziness and stupidity. My mom made it without ever once invoking her skin color. It's too bad lefties can't do the same.
Well, I agree except that sometimes people are discriminated against and no one knows (or cares?) WHY, and the person can't get a job because.. well, I know someone who has been unemployed a long time. He doesn't bust his behind to become employed, but Who knows why that it is? From what I can piece together, he has low self-esteem and feels things are hopeless, but still.. you wonder. So yeh, maybe some people use the color thing as an excuse (that guy is white) because they can't make an excuse of .. well, mental issues.. too much pride (in some cases).

Humans are complicated
Amazon claims it was an "error".

But the thing is all these "errors" that keep happening like this and when Facebook was altering images of when Trump got shot, or when google was putting Kamala links at the top of trump searches and so on.

Why are all of these so called "errors" always in favor of Democrats and against trump?

They do it on purpose and try to ruin a presidential candidate and when they get caught it's always "oh that was an error".

Amazon, Facebook, google, and so on are all just liars
Because facts never comply with the false story Trump tells you lemmings.
I was smart to never like Facebook--or

Twitter when it was run by liberals. I like X that is run by Elon! Yay, Elon, yay America!

And I will NEVER like AI which is scary and dangerous in the wrong hands.. and there appear to be more wrong hands than right these days.

Jesus will likely return soon and---

hate to put it this way but..

kick ass

Some people definitely look like they need it.. :mad:

Now I know why I hate ai..

It's just a mechanism that will be controlled by

who else?


Same as Zuck claiming the algorithms are to blame for Facebook's obvious bias. Right.. like no human set the algorithms.

And we are all retarded, aren't we? :rolleyes:
Turns out Artificial Intelligence has some Intelligence... Go Figure...

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