America continues to lose! Ford to lay off workers because tariffs have cost $1B

Americans have been buying foreign cars at comparable/sometimes cheeper price for many years now, the thing you can't explain is why the same is not true for US cars in other countries. Why are foreign cars selling in the US, but US cars aren't selling in foreign countries comparably?

What makes you think that U.S. cars (i.e. cars manufactured and/or sold by US based Automotive manufacturers) aren't selling "comparably" in other countries?
Go ahead tell us your solution, continue allowing other countries to take our jobs and steal our property? None of you dumb ass leftwits have a single idea or solution.

The US has, by far, the highest top to bottom standard of living in the history of the planet. If other nations were doing what you were stating; it would not be the case.

Where trade infractions are present, there are bodies in place to address them. The WTO, for example.

We are still waiting. You people bitch and complain about wages, lack of decent paying jobs, the erosion of the middle class. Then you idiots turn right around and allow other countries to steal those jobs. This is why nobody likes you people.

Yet Hillary got 3 million more votes than her opponent.

WTF, do try to stick to the subject.

3 million more votes than the blob means people like us.

Good to know being able to read is not one of your skills.
Has that got anything to do with anything on this thread. Trump won on an accumulated vote total of a measely 76K accumulated vote total coming out of 3 blue rust states, that won't be voting for him again. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million popular votes. And along with the unprecedented interfernce by an incompetent FBI director in James Comey and Vladimir Putin, you have the most illegitmate President to ever be sworn into the Oval Office.

1. No 'Win', No 'Participation Trophy' For 'Popularity Contest Victory'
I am sorry if the DNC, Hillary Clinton, Democrats, Liberals, Democratic Socialists, Fascists, and snowflakes were too ignorant to understand that US Presidents were elected through the Electoral College process, has ALWAYS been elected through this process, and NOT via some 'Popularity Contest'.
- Evidently when Democrats began fundamentally changing the US by insisting everyone gets a trophy for participating in sports instead of learning the valuable lessons is competition such as how to win and lose with honor, dignity, and class they just assumed that the whole 'Participation Trophy' / Popularity Contest thing had been adopted by the Presidential election process, too. Boy, were they pissed when they found this was NOT the case. Sucks to be them!

2. Obama Knew Since 2014 - Did NOTHING
Evidence shows Obama learned the Russians were interfering in 2014 - attempting to hack the US power grid, attempting to hack senior-level politicians' e-mails/servers (while he knew about Hillary's illegal server), and how the Russian Intel Agency was conducting Counter-Intelligence Operations in the US using Social Media to successfully con snowflakes into organizing and marching for them and getting liberal groups like Antifa, BLM, an the Black Fist to willing take money and instigate / spread racial division and violence in the US. Evidence shows Obama and his administration did NOTHING to stop it and allowed it to continue for 2 years.

3. The United States Is The Victim of 2 (TWO) Counter-Intelligence Ops, Both Benefitting Russia
Snowflakes continue to demonstrate their ignorance regarding Counter-Intelligence Operations, the strategy of
using, manipulating, and passing off FAKE / FALSE information as legitimate news / data. The goal of Putin / Russia was NEVER to get one candidate elected over another but to create an atmosphere where the American people believed that the winner of the election only won because of outside interference, making them believe that the winner was completely ILLEGITIMATE, causing massive division - a divided nation and a portion of the government that is/was 100% committed to stopping / obstructing everything the new President and administration attempted to do. SOUND FAMILIAR? THIS result would be / is FAR MORE BENEFICIAL to Putin / Russia than simply getting one person elected over another.

- Easily emotionally-manipulated rabidly partisans were / are just to stupid / suborn to see and / or admit this is what happened ... is still happening.


Evidence shows how Hillary's team colluded with / paid foreign spies (working with the FBI and even Mueller before appointed Special Counsel, according to #4 in the DOJ Oher) and Russians for a Russian-Authored debunked report, how the FBI's Best COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE Operative (Strzok) worked with both the CIA (Brennan) and NIA (Clapper) to write both an Intel Community Analysis (ICA) and an Intel Community Report (ICR) based on the Russian-authored report, sent out the ICA - carefully controlled and sent to hand-picked select Intel community agencies to get the results they wanted, used the ICA responses and the dossier to write the ICR, then both 1) Briefed the ICR to Congress - passing it off as Legitimate Intel in order to convince them to open an Investigation and appoint co-conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel, AND 2) to use the ICR to abuse the FISA court and illegally get warrants to spy on Trump and his team DURING an election (shades of Watergate).

Remember - Counter-Intelligence is all about mis-direction, using false information to sell a narrative....and that is EXACTLY what the CIA, NIA, and FBI did!

Evidence shows - and the US IG Report backs it up / Oher's testimony before Congress backs it up / McCabe's personal notes and testimony backs it up / Strzok's texts back it all up - that there was NEVER any evidence of any illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians - it was ALL unsubstantiated and CIA/NIA/FBI fabricated/pushed FALSE INTEL sold as ;Legitimate Intel. which it never was and which they knew.

(There is a reason that after 2 years the investigators have not been able to come up with any evidence to support their claims and why they have tried so hard to expand the investigation and find anything else other than the bogus 'Illegal Collusion' accusations to take down Trump - BECAUSE THEY HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN THAT THERE IS NOTHING TO THE 'ILLEGAL COLLUSION CLAIMS' BECAUSE TH3Y MANUFACTURED THE ACCUSATIONS BASED OFF OF BS OPPOSITION RESEARCH PROVIDED BY HILLAYR BOUGHT FROM FOREIGN SPIES AND THE RUSSIANS!)

...and the Democrats, who have wanted nothing more than to take President Trump down, have been more than happy to run their own Counter-Intel Op against the President that has helped Putin achieve his goal of dividing this nation far more than he had ever hoped it would succeed.

4. There is NOTHING Illegitimate about this President....NOTHING.

He defeated a career, elitist, corrupt, criminal, self/party-serving, influence-peddling, 'swamp-dwelling', 'status quo' politician who actually believed she was to be the next President because it was HER TURN and that she did not have to do anything to actually earn it - it was supposed to be GIVEN to her (like the DNC nomination was). This arrogance and elitist entitlement thought process could not have been seen more clearly by her running the worse campaign in US history - actually arrogantly refusing to campaign in some states she thought she did not have to 'win' but has hers already due to the very mention of her name...a massive error that literally caused her to lose the election!

She represented everything the majority of Americans hated at that moment about Politics, especially Washington Party Politics, and she offered nothing but 'It's My Turn' and 'Obama 2.0'. The Russians did not change 1 single ballot from 'Hillary' to 'Trump' - NOT ONE! ADMIT IT!

The revelation that Hillary had rigged the primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, had violated both Election and Campaign Finance Laws, had the nomination given to her, had compromised national security, violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act more than 15,000 times each, according to the FBI who publicly declared they had recovered more than 15,000 official subpoenaed documents Hillary had tried to destroy, documents she was required by law to turn on but never did, influenced more voters' opinions and votes than the Russians or any false narratives about the Russians ever did,


Thanks for the novel, but right now Mueller has accumulated 5 guilty plea's. 37 Federal Grand Jury indictiments, and 100's of criminal charges, that are certain to produce more. I will remind you that NO ONE ever convenened a Federal Grand Jury on Hillary Clinton.

You have elected a man that has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen, with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. policy. Who is currently surrounded by a bunch of babysitter's.

The unadulterated ignorance is astounding--and this video with Trump flapping his lips in sync with his words, hits it right on the nail. There's nothing like admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.--

In the video they reference an article that was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago. Apparently, Trump surrogates were being picked up in routine spying operations of Russian intelligence assets, by several different foreign countries since 2015. Here is the article.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of James Clapper's testimony scroll down this article until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

Last edited:
Has that got anything to do with anything on this thread. Trump won on an accumulated vote total of a measely 76K accumulated vote total coming out of 3 blue rust states, that won't be voting for him again. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million popular votes. And along with the unprecedented interfernce by an incompetent FBI director in James Comey and Vladimir Putin, you have the most illegitmate President to ever be sworn into the Oval Office.

1. No 'Win', No 'Participation Trophy' For 'Popularity Contest Victory'
I am sorry if the DNC, Hillary Clinton, Democrats, Liberals, Democratic Socialists, Fascists, and snowflakes were too ignorant to understand that US Presidents were elected through the Electoral College process, has ALWAYS been elected through this process, and NOT via some 'Popularity Contest'.
- Evidently when Democrats began fundamentally changing the US by insisting everyone gets a trophy for participating in sports instead of learning the valuable lessons is competition such as how to win and lose with honor, dignity, and class they just assumed that the whole 'Participation Trophy' / Popularity Contest thing had been adopted by the Presidential election process, too. Boy, were they pissed when they found this was NOT the case. Sucks to be them!

2. Obama Knew Since 2014 - Did NOTHING
Evidence shows Obama learned the Russians were interfering in 2014 - attempting to hack the US power grid, attempting to hack senior-level politicians' e-mails/servers (while he knew about Hillary's illegal server), and how the Russian Intel Agency was conducting Counter-Intelligence Operations in the US using Social Media to successfully con snowflakes into organizing and marching for them and getting liberal groups like Antifa, BLM, an the Black Fist to willing take money and instigate / spread racial division and violence in the US. Evidence shows Obama and his administration did NOTHING to stop it and allowed it to continue for 2 years.

3. The United States Is The Victim of 2 (TWO) Counter-Intelligence Ops, Both Benefitting Russia
Snowflakes continue to demonstrate their ignorance regarding Counter-Intelligence Operations, the strategy of
using, manipulating, and passing off FAKE / FALSE information as legitimate news / data. The goal of Putin / Russia was NEVER to get one candidate elected over another but to create an atmosphere where the American people believed that the winner of the election only won because of outside interference, making them believe that the winner was completely ILLEGITIMATE, causing massive division - a divided nation and a portion of the government that is/was 100% committed to stopping / obstructing everything the new President and administration attempted to do. SOUND FAMILIAR? THIS result would be / is FAR MORE BENEFICIAL to Putin / Russia than simply getting one person elected over another.

- Easily emotionally-manipulated rabidly partisans were / are just to stupid / suborn to see and / or admit this is what happened ... is still happening.


Evidence shows how Hillary's team colluded with / paid foreign spies (working with the FBI and even Mueller before appointed Special Counsel, according to #4 in the DOJ Oher) and Russians for a Russian-Authored debunked report, how the FBI's Best COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE Operative (Strzok) worked with both the CIA (Brennan) and NIA (Clapper) to write both an Intel Community Analysis (ICA) and an Intel Community Report (ICR) based on the Russian-authored report, sent out the ICA - carefully controlled and sent to hand-picked select Intel community agencies to get the results they wanted, used the ICA responses and the dossier to write the ICR, then both 1) Briefed the ICR to Congress - passing it off as Legitimate Intel in order to convince them to open an Investigation and appoint co-conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel, AND 2) to use the ICR to abuse the FISA court and illegally get warrants to spy on Trump and his team DURING an election (shades of Watergate).

Remember - Counter-Intelligence is all about mis-direction, using false information to sell a narrative....and that is EXACTLY what the CIA, NIA, and FBI did!

Evidence shows - and the US IG Report backs it up / Oher's testimony before Congress backs it up / McCabe's personal notes and testimony backs it up / Strzok's texts back it all up - that there was NEVER any evidence of any illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians - it was ALL unsubstantiated and CIA/NIA/FBI fabricated/pushed FALSE INTEL sold as ;Legitimate Intel. which it never was and which they knew.

(There is a reason that after 2 years the investigators have not been able to come up with any evidence to support their claims and why they have tried so hard to expand the investigation and find anything else other than the bogus 'Illegal Collusion' accusations to take down Trump - BECAUSE THEY HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN THAT THERE IS NOTHING TO THE 'ILLEGAL COLLUSION CLAIMS' BECAUSE TH3Y MANUFACTURED THE ACCUSATIONS BASED OFF OF BS OPPOSITION RESEARCH PROVIDED BY HILLAYR BOUGHT FROM FOREIGN SPIES AND THE RUSSIANS!)

...and the Democrats, who have wanted nothing more than to take President Trump down, have been more than happy to run their own Counter-Intel Op against the President that has helped Putin achieve his goal of dividing this nation far more than he had ever hoped it would succeed.

4. There is NOTHING Illegitimate about this President....NOTHING.

He defeated a career, elitist, corrupt, criminal, self/party-serving, influence-peddling, 'swamp-dwelling', 'status quo' politician who actually believed she was to be the next President because it was HER TURN and that she did not have to do anything to actually earn it - it was supposed to be GIVEN to her (like the DNC nomination was). This arrogance and elitist entitlement thought process could not have been seen more clearly by her running the worse campaign in US history - actually arrogantly refusing to campaign in some states she thought she did not have to 'win' but has hers already due to the very mention of her name...a massive error that literally caused her to lose the election!

She represented everything the majority of Americans hated at that moment about Politics, especially Washington Party Politics, and she offered nothing but 'It's My Turn' and 'Obama 2.0'. The Russians did not change 1 single ballot from 'Hillary' to 'Trump' - NOT ONE! ADMIT IT!

The revelation that Hillary had rigged the primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, had violated both Election and Campaign Finance Laws, had the nomination given to her, had compromised national security, violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act more than 15,000 times each, according to the FBI who publicly declared they had recovered more than 15,000 official subpoenaed documents Hillary had tried to destroy, documents she was required by law to turn on but never did, influenced more voters' opinions and votes than the Russians or any false narratives about the Russians ever did,


Thanks for the novel, but right now Mueller has accumulated 5 guilty plea's. 37 Federal Grand Jury indictiments, and 100's of criminal charges, that are certain to produce more. I will remind you that NO ONE ever convenened a Federal Grand Jury on Hillary Clinton.

You have elected a man that has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen, with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. policy. That is surrounded by a bunch of babysitter's right now.

The unadulterated ignorance is astounding--and this video with Trump flapping his lips in sync with his words.hits it right on the head.

In the video they reference an article that was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago. Apparently, Trump surrogates were being picked up in routine spying operations by several different foreign countries since 2015. Here is the article.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of James Clapper's testimony scroll down this article until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference


Which has what to do with Ford or Bill Clinton raping women?
Thanks for the novel, but right now Mueller has accumulated 5 guilty plea's.
You forgot to mention not one of those has anything to do with the non-existent criminal accusations against the President and the fact that after 2 years they do not have any evidence of the crimes they know never happened.

All the indictments and prosecutions they have accumulated - questionably - have been 'Scooter Libby' indictments / convictions, those that are a result of the investigation yet have nothing to do with the false accusations on which the investigation was opened / begun.
How much raw steel does Ford import from China?

as much uranium as they export to China ..
As usual you have no clue.

our domestic steel compaines saw an increase in market share

US Automakers saw a decrease

clue everyone in on that ....
The fact that commerce is dynamic?

a tariff fact.
A fact.
Only someone who’s willing to spend extra buys a Ford.
Most people I know can afford a Lexus, let alone a Ford.
There is no winners when you start a trade war. Everyone loses. The only thing they're good for is skyrocking prices back to the consumer. Consumers cut back on their purchases, and the job lay-offs begin in every sector of the economy.

We've been there done that before.
The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’


Congress has to approve changes to any existing trade agreements. Trump can't do it himself. As Bob Woodward's book describes most of Trump's tariff rhetoric is nothing more than crazy ivan hyperbole to throw a bone to his ignorant Nationalist base to keep them intact.

Both Republicans and Democrats are historically free trade, so he's not going anywhere with his threats. It's just his political strategy. And unfortunately there's way too many STUPID people in this country that are easily manipulated by someone like Trump who VOTE.


Weird how tariffs and forms of tariffs have been working for China, Europe, Canada and well just about every other country except the US for the last 30 years.

Trade wars never work for anyone. The price of Ford vehicles go up to cover the cost of tariff's and American run over and buy foreign cars, at sometimes a cheaper price. Ford workers get laid off from their jobs. It's a no win situation.

Everytime Trump threatens with tariffs, they threaten right back. We are in a global economy--& it's here to stay.

A trade deficit is nothing more than a paper deficit. We can't expect smaller populated countries like Canada & Mexico to buy 2 washers & dryers, and 5 American cars per family. Therefore, every sale of an American product overseas, is a trade surplus. The only country we should have a trade surplus with is China, as they have a bigger population. But they manipulate their currency where we show a trade deficit.

Again Trump is throwing a bone to his Nationalist base with these threats. Any existing trade deals are written law, that would have to be approved by congress and signed into law, like any other bill. So it's just a lot of hot air. Republican nor Democrats would not agree to do that.


Trump is continually threatening our # 1, 2, & 3 largest buyers of American products. China, Canada & Mexico. Now imagine what would happen to our economy if they just told Trump to FUCK off--they'll be buying elsewhere.

Bringing strategic manufacturing capabilities back on-shore is going to hurt.

Well... the sooner we 'take the pain' and get started, the sooner we'll be self-sufficient in those areas again, and the sooner the pain stops.

Continuing to be reliant upon adversarial nations for so much of our manufacturing is a deadly trap that we must escape before it's too late.

Short-sighted critters, unable to see the long-term strategic need, may be safely ignored during this painful stretch of time.

You're not going to get manufacturing back--get over it. The reason manufacturing has shipped overseas, is because our Employers are required to pay for social security, medicare, workman's compensation, unemployment insurance, and now medical insurance.

Apple & other corporations have to compete in a Global economy, making certain that those I-phones are also affordable in foreign countries, otherwise they would be have to shut their doors. The benefit to you is--that you're not paying $3000.00 for an I-phone made and manufactured in the United states.

We are also moving into a lot of automation, ATM machines, self checkout's at stores, that are going to be the future. So get a job that cannot be shipped overseas, or done with a machine.

Manufacturing shipped over see because of overregulation in the US, which was one of the first thing TRUMP got rid of after taking office.

Automation is only productive to a certain point. Just look at how many people are employed by Amazon. And all those machines don't build themselves. There will always be a need for a manufacturing workforce to some degree.

No Manufacturing didnt move overseas because of regulations. Not unless you want to refer to Social Security, Medicare and medical insurance as overdone regulations--:auiqs.jpg: Go back to this link and read again. Just click.
America continues to lose! Ford to lay off workers because tariffs have cost $1B
Now the real story ..

Ford planning job cuts as part of reorganization plan

Ford planning job cuts as part of reorganization plan


Ford Motor Company is planning to cut some of its staff over time as the company begins to reorganize its salaried workforce to become a more fit business.

NBC News reported on Monday that the plans are part of Ford's $25.5 billion reorganization plan that intends to cut costs by, among other things, making its staff leaner and reducing layers.

"A lot of the [reorganization] is about making different choices about strategy," Chief Financial Officer Bob Shanks told NBC News.

A spokesperson for Ford told The Hill that the exact amount of employees that will be cut as part of this move is unknown. But a report from Morgan Stanley estimated a "global headcount reduction of approximately 12 percent" of its 202,000 workforce around the world, according to NBC.

But a report from Morgan Stanley estimated a "global headcount reduction of approximately 12 percent" of its 202,000 workforce around the world, according to NBC.

"Such a magnitude of reduction is not without precedent in the auto industry," the analysts wrote in the investment note, NBC News noted.

The automaker has lagged behind competitors in sales and has also been adversely impacted by Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs, according to NBC.

Lol this is hilarious. How about you read the last line of your own article?
“According to NBC”?
Go ahead tell us your solution, continue allowing other countries to take our jobs and steal our property? None of you dumb ass leftwits have a single idea or solution.

The US has, by far, the highest top to bottom standard of living in the history of the planet. If other nations were doing what you were stating; it would not be the case.

Where trade infractions are present, there are bodies in place to address them. The WTO, for example.

We are still waiting. You people bitch and complain about wages, lack of decent paying jobs, the erosion of the middle class. Then you idiots turn right around and allow other countries to steal those jobs. This is why nobody likes you people.

Yet Hillary got 3 million more votes than her opponent.

Trump won the popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes, Hillary won 4 million more votes in California and lost the other 49. :itsok:

What has that got to do with anything on this thread. But since you brought it up, I will address it. Trump won on an accumulated vote total of a measely 76K accumulated vote total coming out of 3 blue rust states, that won't be voting for him again. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million popular votes. And along with the unprecedented interference by an incompetent FBI director in James Comey and Vladimir Putin, you have the most illegitmate President to ever be sworn into the Oval Office.

And here comes your pay-back--ENJOY.


Blue wave coming this November 2018

The only thing Hillary Clinton is actually guilty of, is underestimating the astounding IGNORANCE in this country.
Has that got anything to do with anything on this thread. Trump won on an accumulated vote total of a measely 76K accumulated vote total coming out of 3 blue rust states, that won't be voting for him again. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million popular votes. And along with the unprecedented interfernce by an incompetent FBI director in James Comey and Vladimir Putin, you have the most illegitmate President to ever be sworn into the Oval Office.

1. No 'Win', No 'Participation Trophy' For 'Popularity Contest Victory'
I am sorry if the DNC, Hillary Clinton, Democrats, Liberals, Democratic Socialists, Fascists, and snowflakes were too ignorant to understand that US Presidents were elected through the Electoral College process, has ALWAYS been elected through this process, and NOT via some 'Popularity Contest'.
- Evidently when Democrats began fundamentally changing the US by insisting everyone gets a trophy for participating in sports instead of learning the valuable lessons is competition such as how to win and lose with honor, dignity, and class they just assumed that the whole 'Participation Trophy' / Popularity Contest thing had been adopted by the Presidential election process, too. Boy, were they pissed when they found this was NOT the case. Sucks to be them!

2. Obama Knew Since 2014 - Did NOTHING
Evidence shows Obama learned the Russians were interfering in 2014 - attempting to hack the US power grid, attempting to hack senior-level politicians' e-mails/servers (while he knew about Hillary's illegal server), and how the Russian Intel Agency was conducting Counter-Intelligence Operations in the US using Social Media to successfully con snowflakes into organizing and marching for them and getting liberal groups like Antifa, BLM, an the Black Fist to willing take money and instigate / spread racial division and violence in the US. Evidence shows Obama and his administration did NOTHING to stop it and allowed it to continue for 2 years.

3. The United States Is The Victim of 2 (TWO) Counter-Intelligence Ops, Both Benefitting Russia
Snowflakes continue to demonstrate their ignorance regarding Counter-Intelligence Operations, the strategy of
using, manipulating, and passing off FAKE / FALSE information as legitimate news / data. The goal of Putin / Russia was NEVER to get one candidate elected over another but to create an atmosphere where the American people believed that the winner of the election only won because of outside interference, making them believe that the winner was completely ILLEGITIMATE, causing massive division - a divided nation and a portion of the government that is/was 100% committed to stopping / obstructing everything the new President and administration attempted to do. SOUND FAMILIAR? THIS result would be / is FAR MORE BENEFICIAL to Putin / Russia than simply getting one person elected over another.

- Easily emotionally-manipulated rabidly partisans were / are just to stupid / suborn to see and / or admit this is what happened ... is still happening.


Evidence shows how Hillary's team colluded with / paid foreign spies (working with the FBI and even Mueller before appointed Special Counsel, according to #4 in the DOJ Oher) and Russians for a Russian-Authored debunked report, how the FBI's Best COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE Operative (Strzok) worked with both the CIA (Brennan) and NIA (Clapper) to write both an Intel Community Analysis (ICA) and an Intel Community Report (ICR) based on the Russian-authored report, sent out the ICA - carefully controlled and sent to hand-picked select Intel community agencies to get the results they wanted, used the ICA responses and the dossier to write the ICR, then both 1) Briefed the ICR to Congress - passing it off as Legitimate Intel in order to convince them to open an Investigation and appoint co-conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel, AND 2) to use the ICR to abuse the FISA court and illegally get warrants to spy on Trump and his team DURING an election (shades of Watergate).

Remember - Counter-Intelligence is all about mis-direction, using false information to sell a narrative....and that is EXACTLY what the CIA, NIA, and FBI did!

Evidence shows - and the US IG Report backs it up / Oher's testimony before Congress backs it up / McCabe's personal notes and testimony backs it up / Strzok's texts back it all up - that there was NEVER any evidence of any illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians - it was ALL unsubstantiated and CIA/NIA/FBI fabricated/pushed FALSE INTEL sold as ;Legitimate Intel. which it never was and which they knew.

(There is a reason that after 2 years the investigators have not been able to come up with any evidence to support their claims and why they have tried so hard to expand the investigation and find anything else other than the bogus 'Illegal Collusion' accusations to take down Trump - BECAUSE THEY HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN THAT THERE IS NOTHING TO THE 'ILLEGAL COLLUSION CLAIMS' BECAUSE TH3Y MANUFACTURED THE ACCUSATIONS BASED OFF OF BS OPPOSITION RESEARCH PROVIDED BY HILLAYR BOUGHT FROM FOREIGN SPIES AND THE RUSSIANS!)

...and the Democrats, who have wanted nothing more than to take President Trump down, have been more than happy to run their own Counter-Intel Op against the President that has helped Putin achieve his goal of dividing this nation far more than he had ever hoped it would succeed.

4. There is NOTHING Illegitimate about this President....NOTHING.

He defeated a career, elitist, corrupt, criminal, self/party-serving, influence-peddling, 'swamp-dwelling', 'status quo' politician who actually believed she was to be the next President because it was HER TURN and that she did not have to do anything to actually earn it - it was supposed to be GIVEN to her (like the DNC nomination was). This arrogance and elitist entitlement thought process could not have been seen more clearly by her running the worse campaign in US history - actually arrogantly refusing to campaign in some states she thought she did not have to 'win' but has hers already due to the very mention of her name...a massive error that literally caused her to lose the election!

She represented everything the majority of Americans hated at that moment about Politics, especially Washington Party Politics, and she offered nothing but 'It's My Turn' and 'Obama 2.0'. The Russians did not change 1 single ballot from 'Hillary' to 'Trump' - NOT ONE! ADMIT IT!

The revelation that Hillary had rigged the primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, had violated both Election and Campaign Finance Laws, had the nomination given to her, had compromised national security, violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act more than 15,000 times each, according to the FBI who publicly declared they had recovered more than 15,000 official subpoenaed documents Hillary had tried to destroy, documents she was required by law to turn on but never did, influenced more voters' opinions and votes than the Russians or any false narratives about the Russians ever did,


Thanks for the novel, but right now Mueller has accumulated 5 guilty plea's. 37 Federal Grand Jury indictiments, and 100's of criminal charges, that are certain to produce more. I will remind you that NO ONE ever convenened a Federal Grand Jury on Hillary Clinton.

You have elected a man that has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen, with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. policy. That is surrounded by a bunch of babysitter's right now.

The unadulterated ignorance is astounding--and this video with Trump flapping his lips in sync with his words.hits it right on the head.

In the video they reference an article that was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago. Apparently, Trump surrogates were being picked up in routine spying operations by several different foreign countries since 2015. Here is the article.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of James Clapper's testimony scroll down this article until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference


Which has what to do with Ford or Bill Clinton raping women?

I don't know why you Trump tards want to persist with me, you know you're going to get your ass's kicked.

86% of Evangelicals cast a vote for the Ass Clown after listening to this tape. In one fatal swipe they have wiped out the Republican party's "family values platform" and oblitereated the credibility of every Evangelical church in this country.


Now we've got Stormy Daniels and another playboy bunny that was paid off just prior to the election, and Trump caught red handed lying about that.


Trump acknowledges his lawyer was reimbursed after payment to Stormy Daniels


Then this people magazine writer who had a story to tell before the election. I don't know do you think she was really to ugly for Trump?


Physically Attacked by Donald Trump - a PEOPLE Writer's Own Harrowing Story
So Bill Clinton--who?

And of course Dr, Ford. Brett Kavanaugh's roommate from Yale tells a much different story about Kavanuagh's drinking habits and the meaning of certain words on his calendar.

Last edited:
I have a relative that works for NUCOR, their prices rose 5% - higher profits = happy stockholders

USS rose approx 10%

US Automakers profits declined approx 2-3% on average

all as a result of tariffs
Automakers have mismanaged their company's for decades. Rather than admitting their own stupid decisions are killing them they play pin the tail on the scapegoat and you dumbfucks fall for it EVERY SINGLE TIME
Lol oh really? Lefties have a habit of defending corporations when they say government policy is to blame for their business issues? You’re hysterical lol.
then why do you wish to drive them out of business with higher taxes and regulations?

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