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America: A House Divided

I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are Blue, just ask Upstate NY about what they think of NYC forcing things like gun control and excessive taxes on them.

"It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are" Red, and that explains why Trump is President and does not have the support of the majority of Americans, and every day seems to insult more and more good, hard working citizens. He'll be lucky to have 30% approval by the end of summer.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are Blue, just ask Upstate NY about what they think of NYC forcing things like gun control and excessive taxes on them.
The conservative solution for issues like these always seems to be something like: "if you don't like it then you should move".

The progressive solution is often "You can't move to avoid it, because we force our shit on you at the federal level"
There are any number of third world shit holes you could move to that seem to have embraced the 'every man for himself' attitudes of the right wing.
We are divided because the ruling elite want us divided and they control much of the government and media. The wealthy like those in Hollywood and Wall Street, are part of the ruling elite. Keeping Americans divided allows them to take power and wealth. They buy the politicians with their enormous wealth. Both parties work in tandem to enrich and empower themselves.

Democrats hide it better and throw lifesavers. With Republicans its on full display and do not give a rip about life savers.
See? Now this post is a good example. The poster thinks Ds are different from Rs. Duped again.

They sure are, the GOP can careless about the less fortunate and mainly run by white CINO people. The Freedom Caucus does not even pretend to care , but even the Ryans of the GOP are disgusting.

Like I said Dems hide it better and give life savers which the GOP wants to take away.

We have a huge Class Divide and growing every year.
Yeha, sure they are, stupid twit, here the Republicans believe that when you bring jobs to people then people can earn a living, taking personal pride in what they do, while supporting their families.
Liberals believe that people are too stupid, too black, or female, too victimized to do a job, so Uncle Sugar is there to take care of them as long as they don't leave the plantation, or else be called Oreos, Uncle Toms, or other race baiting names. Yeah, you liberals sure are wanting to take care of the poor, because Obama put even more in poverty. When everyone is poor and miserable, then everyone is equal, that is called FAIRNESS.

Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
Fifty years after President Johnson started a $20 trillion taxpayer-funded war on poverty, the overall percentage of impoverished people in the U.S. has declined only slightly and the poor have lost ground under President Obama.

What jobs, Wall street jobs, MIC jobs, military jobs. Yes really needed. Led us right into the 29 depression and 08 recession and Trump and the GOP will lead us into another increase of Class Divide and less and less jobs for the blue collar worker and low income white collar worker.
What led US into the 29 depression was a progressive Republican who put the brakes on that roaring economy, taking their hard earned money , which in turn tanked the stock market. In 2004 when the Bush admin brought in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on how these 2 GE's(government entities) were allowing unacceptable loans to go get through, Barnicle Frank, Maxwell Waters and Chrissy Dodd, called the Republicans racists for trying to keep people who couldn't afford a loan, from getting a loan. Penelopoop, you keep bringing up the liberal talking points and it does get tiring. Which is why more people in more states voted for Trump and not the vagina candidate. Liberals will never learn.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

Their Republicans. The GOP took control of MI. Wait for us to turn back and we will join you.

This is what I mean, if the Blue States ever have a real conversation about forming a new country it will happen pretty quick. Certainly California, Oregon, and Washington state will join, as will New York and the rest of the blue north east. Add in 5-7 other states and you have the bulk of the federal government's revenue each year. And conservatives you should be on board as well, how great would it be to wake up knowing your new Supreme Court was all conservatives? That you could make kristianity the state religion and outlaw the teaching of evolution. You could outlaw unions and workplace safety. Your new laws would allow you to beat women protesters with two by fours. And corporations would elect your leaders.

You could finally have the conservative utopia you've been dreaming of!
The problem with what you are saying is that as soon as the blue states succeed from the rest , all you whiney ass libtards would start to starve, then blame US for not allowing you back into the areas, where hard working people are out there, making the food, while your liberal politicians are hording the food that you are supposed to get, then dole it out enough to keep you guys from procreating and relying on them to take care of you. What the fuck do you think they are doing to you now, problem is you cant see it, so blind up the butt your liberal heads are.

Okay, then let's drill down on that.
What's an example of an issue where The Truth is clear to you, it is the only Truth, and on which there is no room for any kind of compromise?
Okay, let's start with: Life begins at conception.
That's the issue I was expecting, because it's probably the most black & white. But even on this, you're not going to get consensus. To a pro-choicer, it doesn't begin at conception. So even something this seemingly binary ends up being a "Truth" on both ends. They're just as certain as you are.

And obviously most other issues are going to have grayer areas. I don't mean to go around and around about this, but I think that when we label something a "Truth" we make the perfect the enemy of the good.

Or maybe look at it another way: Rather than go for 100% your way every time, you get what you can and work from there. Look at what the Left has achieved culturally with incremental wins over the decades, for example.

The option is to think that "my side" is going to "beat" yours permanently, and I just don't see that happening. Either "side".

Just think cons, you could wake up and there would be no 'libruls' in your country, the old Confederacy. .....!

The last election shows that Americans don't want a country run by the democrats (the old Confederacy), so you're shit outta luck.

The old confederacy became the Republican Party...

Tired, desperate, old democrat fantasy/excuse is WRONG.

Dixiecrat - Wikipedia

Kind of like the Freedom Caucus.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

Their Republicans. The GOP took control of MI. Wait for us to turn back and we will join you.

This is what I mean, if the Blue States ever have a real conversation about forming a new country it will happen pretty quick. Certainly California, Oregon, and Washington state will join, as will New York and the rest of the blue north east. Add in 5-7 other states and you have the bulk of the federal government's revenue each year. And conservatives you should be on board as well, how great would it be to wake up knowing your new Supreme Court was all conservatives? That you could make kristianity the state religion and outlaw the teaching of evolution. You could outlaw unions and workplace safety. Your new laws would allow you to beat women protesters with two by fours. And corporations would elect your leaders.

You could finally have the conservative utopia you've been dreaming of!
The problem with what you are saying is that as soon as the blue states succeed from the rest , all you whiney ass libtards would start to starve, then blame US for not allowing you back into the areas, where hard working people are out there, making the food, while your liberal politicians are hording the food that you are supposed to get, then dole it out enough to keep you guys from procreating and relying on them to take care of you. What the fuck do you think they are doing to you now, problem is you cant see it, so blind up the butt your liberal heads are.

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No, if there are different countries with different rules, nobody is going to move to an area where public assistance is non-existent if things get tough in a more liberal area.
Okay, then let's drill down on that.
What's an example of an issue where The Truth is clear to you, it is the only Truth, and on which there is no room for any kind of compromise?
Okay, let's start with: Life begins at conception.
That's the issue I was expecting, because it's probably the most black & white. But even on this, you're not going to get consensus. To a pro-choicer, it doesn't begin at conception. So even something this seemingly binary ends up being a "Truth" on both ends. They're just as certain as you are.

And obviously most other issues are going to have grayer areas. I don't mean to go around and around about this, but I think that when we label something a "Truth" we make the perfect the enemy of the good.

Or maybe look at it another way: Rather than go for 100% your way every time, you get what you can and work from there. Look at what the Left has achieved culturally with incremental wins over the decades, for example.

The option is to think that "my side" is going to "beat" yours permanently, and I just don't see that happening. Either "side".
But even on this, you're not going to get consensus. To a pro-choicer, it doesn't begin at conception. So even something this seemingly binary ends up being a "Truth" on both ends. They're just as certain as you are.

But truth doesn't care about consensus or who thinks they are certain. The truth doesn't take sides. There is still only one truth. There is no compromise, the truth is the truth. What I hear people saying is, we need to abandon the truth for the sake of compromise, and I disagree with that in general principle. If you don't stand for the truth you really don't stand for anything.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"
I think we're mistaken to take the current political divide in the US as a serious indication of underlying social discord. It's the two parties vying for control of our government who are bitterly opposed. Their opposition spills over into society - more so in this last election than any I've seen - but I think we have it backward if we think a social dispute is driving the politics. It's the other way around.

I also think it's important to recognize how much the partisan divide is driven by the rules we use for elections and lawmaking. With plurality, winner-take-all voting, there's simply no incentive for leaders to build broad consensus. Arguably, it's a waste of political capital to do so. This is why Democrats voted for a health care law with slim majority support. They didn't need more than a slim majority to pass the bill and had no incentive to write a law that would appeal to more voters. Now that the Republicans are in power, they're likely to do the same thing. They'll squeeze in the most radical changes they can manage, as long as they can eek out a win. And the pendulum will swing back after they push it too far, as they almost certainly will.

My point here is that the more or less even split between the left and right our country isn't a reflection of a real split in our values. It's an artifact or the two-party system, which is itself an artifact of our election systems. If we want to unite the country we have to address the root cause and fix the system.
The parties are actually far more cozy with each other than the constituents they represent.

Republicans in Congress are a pathetic paper tiger, and Democrats in Congress are wolves in sheep's clothing.

Can't disagree. But demonizing the "other side" is how they sell their services. Dragons at the gate and all that. They have no incentive to offer up policies that will inspire broad support in society. In fact, as you suggest, it's in their interest to keep their "opponent" healthy and alive. Without another party to demonize, they'd be forced to run on their record or platform.

Just think cons, you could wake up and there would be no 'libruls' in your country, the old Confederacy. .....!

The last election shows that Americans don't want a country run by the democrats (the old Confederacy), so you're shit outta luck.

The old confederacy became the Republican Party, when around 30 Democrats aka Dixiecrats.

ALL Democrats! Every. Single. One!

Southern Democrats, fought the New Deal and civil rights. Same as the GOP of today.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are Blue, just ask Upstate NY about what they think of NYC forcing things like gun control and excessive taxes on them.
The conservative solution for issues like these always seems to be something like: "if you don't like it then you should move".

There are small groups of cons here in CA who just whine and bitch nonstop how they hate California. Well you like to
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

Their Republicans. The GOP took control of MI. Wait for us to turn back and we will join you.

This is what I mean, if the Blue States ever have a real conversation about forming a new country it will happen pretty quick. Certainly California, Oregon, and Washington state will join, as will New York and the rest of the blue north east. Add in 5-7 other states and you have the bulk of the federal government's revenue each year. And conservatives you should be on board as well, how great would it be to wake up knowing your new Supreme Court was all conservatives? That you could make kristianity the state religion and outlaw the teaching of evolution. You could outlaw unions and workplace safety. Your new laws would allow you to beat women protesters with two by fours. And corporations would elect your leaders.

You could finally have the conservative utopia you've been dreaming of!
The problem with what you are saying is that as soon as the blue states succeed from the rest , all you whiney ass libtards would start to starve, then blame US for not allowing you back into the areas, where hard working people are out there, making the food, while your liberal politicians are hording the food that you are supposed to get, then dole it out enough to keep you guys from procreating and relying on them to take care of you. What the fuck do you think they are doing to you now, problem is you cant see it, so blind up the butt your liberal heads are.

View attachment 122489

You live in a fake bubble. The Blue States are where the wealth is created, the red states by far take the most welfare from the federal government.

Can't disagree. But demonizing the "other side" is how they sell their services. Dragons at the gate and all that. They have no incentive to offer up policies that will inspire broad support in society. In fact, as you suggest, it's in their interest to keep their "opponent" healthy and alive. Without another party to demonize, they'd be forced to run on their record or platform.

You're absolutely right and another thing... We see a repeating pattern with the Left... they will lie, attack, distort the facts, refuse to compromise or be reasonable... march and protest their way to victory no matter how small... and when they CAN'T do that or they are defeated resoundingly, they fall back on this "Let's All Get Along" narrative and feign reason. How many times have we seen them stand up for the absolute scumbuckets in their party and when they finally go down, they come back with... well, ALL politicians are scumbuckets?

They completely contradict their own principles. When they are in the minority, we have this beautiful system that prevents tyranny of the majority and protects the voice of the minority and we should all respect and appreciate that.... UNTIL THEY ARE IN POWER... then, all we hear is "Will of the People!"
Southern Democrats, fought the New Deal and civil rights. Same as the GOP of today.

I don't recall the New Deal OR Civil Rights being debated recently.

Again... it was DEMOCRATS who stood in the schoolhouse door. It was DEMOCRATS who passed Jim Crow laws and stood for segregation. Republicans have voted almost unanimously for EVERY civil rights bill ever introduced in Congress.

So why are you compelled to LIE YOUR ASS OFF?
Well "alrighty then" whatcha going to do about it! To this point are ten pages of whats wrong and why it cannot be fixed. How about some suggestions involving correcting the problems. Conflict has never corrected these problems, and accepting the status quo also is by nature not acceptable. So, again, what is to be done? There are no remaining land masses free for the taking and as a result, moving a couple thousand miles is not a solution which our forefather's had. And that does not even bring up the point, some folks had fore fathers, ie relatives who were involved in the original conflict to form a new country, this particular USA, and why should those folks be required to leave their homeland anyhow? I speak for my self in that reference. One of my forefathers actually participated in the original casting so why should I be one to leave? That is the basis for my thread in General Discussion which the left is having a field day declaring me, myself and I "Looney Tunes". And perhaps I am! In this day and age it is not difficult to be "out of step" so to speak.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are Blue, just ask Upstate NY about what they think of NYC forcing things like gun control and excessive taxes on them.

"It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are" Red, and that explains why Trump is President and does not have the support of the majority of Americans, and every day seems to insult more and more good, hard working citizens. He'll be lucky to have 30% approval by the end of summer.

Yet the red parts are where the food is grown. Keep trying to remember that.

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