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America: A House Divided

I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are Blue, just ask Upstate NY about what they think of NYC forcing things like gun control and excessive taxes on them.
The conservative solution for issues like these always seems to be something like: "if you don't like it then you should move".

There are small groups of cons here in CA who just whine and bitch nonstop how they hate California. Well you like to
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

Their Republicans. The GOP took control of MI. Wait for us to turn back and we will join you.

This is what I mean, if the Blue States ever have a real conversation about forming a new country it will happen pretty quick. Certainly California, Oregon, and Washington state will join, as will New York and the rest of the blue north east. Add in 5-7 other states and you have the bulk of the federal government's revenue each year. And conservatives you should be on board as well, how great would it be to wake up knowing your new Supreme Court was all conservatives? That you could make kristianity the state religion and outlaw the teaching of evolution. You could outlaw unions and workplace safety. Your new laws would allow you to beat women protesters with two by fours. And corporations would elect your leaders.

You could finally have the conservative utopia you've been dreaming of!
The problem with what you are saying is that as soon as the blue states succeed from the rest , all you whiney ass libtards would start to starve, then blame US for not allowing you back into the areas, where hard working people are out there, making the food, while your liberal politicians are hording the food that you are supposed to get, then dole it out enough to keep you guys from procreating and relying on them to take care of you. What the fuck do you think they are doing to you now, problem is you cant see it, so blind up the butt your liberal heads are.

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You live in a fake bubble. The Blue States are where the wealth is created, the red states by far take the most welfare from the federal government.


The Blue States produce wealth via service provision and finances. Except for movies from hollywood actual manufacturing production has been bleeding from those areas for decades.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are Blue, just ask Upstate NY about what they think of NYC forcing things like gun control and excessive taxes on them.

"It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are" Red, and that explains why Trump is President and does not have the support of the majority of Americans, and every day seems to insult more and more good, hard working citizens. He'll be lucky to have 30% approval by the end of summer.

Yet the red parts are where the food is grown. Keep trying to remember that.

Hilarious. 1/3 of the vegetables and 2/3 of the fruit is grown and sold in California to the nation. Red states would be eating nothing but grits and oranges from Florida. California's sales of farm goods is the highest in the country.
Indeed. The Democrats should immediately cease such robotic behavior.
Yes, that's half the story, anyway.
We are divided because the ruling elite want us divided and they control much of the government and media. The wealthy like those in Hollywood and Wall Street, are part of the ruling elite. Keeping Americans divided allows them to take power and wealth. They buy the politicians with their enormous wealth. Both parties work in tandem to enrich and empower themselves.

Democrats hide it better and throw lifesavers. With Republicans its on full display and do not give a rip about life savers.
See? Now this post is a good example. The poster thinks Ds are different from Rs. Duped again.

They sure are, the GOP can careless about the less fortunate and mainly run by white CINO people. The Freedom Caucus does not even pretend to care , but even the Ryans of the GOP are disgusting.

Like I said Dems hide it better and give life savers which the GOP wants to take away.

We have a huge Class Divide and growing every year.

Well I see you are spewing the liberal democrat reality. Only problem is that when national elections come around the left turns on the poor, especially the white poor, and make the claim that uneducated country bumpkins are the base of the GOP.

I see NOTHING in democrat behavior that supports what you claim, NOTHING. They have alledgedly been waging a war on poverty since Johnson, and where has it gotten the country? More poverty. So either the left is completely ignorant on how to solve a problem or they like it the way it is, keeping the poor poor, especially blacks. Gotta protect the base.
Southern Democrats, fought the New Deal and civil rights. Same as the GOP of today.

I don't recall the New Deal OR Civil Rights being debated recently.

Again... it was DEMOCRATS who stood in the schoolhouse door. It was DEMOCRATS who passed Jim Crow laws and stood for segregation. Republicans have voted almost unanimously for EVERY civil rights bill ever introduced in Congress.

So why are you compelled to LIE YOUR ASS OFF?

1948. Read my links bossman. All those blacks who fought in WWII wanted civil rights, and the Dixiecrats (southern) raised a storm about it and the New Deal. You are a Republican AKA Dixiecrat.
Yes, that's half the story, anyway.
We are divided because the ruling elite want us divided and they control much of the government and media. The wealthy like those in Hollywood and Wall Street, are part of the ruling elite. Keeping Americans divided allows them to take power and wealth. They buy the politicians with their enormous wealth. Both parties work in tandem to enrich and empower themselves.

Democrats hide it better and throw lifesavers. With Republicans its on full display and do not give a rip about life savers.
See? Now this post is a good example. The poster thinks Ds are different from Rs. Duped again.

They sure are, the GOP can careless about the less fortunate and mainly run by white CINO people. The Freedom Caucus does not even pretend to care , but even the Ryans of the GOP are disgusting.

Like I said Dems hide it better and give life savers which the GOP wants to take away.

We have a huge Class Divide and growing every year.

Well I see you are spewing the liberal democrat reality. Only problem is that when national elections come around the left turns on the poor, especially the white poor, and make the claim that uneducated country bumpkins are the base of the GOP.

I see NOTHING in democrat behavior that supports what you claim, NOTHING. They have alledgedly been waging a war on poverty since Johnson, and where has it gotten the country? More poverty. So either the left is completely ignorant on how to solve a problem or they like it the way it is, keeping the poor poor, especially blacks. Gotta protect the base.

Really we have major class divide, which is just getting worst.
In my opinion opposing opinions have always existed in the country. Now information is available on a smart phone so hardly a thing goes by that we don't know about and if we don't we bitch about not knowing as if everything is our business. I also think that as people work less they have more time to bitch and complain.

My observation is that since Obama left the racial aspect of the division has actually gone down. It seemed like every week the administration was saying or doing something to foster the divide.

But on the other side of the coin the left wing has become more violent. More militant. More deranged. Things they used to say they were against.

I don't know how we will ever come together. When one side thinks that illegal immigration is a right and the other side points out it is against the law. Or how can we come together when the SCOTUS imposes laws, unpopular laws on the people.

I think that the condition we find the country is the condition we will stay until a greater enemy arises. Could that be the objective of the New World Order and the conflicts we are seeing with Russia and China? Is that the way they are going to bring together the world, through war?
Just like with the Nazi's of Germany, when the Evil rises up and shows it ugly face, those on the good side, must rise up and put evil down. Not in jail but down in the ground. Liberalism is like a cancer, and during the past 8 years was spreading all over the world, with Evil killing 100,000s of people. Today, the good is starting to bring sanity back to the world.

Who is evil and who is good?

Only a liberal would ask. There IS evil in the world. The Nazis were pure evil they killed millions of innocent people for convenience. The evil continues today with the murder of millions, for convience. Something never change, evil being one of those things.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I've been calling for breaking up the country for a year. Democracies don't normally last longer than 200 years historically and we are way past that.

Break the country up into 2-3 other smaller countries and everyone go have their own utopia. The Blue States are where the wealth is so no one in these states has anything to lose except not having to drag the ball and chain that the red states have become.

It's time, let's break it up. Call your Senator and Congressman.

It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are Blue, just ask Upstate NY about what they think of NYC forcing things like gun control and excessive taxes on them.

"It isn't that simple. Its not the entire states that are" Red, and that explains why Trump is President and does not have the support of the majority of Americans, and every day seems to insult more and more good, hard working citizens. He'll be lucky to have 30% approval by the end of summer.

Yet the red parts are where the food is grown. Keep trying to remember that.

Hilarious. 1/3 of the vegetables and 2/3 of the fruit is grown and sold in California to the nation. Red states would be eating nothing but grits and oranges from Florida. California's sales of farm goods is the highest in the country.

Are those the red parts or the blue parts of California?
We are divided because the ruling elite want us divided and they control much of the government and media. The wealthy like those in Hollywood and Wall Street, are part of the ruling elite. Keeping Americans divided allows them to take power and wealth. They buy the politicians with their enormous wealth. Both parties work in tandem to enrich and empower themselves.

Democrats hide it better and throw lifesavers. With Republicans its on full display and do not give a rip about life savers.
See? Now this post is a good example. The poster thinks Ds are different from Rs. Duped again.

They sure are, the GOP can careless about the less fortunate and mainly run by white CINO people. The Freedom Caucus does not even pretend to care , but even the Ryans of the GOP are disgusting.

Like I said Dems hide it better and give life savers which the GOP wants to take away.

We have a huge Class Divide and growing every year.

Agreed, and that is what they want. We should both see the problem and both join forces. It is you or me who are the problem, unless we become part of the problem. One way of doing that is turning a blind eye to the history of the democrat party.

Well I see you are spewing the liberal democrat reality. Only problem is that when national elections come around the left turns on the poor, especially the white poor, and make the claim that uneducated country bumpkins are the base of the GOP.

I see NOTHING in democrat behavior that supports what you claim, NOTHING. They have alledgedly been waging a war on poverty since Johnson, and where has it gotten the country? More poverty. So either the left is completely ignorant on how to solve a problem or they like it the way it is, keeping the poor poor, especially blacks. Gotta protect the base.

Really we have major class divide, which is just getting worst.
1948. Read my links bossman. All those blacks who fought in WWII wanted civil rights, and the Dixiecrats (southern) raised a storm about it and the New Deal. You are a Republican AKA Dixiecrat.

If your links say that Dixiecrats were Republicans they're lying. Dixiecrats were Democrats from the South. We can pull up the votes on Civil Rights, that's public record... the Republicans voted almost unanimously for Civil Rights. If you are claiming anything else, you are a liar. Plain and simple.
Hilarious. 1/3 of the vegetables and 2/3 of the fruit is grown and sold in California to the nation. Red states would be eating nothing but grits and oranges from Florida. California's sales of farm goods is the highest in the country.
First of all, I doubt your claim is accurate on the amounts, I imagine there are some liberal gymnastics being pulled to come up with such nonsense. Second... the reason Cali sales are high is because a ton of grapes are worth much more than a ton of corn. A ton of olives are worth more than a ton of wheat.

But you know what California doesn't have? Water. Most of the state is desert and they get their water from the Colorado River which isn't in California.
1948. Read my links bossman. All those blacks who fought in WWII wanted civil rights, and the Dixiecrats (southern) raised a storm about it and the New Deal. You are a Republican AKA Dixiecrat.

If your links say that Dixiecrats were Republicans they're lying. Dixiecrats were Democrats from the South. We can pull up the votes on Civil Rights, that's public record... the Republicans voted almost unanimously for Civil Rights. If you are claiming anything else, you are a liar. Plain and simple.

True, and Barry Goldwater changed all of that. What happened to you, if the parties hadn't switched would you be a Democrat? Around 30 of the Democrats refused civil rights and the New Deal, and those were southern ones who wanted segregation and no new deal. The rest were mainly ok with it.
Hilarious. 1/3 of the vegetables and 2/3 of the fruit is grown and sold in California to the nation. Red states would be eating nothing but grits and oranges from Florida. California's sales of farm goods is the highest in the country.
First of all, I doubt your claim is accurate on the amounts, I imagine there are some liberal gymnastics being pulled to come up with such nonsense. Second... the reason Cali sales are high is because a ton of grapes are worth much more than a ton of corn. A ton of olives are worth more than a ton of wheat.

But you know what California doesn't have? Water. Most of the state is desert and they get their water from the Colorado River which isn't in California.

You never tire of being wrong but that's what's funny about you Butch! Farm output is soo easy to lookup but typing is too much work for you, fair enough.
True, and Barry Goldwater changed all of that. What happened to you, if the parties hadn't switched would you be a Democrat? Around 30 of the Democrats refused civil rights and the New Deal, and those were southern ones who wanted segregation and no new deal. The rest were mainly ok with it.

No one switched. The Democrats who turned into Dixiecrats went right back to being Democrats after the passage of Civil Rights. This mythical "switch" the Left tries to portray simply never happened. We can talk about ANY leader of the Dixiecrats you want to bring up... George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Robert Byrd... you name them, they remained in the Democrat Party until the day they died. The ONLY example anyone is ever able to give is Strom Thurman. Barry Goldwater wasn't a Dixiecrat and didn't oppose Civil Rights. He voted against the Civil Rights Act as a Senator because he thought it should be a state issue and would lead to racial quotas. Later in life he was a proponent of gay civil rights.

The New Deal happened more than three decades before Civil Rights!

So let's get your facts straight and stop lying to people. Democrats were the Dixiecrats and they remained Democrats after Civil Rights passed. It wasn't a Republican who stood in the schoolhouse door. Segregation wasn't a Republican issue for Goldwater or ANY Republican and Civil Rights had almost universal support among Republicans.
Okay, then let's drill down on that.

What's an example of an issue where The Truth is clear to you, it is the only Truth, and on which there is no room for any kind of compromise?

Okay, let's start with: Life begins at conception.

Then every pregnant women should have at least two votes, one for her and one (each) for the child or children she is carrying.
True, and Barry Goldwater changed all of that. What happened to you, if the parties hadn't switched would you be a Democrat? Around 30 of the Democrats refused civil rights and the New Deal, and those were southern ones who wanted segregation and no new deal. The rest were mainly ok with it.

No one switched. The Democrats who turned into Dixiecrats went right back to being Democrats after the passage of Civil Rights. This mythical "switch" the Left tries to portray simply never happened. We can talk about ANY leader of the Dixiecrats you want to bring up... George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Robert Byrd... you name them, they remained in the Democrat Party until the day they died. The ONLY example anyone is ever able to give is Strom Thurman. Barry Goldwater wasn't a Dixiecrat and didn't oppose Civil Rights. He voted against the Civil Rights Act as a Senator because he thought it should be a state issue and would lead to racial quotas. Later in life he was a proponent of gay civil rights.

The New Deal happened more than three decades before Civil Rights!

So let's get your facts straight and stop lying to people. Democrats were the Dixiecrats and they remained Democrats after Civil Rights passed. It wasn't a Republican who stood in the schoolhouse door. Segregation wasn't a Republican issue for Goldwater or ANY Republican and Civil Rights had almost universal support among Republicans.

Boss must have attended Jr. High School (maybe even he went to high school) in the South. Text books there have been rewritten to project black slaves as immigrants, and plantation owners sweet as pecan pie. They still believe we live in the 18th Century and should abide by laws written then, and that medical treatment such as bleeding the sick will cure most ills.

President Truman integrated the military and that chased Thurman and his brothers in flour sacks to form a new party (Dixiecrats), it's true Thurman and others remained Democrats (Blue Dog or DINO's) until LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, at which time the Republican Party employed the Southern Strategy which created the new and very conservative Republican Party which today has moved further to the Right and now supports authoritarianism and these neo fascism values, i.e. We got our, fuck the rest of you.
I spent 2 hours watching Fox News, and another 2 hours watching MSNBC last weekend. It was like listening to 2 completely different and hostile counties. Each side sought to drive up their ratings by trashing the other side, while turning a blind eye to their own faults. If this attitude is allowed to grow and fester, America may not be here much longer. I know it's fun to trash the other side, but Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to wake up to the fact that one side is not going to push the other off the planet. Compromise and respect for each other are not signs of weakness, they are signs of intelligence. Maybe it's time to insist our lawmakers and our media outlets learn this lesson...before it's too late.

P.S. A very wise man once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"
Two Wings of the Same Vulture

Why do you fall for the idea that this is a genuine debate? Liberals are agents of the Right Wing; that's why they are called "Limousine Liberals." Reading their prepared script, the play actors purposely insult and threaten the majority in order to trick us into voting for the Right Wing's elitist economic tyranny. The Rightists preach that majority rule is "mob rule," but wants the peasants to elect them as White Knights to save us from their false-flag Leftists prep-school classmates.
Agents Provocateurs

The Chickenhawk ruling class sent us halfway around the world to kill Communists in Vietnam, yet let the Commie scum run wild on the campuses back home (except at Kent State!). Why this contradiction? Why were those we were suppose to prevent from eventually coming here already here and not killed here? Because they were the sons of the ruling class, that's why. Wake up, this is a political Matrix. Let the majority rule and get rid of this oligarchic republic that sets up such fake political choices.
Okay, then let's drill down on that.

What's an example of an issue where The Truth is clear to you, it is the only Truth, and on which there is no room for any kind of compromise?

Okay, let's start with: Life begins at conception.

Then every pregnant women should have at least two votes, one for her and one (each) for the child or children she is carrying.

The voting age is 18.

Should be 30.
Isn't it funny a Democrat FDR did the New Deal after a decade of Republicans, and JFK a democrat introduced the Civil Rights bill and Johnson ended up singing it. Both Democrats. Thank Goodness Goldwater did not get elected.

Today the Dem Party is the same. Ironic.
There is no money in unity. There is more power in division. Busy work for the masses.
And, bingo.

When do we figure this out en masse?

It's looking like never at this point. This is ridiculous. It's like an entire group of people forgot simple things like what we know about media conglomerates or what policy is or even foreign policy.

These clowns are going to screw around until they destroy social security, education, etc. and so on but the party hats will be fabulous.

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