America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!

Repubs have the most senate seats up for grabs this time around. :eusa_drool: Lets see. What have they accomplished since 2014 :eusa_whistle:
Not much for either party. The politicians are working for themselves and lobbyists are lining their pockets. Once we get the damn parties out of the equations along with lobbyists, maybe the people's work can take place by sensible lawmakers who are statesmen first.
"...Trump reaching across the aisle........". :laugh:

Jack, Trump would not be able to get change for a quarter from anyone in Congress on EITHER side of the Aisle!
So says you. We just may have an opportunity to see for ourselves. Stop being such a one sided fool and look at the big picture.

I can afford to laugh, Jack. Trump has a lot of fans, but most of them will be busy watching the WWW Smackdown on election day, so they won't be voting.....
They won't be voting for Trump, as he won't be the nominee.
"...Trump reaching across the aisle........". :laugh:

Jack, Trump would not be able to get change for a quarter from anyone in Congress on EITHER side of the Aisle!
So says you. We just may have an opportunity to see for ourselves. Stop being such a one sided fool and look at the big picture.

I can afford to laugh, Jack. Trump has a lot of fans, but most of them will be busy watching the WWW Smackdown on election day, so they won't be voting.....
They won't be voting for Trump, as he won't be the nominee.

True. It will be Cruz, and he will also be easy to defeat.
"...Trump reaching across the aisle........". :laugh:

Jack, Trump would not be able to get change for a quarter from anyone in Congress on EITHER side of the Aisle!
So says you. We just may have an opportunity to see for ourselves. Stop being such a one sided fool and look at the big picture.

I can afford to laugh, Jack. Trump has a lot of fans, but most of them will be busy watching the WWW Smackdown on election day, so they won't be voting.....
They won't be voting for Trump, as he won't be the nominee.
Never know.
What happened in 2010?

The Democratic Party suffered massive defeats in many national and state level elections, with many seats switching to Republican Party control. Although the President's party usually loses congressional, statewide and local seats in a midterm elections, the 2010 midterm election season featured some of the biggest losses since the Great Depression.

What happened in 2014?

The elections saw sweeping gains by the
Republican Party in the Senate, House, and in numerous gubernatorial, state, and local races. The Republicans gained control of the Senate for the first time since 2006, and increased their majority in the House.[6]

IS that what happened because the electorate hates the Democrats? No. They hate incompetence and figured the Democrat were the reason that no one could work together.

In the time that followed little has changed although the Republican party holds most of the cards. Government is broken. Until representatives and leaders decide the PARTY is not the important issue, but the quality of work FOR THE COUNTRY IS. How the electorate is going to change this is to look at each candidate and see if he strictly follows the party's platform. If he does, don't vote for him.

We need representatives that are conservative with some liberal agreements or are liberal with some conservative leanings. It depends on what the country needs...Not the party.

Many posters claim Trump is a closet liberal. That is not all bad. It reveals he would listen to the ideas of Liberals and evaluate it for what it truly is and what that stance would mean for America.

I just decided to be a Trump supporter because I think he can reach across the aisle, be strong and unwavering when it's needed and stand firm when dealing with other countries and their manipulation of currency and trade laws. Other Republicans are too far conservatives when it doesn't match the needs of the people, some, most Democrats want to give to the people when the country cannot afford more give me;s before we are on a stable fiscal foundation. Free college? Wouldn't that be great. I have three grandchildren going to college soon and it will nearly wipe me out when you consider the complete cost of a minimum of 4 years of college, I should be a supporter of Sanders. But the country cannot afford it. My love of a strong America comes before that personal gift.
What happened in 2010 was just a little over a third of registered voters bothered to vote, essentially republicans voting for republicans in gerrymandered red districts, signifying little, representing nothing.
Repubs have the most senate seats up for grabs this time around. :eusa_drool: Lets see. What have they accomplished since 2014 :eusa_whistle:
Not much for either party. The politicians are working for themselves and lobbyists are lining their pockets. Once we get the damn parties out of the equations along with lobbyists, maybe the people's work can take place by sensible lawmakers who are statesmen first.

Yes, you had a chance to listen to some serious lawmakers a couple of days ago....

You chose to go to the circus. And bragged about how brilliant your decision was.

Your life is a cautionary tale of what not to do if one wishes to be a responsible citizen.

America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Read more here: America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Craig Ziemke has voted for Democrats all his life, including twice for President Barack Obama. Not this year.
“The whole country is going to hell,” the 66-year-old retired factory worker said, standing against the bleachers at a high school gymnasium while waiting for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to arrive. Ziemke’s fury is deep: Roads and bridges in the U.S. are falling apart, jobs are scarce and the U.S. border is wide open, he says.

“We’re letting all these people into the country. No one even knows who the hell they are,” he said. “We don’t need any more Arabs. The United States, anymore, is just a dumping ground for everyone.”
Ziemke plans to caucus for a Republican on Monday – and likely for Trump, “the only one with brains,” he said.
If Obama’s 2008 campaign in Iowa and beyond defined the election as one of “hope and change,” this year may well be described as the politics of rage.

In interviews with dozens of voters in both parties, the driving motivation across the state is anger and uprising. They’re fed up with lawmakers in Washington, who seem to work two or three days a week and get little done aside from raising money to stay in office. They’re mad about stagnant wages, companies sending jobs overseas and terrorists sneaking in across the border.
That is what is going on this election year. Americans are tired of the lies, incompetence and want this country to work together, and plainly work for them. No more of politicians jus getting in office to secure their future retirement funds.
You mean old white Christians are mad and bitter and fearful and now only 44 percent of the population :D

They are something like 80% of congress and over 90 percent will keep their jobs. I think the number was something like 100+ congress members were unopposed last time and that number will probably rise this time.

The electorate isn't angry. You're seeing a one-time majority coming apart at the seams. Those who can't adapt are being marginalized and ignored by and large.

Of course they are angry. Congress is stagnant and doesn't get anything done. Everyone is playing party politics instead of the common sense needs of the country as a whole. The president ignores the balance of power and dictates through EO's. It's scary when one man has so much power in our country. It isn't supposed to be like that.

Bush, Reagan and Nixon all had more EO's. Kind of blows your little whine out the back door. The congress doesn't work well because your party(republicans) have turned into the party of no. Passed the damn budget funding the basics or get ready to lose as Obama is a hell of a lot more popular then your congress.

George w bush had more power and you didn't whine.
Have a MUD hole in your yard? Check with the EPA before filling it..................Or you could be charged $75,000 a day to fix that WET LANDS........................

It is not the QUANTITY it is what they do.................

Do you even have a clue why I said what I just said.............................................:disbelief:
Are you happy with how this country is being run? Are you happy with Congress and what they jhave accomplished?


And Trump will make it worse. He is poisoning the political environment even worse than it already is.

I don't want an unqualified, thin-skinned, unstable, narcissistic demagogue, who will lie to you like all the other politicians - that's Trump, in case you were wondering - with his finger on the button, deciding if kids will go off to die in wars.

It's a good thing that his supporters have decided character doesn't matter in this election, because he is by far the bottom of the barrel of all the candidates.

The voters are not angry that support Trump

I disagree with this. I think they are. And as much as I think Trump is a buffoon and should never be elected President, he is channeling real anger and frustration that is out there.

He is talking to the Reagan Democrats, the blue-collar and mostly white workers that Hillary needs. These are the people who have been the losers - and I don't say this as a pejorative - of capitalism over the past 30 years. They are the people who have lost their jobs to foreigners either in this country or abroad. They've seen their incomes stagnate. They see immigrants coming into this country and undercutting their livelihoods.

It is staggering to think that in this country that the life spans of white, uneducated males have been declining. Suicides are up. Addiction is up. Since the late 60s - not just recently - the median wage of white, uneducated males has fallen. Think about that. For a half century, this large cohort has not seen a rise in living standards. In the United States of America. And it's a surprise that these people are revolting?

Then, they see what's gone on in DC. Three of the five richest counties in the whole country are in the DC area. Houses that used to cost $40k in DC 35 years ago now go for $600k+. There is an ocean of money flowing in Washington, the political class is getting richer, and the people out there are crying in pain.

Their anger is definitely real. And justified.

So they've turned to the man who is loudly voicing their frustrations. And they are willing to forgive all his other nonsense because nobody is speaking out for them.

The best line I've heard in this whole election thus far came from an Iowa voter who said "We want Donald Trump, just not Donald Trump."

This is the best article I have read on what is going on. Take the time to read it. It's very good.

The Great Republican Revolt

FTR, if Trump is the nominee - and that's not a given yet - he could completely implode or beat Hillary. He has more upside than Ted Cruz. He is resonating with the Reagan Democrats that Hillary needs. Hillary is a much weaker candidate than most partisan Democrats seem to think, which should be pretty obvious now, given the rise of Bernie Sanders. Hillary represents everything many of the Trump supporters hate.

I wonder if Elizabeth Warren is kicking herself. She'd probably be 20 points ahead of Hillary today.

America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

Read more here: America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore
That is what is going on this election year. Americans are tired of the lies, incompetence and want this country to work together, and plainly work for them. No more of politicians jus getting in office to secure their future retirement funds.
You mean old white Christians are mad and bitter and fearful and now only 44 percent of the population :D

They are something like 80% of congress and over 90 percent will keep their jobs. I think the number was something like 100+ congress members were unopposed last time and that number will probably rise this time.

The electorate isn't angry. You're seeing a one-time majority coming apart at the seams. Those who can't adapt are being marginalized and ignored by and large.

Of course they are angry. Congress is stagnant and doesn't get anything done. Everyone is playing party politics instead of the common sense needs of the country as a whole. The president ignores the balance of power and dictates through EO's. It's scary when one man has so much power in our country. It isn't supposed to be like that.

Bush, Reagan and Nixon all had more EO's. Kind of blows your little whine out the back door. The congress doesn't work well because your party(republicans) have turned into the party of no. Passed the damn budget funding the basics or get ready to lose as Obama is a hell of a lot more popular then your congress.

George w bush had more power and you didn't whine.
Have a MUD hole in your yard? Check with the EPA before filling it..................Or you could be charged $75,000 a day to fix that WET LANDS........................

It is not the QUANTITY it is what they do.................

Do you even have a clue why I said what I just said.............................................:disbelief:

Some common sense has to be brought back into the thinking when it comes to the EPA. People have to spend years in court before they can get the any satisfaction when it was just a matter of common sense.
You mean old white Christians are mad and bitter and fearful and now only 44 percent of the population :D

They are something like 80% of congress and over 90 percent will keep their jobs. I think the number was something like 100+ congress members were unopposed last time and that number will probably rise this time.

The electorate isn't angry. You're seeing a one-time majority coming apart at the seams. Those who can't adapt are being marginalized and ignored by and large.

Of course they are angry. Congress is stagnant and doesn't get anything done. Everyone is playing party politics instead of the common sense needs of the country as a whole. The president ignores the balance of power and dictates through EO's. It's scary when one man has so much power in our country. It isn't supposed to be like that.

Bush, Reagan and Nixon all had more EO's. Kind of blows your little whine out the back door. The congress doesn't work well because your party(republicans) have turned into the party of no. Passed the damn budget funding the basics or get ready to lose as Obama is a hell of a lot more popular then your congress.

George w bush had more power and you didn't whine.
Have a MUD hole in your yard? Check with the EPA before filling it..................Or you could be charged $75,000 a day to fix that WET LANDS........................

It is not the QUANTITY it is what they do.................

Do you even have a clue why I said what I just said.............................................:disbelief:

Some common sense has to be brought back into the thinking when it comes to the EPA. People have to spend years in court before they can get the any satisfaction when it was just a matter of common sense.
Game changing decision.
Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The voters are not angry that support Trump

I disagree with this. I think they are. And as much as I think Trump is a buffoon and should never be elected President, he is channeling real anger and frustration that is out there.

He is talking to the Reagan Democrats, the blue-collar and mostly white workers that Hillary needs. These are the people who have been the losers - and I don't say this as a pejorative - of capitalism over the past 30 years. They are the people who have lost their jobs to foreigners either in this country or abroad. They've seen their incomes stagnate. They see immigrants coming into this country and undercutting their livelihoods.

It is staggering to think that in this country that the life spans of white, uneducated males have been declining. Suicides are up. Addiction is up. Since the late 60s - not just recently - the median wage of white, uneducated males has fallen. Think about that. For a half century, this large cohort has not seen a rise in living standards. In the United States of America. And it's a surprise that these people are revolting?

Then, they see what's gone on in DC. Three of the five richest counties in the whole country are in the DC area. Houses that used to cost $40k in DC 35 years ago now go for $600k+. There is an ocean of money flowing in Washington, the political class is getting richer, and the people out there are crying in pain.

Their anger is definitely real. And justified.

So they've turned to the man who is loudly voicing their frustrations. And they are willing to forgive all his other nonsense because nobody is speaking out for them.

The best line I've heard in this whole election thus far came from an Iowa voter who said "We want Donald Trump, just not Donald Trump."

This is the best article I have read on what is going on. Take the time to read it. It's very good.

The Great Republican Revolt

FTR, if Trump is the nominee - and that's not a given yet - he could completely implode or beat Hillary. He has more upside than Ted Cruz. He is resonating with the Reagan Democrats that Hillary needs. Hillary is a much weaker candidate than most partisan Democrats seem to think, which should be pretty obvious now, given the rise of Bernie Sanders. Hillary represents everything many of the Trump supporters hate.

I wonder if Elizabeth Warren is kicking herself. She'd probably be 20 points ahead of Hillary today.

I don't usually agree with you Toro, but on this post, I have to. You are 100% correct. How many Democrats, and to a lesser extent Republicans, should be running instead of what we have?

Some on here want to gloss it over, but the electorate is extremely pissed; and it is not about so much of the % of those that are, but rather the fact all of them are going to vote. 100% of 30% of the voters, is a whole lot more than 50% of 50%! That is what neither party..........or should I say posters on here want to take into consideration.

Add to that, people are re-registering to vote and a large % of them are because they are so pissed, and what you really have is....................what usually happens in states, may not; and will probably not happen this time around.

The question then comes down to--------------> who is going to carry the anger vote? If it were Bernie against anyone, I would say it would be a reasonable question; but, if it is Hillary against an outsider, I believe she loses that match up for those voters by a wide margin.

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