Amazon - You're Fired!

A private company can do nothing to you. If they would happen to falsely accuse you of doing something illegal you have venues to right that.
That wasn't the question. Again the question >>
So are you opposed to street cameras too ? Would you call that being "spied on" ?

How about cameras in supermarkets and department stores ? (ex WalMart).
And not actually doing much of anything about any of it.
Oh, I forgot. I'm talking to an information-deprived liberal, victim of liberal OMISSION media.

RECORD positive numbers on the economy, stopped the absurd practice of giving China unrestricted access to our valuable market, holding China accountable for cyber theft, taking Mexico and Central American countries to task for illegal immigration, created 4 million jobs, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs, unemployment claims hit 50 year low, highest median wage in US history, lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled in US history, lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years, lowest unemployment rate in US history for Americans without a high school diploma, 4 million Americans off food stamps, vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever in US history, , opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines thereby making America # 1 energy producer in the world for first time in US history (no other president ever did that), Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE, FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in US history. > drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases, reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars, Signed Right-To-Try legislation, $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic - the most ever in US history, Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care -all first in US history (I got surgeries and benefits from this myself), United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957, withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord, pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016, made the Space Force (first in US history) the 6th branch of the Armed Forces, rebuilt the US military to its strongest level in US history, withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal, moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban for the first in US history,, upheld by Supreme Court, issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay, MCA deal, reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports, pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016, net exports increaded $59 Billion in 2018, improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement, we have begun BUILDING THE WALL.

You should credit things when you copy and paste.
A private company can do nothing to you. If they would happen to falsely accuse you of doing something illegal you have venues to right that.
That wasn't the question. Again the question >>
So are you opposed to street cameras too ? Would you call that being "spied on" ?

How about cameras in supermarkets and department stores ? (ex WalMart).

I answered that question.
Really, they could use facial recognition to track what you do and where you go.
Lots of things "could" happen. The military "could" round people up and put them in concentration camps and then kill them, like in Nazi Germany. They "could" go around crucifying people like ISIS did.

But let's talk reality, shall we ?
You should credit things when you copy and paste.
I DID NOT copy/paste. I took things I had read, quite a while ago, from MEMORY.

And as long as we're on the subject of "should", YOU SHOULD comment on your previous wrong and ridiculous post >> "And not actually doing much of anything about any of it."
I answered that question.
No you didn't, You DODGED it, and changed the subject.

Again the question >>
So are you opposed to street cameras too ? Would you call that being "spied on" ?

How about cameras in supermarkets and department stores ? (ex. WalMart)
Remember back when conservatives used to understand the difference between businesses and government?

I suppose conservatives still do. Trumpsters don't.
I don't know where this conservatives/Trumpsters dichotemy notion came from, but I can say that it isn't going anywhere. Trump has done just about everything one could think of that meets the definition of conservative - opposing illegal immigration, opposing affirmative action, opposing Islam, opposing excessive gun control, opposing excessive abortion, conserving American business - halting Chinese access, etc.

And not actually doing much of anything about any of it.

The sad fact is, they're too stupid to understand it. The don't want limited government. They don't even know what it is. They want to see government that favors them and screws over people they don't like. That as subtle as it get for these fuckers. You can't talk to them about limited government, individual rights, rule of law - none of it - because they're simply too goddamned stupid to understand the basic concepts involved.
Remember back when conservatives used to understand the difference between businesses and government?

I suppose conservatives still do. Trumpsters don't.
I don't know where this conservatives/Trumpsters dichotemy notion came from, but I can say that it isn't going anywhere. Trump has done just about everything one could think of that meets the definition of conservative - opposing illegal immigration, opposing affirmative action, opposing Islam, opposing excessive gun control, opposing excessive abortion, conserving American business - halting Chinese access, etc.

And not actually doing much of anything about any of it.

The sad fact is, they're too stupid to understand it. The don't want limited government. They don't even know what it is. They want to see government that favors them and screws over people they don't like. That as subtle as it get for these fuckers. You can't talk to them about limited government, individual rights, rule of law - none of it - because they're simply too goddamned stupid to understand the basic concepts involved.
Again Government has as its charge public safety and NOTHING in the Constitution grants a presumption of privacy in PUBLIC SPACES.
I said it was irrelevant.
Street cameras are NOT irrelevant. This street camera identified Joe Smith, killer of 11 year old Carlie Brucia. Without the camera. Smith would have gone free, quite possibly to kill again, and again.




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The sad fact is, they're too stupid to understand it. The don't want limited government. They don't even know what it is. They want to see government that favors them and screws over people they don't like. That as subtle as it get for these fuckers. You can't talk to them about limited government, individual rights, rule of law - none of it - because they're simply too goddamned stupid to understand the basic concepts involved.
That's exactly what YOU are. Stupid and ignorant. Nobody in America is more ignorant that information-deprived liberal victims of liberal OMISSION media. I have proved that repeatedly with my Quizzes in this forum, which liberals fail miserably.

You dunces don't know how much you don't know.

Here's some information to get you started >> See Post # 80, and LEARN.
I said it was irrelevant.
Street cameras are NOT irrelevant. This street camera identified Joe Smith, killer of 11 year old Carlie Brucia. Without the camera. Smith would have gone free, quite possibly to kill again, and again.

View attachment 368445

If the police could be trusted it would be one thing. They can't.

But you already note that there is already a solution. If there is a crime the police can get a warrant for local video.
If the police could be trusted it would be one thing. They can't.

But you already note that there is already a solution. If there is a crime the police can get a warrant for local video.
One bad cop out of thousands, and you make a claim that all cops ("the police") are bad, and can't be trusted. Are you an idiot ?
Today I withdrew my name from, and closed my account.

Here's why >> they have banned police from using their facial recognition technology. Oh yeah, I'm sure they're going to make some big high & mighty claim about racial profiling and discrimination (never mind that they engage profusely in Affirmative Action)

So Amazon has made a choice. They can side with their law-abiding customers and the police, or they can side with the terrorist Black Lives Matter, and all their criminal supporters. And I have made a choice also. They will not get another dime out of me.

So, the right is now about invasion of privacy by police. Just like you are now for militarization of our cities. Just like you are now for massive deficits and debts.

The Republicans like Reagan , HW Bush, Bob Dole are turning over in their graves because of how easy Trump hads made you flip on all the Republiucan policies of the past.
I have the expectation that the govertnmrent is not using technologvy to spy on me. But hey, Trump has you now loving Big Brother?
Agan for the slow and amazingly STUPID, in public places it is NOT spying to record you.
Really, they could use facial recognition to track what you do and where you go.
So long as the tracking is in public spaces so what?
All hail Big Brother. Right?
All hail Big Brother. Right?
When facists hypocritically claiming to be ani-facists try to overthrow the govt by force, then yeah, that's right.

Stop it with whatever it takes. Form follows function.


Overthrow through the vote. I understand you Trumpettes want to use military forces tio stop that.
Voting doesn't stop a riot. Duh!

And tell "Overthrow through the vote" to your leftist anarchist friends. THEY are the ones trying to overthrow by force, without the vote.
If the police could be trusted it would be one thing. They can't.

But you already note that there is already a solution. If there is a crime the police can get a warrant for local video.
One bad cop out of thousands, and you make a claim that all cops ("the police") are bad, and can't be trusted. Are you an idiot ?
We know you lied to cover for fellow officers.

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