America continues to lose! Ford to lay off workers because tariffs have cost $1B

Lol oh you mean like what corporations in general do? In this case, they cited the tariffs as a reason. If the tariffs were helping, why would they pretend otherwise!

It was predictable.

And it will have a ripple effect as fewer vehicles to sell results in fewer salesmen, fewer porters, fewer finance people…. Happening at a bad time as well because all vehicles price will necessarily go up due to the tariffs so that will hurt demand as well so it’s not as if the lost jobs will just transfer over to another dealer/manufacturer.

Go ahead tell us your solution, continue allowing other countries to take our jobs and steal our property? None of you dumb ass leftwits have a single idea or solution.

The US has, by far, the highest top to bottom standard of living in the history of the planet. If other nations were doing what you were stating; it would not be the case.

Where trade infractions are present, there are bodies in place to address them. The WTO, for example.

We are still waiting. You people bitch and complain about wages, lack of decent paying jobs, the erosion of the middle class. Then you idiots turn right around and allow other countries to steal those jobs. This is why nobody likes you people.

Yet Hillary got 3 million more votes than her opponent.

WTF, do try to stick to the subject.

It was predictable.

And it will have a ripple effect as fewer vehicles to sell results in fewer salesmen, fewer porters, fewer finance people…. Happening at a bad time as well because all vehicles price will necessarily go up due to the tariffs so that will hurt demand as well so it’s not as if the lost jobs will just transfer over to another dealer/manufacturer.

Yet when we announce the same warning with a huge minimum wage increase, you on the left tell us we are exaggerating.

The reason we outsource and have jobs that pay so little is because of American consumer demand. American consumers demand the cheapest price in which to buy products. We can't seem to stop it.

So can you predict when Amazon will go belly up? They just jacked up their minimum wage to $15.00 an hour and it will affect over half of their workers if what I read was correct.

Great, and where do you feel they'll get that $15/hour from...their profit margins? Yeah, don't think so....dumbass.
Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be if you have a basic understanding of economics.

Ford announces plan to lay off workers after tariffs cost them $1B

There is no winners when you start a trade war. Everyone loses. The only thing they're good for is skyrocking prices back to the consumer. Consumers cut back on their purchases, and the job lay-offs begin in every sector of the economy.

We've been there done that before.
The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’


Congress has to approve changes to any existing trade agreements. Trump can't do it himself. As Bob Woodward's book describes most of Trump's tariff rhetoric is nothing more than crazy ivan hyperbole to throw a bone to his ignorant Nationalist base to keep them intact.

Both Republicans and Democrats are historically free trade, so he's not going anywhere with his threats. It's just his political strategy. And unfortunately there's way too many STUPID people in this country that are easily manipulated by someone like Trump who VOTE.


Weird how tariffs and forms of tariffs have been working for China, Europe, Canada and well just about every other country except the US for the last 30 years.

Trade wars never work for anyone. The price of Ford vehicles go up to cover the cost of tariff's and American run over and buy foreign cars, at sometimes a cheaper price. Ford workers get laid off from their jobs. It's a no win situation.

Everytime Trump threatens with tariffs, they threaten right back. We are in a global economy--& it's here to stay.

A trade deficit is nothing more than a paper deficit. We can't expect smaller populated countries like Canada & Mexico to buy 2 washers & dryers, and 5 American cars per family. Therefore, every sale of an American product overseas, is a trade surplus. The only country we should have a trade surplus with is China, as they have a bigger population. But they manipulate their currency where we show a trade deficit.

Again Trump is throwing a bone to his Nationalist base with these threats. Any existing trade deals are written law, that would have to be approved by congress and signed into law, like any other bill. So it's just a lot of hot air. Republican nor Democrats would agree to do that. They are ALL pro-trade.


Trump is continually threatening our # 1, 2, & 3 largest buyers of American products. China, Canada & Mexico. Now imagine what would happen to our economy if they just told Trump to FUCK off--they'll be buying elsewhere.

Ironically the ones that would get hit the worst are the Trump voters. These countries have returned threats on a lot of agriculture, pork, beef, cranberry's, wheat, etc. etc. etc.
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Lol oh you mean like what corporations in general do? In this case, they cited the tariffs as a reason. If the tariffs were helping, why would they pretend otherwise!

It was predictable.

And it will have a ripple effect as fewer vehicles to sell results in fewer salesmen, fewer porters, fewer finance people…. Happening at a bad time as well because all vehicles price will necessarily go up due to the tariffs so that will hurt demand as well so it’s not as if the lost jobs will just transfer over to another dealer/manufacturer.

Go ahead tell us your solution, continue allowing other countries to take our jobs and steal our property? None of you dumb ass leftwits have a single idea or solution.

The US has, by far, the highest top to bottom standard of living in the history of the planet. If other nations were doing what you were stating; it would not be the case.

Where trade infractions are present, there are bodies in place to address them. The WTO, for example.

We are still waiting. You people bitch and complain about wages, lack of decent paying jobs, the erosion of the middle class. Then you idiots turn right around and allow other countries to steal those jobs. This is why nobody likes you people.

Yet Hillary got 3 million more votes than her opponent.

Trump won the popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes, Hillary won 4 million more votes in California and lost the other 49. :itsok:
So long as it hurts the Chinese more than it does the US, we should be able to force them back to the table.

We should demand discounts on our laundry!
Incorrect. We should demand discounts on our electronics.

As a matter of fact... forget that.

We need to reestablish a very large scale domestic manufacturing capability in such areas so as to be self-sufficient.

As a matter of the highest national priority and as a matter of the highest national strategic interest.

So that we are no longer reliant upon adversaries for components, as we have so stupidly allowed ourselves to become in the past.
Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be if you have a basic understanding of economics.

Ford announces plan to lay off workers after tariffs cost them $1B
....says the party whose leaders believe record unemployment, higher wages, bonuses, & fewer Americans on Welfare / Food Stamps are BAD for the country...who would prefer to have done nothing and let other nations continue to take advantage of us due to crappy previous deals....
You can't be talking about me! I love the concept of American consumers paying more for their purchases! Tariffs (another name for taxes) are good for you and me! I am just a little sad that you will have to pay my share, because, being retired, I really have little need to buy anything. But, when your Walmart bill goes from $80 to $110, be sure to send a thank you note to Donald!
So you are ok with Wal Mart screwing small American-made store owners out of business with cheap goods made from foreign countries who commit espionage, take advantage of us via trade, ignore copywrite laws and steal our technology, etc as long as you get cheaper prices....

Copy that....

Liberals have been preaching Trump's 'failed foreign negotiations', warming of doom and gloom ... and being proven wrong as the countries they said would walk or kick Trump's ass have instead negotiated / agreed to more US-friendly deals....

Strongest economy in decades

Lowest unemployment in decades

Manufacturing jobs Obama said would NEVER come back are back

More full-time jobs

Higher wages, raises, bonuses

Most Americans working ever

Fewer Americans on social programs

NATO agreeing to pay their fair share of their defense

Mexico and Canada agreeing to new trade agreements...

....but not everyone / EVERY company is doing great at this moment so Trump is a huge failure and sucks....?!

Shut up......

No, I agree with you completely. We need to have the government artificially raise consumer prices. That is what corporate welfare is all about! Of course, it goes against free enterprise and capitalism on every level, but republicans hate that stuff......
Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be if you have a basic understanding of economics.

Ford announces plan to lay off workers after tariffs cost them $1B

There is no winners when you start a trade war. Everyone loses. The only thing they're good for is skyrocking prices back to the consumer. Consumers cut back on their purchases, and the job lay-offs begin in every sector of the economy.

We've been there done that before.
The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’


Congress has to approve changes to any existing trade agreements. Trump can't do it himself. As Bob Woodward's book describes most of Trump's tariff rhetoric is nothing more than crazy ivan hyperbole to throw a bone to his ignorant Nationalist base to keep them intact.

Both Republicans and Democrats are historically free trade, so he's not going anywhere with his threats. It's just his political strategy. And unfortunately there's way too many STUPID people in this country that are easily manipulated by someone like Trump who VOTE.


Weird how tariffs and forms of tariffs have been working for China, Europe, Canada and well just about every other country except the US for the last 30 years.

Trade wars never work for anyone. The price of Ford vehicles go up to cover the cost of tariff's and American run over and buy foreign cars, at sometimes a cheaper price. Ford workers get laid off from their jobs. It's a no win situation.

Everytime Trump threatens with tariffs, they threaten right back. We are in a global economy--& it's here to stay.

A trade deficit is nothing more than a paper deficit. We can't expect smaller populated countries like Canada & Mexico to buy 2 washers & dryers, and 5 American cars per family. Therefore, every sale of an American product overseas, is a trade surplus. The only country we should have a trade surplus with is China, as they have a bigger population. But they manipulate their currency where we show a trade deficit.

Again Trump is throwing a bone to his Nationalist base with these threats. Any existing trade deals are written law, that would have to be approved by congress and signed into law, like any other bill. So it's just a lot of hot air. Republican nor Democrats would not agree to do that.


Trump is continually threatening our # 1, 2, & 3 largest buyers of American products. China, Canada & Mexico. Now imagine what would happen to our economy if they just told Trump to FUCK off--they'll be buying elsewhere.

Bringing strategic manufacturing capabilities back on-shore is going to hurt.

Well... the sooner we 'take the pain' and get started, the sooner we'll be self-sufficient in those areas again, and the sooner the pain stops.

Continuing to be reliant upon adversarial nations for so much of our manufacturing is a deadly trap that we must escape before it's too late.

Short-sighted critters, unable to see the long-term strategic need, may be safely ignored during this painful stretch of time.
So long as it hurts the Chinese more than it does the US, we should be able to force them back to the table.

We should demand discounts on our laundry!
Incorrect. We should demand discounts on our electronics.

As a matter of fact... forget that.

We need to reestablish a very large scale domestic manufacturing capability in such areas so as to be self-sufficient.

As a matter of the highest national priority and as a matter of the highest national strategic interest.

So that we are no longer reliant upon adversaries for components, as we have so stupidly allowed ourselves to become in the past.

I know what! Trump should set up a five year plan. It worked so well for the Soviets!
Ford plans on making very few cars from now on, might that have something to do with it? Ofc OP wouldn't get into that, because you know, he's really just regurgitating a circulated talking point, and thick as a brick.

If you want a car from Ford, there will soon be only one: the Mustang

I get it! It is the same strategy that Studebaker adopted when they decided to make fewer cars!

Studebaker made trucks, too! I know! I riddled one half to death with a Marlin Model 60 and multiple boxes of Stingers.
So long as it hurts the Chinese more than it does the US, we should be able to force them back to the table.

We should demand discounts on our laundry!
Incorrect. We should demand discounts on our electronics.

As a matter of fact... forget that.

We need to reestablish a very large scale domestic manufacturing capability in such areas so as to be self-sufficient.

As a matter of the highest national priority and as a matter of the highest national strategic interest.

So that we are no longer reliant upon adversaries for components, as we have so stupidly allowed ourselves to become in the past.

I know what! Trump should set up a five year plan. It worked so well for the Soviets!
You snowflakes would know.... :p
P.R. You idiot. This reorg was already planned. Jesus you people are dumb.
Ford announced over 1 month ago that they are phasing out making sedans; only SUV's and trucks.
I guess very few read auto news.

According to what I've seen Ford isn't phasing out making sedans entirely.

According to Ford's Q1 2018 Earnings Statement, Ford plans to phase sedans out of its North American Product Portfolio with the exception of the Mustang and the New 2020 Focus Active Crossover. Ford said it also plans to explore the development of new vehicles for the North American market that combine the best attributes of passenger cars and SUVs (i.e. more crossovers).

I've seen nothing to indicate Ford plans to reduce or eliminate production of sedans in its overseas markets, although it's a possibility depending on market conditions in the other 4 markets (South America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific) Ford competes in .
It was predictable.

And it will have a ripple effect as fewer vehicles to sell results in fewer salesmen, fewer porters, fewer finance people…. Happening at a bad time as well because all vehicles price will necessarily go up due to the tariffs so that will hurt demand as well so it’s not as if the lost jobs will just transfer over to another dealer/manufacturer.

Go ahead tell us your solution, continue allowing other countries to take our jobs and steal our property? None of you dumb ass leftwits have a single idea or solution.

The US has, by far, the highest top to bottom standard of living in the history of the planet. If other nations were doing what you were stating; it would not be the case.

Where trade infractions are present, there are bodies in place to address them. The WTO, for example.

We are still waiting. You people bitch and complain about wages, lack of decent paying jobs, the erosion of the middle class. Then you idiots turn right around and allow other countries to steal those jobs. This is why nobody likes you people.

Yet Hillary got 3 million more votes than her opponent.

Trump won the popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes, Hillary won 4 million more votes in California and lost the other 49. :itsok:

What has that got to do with anything on this thread. But since you brought it up, I will address it. Trump won on an accumulated vote total of a measely 76K accumulated vote total coming out of 3 blue rust states, that won't be voting for him again. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million popular votes. And along with the unprecedented interference by an incompetent FBI director in James Comey and Vladimir Putin, you have the most illegitmate President to ever be sworn into the Oval Office.

And here comes your pay-back--ENJOY.


Blue wave coming this November 2018

The only thing Hillary Clinton is actually guilty of, is underestimating the astounding IGNORANCE in this country.
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Obama's decision to Socialistically 'Nationalize' Chrytler/GMC was sooooo much better. Seizing govt control of the car manufacturer - violating Bankruptcy law in the process, giving part of the ownership to the Unions, selling off part of the company to foreign buyers, and eventually selling off the vast majority of the stock for a massive tax payer loss was just brilliant.

Obama's decision to Socialistically 'Nationalize' Chrytler/GMC was sooooo much better. Seizing govt control of the car manufacturer - violating Bankruptcy law in the process, giving part of the ownership to the Unions, selling off part of the company to foreign buyers, and eventually selling off the vast majority of the stock for a massive tax payer loss was just brilliant.




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