America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!

"...Trump reaching across the aisle........". :laugh:

Jack, Trump would not be able to get change for a quarter from anyone in Congress on EITHER side of the Aisle!
So says you. We just may have an opportunity to see for ourselves. Stop being such a one sided fool and look at the big picture.
It's funny that "conservatives" are so angry that they're falling behind a charlatan who has lied to multiple wives, lied to the people who lent him money, who said not too long ago that he was a Democrat, and who said he'd cut deals with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Are you happy with how this country is being run? Are you happy with Congress and what they jhave accomplished?

If we are going to fear a president who has divorced and started new lives with another partner, but accept a president who has had more illicit affairs without honestly ending one relationship before starting several new ones, I would suggest you have mixed up moral character and the confusion is due to your die hard love for a particular party instead of looking at the heart of each man.

Bill Clinton married once... umpteen affairs and possible pedophile versus a man who was honest enough to end a partnership to commit with another.
That is what is going on this election year. Americans are tired of the lies, incompetence and want this country to work together, and plainly work for them. No more of politicians jus getting in office to secure their future retirement funds.
I think it has to do more with personal gain than incompetence.
I think you are right, too.
“We’re letting all these people into the country. No one even knows who the hell they are,” he said. “We don’t need any more Arabs. The United States, anymore, is just a dumping ground for everyone.”

Xenophobes (Bigots) for Trump. That's not a revolution, that's playing to fearful scum, which Trump is good at.
No surprise that Jackson is one of the Trump faithful. Ugly xenophobia :( (google it Jackson :thup: )
I am a Trump supporter, yes. I am leery of radical religions that mean the US harm and against people coming over here or staying too long, being illegal. There are many hard working immigrants that come over here legally and seek citizenship. Vet them well and I will welcome each and everyone. Does that fit your definition of xenophobia? Being safe is something we owe to each American.

America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Read more here: America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Craig Ziemke has voted for Democrats all his life, including twice for President Barack Obama. Not this year.
“The whole country is going to hell,” the 66-year-old retired factory worker said, standing against the bleachers at a high school gymnasium while waiting for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to arrive. Ziemke’s fury is deep: Roads and bridges in the U.S. are falling apart, jobs are scarce and the U.S. border is wide open, he says.

“We’re letting all these people into the country. No one even knows who the hell they are,” he said. “We don’t need any more Arabs. The United States, anymore, is just a dumping ground for everyone.”
Ziemke plans to caucus for a Republican on Monday – and likely for Trump, “the only one with brains,” he said.
If Obama’s 2008 campaign in Iowa and beyond defined the election as one of “hope and change,” this year may well be described as the politics of rage.

In interviews with dozens of voters in both parties, the driving motivation across the state is anger and uprising. They’re fed up with lawmakers in Washington, who seem to work two or three days a week and get little done aside from raising money to stay in office. They’re mad about stagnant wages, companies sending jobs overseas and terrorists sneaking in across the border.
That is what is going on this election year. Americans are tired of the lies, incompetence and want this country to work together, and plainly work for them. No more of politicians jus getting in office to secure their future retirement funds.
You mean old white Christians are mad and bitter and fearful and now only 44 percent of the population :D

They are something like 80% of congress and over 90 percent will keep their jobs. I think the number was something like 100+ congress members were unopposed last time and that number will probably rise this time.

The electorate isn't angry. You're seeing a one-time majority coming apart at the seams. Those who can't adapt are being marginalized and ignored by and large.

Of course they are angry. Congress is stagnant and doesn't get anything done. Everyone is playing party politics instead of the common sense needs of the country as a whole. The president ignores the balance of power and dictates through EO's. It's scary when one man has so much power in our country. It isn't supposed to be like that.

Yeah, right.

Care to hazard a guess how many people are re-elected by the "angry electorate" at the federal level? I'm saying its over 8 out of 10 who are eligible. So of 535 elected officiials, I predict at least 428 will keep their office.

The same people who are voting for your new messiah are the ones voting for their gal or guy to go back to office.

The anger is a figment of the imagination. You guys like Trump because he's entertaining and likely knows less about government than his supporters. Basically in the land of mimes and jesters, he's a juggler which makes him stand out...but he's just as ill equipped for the position he seeks.
"...Trump reaching across the aisle........". :laugh:

Jack, Trump would not be able to get change for a quarter from anyone in Congress on EITHER side of the Aisle!
So says you. We just may have an opportunity to see for ourselves. Stop being such a one sided fool and look at the big picture.

I can afford to laugh, Jack. Trump has a lot of fans, but most of them will be busy watching the WWW Smackdown on election day, so they won't be voting.....

America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Read more here: America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Craig Ziemke has voted for Democrats all his life, including twice for President Barack Obama. Not this year.
“The whole country is going to hell,” the 66-year-old retired factory worker said, standing against the bleachers at a high school gymnasium while waiting for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to arrive. Ziemke’s fury is deep: Roads and bridges in the U.S. are falling apart, jobs are scarce and the U.S. border is wide open, he says.

“We’re letting all these people into the country. No one even knows who the hell they are,” he said. “We don’t need any more Arabs. The United States, anymore, is just a dumping ground for everyone.”
Ziemke plans to caucus for a Republican on Monday – and likely for Trump, “the only one with brains,” he said.
If Obama’s 2008 campaign in Iowa and beyond defined the election as one of “hope and change,” this year may well be described as the politics of rage.

In interviews with dozens of voters in both parties, the driving motivation across the state is anger and uprising. They’re fed up with lawmakers in Washington, who seem to work two or three days a week and get little done aside from raising money to stay in office. They’re mad about stagnant wages, companies sending jobs overseas and terrorists sneaking in across the border.
That is what is going on this election year. Americans are tired of the lies, incompetence and want this country to work together, and plainly work for them. No more of politicians jus getting in office to secure their future retirement funds.
You mean old white Christians are mad and bitter and fearful and now only 44 percent of the population :D

They are something like 80% of congress and over 90 percent will keep their jobs. I think the number was something like 100+ congress members were unopposed last time and that number will probably rise this time.

The electorate isn't angry. You're seeing a one-time majority coming apart at the seams. Those who can't adapt are being marginalized and ignored by and large.

Of course they are angry. Congress is stagnant and doesn't get anything done. Everyone is playing party politics instead of the common sense needs of the country as a whole. The president ignores the balance of power and dictates through EO's. It's scary when one man has so much power in our country. It isn't supposed to be like that.

Yeah, right.

Care to hazard a guess how many people are re-elected by the "angry electorate" at the federal level? I'm saying its over 8 out of 10 who are eligible. So of 535 elected officiials, I predict at least 428 will keep their office.

The same people who are voting for your new messiah are the ones voting for their gal or guy to go back to office.

The anger is a figment of the imagination. You guys like Trump because he's entertaining and likely knows less about government than his supporters. Basically in the land of mimes and jesters, he's a juggler which makes him stand out...but he's just as ill equipped for the position he seeks.

Yes, there are so many other reasons for voting a particular way... name recognition, low information voters, so your premise is valid. But the mere fact that 2010 and 2014 voted so many out of office was a record election. Hell, McConnell almost lost his primary election! However I still say anger is present on both sides, D and R.
"...Trump reaching across the aisle........". :laugh:

Jack, Trump would not be able to get change for a quarter from anyone in Congress on EITHER side of the Aisle!
So says you. We just may have an opportunity to see for ourselves. Stop being such a one sided fool and look at the big picture.

I can afford to laugh, Jack. Trump has a lot of fans, but most of them will be busy watching the WWW Smackdown on election day, so they won't be voting.....
We'll see.
First a correction. Earlier I stated that 535 offices were up for grabs. Not true. I was wrong. It is 435 seats in the House and 33 in the Senate for a total of 468 contests....

Of that I predict that 8 out of 10 or 375 will keep their seats.

America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore
Read more here: America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore
That is what is going on this election year. Americans are tired of the lies, incompetence and want this country to work together, and plainly work for them. No more of politicians jus getting in office to secure their future retirement funds.
You mean old white Christians are mad and bitter and fearful and now only 44 percent of the population :D

They are something like 80% of congress and over 90 percent will keep their jobs. I think the number was something like 100+ congress members were unopposed last time and that number will probably rise this time.

The electorate isn't angry. You're seeing a one-time majority coming apart at the seams. Those who can't adapt are being marginalized and ignored by and large.

Of course they are angry. Congress is stagnant and doesn't get anything done. Everyone is playing party politics instead of the common sense needs of the country as a whole. The president ignores the balance of power and dictates through EO's. It's scary when one man has so much power in our country. It isn't supposed to be like that.

Yeah, right.

Care to hazard a guess how many people are re-elected by the "angry electorate" at the federal level? I'm saying its over 8 out of 10 who are eligible. So of 535 elected officiials, I predict at least 428 will keep their office.

The same people who are voting for your new messiah are the ones voting for their gal or guy to go back to office.

The anger is a figment of the imagination. You guys like Trump because he's entertaining and likely knows less about government than his supporters. Basically in the land of mimes and jesters, he's a juggler which makes him stand out...but he's just as ill equipped for the position he seeks.

Yes, there are so many other reasons for voting a particular way... name recognition, low information voters, so your premise is valid.

A couple of nights ago, you had the choice to learn something in a debate or watch a carnival act with Donald Trump. What did you choose? The carnival. You embody the typical low information dolt. Then you came here and bragged about it.

The voters are not angry that support Trump; they are lazy; cannot be bothered with details or the complex solutions that exist for the complex challenges we face; and like that their new Messiah keeps things so simple for them.

As a political ploy, that's can't fault Chump for simplifying things for his idiot supporters. That he has to simplify things for you dolts is another issue all together. But it is smart on his part to simplify everything to building a wall, banning people by a religion, and "kick ISIS's ass". And my favorite argument of all, "Tariffs on Chinese products" I would tell you all of what he isn't telling you; that the wall will not stop illegal immigration, you can't tell what religion someone is by looking, and our suicide rate among vets is at an all time high due mostly to the past interventionalists policies in the middle east and that the price of gasoline will skyrocket along with nearly consumer good most Americans purchase since they are made in China. And no, it won't stimulate people to build factories here again to make consumer goods. What it will do is cause our trading partners to penalize our exports and cash in their treasuries....but since there is no entertainment value to would just bore you.

But the mere fact that 2010 and 2014 voted so many out of office was a record election. Hell, McConnell almost lost his primary election! However I still say anger is present on both sides, D and R.

So they were happy in 2012? I guess anger only happens in mid-term elections?

According to Wikipedia...The electorate was so "angry" ine 2014 that turnout was 37% or 63% were happy enough not to care. And even when the 37% showed up, the GOP gained 22 seats out (9 senate, 13 house);

22 out of 468
I don't know how many the Dems gained but lets say they had the same results; though we both know they didn't....that would be 44 or still less than 10% of the seats switching hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some anger.

LMAO! A guy bitching about the condition of our infrastructure and he's going to vote REPUBLICAN??? In one way this DOES describe Americans attitudes - ignorant and gullible as all hell. Trump the snake oil salesman strikes again.

America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Read more here: America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Craig Ziemke has voted for Democrats all his life, including twice for President Barack Obama. Not this year.
“The whole country is going to hell,” the 66-year-old retired factory worker said, standing against the bleachers at a high school gymnasium while waiting for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to arrive. Ziemke’s fury is deep: Roads and bridges in the U.S. are falling apart, jobs are scarce and the U.S. border is wide open, he says.

“We’re letting all these people into the country. No one even knows who the hell they are,” he said. “We don’t need any more Arabs. The United States, anymore, is just a dumping ground for everyone.”
Ziemke plans to caucus for a Republican on Monday – and likely for Trump, “the only one with brains,” he said.
If Obama’s 2008 campaign in Iowa and beyond defined the election as one of “hope and change,” this year may well be described as the politics of rage.

In interviews with dozens of voters in both parties, the driving motivation across the state is anger and uprising. They’re fed up with lawmakers in Washington, who seem to work two or three days a week and get little done aside from raising money to stay in office. They’re mad about stagnant wages, companies sending jobs overseas and terrorists sneaking in across the border.
That is what is going on this election year. Americans are tired of the lies, incompetence and want this country to work together, and plainly work for them. No more of politicians jus getting in office to secure their future retirement funds.


And if it were about anger, why isn't Carson or Fiorina finding more traction in the polls? They are outsiders....

They are soft-spoken and stupid or, in Ms. Fiorina's case, bore people with policies and ideology.

Ain't nobody got no time for dat!!!
First a correction. Earlier I stated that 535 offices were up for grabs. Not true. I was wrong. It is 435 seats in the House and 33 in the Senate for a total of 468 contests....

Of that I predict that 8 out of 10 or 375 will keep their seats.

You mean old white Christians are mad and bitter and fearful and now only 44 percent of the population :D

They are something like 80% of congress and over 90 percent will keep their jobs. I think the number was something like 100+ congress members were unopposed last time and that number will probably rise this time.

The electorate isn't angry. You're seeing a one-time majority coming apart at the seams. Those who can't adapt are being marginalized and ignored by and large.

Of course they are angry. Congress is stagnant and doesn't get anything done. Everyone is playing party politics instead of the common sense needs of the country as a whole. The president ignores the balance of power and dictates through EO's. It's scary when one man has so much power in our country. It isn't supposed to be like that.

Yeah, right.

Care to hazard a guess how many people are re-elected by the "angry electorate" at the federal level? I'm saying its over 8 out of 10 who are eligible. So of 535 elected officiials, I predict at least 428 will keep their office.

The same people who are voting for your new messiah are the ones voting for their gal or guy to go back to office.

The anger is a figment of the imagination. You guys like Trump because he's entertaining and likely knows less about government than his supporters. Basically in the land of mimes and jesters, he's a juggler which makes him stand out...but he's just as ill equipped for the position he seeks.

Yes, there are so many other reasons for voting a particular way... name recognition, low information voters, so your premise is valid.

A couple of nights ago, you had the choice to learn something in a debate or watch a carnival act with Donald Trump. What did you choose? The carnival. You embody the typical low information dolt. Then you came here and bragged about it.

The voters are not angry that support Trump; they are lazy; cannot be bothered with details or the complex solutions that exist for the complex challenges we face; and like that their new Messiah keeps things so simple for them.

As a political ploy, that's can't fault Chump for simplifying things for his idiot supporters. That he has to simplify things for you dolts is another issue all together. But it is smart on his part to simplify everything to building a wall, banning people by a religion, and "kick ISIS's ass". And my favorite argument of all, "Tariffs on Chinese products" I would tell you all of what he isn't telling you; that the wall will not stop illegal immigration, you can't tell what religion someone is by looking, and our suicide rate among vets is at an all time high due mostly to the past interventionalists policies in the middle east and that the price of gasoline will skyrocket along with nearly consumer good most Americans purchase since they are made in China. And no, it won't stimulate people to build factories here again to make consumer goods. What it will do is cause our trading partners to penalize our exports and cash in their treasuries....but since there is no entertainment value to would just bore you.

But the mere fact that 2010 and 2014 voted so many out of office was a record election. Hell, McConnell almost lost his primary election! However I still say anger is present on both sides, D and R.

So they were happy in 2012? I guess anger only happens in mid-term elections?

According to Wikipedia...The electorate was so "angry" ine 2014 that turnout was 37% or 63% were happy enough not to care. And even when the 37% showed up, the GOP gained 22 seats out (9 senate, 13 house);

22 out of 468
I don't know how many the Dems gained but lets say they had the same results; though we both know they didn't....that would be 44 or still less than 10% of the seats switching hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some anger.

Candy corn, I won't even waste my time when you are so incredibly small minded and unable to look beyond your nose. Do I see anger? Yes because it has been said over and over. You can't but will deny it becaujse your mind is closed.

America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Read more here: America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Craig Ziemke has voted for Democrats all his life, including twice for President Barack Obama. Not this year.
“The whole country is going to hell,” the 66-year-old retired factory worker said, standing against the bleachers at a high school gymnasium while waiting for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to arrive. Ziemke’s fury is deep: Roads and bridges in the U.S. are falling apart, jobs are scarce and the U.S. border is wide open, he says.

“We’re letting all these people into the country. No one even knows who the hell they are,” he said. “We don’t need any more Arabs. The United States, anymore, is just a dumping ground for everyone.”
Ziemke plans to caucus for a Republican on Monday – and likely for Trump, “the only one with brains,” he said.
If Obama’s 2008 campaign in Iowa and beyond defined the election as one of “hope and change,” this year may well be described as the politics of rage.

In interviews with dozens of voters in both parties, the driving motivation across the state is anger and uprising. They’re fed up with lawmakers in Washington, who seem to work two or three days a week and get little done aside from raising money to stay in office. They’re mad about stagnant wages, companies sending jobs overseas and terrorists sneaking in across the border.
That is what is going on this election year. Americans are tired of the lies, incompetence and want this country to work together, and plainly work for them. No more of politicians jus getting in office to secure their future retirement funds.
You mean old white Christians are mad and bitter and fearful and now only 44 percent of the population :D

They are something like 80% of congress and over 90 percent will keep their jobs. I think the number was something like 100+ congress members were unopposed last time and that number will probably rise this time.

The electorate isn't angry. You're seeing a one-time majority coming apart at the seams. Those who can't adapt are being marginalized and ignored by and large.

Of course they are angry. Congress is stagnant and doesn't get anything done. Everyone is playing party politics instead of the common sense needs of the country as a whole. The president ignores the balance of power and dictates through EO's. It's scary when one man has so much power in our country. It isn't supposed to be like that.

Bush, Reagan and Nixon all had more EO's. Kind of blows your little whine out the back door. The congress doesn't work well because your party(republicans) have turned into the party of no. Passed the damn budget funding the basics or get ready to lose as Obama is a hell of a lot more popular then your congress.

George w bush had more power and you didn't whine.

America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Read more here: America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Craig Ziemke has voted for Democrats all his life, including twice for President Barack Obama. Not this year.
“The whole country is going to hell,” the 66-year-old retired factory worker said, standing against the bleachers at a high school gymnasium while waiting for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to arrive. Ziemke’s fury is deep: Roads and bridges in the U.S. are falling apart, jobs are scarce and the U.S. border is wide open, he says.

“We’re letting all these people into the country. No one even knows who the hell they are,” he said. “We don’t need any more Arabs. The United States, anymore, is just a dumping ground for everyone.”
Ziemke plans to caucus for a Republican on Monday – and likely for Trump, “the only one with brains,” he said.
If Obama’s 2008 campaign in Iowa and beyond defined the election as one of “hope and change,” this year may well be described as the politics of rage.

In interviews with dozens of voters in both parties, the driving motivation across the state is anger and uprising. They’re fed up with lawmakers in Washington, who seem to work two or three days a week and get little done aside from raising money to stay in office. They’re mad about stagnant wages, companies sending jobs overseas and terrorists sneaking in across the border.
That is what is going on this election year. Americans are tired of the lies, incompetence and want this country to work together, and plainly work for them. No more of politicians jus getting in office to secure their future retirement funds.
You mean old white Christians are mad and bitter and fearful and now only 44 percent of the population :D

They are something like 80% of congress and over 90 percent will keep their jobs. I think the number was something like 100+ congress members were unopposed last time and that number will probably rise this time.

The electorate isn't angry. You're seeing a one-time majority coming apart at the seams. Those who can't adapt are being marginalized and ignored by and large.

Of course they are angry. Congress is stagnant and doesn't get anything done. Everyone is playing party politics instead of the common sense needs of the country as a whole. The president ignores the balance of power and dictates through EO's. It's scary when one man has so much power in our country. It isn't supposed to be like that.

Bush, Reagan and Nixon all had more EO's. Kind of blows your little whine out the back door. The congress doesn't work well because your party(republicans) have turned into the party of no. Past the damn budget funding the basics or get ready to lose.

George w bush had more power and you didn't whine.
When the Congress was held by Democrats, nothing got done. Same for Republicans. I suggest a sign outside the Chambers doors. "Leave your party hats on the table. You are about to enter the People's House and we do bidding for the people of this nation, not the parties."
First a correction. Earlier I stated that 535 offices were up for grabs. Not true. I was wrong. It is 435 seats in the House and 33 in the Senate for a total of 468 contests....

Of that I predict that 8 out of 10 or 375 will keep their seats.

They are something like 80% of congress and over 90 percent will keep their jobs. I think the number was something like 100+ congress members were unopposed last time and that number will probably rise this time.

The electorate isn't angry. You're seeing a one-time majority coming apart at the seams. Those who can't adapt are being marginalized and ignored by and large.

Of course they are angry. Congress is stagnant and doesn't get anything done. Everyone is playing party politics instead of the common sense needs of the country as a whole. The president ignores the balance of power and dictates through EO's. It's scary when one man has so much power in our country. It isn't supposed to be like that.

Yeah, right.

Care to hazard a guess how many people are re-elected by the "angry electorate" at the federal level? I'm saying its over 8 out of 10 who are eligible. So of 535 elected officiials, I predict at least 428 will keep their office.

The same people who are voting for your new messiah are the ones voting for their gal or guy to go back to office.

The anger is a figment of the imagination. You guys like Trump because he's entertaining and likely knows less about government than his supporters. Basically in the land of mimes and jesters, he's a juggler which makes him stand out...but he's just as ill equipped for the position he seeks.

Yes, there are so many other reasons for voting a particular way... name recognition, low information voters, so your premise is valid.

A couple of nights ago, you had the choice to learn something in a debate or watch a carnival act with Donald Trump. What did you choose? The carnival. You embody the typical low information dolt. Then you came here and bragged about it.

The voters are not angry that support Trump; they are lazy; cannot be bothered with details or the complex solutions that exist for the complex challenges we face; and like that their new Messiah keeps things so simple for them.

As a political ploy, that's can't fault Chump for simplifying things for his idiot supporters. That he has to simplify things for you dolts is another issue all together. But it is smart on his part to simplify everything to building a wall, banning people by a religion, and "kick ISIS's ass". And my favorite argument of all, "Tariffs on Chinese products" I would tell you all of what he isn't telling you; that the wall will not stop illegal immigration, you can't tell what religion someone is by looking, and our suicide rate among vets is at an all time high due mostly to the past interventionalists policies in the middle east and that the price of gasoline will skyrocket along with nearly consumer good most Americans purchase since they are made in China. And no, it won't stimulate people to build factories here again to make consumer goods. What it will do is cause our trading partners to penalize our exports and cash in their treasuries....but since there is no entertainment value to would just bore you.

But the mere fact that 2010 and 2014 voted so many out of office was a record election. Hell, McConnell almost lost his primary election! However I still say anger is present on both sides, D and R.

So they were happy in 2012? I guess anger only happens in mid-term elections?

According to Wikipedia...The electorate was so "angry" ine 2014 that turnout was 37% or 63% were happy enough not to care. And even when the 37% showed up, the GOP gained 22 seats out (9 senate, 13 house);

22 out of 468
I don't know how many the Dems gained but lets say they had the same results; though we both know they didn't....that would be 44 or still less than 10% of the seats switching hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some anger.

Candy corn, I won't even waste my time when you are so incredibly small minded and unable to look beyond your nose. Do I see anger? Yes because it has been said over and over. You can't but will deny it becaujse your mind is closed.

Oooh, hard to get happy after that.

Its Quite response is necessary. What are you going to say? Did you not forego learning something from Cruz, Fiorina, Carson to watch a valueless television proram on a network you hate? Yes.

I mathematically proved that your "anger" allegation about the 2014 election was pure garbage so you can't say anything truthful to the contrary--not that lying has stopped you before.

And yes, I applaud Trump's winning strategy of dumbing down and simplifying his message for the dumb and the simple that choose to worship their new Messiah. He's doing it because it keeps his popularity but, in reality, the only people he could get votes from are the lesser lights who are ill equipped to prosper in a complex world. KISS--keep it simple, stupid. For some, it's a strategy, for his supporters; it's a way of life; there is no other choice.
"America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!"

No, 'we're' not.

About a third of republicans are angry they've lost the last two presidential elections, nothing more.
Repubs have the most senate seats up for grabs this time around. :eusa_drool: Lets see. What have they accomplished since 2014 :eusa_whistle:

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