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America: A House Divided

Could be that's it's just too complicated for me.

But it sure seems to me that "the Truth" for many people is simply a euphemism for "stuff that I agree with".

And therein lies the problem.
I agree. Both ends of the spectrum appear to believe that they alone have a grip on The Truth, and since The Truth is neither negotiable nor objective, they refuse to deal with the other "side" on anything.

That just is not going to work.
Sorry, but in my opinion, at least on this outlet, our "libs" do nothing but lie and distort. Many of "us" have had it and agree that it needs to come to a head. If push comes to shove, go for it.

How long until this post is trashed?
Looks like this is the beginning of the trashing.
Yes, that's half the story, anyway.
We are divided because the ruling elite want us divided and they control much of the government and media. The wealthy like those in Hollywood and Wall Street, are part of the ruling elite. Keeping Americans divided allows them to take power and wealth. They buy the politicians with their enormous wealth. Both parties work in tandem to enrich and empower themselves.

Democrats hide it better and throw lifesavers. With Republicans its on full display and do not give a rip about life savers.
See? Now this post is a good example. The poster thinks Ds are different from Rs. Duped again.

They sure are, the GOP can careless about the less fortunate and mainly run by white CINO people. The Freedom Caucus does not even pretend to care , but even the Ryans of the GOP are disgusting.

Like I said Dems hide it better and give life savers which the GOP wants to take away.

We have a huge Class Divide and growing every year.
Yeha, sure they are, stupid twit, here the Republicans believe that when you bring jobs to people then people can earn a living, taking personal pride in what they do, while supporting their families.
Liberals believe that people are too stupid, too black, or female, too victimized to do a job, so Uncle Sugar is there to take care of them as long as they don't leave the plantation, or else be called Oreos, Uncle Toms, or other race baiting names. Yeah, you liberals sure are wanting to take care of the poor, because Obama put even more in poverty. When everyone is poor and miserable, then everyone is equal, that is called FAIRNESS.

Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
Fifty years after President Johnson started a $20 trillion taxpayer-funded war on poverty, the overall percentage of impoverished people in the U.S. has declined only slightly and the poor have lost ground under President Obama.
Out of curiosity, what do you do for a living? Do you believe that you'll be able to do it for the rest of your career? Or if the economy or field you're in change that you'll be able to adapt to something else that pays the bills?
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.
Could be that's it's just too complicated for me.

But it sure seems to me that "the Truth" for many people is simply a euphemism for "stuff that I agree with".

And therein lies the problem.
I agree. Both ends of the spectrum appear to believe that they alone have a grip on The Truth, and since The Truth is neither negotiable nor objective, they refuse to deal with the other "side" on anything.

That just is not going to work.

That might be true to a certain extent but it doesn't mean "compromise" is the solution. Again, truth can't be compromised on... things are true or not true. I disagree that truth is not objective... that's exactly what truth is. It's not subjective. That's where our problem lies. People have subjective views and perspectives of what is true. This is why rational and reasonable (objective) debate and dialogue is important to a functional civilized society.

What we have to do is return to honest reasoned debate in search for truth. What we have now are loud extremists on each side with their version of truth, promoting a narrative. It doesn't mean either side is wrong or both sides are wrong, nor does it mean they are right. The Truth is often somewhere in between. That might sound as if I am agreeing with the "compromise" angle of the OP but that's not necessarily the case. Some things can be compromised on and other things have to be discarded in favor of what is true.
Could be that's it's just too complicated for me.

But it sure seems to me that "the Truth" for many people is simply a euphemism for "stuff that I agree with".

And therein lies the problem.
I agree. Both ends of the spectrum appear to believe that they alone have a grip on The Truth, and since The Truth is neither negotiable nor objective, they refuse to deal with the other "side" on anything.

That just is not going to work.

That might be true to a certain extent but it doesn't mean "compromise" is the solution. Again, truth can't be compromised on... things are true or not true. I disagree that truth is not objective... that's exactly what truth is. It's not subjective. That's where our problem lies. People have subjective views and perspectives of what is true. This is why rational and reasonable (objective) debate and dialogue is important to a functional civilized society.

What we have to do is return to honest reasoned debate in search for truth. What we have now are loud extremists on each side with their version of truth, promoting a narrative. It doesn't mean either side is wrong or both sides are wrong, nor does it mean they are right. The Truth is often somewhere in between. That might sound as if I am agreeing with the "compromise" angle of the OP but that's not necessarily the case. Some things can be compromised on and other things have to be discarded in favor of what is true.
Okay, then let's drill down on that.

What's an example of an issue where The Truth is clear to you, it is the only Truth, and on which there is no room for any kind of compromise?
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

Their Republicans. The GOP took control of MI. Wait for us to turn back and we will join you.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

Their Republicans. The GOP took control of MI. Wait for us to turn back and we will join you.

This is what I mean, if the Blue States ever have a real conversation about forming a new country it will happen pretty quick. Certainly California, Oregon, and Washington state will join, as will New York and the rest of the blue north east. Add in 5-7 other states and you have the bulk of the federal government's revenue each year. And conservatives you should be on board as well, how great would it be to wake up knowing your new Supreme Court was all conservatives? That you could make kristianity the state religion and outlaw the teaching of evolution. You could outlaw unions and workplace safety. Your new laws would allow you to beat women protesters with two by fours. And corporations would elect your leaders.

You could finally have the conservative utopia you've been dreaming of!
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

Sadly, it is too late. Checks and balances are now a fiction, McConnell proved that. The neo fascist (yes, my opinion) and plutocrats (obvious for those who pay attention) now dominate the Senate, the H. of Rep. the Trump Administration and have installed an Authoritarian form of governance, based on laws they will pass and the form of Order they will enforce.

We the People, the hoi polloi, are doomed. Democracy in America will become a fiction as polling places become few and far between, hours will be shortened and only those ID's will be a accepted as decided by polling Captains appointed by neo fascist governors.

The Trump Administration is composed of Generals who have been given carte blance, millionaires, ambitious yes men who will always act in their own best interests, cronies and the obsequious (see Kellyanne & Spicer).

Country First and making America Great Again are fictions, the current administration is all about enriching themselves and their lust for power.
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I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year......

And it has been irrelevant nonsense for a year.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

Their Republicans. The GOP took control of MI. Wait for us to turn back and we will join you.

This is what I mean, if the Blue States ever have a real conversation about forming a new country it will happen pretty quick. Certainly California, Oregon, and Washington state will join, as will New York and the rest of the blue north east. Add in 5-7 other states and you have the bulk of the federal government's revenue each year. And conservatives you should be on board as well, how great would it be to wake up knowing your new Supreme Court was all conservatives? That you could make kristianity the state religion and outlaw the teaching of evolution. You could outlaw unions and workplace safety. Your new laws would allow you to beat women protesters with two by fours. And corporations would elect your leaders.

You could finally have the conservative utopia you've been dreaming of!

Or they could all move to N. Korea and enjoy the same benefits; a biddable class ruled by a power elite.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

Sadly, it is too late. Checks and balances are now a fiction, McConnell proved that. The neo fascist (yes, my opinion) and plutocrats (obvious for those who pay attention) now dominate the Senate, the H. or Rep. the Trump Administration and have installed an Authoritarian form of governance, based on laws they will pass and the form of Order they will enforce.

We the People, the hoi polloi, are doomed. Democracy in America will become a fiction as polling places become few and far between, hours will be shortened and only those ID's will be a accepted as decided by polling Captains appointed by neo fascist governors.

The Trump Administration is composed of Generals who have been given carte blance, millionaires, ambitious yes men who will always act in their own best interests, cronies and the obsequious (see Kellyanne & Spicer).

Country First and making America Great Again are fictions, the current administration is all about enriching themselves and their lust for power.

This has great comedic value.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are Blue, just ask Upstate NY about what they think of NYC forcing things like gun control and excessive taxes on them.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

Their Republicans. The GOP took control of MI. Wait for us to turn back and we will join you.

This is what I mean, if the Blue States ever have a real conversation about forming a new country it will happen pretty quick. Certainly California, Oregon, and Washington state will join, as will New York and the rest of the blue north east. Add in 5-7 other states and you have the bulk of the federal government's revenue each year. And conservatives you should be on board as well, how great would it be to wake up knowing your new Supreme Court was all conservatives? That you could make kristianity the state religion and outlaw the teaching of evolution. You could outlaw unions and workplace safety. Your new laws would allow you to beat women protesters with two by fours. And corporations would elect your leaders.

You could finally have the conservative utopia you've been dreaming of!

Or they could all move to N. Korea and enjoy the same benefits; a biddable class ruled by a power elite.

The red states electing a POS like drumpf who is their dear leader. One of the most immoral human beings alive.

Just think cons, you could wake up and there would be no 'libruls' in your country, the old Confederacy. You could rewrite all the history books to say the Confederacy won! Think of it! In your colleges you could do away with all those pesky subjects like chemistry, biology, physics and geology. All those subjects teach people are facts that don't rely on rubbing a lamp to make the Ginn appear. Instead you could have classes like 'how to burn a church properly' and 'how to live on grubs and pond water like the good old days' (once you finally abolish your evil federal government). You could make the confederate battle flag your national flag! Build a wall 50' high, with guard towers and a moat filled with sharks with laser beams. And of course in your wall a door, a big beautiful door, a tremendous door that will make your head spin.

Act now!
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are Blue, just ask Upstate NY about what they think of NYC forcing things like gun control and excessive taxes on them.
The conservative solution for issues like these always seems to be something like: "if you don't like it then you should move".
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are Blue, just ask Upstate NY about what they think of NYC forcing things like gun control and excessive taxes on them.
The conservative solution for issues like these always seems to be something like: "if you don't like it then you should move".

The progressive solution is often "You can't move to avoid it, because we force our shit on you at the federal level"

Just think cons, you could wake up and there would be no 'libruls' in your country, the old Confederacy. .....!

The last election shows that Americans don't want a country run by the democrats (the old Confederacy), so you're shit outta luck.

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