America continues to lose! Ford to lay off workers because tariffs have cost $1B

Amazing how shortsighted snowflake morons have no vision and cannot see down the road.

No wonder so many Leftist conclaves are going bankrupt and their citizens becoming homeless hordes.

Where do you get these bullshit ideas? Are these the lies the Russian Propaganda Machine is currently spreading?

The press is the "enemy of the people" campaign has backfired brilliantly. More people are reading the MSM and more people believe the MSM than believe the idiot President. Fewer and fewer people believe Trump. Now the new campaign is the "Democrats are the angry mob". That's how peaceful protest is being played by this Administration. From the NFL players kneeling, to the women's march, the GOP continues to get it all wrong.

Rembers the "deplorables" comments. This is just like that one. Remember how well that worked?
Lol.....the OP had to come up with something after getting the big bumpy cucumber last weekend. Best you could do s0n? I mean.....c'mon now! This is what happens when progressives forget the butter during fAiL periods which is going on for several years now.

Nobody cares about this bogus story.....:113::113::bye1::bye1:

Apparently, Ford stock owners care. Ford dropped below $9 per share today for the first time in 8 years.
Ford announced over 1 month ago that they are phasing out making sedans; only SUV's and trucks.
I guess very few read auto news.

Ford is phasing out all but trucks and SUV's in the USA. They will continue to build them in other countries. Trump doesn't giver a shit about the 230,000 workers losing their jobs.
Another guy who didn’t watch the video.
Amazing how shortsighted snowflake morons have no vision and cannot see down the road.

No wonder so many Leftist conclaves are going bankrupt and their citizens becoming homeless hordes.

Where do you get these bullshit ideas? Are these the lies the Russian Propaganda Machine is currently spreading?

The press is the "enemy of the people" campaign has backfired brilliantly. More people are reading the MSM and more people believe the MSM than believe the idiot President. Fewer and fewer people believe Trump. Now the new campaign is the "Democrats are the angry mob". That's how peaceful protest is being played by this Administration. From the NFL players kneeling, to the women's march, the GOP continues to get it all wrong.

Rembers the "deplorables" comments. This is just like that one. Remember how well that worked?
Stop spitting on your monitor.
Ford answers to their stockholders, not to the government of the USA. If Trump's tariffs took $1 billion off of their profit this year, then they have absolutely no choice but to cut USA production and boost free trade production. Stockholders don't give a rat's ass about Trump's artificially government controlled economics. They are a world wide producer, not a pencil factory in Detroit.
Amazing how shortsighted snowflake morons have no vision and cannot see down the road.

No wonder so many Leftist conclaves are going bankrupt and their citizens becoming homeless hordes.

Where do you get these bullshit ideas? Are these the lies the Russian Propaganda Machine is currently spreading?

The press is the "enemy of the people" campaign has backfired brilliantly. More people are reading the MSM and more people believe the MSM than believe the idiot President. Fewer and fewer people believe Trump. Now the new campaign is the "Democrats are the angry mob". That's how peaceful protest is being played by this Administration. From the NFL players kneeling, to the women's march, the GOP continues to get it all wrong.

Rembers the "deplorables" comments. This is just like that one. Remember how well that worked?

One-third of Americans think news media is the enemy of the people, poll shows
Ford answers to their stockholders, not to the government of the USA. If Trump's tariffs took $1 billion off of their profit this year, then they have absolutely no choice but to cut USA production and boost free trade production. Stockholders don't give a rat's ass about Trump's artificially government controlled economics. They are a world wide producer, not a pencil factory in Detroit.
Post #3...check it out.
I am not interested in Fox News propaganda. I owned Ford stock until Trump was elected, and sold it then, knowing full well that Trump is going to trash certain sectors of the economy. Wall Street agrees with me, and Ford stock is losing value. I also sold Harley Davidson for the same reason. I never invested in soybeans, so I dodged that bullet.

Back in around 86 there was a tariff on british bar stock in 17-4 stainless.
To avoid the bar stock tax they rolled 1 inch stock on a spool and straightened it on arrival in the US.
The material was absolute garbage!! Almost non machineable.
Now the real story ..

Ford planning job cuts as part of reorganization plan

Ford planning job cuts as part of reorganization plan


Ford Motor Company is planning to cut some of its staff over time as the company begins to reorganize its salaried workforce to become a more fit business.

NBC News reported on Monday that the plans are part of Ford's $25.5 billion reorganization plan that intends to cut costs by, among other things, making its staff leaner and reducing layers.

"A lot of the [reorganization] is about making different choices about strategy," Chief Financial Officer Bob Shanks told NBC News.

A spokesperson for Ford told The Hill that the exact amount of employees that will be cut as part of this move is unknown. But a report from Morgan Stanley estimated a "global headcount reduction of approximately 12 percent" of its 202,000 workforce around the world, according to NBC.

But a report from Morgan Stanley estimated a "global headcount reduction of approximately 12 percent" of its 202,000 workforce around the world, according to NBC.

"Such a magnitude of reduction is not without precedent in the auto industry," the analysts wrote in the investment note, NBC News noted.

The automaker has lagged behind competitors in sales and has also been adversely impacted by Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs, according to NBC.

Ah so its common sense capitalism....reducing layers building the cars reduces the price of the vehicles for people buying them....this is why Ford has stayed in business for over 100 years because they understand capitalism and how to make business WORK.

It was predictable.

And it will have a ripple effect as fewer vehicles to sell results in fewer salesmen, fewer porters, fewer finance people…. Happening at a bad time as well because all vehicles price will necessarily go up due to the tariffs so that will hurt demand as well so it’s not as if the lost jobs will just transfer over to another dealer/manufacturer.

It was predictable.

And it will have a ripple effect as fewer vehicles to sell results in fewer salesmen, fewer porters, fewer finance people…. Happening at a bad time as well because all vehicles price will necessarily go up due to the tariffs so that will hurt demand as well so it’s not as if the lost jobs will just transfer over to another dealer/manufacturer.

Go ahead tell us your solution, continue allowing other countries to take our jobs and steal our property? None of you dumb ass leftwits have a single idea or solution.

It was predictable.

And it will have a ripple effect as fewer vehicles to sell results in fewer salesmen, fewer porters, fewer finance people…. Happening at a bad time as well because all vehicles price will necessarily go up due to the tariffs so that will hurt demand as well so it’s not as if the lost jobs will just transfer over to another dealer/manufacturer.

Go ahead tell us your solution, continue allowing other countries to take our jobs and steal our property? None of you dumb ass leftwits have a single idea or solution.

The US has, by far, the highest top to bottom standard of living in the history of the planet. If other nations were doing what you were stating; it would not be the case.

Where trade infractions are present, there are bodies in place to address them. The WTO, for example.

It was predictable.

And it will have a ripple effect as fewer vehicles to sell results in fewer salesmen, fewer porters, fewer finance people…. Happening at a bad time as well because all vehicles price will necessarily go up due to the tariffs so that will hurt demand as well so it’s not as if the lost jobs will just transfer over to another dealer/manufacturer.

Go ahead tell us your solution, continue allowing other countries to take our jobs and steal our property? None of you dumb ass leftwits have a single idea or solution.

The US has, by far, the highest top to bottom standard of living in the history of the planet. If other nations were doing what you were stating; it would not be the case.

Where trade infractions are present, there are bodies in place to address them. The WTO, for example.

We are still waiting. You people bitch and complain about wages, lack of decent paying jobs, the erosion of the middle class. Then you idiots turn right around and allow other countries to steal those jobs. This is why nobody likes you people.

It was predictable.

And it will have a ripple effect as fewer vehicles to sell results in fewer salesmen, fewer porters, fewer finance people…. Happening at a bad time as well because all vehicles price will necessarily go up due to the tariffs so that will hurt demand as well so it’s not as if the lost jobs will just transfer over to another dealer/manufacturer.

Yet when we announce the same warning with a huge minimum wage increase, you on the left tell us we are exaggerating.

The reason we outsource and have jobs that pay so little is because of American consumer demand. American consumers demand the cheapest price in which to buy products. We can't seem to stop it.

It was predictable.

And it will have a ripple effect as fewer vehicles to sell results in fewer salesmen, fewer porters, fewer finance people…. Happening at a bad time as well because all vehicles price will necessarily go up due to the tariffs so that will hurt demand as well so it’s not as if the lost jobs will just transfer over to another dealer/manufacturer.

Go ahead tell us your solution, continue allowing other countries to take our jobs and steal our property? None of you dumb ass leftwits have a single idea or solution.

The US has, by far, the highest top to bottom standard of living in the history of the planet. If other nations were doing what you were stating; it would not be the case.

Where trade infractions are present, there are bodies in place to address them. The WTO, for example.

We are still waiting. You people bitch and complain about wages, lack of decent paying jobs, the erosion of the middle class. Then you idiots turn right around and allow other countries to steal those jobs. This is why nobody likes you people.

Yet Hillary got 3 million more votes than her opponent.

It was predictable.

And it will have a ripple effect as fewer vehicles to sell results in fewer salesmen, fewer porters, fewer finance people…. Happening at a bad time as well because all vehicles price will necessarily go up due to the tariffs so that will hurt demand as well so it’s not as if the lost jobs will just transfer over to another dealer/manufacturer.

Yet when we announce the same warning with a huge minimum wage increase, you on the left tell us we are exaggerating.

The reason we outsource and have jobs that pay so little is because of American consumer demand. American consumers demand the cheapest price in which to buy products. We can't seem to stop it.

So can you predict when Amazon will go belly up? They just jacked up their minimum wage to $15.00 an hour and it will affect over half of their workers if what I read was correct.

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