Amber Guyger Guilty of Murder

Also found out:
the reason she got the murder conviction - when asked about applying her training to shoot,
she did answer that she shot in the areas that would kill (I think the head and chest area)
so they got her to admit on the stand that she shot to kill, and that's how they got murder out of what she said.

This is still taken out of the context that she THOUGHT she was in her own apt.
so it wasn't the same as KNOWING she was in someone else's apt and shooting to kill.

That's a gray area and not the same context, but given the pressure to answer for this injustice
in a way commensurate with the suffering caused, that's the best they could do. She might win on appeal
if they ask for reckless homicide, but would have to answer to the need for meaningful correction
or restitution that is proportional to the grievances caused instead of trying to use "murder" charges to compensate.
setting up a community outreach program to help prevent these problems
might compensate better for the pain and prejudice stirred by this case, and not require a murder charge to feel vindicated.

There is some other factor here, so that could addressed in more constructive ways
instead of turning a reckless homicide into murder to try to make a statement that way.

Bottom line, she had no reason to shoot. None. Even if it had been her apartment, she had no reason to shoot. She was armed, he was not.

If she was in her apt, the castle doctrine might have applied.
In that situation, whether people shoot without adequate warning
varies case by case, because citizens are not required to follow
the same protocol as police are. So maybe we should change that
and require ALL citizens with firearms to be trained and screened.

That way, if Guyger or others don't follow police protocol, then
we have a set standard to judge against, and train people to follow.
You don’t want crimes to be observed and reported when they happen?
Of course I do, but what percentage of crimes committed do you think are observed or reported?

It is not even close to 100%. Shame and fear cause many crimes to not get reported if unobserved by law enforcement.

Police presence also deter crime. If police weren’t in those areas, crime would skyrocket and most case perps would never see a jail.
Police presence also deter crime. If police weren’t in those areas, crime would skyrocket and most case perps would never see a jail.
Do you know anyone who used to do robberies or burglaries?

They pick their spots carefully, usually based on police presence and response time or inside knowledge (be careful who your friends are). Going for the Big prize doesn't help if you spend 5 years in jail, so they go for the 'sure bet' rather than a big pay off.

Police presence only means they move elsewhere, but are usually on foot (too many traffic ID systems) so they keep to their neighborhood where they also blend in.

The idiots get caught by a patrolling cop, i.e. drug addicts or ballsy idiots.
Also found out:
the reason she got the murder conviction - when asked about applying her training to shoot,
she did answer that she shot in the areas that would kill (I think the head and chest area)
so they got her to admit on the stand that she shot to kill, and that's how they got murder out of what she said.
Never say you shoot a kill area.

Shoot center of body and insist that your only goal was to stop the predator.

Anything else is putting your own damned head in the noose.

As to this woman, she couldn't tell the difference between her white female run and owned home from a black male owned home?

She should have never been a cop.

I think there was a love interest and she was frustrated somehow.

Dear JimBowie1958
The truth finally came out: she was trying to break off an affair with a married fellow officer and partner, and was sex-texting him at the time. So she wasn't too tired because they were planning to meet that night. She was distracted because what they were doing was illicit and wrong, and would cost them both their jobs. By the time she realized she was in the wrong place and had shot an innocent neighbor, she was panicking on the phone with her partner because they knew they were both in bigger trouble than they already were.

So that was the distraction that prevented her from noticing the red rug and open door were not to her apt; and which prevented her from rendering aid because she was panicked over losing her job, etc.

Botham Jean was in his own apt, but leaving the door open led to his death by very poor tragic timing that coincided with Amber Guyger doing the wrong thing with a fellow officer.

The only thing that could be faulted with Jean, if it is true there was marijuana smoke or smell in his apt, that kind of "recreational use" can attract NEGATIVE energy and people and events.

So whatever negative energy that Guyger and her partner were generating with their illicit affair, you don't want to attract that into your space.

Bad things happen when negative energy collects and crosses.

That's why Jean's brother said the best thing that could happen at this point was for Guyger to "turn her life over to Christ" which dispels and repels the negative energy and invites positive healing instead. That's the best repellent to any of the negative issues leading up and surrounding this case, even the hateful hostility between black and white politics led up to this.

Other incidents keep happening until we resolve the unforgiven fear and conflicts between law enforcement and members of the public biasing those relations with ill will and distrust.

The only thing I have found in this whole story that could explain why this ended up on Botham Jean's doorstep is if he was doing anything illicit that attracted more such energy into his space (such as if it is true there was marijuana use in his apt), or if God used him to set up his brother to testify in Court to reach out to Guyger and others to stop this whole hateful approach that is killing people on both sides of the divide.

Either way, more good can come from this if we allow it instead of more negativity.

Jean might have had his own flaws, but obviously his greater love of God through Christ, that his brother expresses as well, should be the driving force, focus and narrative here.

Their mother should be thanked for raising such fine men who serve as a positive example and influence to many others whose lives can now be saved for his sacrifice in these conflicts.
Also found out:
the reason she got the murder conviction - when asked about applying her training to shoot,
she did answer that she shot in the areas that would kill (I think the head and chest area)
so they got her to admit on the stand that she shot to kill, and that's how they got murder out of what she said.
Never say you shoot a kill area.

Shoot center of body and insist that your only goal was to stop the predator.

Anything else is putting your own damned head in the noose.

As to this woman, she couldn't tell the difference between her white female run and owned home from a black male owned home?

She should have never been a cop.

I think there was a love interest and she was frustrated somehow.

Dear JimBowie1958
The truth finally came out: she was trying to break off an affair with a married fellow officer and partner, and was sex-texting him at the time. So she wasn't too tired because they were planning to meet that night. She was distracted because what they were doing was illicit and wrong, and would cost them both their jobs. By the time she realized she was in the wrong place and had shot an innocent neighbor, she was panicking on the phone with her partner because they knew they were both in bigger trouble than they already were.

So that was the distraction that prevented her from noticing the red rug and open door were not to her apt; and which prevented her from rendering aid because she was panicked over losing her job, etc.

Botham Jean was in his own apt, but leaving the door open led to his death by very poor tragic timing that coincided with Amber Guyger doing the wrong thing with a fellow officer.

The only thing that could be faulted with Jean, if it is true there was marijuana smoke or smell in his apt, that kind of "recreational use" can attract NEGATIVE energy and people and events.

So whatever negative energy that Guyger and her partner were generating with their illicit affair, you don't want to attract that into your space.

Bad things happen when negative energy collects and crosses.

That's why Jean's brother said the best thing that could happen at this point was for Guyger to "turn her life over to Christ" which dispels and repels the negative energy and invites positive healing instead. That's the best repellent to any of the negative issues leading up and surrounding this case, even the hateful hostility between black and white politics led up to this.

Other incidents keep happening until we resolve the unforgiven fear and conflicts between law enforcement and members of the public biasing those relations with ill will and distrust.

The only thing I have found in this whole story that could explain why this ended up on Botham Jean's doorstep is if he was doing anything illicit that attracted more such energy into his space (such as if it is true there was marijuana use in his apt), or if God used him to set up his brother to testify in Court to reach out to Guyger and others to stop this whole hateful approach that is killing people on both sides of the divide.

Either way, more good can come from this if we allow it instead of more negativity.

Jean might have had his own flaws, but obviously his greater love of God through Christ, that his brother expresses as well, should be the driving force, focus and narrative here.

Their mother should be thanked for raising such fine men who serve as a positive example and influence to many others whose lives can now be saved for his sacrifice in these conflicts.
1) criminals tend to target people who go into the 'shadows' of society as these targets are already evading the police and thus are more vulnerable. So what you say about 'negative energy' is true.
2) If the cop was THAT distracted, she should never have been a cop.
3) I seriously doubt that she intended to kill the guy, but simply used the only gun training she has likely ever had which is to stop an assailant by shooting center of body. She should have gotten Manslaughter, IMO, but the sentence was so light, meh.
4) I agree about faith being a repellant to 'negative energy' as it generally keeps people out of the shadows of society. And when people have more integrity, they have to be more attentive, diligent and forthright in their lives to make up for the easy low hanging fruit that the Shadow dwellers friends give a heads up about. One effect of this is that People of faith tend to not be so disconnected with their situational awareness.
You don’t want crimes to be observed and reported when they happen?
Of course I do, but what percentage of crimes committed do you think are observed or reported?

It is not even close to 100%. Shame and fear cause many crimes to not get reported if unobserved by law enforcement.

Police presence also deter crime. If police weren’t in those areas, crime would skyrocket and most case perps would never see a jail.

Not true.
Police are a recent invention, only a little more than 100 years old, and they did not decrease crime at all.
In fact, they tend to increase crime because then more people no longer have the means of defending themselves, and they make the mistake of believing police make them safer when they don't actually.
The MAIN reason we created police and want them, is not to reduce crime, but to reduce lynchings.
You don’t want crimes to be observed and reported when they happen?
Of course I do, but what percentage of crimes committed do you think are observed or reported?

It is not even close to 100%. Shame and fear cause many crimes to not get reported if unobserved by law enforcement.

Police presence also deter crime. If police weren’t in those areas, crime would skyrocket and most case perps would never see a jail.

Not true.
Police are a recent invention, only a little more than 100 years old, and they did not decrease crime at all.
In fact, they tend to increase crime because then more people no longer have the means of defending themselves, and they make the mistake of believing police make them safer when they don't actually.
The MAIN reason we created police and want them, is not to reduce crime, but to reduce lynchings.

That might be true in a civilized society. Take away police in our country now while it’s filled with negroes, Latinos, and other third world trash, and it will become a war zone overnight.
Take away police in our country now while it’s filled with negroes, Latinos, and other third world trash, and it will become a war zone overnight.

Horse shit.

Blacks and Latinos make fine citizens, unlike racists.

But at 61 years of age, I don't have time to waste on knuckle heads.

Welcome to my ignore list, dude.
You don’t want crimes to be observed and reported when they happen?
Of course I do, but what percentage of crimes committed do you think are observed or reported?

It is not even close to 100%. Shame and fear cause many crimes to not get reported if unobserved by law enforcement.

Police presence also deter crime. If police weren’t in those areas, crime would skyrocket and most case perps would never see a jail.

Not true.
Police are a recent invention, only a little more than 100 years old, and they did not decrease crime at all.
In fact, they tend to increase crime because then more people no longer have the means of defending themselves, and they make the mistake of believing police make them safer when they don't actually.
The MAIN reason we created police and want them, is not to reduce crime, but to reduce lynchings.

That might be true in a civilized society. Take away police in our country now while it’s filled with negroes, Latinos, and other third world trash, and it will become a war zone overnight.

What you are forgetting is that the idea police actually protect anyone is a myth.
They have too long of a response time, so always get there too late to actually protect you.
Society would be much more civilized if every one just realized that and took care of their own safety.
The real purpose of police was not to make society safer, but to reduce lynchings.
A democratic republic can only work when all people are equal under the law, which means you really can not have police. Police always expect/demand exceptional authority, that they can not legally have in a democratic republic.
The justice system is broken and some preach about how Americans are free...
Thos criminal went on to kill a man in his house with cold blood and she gets only 10 years ?
The justice system is broken and some preach about how Americans are free...
Thos criminal went on to kill a man in his house with cold blood and she gets only 10 years ?

She was a innocent trespasser...the door to the apartment was open....she walked in thinking she was in her own apartment and immediately spotted a silhouette of a person...who she naturally thought was either a intruder or burglar....reasonable for her to believe that since she thought she was in her own apartment....she became very frightened...only natural....issued a order for the person to show his hands....he failed to comply...then she shot twice hitting him once.

A tragedy for all concerned but what she did was not murder....for murder to occurr there must be malice...she had no malice.

The most she should have been charged with would be negligent homicide.

This case is being appealed and should result in a new trial....otherwise it is a miscarriage of justice.
I really questioned how they got a murder charge to stick on this one. Manslaughter? Sure. But MURDER typically requires intent, as in they would have had to prove she intentionally sought out this guy to kill him.

Then I read this: Amber Guyger found guilty of murder at trial in fatal shooting of neighbor Botham Jean

"The jury in Guyger's trial was made up mostly of women and people of color."

And there it was. This was vindictiveness and retribution, not justice. I suspect it will be appealed - and it should be.

I doubt the race of the jury had much to do with their verdict as the evidence is pretty clear this was Second Degree Murder or manslaughter if you don't think the cop intended to kill the victim, and five years is pretty light for that.

Still, the Black Lives Matter morons were happy with the verdict no matter what the evidence was, but that does not impugn the jury or judge.

2nd degree murder does not exist in texas.....she was charged with murder....but what she did was not murder....for murder to exist there must be malice....she had no malice.

She mistakenly shot someone who she thought was a intruder or burglar....negligent homicide should have been the most she was charged with.
You're a bigot, a racist, and a retard.

If you really think she killed him "for sport," you're not just a scumbag, but fucking insane.
Listen meth-head, when there's a culture of letting killers off the hook for killing blacks, no matter the circumstance, the message you're sending is they are sport to be killed, therefore no consequence.

Now go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

Is it your position that none should be killed?

No one should be killed unless they have a weapon and they are in the process of using on you or others. are ignorant of the law. Study up and get back with us.
Where is the malice in accidentally going into someone else's apartment and shooting someone you think is an intruder?
If that is actually what happened.

I don't buy the idea that a female could not see the difference in how she set up and arranged her apartment as compared to a single black male.

That is just incredulous to me.

She w3ill be young enough when she gets out and will have a lot more life ahead of her than her victim would.

I would have given her at least 15 years if not 20 for manslaughter.

Your assumptions are based on ignorance of the facts of the case as well as ignorance of the law.
To be guilty of murder you must have malice.

Where is the malice in accidentally going into someone else's apartment and shooting someone you think is an intruder?

That is easy.
She shot twice.
That is to ensure death.
That is proof of malice.

But you do NOT have to prove malice for murder.
You can just be criminally irresponsible, and/or commit a crime while armed, which ups the charge.
She did all three.

  1. the intention or desire to do evil; ill will

She had no malice....she thought the guy was either an intruder or burglar in her apartment

She was what is referred to in law as a innocent in she unknowingly entered someone else's apartment....whose front door was ajar as in open, as in not locked....when she started to put her key in...the door opened.

The legal definition of murder: Legal Dictionary -
2nd degree murder does not exist in texas.....she was charged with murder....but what she did was not murder....for murder to exist there must be malice....she had no malice.
In Texas the legal code uses a different euphemism, but Second degree murder is still on the books. It is called Capital Murder.

In Texas, there are four types of criminal homicide: 1) murder, 2) capital murder, 3) manslaughter, and 4) criminally negligent homicide. Here is a breakdown of the four homicide crimes in simple English:

4 Types of Criminal Homicide in Texas | Plano Criminal Defense Lawyer
1. Murder: You commit murder when you intentionally and knowingly take someone else’s life, or when you intend to commit an act that is clearly extremely dangerous to human life and in effect, causes death to another person. Murder is usually a felony of the first degree.

2. Capital Murder: There are different ways to commit capital murder. You commit capital murder if you kill a fireman or member of law enforcement. You commit capital murder if you intentionally kill someone while committing arson, kidnapping, robbery or burglary, terroristic threat, obstruction or retaliation, or sexual assault. Capital murder is a capital felony.

3. Manslaughter: You commit manslaughter if you “recklessly” cause the death of another person. Manslaughter is a felony of the second degree.

4. Criminally Negligent Homicide: If you are criminally negligent and you take someone else’s life, it would be considered criminally negligent homicide, which is a state jail felony. Some “accidental killings” fall into this category.​
The justice system is broken and some preach about how Americans are free...
Thos criminal went on to kill a man in his house with cold blood and she gets only 10 years ?

She was a innocent trespasser...the door to the apartment was open....she walked in thinking she was in her own apartment and immediately spotted a silhouette of a person...who she naturally thought was either a intruder or burglar....reasonable for her to believe that since she thought she was in her own apartment....she became very frightened...only natural....issued a order for the person to show his hands....he failed to comply...then she shot twice hitting him once.

A tragedy for all concerned but what she did was not murder....for murder to occurr there must be malice...she had no malice.

The most she should have been charged with would be negligent homicide.

This case is being appealed and should result in a new trial....otherwise it is a miscarriage of justice.

The walked up to an apartment that did not have her number on the door. This apartment had a door mat which she didn't have, and she walked in and shot the owner of the apartment. It is inconceivable that she thought that this was her apartment. Did she not recognize this was not her furniture?

Her story makes no logical sense.
2nd degree murder does not exist in texas.....she was charged with murder....but what she did was not murder....for murder to exist there must be malice....she had no malice.
In Texas the legal code uses a different euphemism, but Second degree murder is still on the books. It is called Capital Murder.

In Texas, there are four types of criminal homicide: 1) murder, 2) capital murder, 3) manslaughter, and 4) criminally negligent homicide. Here is a breakdown of the four homicide crimes in simple English:

4 Types of Criminal Homicide in Texas | Plano Criminal Defense Lawyer
1. Murder: You commit murder when you intentionally and knowingly take someone else’s life, or when you intend to commit an act that is clearly extremely dangerous to human life and in effect, causes death to another person. Murder is usually a felony of the first degree.

2. Capital Murder: There are different ways to commit capital murder. You commit capital murder if you kill a fireman or member of law enforcement. You commit capital murder if you intentionally kill someone while committing arson, kidnapping, robbery or burglary, terroristic threat, obstruction or retaliation, or sexual assault. Capital murder is a capital felony.

3. Manslaughter: You commit manslaughter if you “recklessly” cause the death of another person. Manslaughter is a felony of the second degree.

4. Criminally Negligent Homicide: If you are criminally negligent and you take someone else’s life, it would be considered criminally negligent homicide, which is a state jail felony. Some “accidental killings” fall into this category.​

2nd degree murder does not exist in texas.....she was charged with murder....but what she did was not murder....for murder to exist there must be malice....she had no malice.
In Texas the legal code uses a different euphemism, but Second degree murder is still on the books. It is called Capital Murder.

In Texas, there are four types of criminal homicide: 1) murder, 2) capital murder, 3) manslaughter, and 4) criminally negligent homicide. Here is a breakdown of the four homicide crimes in simple English:

4 Types of Criminal Homicide in Texas | Plano Criminal Defense Lawyer
1. Murder: You commit murder when you intentionally and knowingly take someone else’s life, or when you intend to commit an act that is clearly extremely dangerous to human life and in effect, causes death to another person. Murder is usually a felony of the first degree.

2. Capital Murder: There are different ways to commit capital murder. You commit capital murder if you kill a fireman or member of law enforcement. You commit capital murder if you intentionally kill someone while committing arson, kidnapping, robbery or burglary, terroristic threat, obstruction or retaliation, or sexual assault. Capital murder is a capital felony.

3. Manslaughter: You commit manslaughter if you “recklessly” cause the death of another person. Manslaughter is a felony of the second degree.

4. Criminally Negligent Homicide: If you are criminally negligent and you take someone else’s life, it would be considered criminally negligent homicide, which is a state jail felony. Some “accidental killings” fall into this category.​
Second degree murder is generally defined as intentional murder that lacks premeditation, is intended to only cause bodily harm, and demonstrates an extreme indifference to human life. The exact legal definition of this crime will vary by jurisdiction.

Do you see how that differs from capital murder?
The justice system is broken and some preach about how Americans are free...
Thos criminal went on to kill a man in his house with cold blood and she gets only 10 years ?

She was a innocent trespasser...the door to the apartment was open....she walked in thinking she was in her own apartment and immediately spotted a silhouette of a person...who she naturally thought was either a intruder or burglar....reasonable for her to believe that since she thought she was in her own apartment....she became very frightened...only natural....issued a order for the person to show his hands....he failed to comply...then she shot twice hitting him once.

She was outrageously charged with murder...........the most she should have been charged with would be negligent homicide.

A tragedy for all concerned but what she did was not murder....for murder to occurr there must be malice...she had no malice.

The most she should have been charged with would be negligent homicide.

This case is being appealed and should result in a new trial....otherwise it is a miscarriage of justice.

The walked up to an apartment that did not have her number on the door. This apartment had a door mat which she didn't have, and she walked in and shot the owner of the apartment. It is inconceivable that she thought that this was her apartment. Did she not recognize this was not her furniture?

Her story makes no logical sense.

Try and keep up has been shown over and over that in that complex lots of people get confused because all the apartments look alike....there have been around a hundred known instances in that complex where people have gotten someone elses apartment mixed up with their own.

Another factor in this case...the front door of the black guys apartment was in not in when she tried to insert her key into the swung open.

Anyone with any common sense whatsoever can see she made a honest so many others have in that complex.

If the door had been locked or if the black guy had complied with her lawful order to show his hands....she would not have shot him.

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