America came very close to suffering its first successful coup d etat

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) warned that America “came very close” to suffering its “first successful coup,” describing Robert Mueller’s operation — marketed as an “investigation” by authorities — as an attempt to usurp a duly elected president. He offered his remarks in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
Gohmert said, “It’s time for Republicans to say, ‘Enough already. You have put this country through hell. You have let these ridiculous allegations that we now see are totally bogus get you the majority in the House.’ But if the American people will wake up, and I hope that they will, I think that they are, it seems like things are indicating that, then it’s time for anybody with an R or D beside their names that’s going to preserve the Constitution — make no mistake, we are in a constitutional crisis — to stand up and say, ‘Enough already.'”

Louie Gohmert: Very Close to America's First Successful Coup | Breitbart

Trump's stupid hillbilly supporters actually believe that when the truth is much worse. Trump knew that Russia was trying to help him so the campaign made sure that they knew the campaign's strategy and gave them polling data. That Trump obstructed justice and ordered others to do the same thing.

Americans have woken up to what Trump is. That is why voters gave Democrats control of the House. To provide balance. We are in a constitutional crisis. Trump is refusing to recognize the powers of oversight granted Congress by the CONSTITUTION. Republicans are willing to cover up what Trump is doing.

Oh Yeh...We deplorables so bad....hehheh

Oh yeah. You deplorables are disgusting.

be afraid very afraid LOL

is your house of cards coming down?
OMG! The OP gives us Breitbart and something called CO.Z. Someone with the IQ of a 12 day old cucumber would take this seriously.
This 'everybody knows' bullshit used to work when you libtards controlled 100% of the media, but we know better now and we are going to roll up the Deep state like a cheap rug and take it to the land fill, bubba.

The Deep State does not exist. Your conspiracy bullshit will not work. Trump is the one who is going to be rolled up and thrown in the dump where you people will feel right at home.

Yes, The Deep State Is Real — And Working To Undermine Our Nation | Investor's Business Daily
Like Q said tonight:

Treason doesn't pay well in the end.

To all those traitors who tried the coup-d-etat against President Trump.... to all all those scum ......all of them ..... time to face justice.

About time too.U

Treason is giving the campaign strategy and polling data to the Russians so they know how to help Trump.

To you traitorous commies who don't mind the Russians helping you, it is time for you to face the truth.

The Russians are not going to able to help you.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) warned that America “came very close” to suffering its “first successful coup,” describing Robert Mueller’s operation — marketed as an “investigation” by authorities — as an attempt to usurp a duly elected president. He offered his remarks in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
Gohmert said, “It’s time for Republicans to say, ‘Enough already. You have put this country through hell. You have let these ridiculous allegations that we now see are totally bogus get you the majority in the House.’ But if the American people will wake up, and I hope that they will, I think that they are, it seems like things are indicating that, then it’s time for anybody with an R or D beside their names that’s going to preserve the Constitution — make no mistake, we are in a constitutional crisis — to stand up and say, ‘Enough already.'”

Louie Gohmert: Very Close to America's First Successful Coup | Breitbart

Trump's stupid hillbilly supporters actually believe that when the truth is much worse. Trump knew that Russia was trying to help him so the campaign made sure that they knew the campaign's strategy and gave them polling data. That Trump obstructed justice and ordered others to do the same thing.

Americans have woken up to what Trump is. That is why voters gave Democrats control of the House. To provide balance. We are in a constitutional crisis. Trump is refusing to recognize the powers of oversight granted Congress by the CONSTITUTION. Republicans are willing to cover up what Trump is doing.

Oh Yeh...We deplorables so bad....hehheh

Oh yeah. You deplorables are disgusting.

be afraid very afraid LOL

is your house of cards coming down?

I am not afraid of you.

Your house of cards are coming down. We saw that in 2018 with the loss of the House.
Like Q said tonight:

Treason doesn't pay well in the end.

To all those traitors who tried the coup-d-etat against President Trump.... to all all those scum ......all of them ..... time to face justice.

About time too.U

Treason is giving the campaign strategy and polling data to the Russians so they know how to help Trump.

To you traitorous commies who don't mind the Russians helping you, it is time for you to face the truth.

The Russians are not going to able to help you.

haa.............bwahahaa :auiqs.jpg:

Describing the Muller investigation as an attempted coup seems silly. It doesn't fit the definition. :dunno:

Coup d'ĂŠtat
A coup d'ĂŠtat, also known simply as a coup, a putsch, golpe de estado, or an overthrow, is a type of revolution, where the illegal and overt seizure of a state by the military or other elites within the state apparatus occurs.

Like I said: doesn't fit the definition. There was no attempted revolution, nor even overthrow. At most one might argue there was an attempt to remove Trump from office, but that would simply leave Pence as president. And that is ignoring the fact that coup is usually used to describe fast, violent, often unexpected overthrows of governments, usually by militaries.
The perfect coup wouldn't be done in such a dumb ignorant way as you described, but it would be done in the way that wouldn't be detected as a coup, especially in these United States of America.
With the Dimwitocraps led by the sick bitch who scrubbed her hardrives clean with bleachbit and hammered her cellphones in charge of the coup, you can understand the stupidity of those who blindly followed her(like the Nazi's did with Hitler) and now the trail of bread crumbs is going to lead to some severe arrests all the way up to the top of the last administration. Then the cities will burn...

If she hadn't done that, you would claim she compromised national security. You people are the ones who are replicating Hitler and his fanatical followers. There are not going to be any arrests. If Trump is not careful, he will be the one the one suffering severe arrests.
Like Q said tonight:

Treason doesn't pay well in the end.

To all those traitors who tried the coup-d-etat against President Trump.... to all all those scum ......all of them ..... time to face justice.

About time too.U

Treason is giving the campaign strategy and polling data to the Russians so they know how to help Trump.

To you traitorous commies who don't mind the Russians helping you, it is time for you to face the truth.

The Russians are not going to able to help you.

haa.............bwahahaa :auiqs.jpg:

Pennsylvania 2018 exit polls
Women 65% Democrat 35% Republican

Michigan 2018 exit polls
Women 60% Democrat 39% Republican
Mueller was just following orders. The guys who were up to their asses in treason were the Feds who carry guns and badges. The FBI leadership initiated the attempted coup and the sooner Comey is perp walked into federal prison the better off we will be.

Are you on crack or alcohol?
The coup is not over. It is being carried on by other means now. That fat piece of shit Jerry Nadler is carrying it on in Congress and there are all sorts of weasels digging through the trash looking for some rope with which to hang Trump.

It never existed. Were you born crazy or did you catch a bad case of TDS?
OMG! The OP gives us Breitbart and something called CO.Z. Someone with the IQ of a 12 day old cucumber would take this seriously.
This 'everybody knows' bullshit used to work when you libtards controlled 100% of the media, but we know better now and we are going to roll up the Deep state like a cheap rug and take it to the land fill, bubba.

The Deep State does not exist. Your conspiracy bullshit will not work. Trump is the one who is going to be rolled up and thrown in the dump where you people will feel right at home.

Yes, The Deep State Is Real — And Working To Undermine Our Nation | Investor's Business Daily

Part of the Trump propaganda ministry.
Louie Gohmert says lots of stupid things. Is he still worried about aspersions being cast on his asparagus?

Louie Gohmert says lots of stupid things. Is he still worried about aspersions being cast on his asparagus?

He may say some stupid stuff but this is not the case this is was an attempted coup and it failed....those responsible need to be brought to justice immediately....starting with hildabeast and obama.

We are on the verge of a civil war....we are fortunate to have a Commander-in-Chief at the moment who knows how to deal with such a thing ....let Trump be Trump....before the war actually breaks out.

Newt Gingrich on Russia Collusion Aftermath: "This was the First Deliberate Attempt of a Coup d'Etat by the Deep State We've Ever Seen" (VIDEO)

It wasn't a coup. Claiming it was is as stupid and untrue as the Birther crap.

Nah... You're just plain wrong. Enough top level bureaucrats were involved including the former president. Bullshit! Yes it was coup.
" The Insurance Policy" coup.


You'll believe any bullshit that orange fool tells you, won't you?
Like Q said tonight:

Treason doesn't pay well in the end.

To all those traitors who tried the coup-d-etat against President Trump.... to all all those scum ......all of them ..... time to face justice.

About time too.:clap:

And just how often has the infamous "Q" been accurate?
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) warned that America “came very close” to suffering its “first successful coup,” describing Robert Mueller’s operation — marketed as an “investigation” by authorities — as an attempt to usurp a duly elected president. He offered his remarks in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
Gohmert said, “It’s time for Republicans to say, ‘Enough already. You have put this country through hell. You have let these ridiculous allegations that we now see are totally bogus get you the majority in the House.’ But if the American people will wake up, and I hope that they will, I think that they are, it seems like things are indicating that, then it’s time for anybody with an R or D beside their names that’s going to preserve the Constitution — make no mistake, we are in a constitutional crisis — to stand up and say, ‘Enough already.'”

Louie Gohmert: Very Close to America's First Successful Coup | Breitbart
Louise Gohmert...the Patron Saint of very stupid people.....:71:
For those who think the Muller investigation was an attempted coup, how are you defining the word? So far I've seen one person link to the Wiki definition, and that definition didn't even fit with the investigation.
The Russian Collusion mantra was the attempted coup, along with all the attendant falsified evidence to support it.

OK, but that didn't actually answer my question. How are you defining coup when you say it was the Russian collusion mantra?

A coup is an effort to unlawfully remove a gov't, in this case a duly elected gov't.

Comey lied and signed his name on a FISA warrant entitled "verified" when in Jan 2017 he told Trump himself the information was UNVERIFIED.

Some shit is about to go down hard and the liberals know it. That's why they're trying their best to remove Barr. Because Barr has found the queen of the bees nest and the democrats want him gone now.

Except that the government would not have been removed. Trump is not the government, he's the president. Coup is just the wrong term to use. A coup involves a group taking over government. Removing Trump from office would not do that, as Pence would become president. So, unless the argument is that Pence masterminded this supposed coup attempt (and that still wouldn't be taking over the whole government, as the president is not the government), I don't see how describing this as an attempted coup d'etat makes sense.
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For those who think the Muller investigation was an attempted coup, how are you defining the word? So far I've seen one person link to the Wiki definition, and that definition didn't even fit with the investigation.
The Russian Collusion mantra was the attempted coup, along with all the attendant falsified evidence to support it.

OK, but that didn't actually answer my question. How are you defining coup when you say it was the Russian collusion mantra?
Coup attempt. It failed.

Are you unwilling or unable to explain how you are defining coup?
For those who think the Muller investigation was an attempted coup, how are you defining the word? So far I've seen one person link to the Wiki definition, and that definition didn't even fit with the investigation.

You need glasses boyo? Got some kind of reading problem....o.k.

I will break out the color crayons just for you.

Coup d'ĂŠtat
A coup d'ĂŠtat, also known simply as a coup, a putsch, golpe de estado, or an overthrow, is a type of revolution, where the illegal and overt seizure of a state by the military or other elites within the state apparatus occurs.

The key woids being ' military or OTHER ELITES within the state"

Got dat? Run along now and let the big boys deal with this. hehheh

Democratic Coup d'Etat Effort Fails, as Russia Collusion Investigation Implodes

Sorry, the key terms would be "illegal," "overt," and "seizure of a state." Perhaps what's gone on has been illegal. Maybe it's been overt. I'm uncertain about the former and I disagree with the latter, but let's go ahead and say both of those are true. Removing Trump from office would not have given Democrats, or the FBI, or the left, or anyone else that was supposedly behind this control of the government. If Trump were removed from office, Pence would become president.

It's amazing to me how vehemently some people will cling to the use of a catchword. Why is it important to call this an attempted coup? Why would calling it an illegal attempt at removing a sitting president be such a terrible thing?

But hey, maybe I'm missing something. Can you explain how removing Trump from office would allow whomever you believe to have been behind this to seize the state?
For those who think the Muller investigation was an attempted coup, how are you defining the word? So far I've seen one person link to the Wiki definition, and that definition didn't even fit with the investigation.

You need glasses boyo? Got some kind of reading problem....o.k.

I will break out the color crayons just for you.

Coup d'ĂŠtat
A coup d'ĂŠtat, also known simply as a coup, a putsch, golpe de estado, or an overthrow, is a type of revolution, where the illegal and overt seizure of a state by the military or other elites within the state apparatus occurs.

The key woids being ' military or OTHER ELITES within the state"

Got dat? Run along now and let the big boys deal with this. hehheh

Democratic Coup d'Etat Effort Fails, as Russia Collusion Investigation Implodes

Sorry, the key terms would be "illegal," "overt," and "seizure of a state." Perhaps what's gone on has been illegal. Maybe it's been overt. I'm uncertain about the former and I disagree with the latter, but let's go ahead and say both of those are true. Removing Trump from office would not have given Democrats, or the FBI, or the left, or anyone else that was supposedly behind this control of the government. If Trump were removed from office, Pence would become president.

It's amazing to me how vehemently some people will cling to the use of a catchword. Why is it important to call this an attempted coup? Why would calling it an illegal attempt at removing a sitting president be such a terrible thing?

But hey, maybe I'm missing something. Can you explain how removing Trump from office would allow whomever you believe to have been behind this to seize the state?

I am sure you are sincere but you are terribly naive....removing Trump would have been just the first step.

They would have then proceeded to get rid of pence....they would have become so overwhelmed with their sense of power nothing would have stopped them.

Remember Pence is hated by the democrats and their assorted running dogs just as much as Trump is.

Leftwingers always seek total control...once the democratic party was taken over by the radical leftwingers...that has been their goal...a socialist/communistic totolatarian regime...anyone that does not recognize that has no grasp of the reality in Washington.

Sean Hannity: Radical leftist Dems want more government control over your life. Is that what you want?
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Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) warned that America “came very close” to suffering its “first successful coup,” describing Robert Mueller’s operation — marketed as an “investigation” by authorities — as an attempt to usurp a duly elected president. He offered his remarks in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
Gohmert said, “It’s time for Republicans to say, ‘Enough already. You have put this country through hell. You have let these ridiculous allegations that we now see are totally bogus get you the majority in the House.’ But if the American people will wake up, and I hope that they will, I think that they are, it seems like things are indicating that, then it’s time for anybody with an R or D beside their names that’s going to preserve the Constitution — make no mistake, we are in a constitutional crisis — to stand up and say, ‘Enough already.'”

Louie Gohmert: Very Close to America's First Successful Coup | Breitbart

Trump's stupid hillbilly supporters actually believe that when the truth is much worse. Trump knew that Russia was trying to help him so the campaign made sure that they knew the campaign's strategy and gave them polling data. That Trump obstructed justice and ordered others to do the same thing.

Americans have woken up to what Trump is. That is why voters gave Democrats control of the House. To provide balance. We are in a constitutional crisis. Trump is refusing to recognize the powers of oversight granted Congress by the CONSTITUTION. Republicans are willing to cover up what Trump is doing.
His hillbilly supporters are the people that the Russian troll farms target.

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